p a o b rHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 196t X . ■ r Sttrnittg Averace Daily N6t PrcM Rib For the Week Ended The Weather ForecMt of U. 8. Weotbdr BnroM P1NEHUR8T EVERYDAY LOW PRICES ON YOUR EyERYDAY NBElDS----- Piiithanrt Comer Main^snd Turapike Febrowy t, IMg About Town Snow continuing tonl^^ qhaoging 13,543 to rain and sleet. Not ^ t e to cold. M iM Patricia Bum/ord, daugh- W HAT MAHERS MOST IS H O W IT TASTES' I'aHERE’S Low ts-s:. Baturdsy rain chaagliig Menlwr of the Audit to snow bofore ending In morn­ t«r of Mr. and Mrs. Auguatua Bum- IBirera of Cb-ralathm r.O O D >^E A R f(^ , £3 SumnUt'St., a freMiman Manche»ter— A City of Village Charm ing. High.JS5-30. '(S ! at Hartt College o f Mualc, Hart- ' ford, will go to New York City NOTHING LIKE I with the college concert band thia VOL. LXXXI, NO. 110 (EIGHTEEN PAGE$) ; weekend. Tbe band a ill play aev- MANCHES’TER,.^ CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1962 (CUoolfle^'Adverttslng on Page 16) PRICE FIVE CHBNTS I oral concorta. including one for ’ the Band Directora Asaociation. PINEHURST FLAVOR! j Miae Bumford, a clarinetist with 1 1 ! the band, is a 1961 gradtwte of M eat. makes thb meal— a main W ith thia in mind, Plnehurat Stat4 News , Manchester' High School. aource o f nourlshmeoit and a grekt buyers look only for. meat that’s what our war'ehoiue hat to tay New U.S. Strategy aource o f pride. been raised to bp deliclpua— the m i E W The planning board of Trinity Of course it matters how It special care and apecial feeding ah6ttt this “red hot tpeciaP* on Gal- ! Covenant Church -will meet tomor- looks, how much it costsror how that makes all the difference.- Roundup j row at 7:30 upstairs in the church. loot-of Wetton Oil. you cook it. But what's most Im­ Buy it this week and every week. Reds Made N-Arms Gains, portant la how it tastes. -Tbe meat Alt cnoloe beef, finest lamb, pork Tried Against Reds “Most of you ar# aware of the runaway ten­ ’ Manchester WATBIS will hold yoa set before your family at din­ and poultry cost no more when dencies of the com oil market. Mazola gallons I its seventh annua] banquet tonight nertime must be delicious. you shop at PinehUrat, ! 1st 7:30 at the KofC Home. are now retailing at $3.26 to $3.49 gal. A t the Teamsters Ask moment YVeaaon Oil has a tremendous price ad­ vantage." In South Viet Nam New Election at I Army Spec. 4 James t>. Oiglio. I 21, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Leonard irSIVLM Featured this weekend at PInehiimt 100 gallon i -M. Glglio, 134 Charter Oak St., ■ Here's a low Plnehurst Sikorsky ; Plant has arrived home from Ft. Camp­ price on the finest roast you «aos Wesaon. No rain tAecks when gallons are By FRED 8. HOFFMAN dtiuaeoaed to 200,000 men---about solds . we are ou t*.. 50,000 more than a year ago. President’s Aide Declares bell. Ky., for a 26-day leave. He can buy—standing rib of all AP Military Affairs Writer I f the use o f U.S. combat troops STRATFORD (AP) — The i is a fireman with the 637th Engi- Premium and Choice Beef, WASHINGTON (AP) — ,neer Airborne unit. He'attended tender and delicious— and be­ beccunes imperative to preserve Teamsters union wants an­ j .Manchester High School before cause it's -extra value trim­ The United States is pushing South V ie t ’ Nam 's independence, other election to be held at ' entering the Arm y in Augrust 19.59. med as. only Pinehurst knows a new strategry in South Viet the new Military Assistance Com­ Sikorsky Aircraft to clear the mand could form a base for direct­ Kennedy ir S A IM D : His brother, Army Pvt. Paul Glg­ how. it's an even greater Nam aimed at clearing Com­ air and show whether the ^ ing" such an operation. lio. 18. will arrive home Sunday value than the price implies. munist guerrillas from one U.S. Seen Gen. Paul D. Harkins, named to workers want the Team sters!I ' from Ft. Dix, N.J., where he has Come see them at our meat , completed basic training. He will counter and you'll know area at a time rather than try­ head the new command, undoubt­ as their tiar'gaining agent. ! edly carries with him to Saigon 1 report in 10 days to a medical what w e mean, bones trim ­ ing to mop up the whole coun­ The Teamsters won the bargain-; C l... ____ 1 7 '_________ J _ a clear idea of what Kennedy corps school at Ft. Sam 'Houston, med short to give you more try at once. ing rights election held in Decern-! t ^ l l d l C r P U U U S FOR AS i Tex. He also attended Manches- wants done. Harkins conferred ber but a regional director for the Resuming eating meat. V The intention is to make m axi­ ! ter High School before entering with the President at Palm Beach National Labor Relations Board , -------- Dont wait another day for mum use of manpower and ' service last December. some time ago, it was learned. recommended last week that the WASHINGTON (AP) — this wonderful buy. There's equipment instead of spreading LITTLE AS GALLON CAN Harkins, 57, a native of Boston rem its be set aside. i The administration todav ask- nothing like Pinehurst the resources thin, said informed who has been second in command The Manchester Garden Club i sources. They are optimistic the Ivan C. McLeod said in a 20- Congie.ss to aonrove a Sky Tests • > ' > flavor. of Army ' force* in the Pacific : will meet Monday at 1:30 p.m. at plan will work. page report that advertisements U* approve a Center Congregational Church, i The Idea reportedly wa« ad­ run by the Teamsters before the, lUSt-year fallout shelter pro- i Mrg. Douglas Roberts and Mrs. No limit . While shipment lasts buy as much vanced by Secretary of Defense (ConUnued on Page Ten) eiection contained “ material mis-1 gram for 20 million persons at Moscow (A P )—-The_ Soviet as you want. !• 7T Just ask for the ' Oscar Gronlund will show slide.s. i Robert S. McNamara during re­ representation of facts." ja cost to th e government of government paper Izvestia to­ i Mrs. John Fhckles will be in charge cent conferences in Honolulu with day warned that if the United I of refreshments. Premium and Choice, Extra Value Trim .h million. U.S. military' leaders and diplo­ U . P^posal was delivered In States and Britain carry out matic officlalg brought in from Striking Union "42"...the Nylon inH hv SecreUrv of De- Army Reserve Pvt. Norman S. 6th and 7th ribs i S XT’ XT’ XT' South Viet Nam. plans for nuclear tests, the Hohenthal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Papular c u t s h o r t PLANTER’S PEANUTS According to the latest Informa­ I the lir.st major step toward Presi- Soviet Union will also resum* Elmore S. Hohenthal. 44 Ridge- rS H trlir Told to Retiu’n the Teamster., in the election. All-Weather "42" «.70k 1S tion available he're. the Commu­ , , , r,,-. .w dent Kennedy's announced goal testing. i wood St., has completed a five- Uoclfwalt Usually 39c can nist build-up in South Viet Nam In a telegram to the NLRB., the a^ nationwide public -shelter “It is naive," said Izvestia. fubo4ypa week course in single engine ob- i Is continuing with an unstemmed company, and the Guild yesterday, program for .10 million Americans. -serv-ation and utility airplane | Or Plant Shuts the Teamsters said McLeod's re- "to suppose that in a ^tuation More flexible Runs Cooler plu( tax t Special Sale Price stream of guerrillas coming from . y. A draft bill accompanving the maintenance at' the Aviation where there are increasing RIB ROAST Can North Viet Nam by way of I.xos. port had "no validity in fact or would authoriza the federal Better Tread 3-T Cord Strength School, Ft. Rucker. Ala. H e is a Guerrilla strength has been esti­ NEW HAVEN (AP)-^The Newi . .u . government to make payments to military preparations in ths 1957 graduate of Manchester High (3 cans 95c) 3 3 mated at close to 20,000. Haven Board and Carton Co baa 'Thewire-suggestedthatlheelec- "any nonprofit institution engaged West, our country would not School and a 1961 graduate o f the Isaued an ultimatum to Its itrlking Resorting to ........ Contact Guaranteed Like the proverbial iceberg, in health, education or welfare au- take all measures necessary to t Uhlversity o f Connecticut, most of the greatly increased U.S. production worketw: End the i thorities” for constructing or mod- Rides Smoother 12 Months Tubeless O nly $12.95 effort to save South Viet Nam strike or the plant closes. , deprive Sikorsky workers of union ifying approved public shelter strengthen its defensive ca­ from communism has remained The president of the company,' vepre.sentation for as long as three .pace. pacity.” Whitewall Only $2 More below the surface here, at least W. W. Fltzhugh Jr., ssld last night ... i Tlie language is broad enough Is Group Plans 4th thru 5th ribs I st 2 im allar ribs officially. the local plant's production has union said it and the com- embrace parochial schools and By THE ASSOCIATED PRB88 MAYPO More of the iceberg came into been farmed out to the company’s ■ employes are not Interest- ajl hospital., as well as local and 'Die Soviet Union scored plants In Richmond, Va., Baitl-;*'' delay and extensive .^ate governmental facilities.
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