OUTSTANDING EVENTS ON ALL STATIONS (Time Is P. M., Eastern Standard, Unless Otherwise Indicated) 1:00-1:15"Jewish Hospital Week," Colonel Theodore RooseveltWOR (Also WABC at 4:55). 2:00-2:30"School Safety," Dr. Harold Campbell, Superintendent New' York SchoolsWNYC. 8:39-9:00Symphony Orchestra, Alfred Wallenstein, Conductor; Richard Crooks, TenorWEAF. 8:30-9:30Di% Stephen S. Wise, Judge William Harmon Black and Others at Hippodrome Meeting of Christian Committee to Boycott Nazi GermanyWMCA (Also WQXR at 10). 9:00-9:30Primrose String Ensemble, Chamber MusicWJZ. 9:00-10:00Play, "Man's Castle," With Loretta Young, Spencer Tracy' and OthersWABC. 9:30-10:00Symphony Orchestra, Eric DeLamarter, ConductorWOR. 9:30-10:00Westminster College Choirs and OrchestraWJZ. 10:30-11:00"Civil Liberties," Frank Murphy, United States Attorney GeneralWJZ. 10:30-11:00Workshop Drama: "Flight From Home"WABC. Where there is no listing for a station, its preceding program is on the air WMCA..570 WOR..710 WNYC..810 WHN..1010WEVD..1300 WEAF..660 WJZ..760 WABC..860 WQXR..1550 MORNING 0 :00-WOR-Farmers Digest WOE-Women Make the News 6 :30-WEAF-Variety Program WABC-Girl Interne-Sketch WJZ-Morning Patrol-Variety WHN-Morning Serenade WABC-Eye Opener Club 9 :45-WEAF-Edward MacHugh, Songs 6:45-WHN-Organ; Home Program WOE-Alan Gerard, Songs; Organ :55-WOR-News ;Morning Music WABC-Bachelor's Children-Sketch 7:00-WABC-Phil Cook Almanac WMCA-News; Zeke Manner's Gang WMCA-Dance Music WHN-News; Musical Revue WNYC-Sunrise Symphony WEVD-Fairy Drama (Off 10-12) WEVD-Morning Melodies 10 :00-WEAF-Central City-Sketch :15-WOR-Gambling's Musical Clock WOR-Pure Food Hour WHN-News; Early Bird Show WJZ-Young Mr. Croesus-Sketch :30-WEAF-Musical Varieties WABC-Pretty Kitty Kelly-Sketch WOR-Sorey Orchestra WNYC-French Music WMCA-News; Popular Music WQXR-Lisa Sergio, Comments WQXRBreakfast Symphony 10 :15-WEAF-John's Other Wife-Sketch 2:45-WABC-News; Studio Music WJZ-Jane Arden-Sketch :55-WIZ -News ;Sears Orchestra, Songs WABC-Myrt and Marge-Sketch 8 :00-WEAF-Herth Swing Trio WNYC-Piano: Light Music WOE -News; Beauty Talk; Music 10 :30-WEAF-Just Plain Bill-Sketch WNYC-News; State Employment WJZ-Manhattanites Orchestra Service ;Music WABC-Hilltop House-Sketch WHN-Zeke Manner's Gang WHN-Ed East's Houseparty WEVD-Morning Devotions WQXR-The Heart-Dr. M. S. 8:15-WEAF-Gene and Glenn, Songs Brown Jr. WJZ-Norsemen Quartet 10 :45-WRAF-Woman in White-Zketch WABC-Bob Byron. Songs WJZ-Breen and De Rose. $tmsti WMCA-Religious Talk; Organ WABC-Stepriother-SkeKh WEVD-Italian Music (To 9:49) WMCA-Insurance Talk; Music 8 :25-WOR-Book Drive-Capt.Granville WNYC-Matusevitch Concertina Dun Conway, of Maritime Commission WQXR-News (Off 11-4) WNYC-Consumers Guide; Music 11:00-WEAF-David Hamm-Sketch 8 :30-WEAF-Music From Cleveland WOR-Shopping-Jean Abbey WOE-Ed Fitzgerald-Talk WJZ-Story of Mary Marlin-Sketch WJZ-Swing Serenade WABC-News; Montana Slim, Songs WABC-Deep River Boys Quartet WNYC-News Bulletins WHN-News: Zeke Manner's Gang WHN-Music; Health Talk 8 :45-WEAF-Radio Rubes, Songs W.MCA-News Discussion WJZ-Jack and Loretta, Songs 11:15-WEAF-Lorenzo Jones-Sketch WOR-The Goldbergs-Sketch WOE-Heart of Julia Blake-Sketch WABC-Variety Program WJZ-Vic and Sacie-Sketch WMCA-News; Today's Events WABC-Scattergood Baines-Sketch WNYC-News; New York Today WMC A-Wom en's Program 8:55-WQXR-News; Music of Handel WNYC-Discussion: What America 0:00-WEAF-News; Happy Jack; Songs Means to Me WOR-Red River Dave, Songs 11:30-WEAF-Young Widder Brown-Sketch WJZ-News; Breakfast Club Music WOR-Keep Fit Music WABC-Richard Maxwell, Tenor WJZ-Pepper Young's Family-Sketch WNYC-Masterwork Hour WABC-Big Sister-Sketch WHN-Polly the Shopper WNYC-Police Safety Program 9 :15-WEAF-Band Music WHN-Hawaiian Music WOR-Modern Living-Dr. Parrish 11:45-WEAF-The Road of Life-Sketch WJZ-Women's Program; Beatrice WOE-Bide Dudley's Theatre Club Irwin, Color Specialist WJZ-Getting the Most Out of Life WABC-Manhattan Mother-sketch WABC-Aunt Jenny's Stories WMCA-Studio Music WMCA-Songs ; Racing; Music :30-WEAF-Poetry and Philosophy WNYC-Your Ears-Dr. M. L. Ogan WJZ-Breakfast Club Music WHN-Osborne Orchestra AFTERNOON 12:00-WEAF-The Carters-Sketch WMCA-Will Russia Help England?- WOR-Talk-Victor H. Lindlahr Estelle M. Sternberger WJZ-Dorothy Dreslin. Soprano WNYC-Operatic Excerpts WABC-Mary M. McBride, Comment; WEVD-Symphonic Hour Constance Spry, Author 2 :45-WEAF-Hymns of All Churches WNYC-Midday Symphony WOE-David Harum-Sketch WI-IN-News; Studio Music NN'JZ-Guilford College Choir WEVD-News; Louis Waldman, Songs WMCA -News ;Variety Show 12:15-WEAF-The O'Neills-Sketch (To 4:30) WJZ-Kidoodlers Novelty Quartet 3:00-WEAF-Mary Marlin-Sketch WABC-Nancy James-Sketch WOR-Baseball :Yankees-Dodgers. at WMCA-News; Music; Interviews St. Petersburg. Fla.( Also WIIN) 12:25-WJZ-News: Farm and Home Hour WJZ-Rochester Civic Orchestra; Guy 12 :30-WEAF-Turn Ye Northward-Dr. Fraser Harrison. Conductor Daniel A. Poling WA BC-Curtis Institute Recital WOE-News; Consumers Quiz Club 3 :15-WEAF-Ma Perkins-Sketch WABC-Romance of Helen Trent WNYC-Readers Alma nac WEVD-Jewish Women's Matinee 3:30-WEAF-Pepper Young's Family 12 :45-WEAF-NewsMarket; Weather WNYC-Herma Carola Soprano; WABC-Our Gal Sunday-Sketch Irene Gruenberg, Piano 1:00-WEAF-Instrumental Ensemble WEVD-Polish Music (To 4:30) WOR-Jewish Hospital Week-Colonel :45-WEAF-Guiding Light-Sketch Theodore Roosevelt; Music; Drama WJZ-Ted Malone. Poetry WABC-The Guldbergs-Sketch WNYC-News ;String Quartet WMCA-Nick Kenny, Comments 4:00-1,VEAF-Backstage Wife-Sketch WNYC-Missing Persons; Organ WJZ-Club Matinee-Variety Show WEVD-Variety Show WABC-Ruth Carhart, Songs :15-WEAF-Let's Talk It Over: Irving WQXR-Dance Music Evans, Stage Manager 4 :15-WEAF-Stella Dallas-Sketch WOR-Myrt and Marge-Sketch WABC-Music From Chicago WJZ-Farm Service: Market; Crops WNYC-The Transparent Woman- WABC-Life Can Be Beautiful-Play Alice Pentlarge of Science and WMCA-Dance Music Industry Museum WEVD-Jewish Music 4:30-WEAF-Vic and Sade-Sketch 1:30-WEAF-Words and Music WNYC-Hunter College Program WOR-Hilltop House-Sketch WEVD-Italian Music WJZ-Peables Takes Charge-Sketch WQXR-Symphonic Music WABC-Road of Life-Sketch WMCA-Studio Music WMCA-Beauty Contest; Eleanor 4 ;45-WEAF-Girl Alone-Sketch Holm, Swimmer; George Jessel, WABC-Nan Wynn, Songs Olsen and Johnson, Comedians; 4:55-WJZ-News; Rakov's Orchestra Billy Rose, Producer, Speakers ABC-Jewish Hospital Week- WNYC-Travel Talk Colonel Theodore Roosevelt WHN-Health Talk; Music :00-WEAF-Dick Tracy-Sketch WEVD-Streit Troubadors WJZ-Boston University Choral Art 1 :45-WEAF-Those Happy Gilmans-Sketch Society Program WOR-Voice of Experience WABC-Music of the Restoration WJZ-Charioteers Quartet WMCA -News : Dance Music WABC-This Day Is Ours-Sketch WNYC-Children's Theatre WNYC-Songs in French WHN-Studio Music WEVD-Dramatized News WEVD-Dramatic Sketches 2:00-WEAF-Betty and Bob-Sketch 5:15-WEAF-Your Family and Mine-Play WOE-Martha Deane's Program WJZ -Sheri f fBob-Sketch WJZ-Adventures in Reading WABC-Chilaren's Drama WABC-Barclay's Daughter-Sketch VVHN-Holy Cross Novena Services WNYC-School Safety-Dr. Harold 5:20-WOR-Polly Jenkins Orchestra. Campbell, Superintendent of Schools, 5:30-WEAF-Jack Armstrong-Sketch on Greater N.Y.Safety Council WOR-Smilin' Jack-Sketch Conference Program WJZ-Don Winslow of the Navy WEVD-Children of the Street-Play WNYC-Junior Inspectors Club 2:15-WEAF-Arnold Grimm's Daughters WEVD-Songs ; Dramatic Sketches WABC-Dr. Susan-Sketch (Off. 6) WMCA-Insurance Talk; Racing; XVQXR-Gilbert-Sullivan Music Music 5 :45-WEAF-Little Orphan Annie-Sketch WHN-News; Studio Music WOE-Marion Brent. Songs WEVD-Talk on Immigration WJZ-Street Interviews by Roland 2 :30-WEAF-Valiant Lady-Sketch Winters, Edward Herlihy WJZ-Alma Kitchell.Contralto WABC-Mighty Show-Sketch WABC-School of the Air: Topic, WMCA-Zeke Manner's Gang Emergence of Woman WHN-News ;Studio Music EVENING 6:00-WEAFScience in the News 9 :30-WEAFDuchin Orch. ;Morton Dow. WOEUncle Don ney, Tenor WJZNews; Armstrong Orch. WORSymphony Orchestra, Eric WABCNews; Sports Resume DeLamarter, Conductor WMCARacing; Investment Talk WJZWestminster College Choirs; WNYCChoral Masterpieces Academy Symphony Orchestra WQXRMusic at Twilight 'WMCAArnateur Hour 6:15-WEAFMalcolm Claire, Stories WHNVoices of Yesterday: William 3. WJZPatricia Gilmore, Songs; Jesse Burns, Detective (From Recording) Crawtord, Organ WQXRHerzer and Zayde, Piano WABCHowie WingSketch 9:45-WHNBoxing: Pedro Montanez-Phil WNYCGreater Safety and Courtesy Furr, at Royal Windsor CampaignCouncilman Michael Quill10:00-WEAFOpal Craven, Soprano; Weber Orchestra; Continentals Quartet 6 :20-WMCANews ; Home Talk WORStabile Orchestra 6 :25-WEAFNews ; TalkGeorge Hicks WJZTrue or FalseQuiz WQXRNews; David Holland, Piano WABCGuy Lombardo Orchestra 6 :30-WOENews Reports 10 :30-WEAFNewman Orchestra WJZRay Perkins, Comedian WORWeber Melody eageant WABCBob Trout, Comments WJZNational Radio Forum:Civil WMCASports Resume; Organ LibertiesFrankMurphy, United WNYCFreedom of Speech and States Attorney General AssemblyAlvin R. Cowan WABCWorkshop Drama:Flight 6 :45-WEAFSportsBill Stern ;Barney Frfun Home Ross, Boxer WMCANews; Insurance Talk; Songs WOEJohnson FamilySketch WHNNosco Orchestra WJZLowell Thomas, Commentator WQXRExcerpts. Fidelio WABCEnoch Light Orchestra II) :45-WHNNews; Dance Music WNYCNews; Symphonic Music 11:00-WEAFTheodore A. Huntley, Com- (Off at 7:15) ments From Vashington WHNSports1 Studio Music WORNews; Dance Music :00-WEAFAmos 'n' AndySketch WJZNews; Dance Music (To 1) WORSportsStan Lomax WABCNews; Dance Music (To 1) WJZDrama: Orphans of Divorce WMCAAviation Talk: Dance Musla Margaret Anglin WQXRStudio Concert (Off at 12) WABCCounty SeatSketch 11:15-WEAFLucas Orchestra WMCASid Gary, Songs 11:25-WEAFNews; Dance Music (To 1) WQXROpera: Acts I and II, 11:30-WMCA-13owling Talk; Organ and Rigoletto Narrator 7:15-WEAFInk Spots, Songs 11:55News; Classical Music (Off at 1) WORThe Answer Man 12 :00-WMCANews ; Dance Music WABCLum and AbnerSketch 12 ::30-WORPlay Review ;Dance Music WMCAFive-Star FinalDrama 1:00-WMCANews (Off at 1:15) 7 :30-WEAFCugat Orchestra 1:30-WORNews (Off at 1:35 A.
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