/7/ I I. II°I mi ; 4 lung //-1 Times Current Cvents in the Light of the 13ible 13y fhe editor for years been seeking to complete the "contain- THE GREAT DIVIDE ment" of Soviet power across the Middle Eastern Gap. EVER since the close of World War II the Hope was first placed in the Arab League, set focus of East-West antagonism has moved back up in 1945, but this was alienated by Western and forth between Europe, the Far East, and support for the establishment of the new state South-east Asia. For a brief period, in early 1946, of Israel. it looked as if Soviet power was planning to press Then an attempt was made to build up a compre- southward to the Mediterranean and the Persian hensive Middle East Treaty Organization linked Gulf. In fact, the very first dispute which the with N.A.T.O. in the West and S.E.A.T.O. in the Security Council of the United Nations met to East, but this also failed because of the rivalry discuss was concerning Soviet activity in Northern between Turkey and Egypt and the problem of Iran. But after Russian failure to get a foothold the incorporation of Israel. in Libya and to secure control of the Dardanelles, Finally, the most fruitful idea seemed to be the the pressure on Persia was withdrawn and Russia building of a "Northern Tier" by linking together seemed almost disinterested in the Middle East the states from the Bosphorus to the Khyber Pass, until it was suddenly announced that an arms whose frontiers marched with the Soviet Union. deal had been negotiated between Czechoslovakia, Turkey and Iraq were first linked together, a Soviet satellite, and Egypt, and that similar offers Pakistan soon joined, and last of all Iran associated had been made to other Middle Eastern powers herself with the three other nations, completing a like Saudi Arabia and Syria. defence line whose only defect is the Afghanistan Almost overnight the Middle East became the bulge which nearly cuts Iran off from Pakistan, world's danger spot number one. and into which Russia is doing its best to "The arms deal has thrown a bombshell into infiltrate. the whole Middle Eastern situation," declared Then just as the Western powers were congrat- one Western diplomat. ulating themselves on the final link in their "In this region," commented the Manchester containment policy, Russia leapt over the wall of Guardian, "Russia has now begun once again to nations which had been so laboriously built up operate. Pretty evidently it has a long-term plan." and began to draw together a "Southern Tier" Actually, the Western powers should not have by her arms offers and commercial agreements. been surprised at the sudden awakening of Russian So, at the present time, while the Western activity along her southern borders, for they had powers are working hard to make the Zagros Line COVER PICTURE: Ploughing © J. Allan Cash. PRICE: FOURPENCE strong enough to oppose any thrust southward Not long ago, we came across a remarkable con- on the part of the Soviet Union, Russia is doing firmation of this little-recognized trend in a rather its best to weaken it by fomenting trouble among surprising quarter, namely the columns of the the southern Arab nations, as well as in Cyprus Catholic Herald, one of the most influential Catho- and North Africa. lic papers in this country. To the student of Bible prophecy the recent Writing under the nom-de-plume of "Postu- developments in this region cannot but be of the lans," a correspondent said: most solemn import, for the prophecies of Daniel "It seems pretty clear that most Catholics have and the Revelation both point to these ancient the wrong idea concerning the South India lands of the Bible as the vortex of the final world Church," which has been formed by , the amal- conflagration in which God will decisively inter- gamation of the Anglican, Presbyterian, Methodist, vene for the deliverance of His people and the and Congregationalist bodies in South India. establishment of His kingdom. "It is put down," the letter goes on, "to a re- The eleventh chapter of the book of Daniel vival of Protestantism in the Church of England, refers to a vast conflict between the kings of or at least to a conquest by the Protestant element "north" and "south" across the great divide of within its boundaries over the Anglo-Catholics. the Middle East, in which it is significantly stated In fact, it is not. It is a part of a huge move- that the northern power will "stretch forth his ment throughout the Protestant world, embracing hand upon the countries: and the land of Egypt Lutherans and even Calvinists, which is moving shall not escape." Dan. 11:42. ever nearer to Catholic truth. "They do not insist on much at first, but they In the sixteenth chapter of the book of Reve- as that lation it is indicated that the "drying up" of the hope that, in time, by an evolution such which is happening in the Church of England, River Euphrates, which is used symbolically of the those that they have joined will become more Arab peoples inhabiting the Euphrates region and more Catholic, until the time will come when (Rev. 9:14), will be an important factor in bring- they will be accepted into the Catholic Church in ing about the final clash of opposing forces at Then, Armageddon. (Rev. 16:12.) the West or the Greek Church in the East. they say, will be the time for real Christian unity." It is not possible here to discuss these prophecies Naturally, a Catholic observer, noting this trend, in detail, nor would it be wise to dogmatize as to would hope that its final goal would be the just how they will be fulfilled. But no-one looking reunion of all the separated churches under the up today from his open Bible upon these troubled rule of the Pope. The Scriptures make it quite lands can fail to realize that the stage is being very clear that this object will never be achieved, but dramatically set for just the kind of events en- they do foresee a working arrangement between visaged in the prophetic page. (Continued on page 17.) WHITHER REUNION ? © International News Papal troops parading in front of the church of St. ON many occasions in these Peter's, Rome. columns we have expressed our view that the reunion movement among the non-Roman churches of Christendom is tending not toward a Pan - Protestant opposition to Romanism, but toward a second World Catholic church parallel with Rome in everything except the recognition of the Supreme Pontiff. In other words, the re- union movement today is prepar- ing the way for the appearance of that "image of the beast" which, in the thirteenth chapter of the Revelation, is represented as the ally of Rome in the con- summation of the final apostasy. FEBRUARY 2, 1956 JESUS A E (04 YOU t4P NATURE tells us of the wonder of God's power. Jesus Christ reveals to us the glory of God's grace, for it centres in Him. The story of Jesus is the unfolding of a plan of love, de- vised by a Mind of love, and culminating in love's greatest Gift. When in the beginning, mankind, through sin, had forfeited security, holiness, and life itself, God the Father was ready to make a sacrifice that is without parallel. He was willing for sorrow's By Knud Larsen C) Camera Clix sharpest arrow to pierce His own heart. To re- deem humanity, "He gave His only-begotten -Come unto Me." Jesus is still saying to sin weary souls. Son." The Majesty of Jesus Jesus Christ : "But unto the Son He saith, Thy The story of Jesus commences not on the plains throne, 0 God, is for ever and ever; a sceptre of of Galilee, but in the realms above. For Jesus righteousness is the sceptre of Thy kingdom." plainly stated : "I came down from heaven." Heb. 1:8. This stupendous revelation establishes John 6:38. Before He lived upon earth Jesus the position of the Lord Jesus as eternally "equal dwelt in heaven! For this reason, in prayer to His with God" (Phil. 2:6), and therefore as co-ruler Father, He was able to speak of the sovereign of the universe! That is why the prophets in glory which They shared together "before the predicting His coming to our earth could speak of world was." John 17 :5. His deity (Isa. 9:6), and declare: "But thou Everyone should understand the truth about the Bethlehem Ephratah, . out of thee shall He Son of God who, for man's sake, left the light of come . whose goings forth have been from God's presence to suffer and to die upon a sin- the days of eternity." Micah 5:2 (margin). cursed earth. Many do not appreciate the work of Christ because they fail to discern the identity Christ's Humanity and Mission of Christ. Those who regard Him as just another Reading the simple Bible account of the nati- man, however good, cannot possibly appreciate vity one cannot help but wonder how it was the miraculous element that surrounds His earthly possible for divinity to be merged with humanity life. as the Son of God. Its unique quality was, of The key to His purpose is His own person- course, the "sign" that God had promised should ality. There is recorded in Holy Writ a solemn characterize the coming of the true Messiah.
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