19. Tribe PHASEOLEAE 菜豆族 cai dou zu Sa Ren (萨仁), Wu Delin (吴德邻 Wu Te-lin), Chen Dezhao (陈德昭 Chen Te-chao), Zhang Dianxiang (张奠湘), Sun Hang (孙航), Huang Puhua (黄普华 Huang Pu-hwa); Michael G. Gilbert, Mats Thulin, C. Melanie Wilmot-Dear, Hiroyoshi Ohashi Herbs, erect, twining, or prostrate, rarely trees. Leaves pulvinate, usually pinnately 3-foliolate, rarely 1- or 5–7-foliolate; leaflets entire or lobed, sometimes gland-dotted; stipules and stipels present. Inflorescence mostly axillary, racemelike, with fascicles of flowers scattered along an axis, sometimes reduced to solitary flowers or expanded into panicles, often with swollen nodes; bracts usually small, very caducous, rarely densely imbricate. Calyx 4- or 5-toothed, rarely truncate. Corolla papilionaceous; petals normal or keel long beaked or spirally twisted. Stamens diadelphous (9+1); vexillary filament usually free, or partly or completely connate with others into an adaxially split sheath; anthers usually uniform. Ovary with 1 to many ovules; style bearded lengthwise on adaxial side, or pilose only around stigma. Legumes 2-valved, partitioned or not between seeds, but not jointed. Seeds strophiolate or not. About 90 genera and ca. 1,570 species: throughout the tropics and warm-temperate regions of the world, more numerous in drier regions; 37 genera (seven introduced) and 169 species (43 endemic, 15 introduced) in China. Modern investigations strongly suggest that the Phaseoleae in the traditional sense as followed here is not natural with some genera, including Canavalia, Galactia, and Ophrestia in this account, which are more closely related to the Millettieae and Abreae than to the other genera in the tribe and with the Desmodieae and Psoraleeae embedded within the Phaseoleae proper (Schrire in Lewis et al., Legumes World, 393–394. 2005). Physostigma venenosum Balfour, native to tropical W Africa, is cultivated in China. This tribe includes species of great importance as food plants, cover crops, forage, green manure, ornamentals, medicine, dyes, etc. 1a. Leaflets abaxially and calyx generally with colored sessile glands; bracteoles absent; inflorescence nodes not swollen, 1-flowered (subtribe Cajaninae). 2a. Legumes 3- or more seeded. 3a. Legumes not depressed between seeds .................................................................................................................... 93. Dunbaria 3b. Legumes depressed between seeds ............................................................................................................................. 94. Cajanus 2b. Legumes 1- or 2-seeded. 4a. Leaves 1-foliolate; seeds with funicle attached at end of linear hilum .................................................................... 92. Eriosema 4b. Leaves 3-foliolate, or simple (not 1-foliolate); seeds with funicle attached at middle of hilum. 5a. Twining herbs or shrublets; leaves clearly pinnately 3-foliolate; legumes compressed .................................. 91. Rhynchosia 5b. Erect shrubs or prostrate herbs (F. procumbens); leaves apparently digitately 3-foliolate or simple; legumes turgid ...................................................................................................................................................... 95. Flemingia 1b. Leaflets and calyx without glands; bracteoles often present; inflorescence nodes often swollen, bearing more than 1 flower. 6a. Style flattened, thickened or twisted, mostly bearded, if not bearded and terete, then standard and keels with minute appendages; hilum usually covered with spongy strophiole (subtribe Phaseolinae). 7a. Style flattened laterally ............................................................................................................................................... 110. Lablab 7b. Style terete or flattened dorsiventrally. 8a. Hooked hairs present on vegetative parts .......................................................................................................... 115. Phaseolus 8b. Hooked hairs absent. 9a. Petal wings longer than standard; style twice ca. 90° incurved ............................................................... 114. Macroptilium 9b. Petal wings shorter than standard; style various but not as above. 10a. Legumes 4-winged ............................................................................................................................... 98. Psophocarpus 10b. Legumes not 4-winged. 11a. Stigma lateral or oblique; stipules produced below point of attachment (except in V. adenantha) ............ 113. Vigna 11b. Stigma terminal; stipules not produced below point of attachment. 12a. Standard appendages absent; corolla purple-blue ............................................................................. 97. Dysolobium 12b. Standard appendages present; corolla white, violet, or yellowish. 13a. Standard appendages short; corolla white or violet .......................................................................... 111. Dolichos 13b. Standard appendages long and narrow; corolla yellowish ........................................................ 112. Macrotyloma 6b. Style generally terete and unbearded (sometimes a few hairs below stigma), occasionally coiled (in Erythrininae), sometimes bearded or flattened (in Clitoriinae); hilum rarely covered with spongy tissue (some Erythrina excepted). 14a. Flowers generally resupinate; calyx naked inside; style narrowed, penicillate or bearded distally; corolla often hairy; leaflets 1, 3, or 5–9, with minute hooked hairs (subtribe Clitoriinae). 196 PHASEOLEAE 197 15a. Standard without spur on back .............................................................................................................................. 82. Clitoria 15b. Standard with a conspicuous spur on back ..................................................................................................... 83. Centrosema 14b. Flowers not resupinate, or if resupinate then differing from above in other respects. 16a. Standard silky hairy outside, rather small, without appendages inside; seeds smooth, with a prominent aril; inflorescence not or only slightly nodose (subtribe Ophrestiinae) ............................................................ 81. Ophrestia 16b. Standard glabrous, or if hairy then inflorescence generally nodose or flowers much modified. 17a. Flowers mostly adapted to birds or bats for pollination, petals generally unequal in length, sometimes with small bee-type flowers but then either coiled (Apios, Cochlianthus) or flowers in extensive panicles and legume samaroid (Spatholobus) (subtribe Erythrininae). 18a. Trees or shrubs; stems with prickles; keels much shorter than standard .................................................... 96. Erythrina 18b. Climbers, rarely trees (Butea monosperma); stems without prickles; keels usually largest petals. 19a. Style spirally coiled. 20a. Leaves (3 or)5- or 7(or 9)-foliolate, green when dried ............................................................................... 84. Apios 20b. Leaves 3-foliolate, black when dried .............................................................................................. 85. Cochlianthus 19b. Style not spirally coiled. 21a. Legume with many seeds, 2-valved; irritant hairs usually present ......................................................... 88. Mucuna 21b. Legume samaroid with 1 apical seed, empty below; irritant hairs absent. 22a. Flowers purple, rose, or white, 0.5–1 cm ..................................................................................... 89. Spatholobus 22b. Flowers yellow to scarlet, 1.5–8 cm ........................................................................................................ 90. Butea 17b. Flowers mostly adapted to bees for pollination, or if bird-type flowers then petals subequal in length. 23a. Inflorescences generally with nodes swollen; seeds diverse, with short to long hilum (subtribe Diocleinae). 24a. Stigma lateral to subterminal; ovary hirsute, hairs extending up style, forming a false beard ......... 100. Pachyrhizus 24b. Stigma terminal; style naked. 25a. Calyx 2-lipped, upper lip large, entire or 2-lobed, lower lip small; stamens monadelphous; legumes ligulate to oblong .................................................................................................................. 79. Canavalia 25b. Calyx not strongly 2-lipped; stamens diadelphous; legumes linear. 26a. Upper calyx lobes completely united (calyx appearing 4-lobed) ....................................................... 80. Galactia 26b. Upper calyx lobes ± separate (calyx 5-lobed) .......................................................................... 99. Calopogonium 23b. Inflorescences with nodes not or only slightly swollen; seeds smooth or granular, with short hilum (subtribe Glycininae). 27a. Legumes indehiscent. 28a. Bracts caducous; fruit many seeded; seeds with filiform funicle ........................................................ 87. Mastersia 28b. Bracts enlarging after anthesis, leaflike, boat-shaped; fruit 1-seeded; seeds without filiform funicle ................................................................................................................................................ 109. Phylacium 27b. Legumes dehiscent. 29a. Anthers alternately small and sterile or large and fertile; legume with persistent style forming a hook .................................................................................................................................................
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