Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 1988 UA19/16/1 Hilltopper Basketball 1988-89 WKU Athletic Media Relations Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the African American Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Race and Ethnicity Commons, Sports Management Commons, and the Sports Studies Commons This Book is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Western Ir I1987-88 Results Kentucky Hilltoppers Overall: 15-13 (11 ·4 home; 4-8 road; 0·1 neutral) Sun Belt Conference: 6-8 (5·2 home; 1·6 road) m. Date Opponent {Atlendance) Results WKU Leaders Scoring Rebounding Assists Location: College Heights 18 McNeal 10 Smith, Tisdale 4 McNeal. Shelton Nov27 Kentucky State (4 250) W 83-76 Bowling Green. Ky 42101 25 McNea! 11 Miller 6 Brown Dec 2 Butler (4.500)tv1 W 85-68 Founded 1906 Wendy s Classic. Bowling Green. Ky Enrollment 14.116 22 Miller 17 Smith 3 McNeal 4 Centre (4.300) W 74-60 President Dr Thomas C Meredith 5 Aushn Peay (5.300)tv1 L 59-69 21 McNeal 8 Smrth 3 Brown 26 McNeal 12 Smith 6 McNeal 7 at Central M1ch1gan (5,946) W 77-73 Head Coach: Murray Arnold 21 Miller 15 Smith 8 McNeal 12 at Tennessee Tech (3,000) W 57-52 Alma Mater Amencan '60 25 McNeal 21 Smith 4 Tisdale 19 Alabama State (3,800) . ... ......... W 85-64 Collegiate Record 338-142 (16 yrs) 22 McNeal. Smith 1 14 M,ller 4 McNeal 21 Southern llllno,s (4,300) .. W 84-73 Record at WKU 44-22 (2 yrs) 22 McNeal 9 Smith 5 McNeal 28 at Southern California (3,419) L 4 7 53 Office Phone (502) 745-2131 Eastern Kentucky (4,800) W 77-70 20 Shelton 12 Smtih 3 McNeal Jan 2 Associate Coach: 18 McNeal 9 Smith 6 McNeal 4 at Old Dominion (3.964)" .... L 66-80 Bobby Bowman (Florida Southern '67) 19 McNeal 8 Smith 2 McNeal, Miller 9 Alabama at Birmingham (6.800)tv1-4" W 53-50 Assistant Coaches 16 Miller 5 Smith 5 McNeal 12 at Murray State (3.850) .. W 50-49 Charles Cunningham (North Alabama 33 McNeal 10 Smith 5 Shelton 16 South Alabama (7.300)tv1 · . ....... W 109-93 '73) 22 Shelton 7 Smith 3 McNeal 18 at Louisville (19.056 SRO)tv5-6 L 71-84 Bobby Brown (Southwest Missouri 56) 17 McNeal. Miller I 5 Smith. Tisdale 6 McNeal 23 at V1rg1nia Commonwealth (5,263)' . L 74-79 Graduate Assistant Coach 26 McNeal 13 Miller 7 McNeal 25 UNC Charlotte (6.000)tv1 . W 78-69 Jerome Countee (Maryland Baltimore at Alabama at Birmingham (9,333)' L 51-72 13 McNeal 12 Smith 3 McNeal 30 Co 85) Feb 4 at UNC Charlotte (6.906)tv3-7" L 74-90 16 Cadwell 6 Peets t 4 McNea! 20 Miller I 12 Smith 6 McNeal 6 South Flonda (9,300)tv1 • W 82-61 Athletics Director Jimmy Fe1x 27 McNeal 8 Smith / 4 Cadwell 10 Old Dominion (5.000)tv1 • L 76-81 Assistant Pam Hemtord at Jacksonville (5.637)' W 60-58 23 McNea! 13 Smith 3 Cadwell, McNeal 13 Office Phone (502) 745-3542 24 McNeal 1O Smith / 1 Cadweel. McNeal. Index 15 at South Flonda (3.012)tv8· L 63-71 Trainer 8111 Edwards Shelton, Smith Associate Randy Deere (Men's BB) 18 Virginia Commonwealth (4.400)tv3" L 69-70 24 McNeal 14 Smith 3 McNeal. Tisdale A I Amer,cans 48 Oven,me Record NCAA 56 54 Player S1<eIches 1626 Asss1tant Dan Brennan 20 at South Alabama (5.183)' L 80-95 18 McNeal 9 Peets 7 Shelton All Opponent Teams Alma Mater 12 President Ttlomas Mered,th 3 Team Phys1c1ans Dr Bob Goodwin 24 Dayton (3.700) (ot) L 81-82 19 McNeal 10 Smith 5 Miller Athlet cs O,rector J,mmy Fe x 6 Pros from Western 50 Dr Jerry Martin 28 McNeal 9 Smith 6 McNeal 27 Jacksonville (5,700)tv2· W 80-79 Athlet,c Stalt 6, 14 RebOunders. All T,me Top 34 35 SID: Paul Just at Sun Belt Conference Tournament. Richmond. Va. 33.34 819 Reo 13 Records Team Office: (502) 745-4295 Mar 5 Old Dominion (8.173)tv7 (ot) L 84-86 22 McNeal, Tisdale 11 Smith 6 McNeal Coaches' Records All T,me 35 lnd,v,dual 34 35 Home· (502) 781 4852 Coaches· Roster, A l,T,me 8 Diddle Arena 36-37 7 11 WKU lnv,tat onal 39 40 Home Court E.A Diddle Arena (12.370) • Sun 8"~ Coote1enc:P game A11en<1anca 162 192 15 793 gamat Coaching Statt 4 Press Row Phone (502) 745-4298 tv1 WKU TV SPOttS N•!w~ 1delayed1 Homa 7945015 297 gamat Head Coach Murray Arnold 7 8 Reo Towel rv2 ESPN (~vol Road 7456916 214 gamet Associate Coach Bobby Bowman 9 Resu IS • All T,me 42 46 Colors. Red and White r,3 Home Team SPO<ts ( n,aI Neutral 8 173 18 173 gamet Ass,stam coach Charles Cunningham 10 "87 88 lns,de Front Cover Conference Sun Belt Conference rv• WBMG TV S.rm r,gham (bvel Ass,sIanI Coach Bobby Brown 11 Rosters 15 87-88 Record 6·8 (6th) lv5 WHAS TV lou1sv1I e (IJ\/81 Graduate Assistant Jerome Countee 11 Schedule '88 89 H,lllopper 8ac1< Co,er 87-88 Overall Record 15-13 Mi FNN Sco<e (Ive) Oddle A1ena 4 Scorers All,T,me Top 31·32 IV 7 WBKO TV ao.. r,g G•een (lr,,e 1 All Trme Record t .200-544 (.688) 69 yrs 22 Series Records 52·53 IVS SponsChanflel Floroda (live! Odde Award 16 28-30 Lettermen Lost Returning 2 9 SRO Stdno ng Room Only • Se IOul Odd e Hall StaI,sI1cs "87 88 H gh-Scor,ng Games 51 Stat Leaders Year by Year 41 Starters Returning 4 H !topper Athlet c Foundat,on 13 Sun Belt Conference 64 65 A I HI IOPl)<lf games ......,e b<oadcasl he by the H IOPl)<lf Rad,o NelWOfk and !he IOllow r>g aff, iated OUI 81$ carr,ed al Ot se 8Cled games 17 Te ev,s,on. WKU 24 For the latest on all Western athletics, WAKY·AM louisv1no WCBl AM FM Benton, WONS-FM BoNI r,g Green H !topper N c~name WFKN AM Frank "' WGGC•FM Glasgo., WJRS·FM James1own Russe!ISp,,ngst H !topper Rad o Network 14 Th rty F,rst to W,n 59 call: WKCT AM ao.... r,g G•eon WlBO AM Mo,gantown WlOC FM Muntordv•le Honor Roll 48 49 Top Ten WKU ,n the 58 Hilllopper Hotline - (502) 745-4620 WNES AM Cesrrat Cly Greonv lie WOMl·AM Qwensl)Oro1 Hundred Po nt Games 50 Tournament Appearances 38 Leaermen ( 1914 88J 47 Tra,n,ng Staff 12 Lop Sodeo Gamos 60 Travel Plans 63 Managers Student 12 Twenty V,ctory Seasons 49 Med a lnformaI1on 2 Western Kentucky un,versiIy 1 3 M estones WKU Cage 53 w nningest Coahces NCAA A~ Time 26 NCAA Champ onsh PS ( 89 Schedule) 57 W nn,ngest Teams NCAA A I T,me 61 Opponents ·aa-89 55 63 W nn,ng Streaks 37 For lnlormauon on all H1lllower spons, contact: The Press Row Staff Sta11s11cs Pau JL, ~l Sports lnlorm111on D1tector Bob Adams SPO<t> lnlo,mat"'" O.re..10< P,1u1 ..i1J,t Bu'c" Barnard Ot1 ce ot Public lntonna,,on D1rec1or ol Pubhc Information Gary Brow-.r,g About the Cover - H1lltopper senior All-America candidate Brett We1·,eroy Ad-ninis'ration But6d ng Fred H, ·.,. y Oavtd Goguen McNeal soars to the bucket as the Western Kentucky bench looks We-stern Kentuc"'I UnNtffSlty Pubhc Address Joe GOtby Bowing Green KeNucky 42101 Ro Oubc><-" ,nnounce< JO HOii on Photo by Bob Skipper, WKU Public Information Pnone Qtf,ce - 1502) 745 4295 Ron Raby a s1an1 !J ndy Ketly Home -15021 781 •s52 Ofllclal Scorer TOdd Turne, Or J<><,Uveg< Jeff Your,glove Scoreboard Or Ed Ha"'• Clock Davod A mood Ray Elmore Ip1 I Memo to the Media IrtJ I The University Press Row in the E A Diddle Arena Is located courtesies and complete services of the Diddle Telecopier-Telephones: Western will have Red Towel Territory Home of the t,onally In a ma1or report which rated all colleges ars program for high school rumors hosted 23 at court side on the northwest side of the playing Arena press fac11itres Press tickets are non· one telecop1er and several telephones (for third Hrlltoppers. Western Kentucky University of education in the United States according to the bright young student on campus in 1988 floor Persons holding press tickets should enter transferable Spouses. dates and non-workers party collect or credit card cards calls only) In the Located on rolling terrain in picturesque Bowl­ quality of therr teacher education programs. The The University hosts numerous outstanding the Arena through the Press Radio TV entrance are not permuted in the media working areas press room for your convenience ing Green. Ky Western Kentucky University College Is the largest college of education ,n events on the campus and the inauguration of a located at ground level to the left of the main Photo Coverage: Tickets for photographers Scouts: Scouts should make requests for boasts one of the most beauttful campuses In the Kentucky and has 1rad111onally led the state In the Nobel Laureate Lecture Series provides the op· entrance ramps as you face the building from are issued in the same manner as those for all press row tickets w,11 In advance.
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