tmmmm^mmwm •• Support Juniors Library Day t Meet at 12:45 W-Uy u, Volume XH Number » PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, APBIL 30, 1936 FIVE CENTS PER COPY University Represented At Meetings I odey Coeds To Sell Tags Today For ALL SENIORS '§• $ Annual Gov't Conference Important meeting at 12:45 p. ra­ in the Campus Theater; Annual Library Day Celebration Ten Committees,Act to Draw Up Planks of ALL JUNIORS College Student*' Model Platform Meeting la the gymnasium at IS:45 to discuss the Junior Prom. , Over thre* hundred student* representing universities and col­ and hear announcement of winner Debaters Hold Elections, Cannon, Duffy Will Collect leges from every part of Pennsylvania gathered in HaWisburg last of "Pompurt" contest. week to attend the third annual meeting of the intercollegiate con­ ARTS FRESHMEN Plan '36-'37 Schedule Books Donated By Students ference on government. Gilbert J. Helwig and John A. Sproull were the University delegates, t" , Assemble la Room 21 at 12:45 to '. r "~"~~~^^^ V — Contributions of both books and money for the University 'li­ The purpose of this year's conference was to draw up a model discuss plans for a social. The Univeristyi debating societly will elect officers and eonsider brary will be MHII'M from the student body, today during the celebra­ political platform. At the closing session of the convention on Sun­ plans for next season at its regular meeting today'at 2:00 o'clock in COLLEGE OF SCIENCE. Room 24 of Canevin Hall. ..''"• tion of the annual Library Day. day, April M, the conference approved* Important meeting of all students a platform embodying the amended opinion which exists among college The offices of president, vice president, secretary-treasurer are •White tags will be sold among the students as a means of secur­ recoaunendatiane of ten committees students today as to the best way of today at 12:45 In Room 45, Canevin to be filled. The present officers are Gilbert Helwig, president, and ing funds for the rands*** of new books, and contributions of any on Agriculture, Constitutional chances, reaching the common objective of pros­ Hall. Mary Elisabeth Bice, secretary. No one was elected vice president type of books will be aec iiied for a permanent place in Uie library. Foreign Relations. Oovernmeatal Or perity, security, liberty and peace. on the resignation-of vlee president" R:30 this morjdng* . j • ' . Felman last February. All members Beginning at ranisation, Social Security Legislation, The una] platform approved by the i and ending at three o'clock this after­ Money sad Banting, Labor and Indus­ are urged' to be present. ? conference, advocated government Action Group Plans for next year Include, an ex­ noon, s corps of women students will try, Taxation and Finance, Natural ownership of railroads and public util­ Honor Group Schedule Of tensive schedule of debates both at , be sltusted in conspicuous and strat- Resources and Taxation and Finance. ities, farm cooperatives, cooperation home and away, a tentatively planned j egic places around the campus to sell The seeelons were lively and held with league of nations in such of Its Nominations open-forum to be conducted weekly by Not Open To Spring Sports much interest for students of politic­ activities as 'will not Involve na In a the debating society, and an intensive j the white tags that indicate a contri- al science and those Interested In war, and' I many other planks too system of training for the debaters. I button to the library fund. Thin phase current problems of government. numerous to mention. In general, the Announced The debating society, which reopen­ Class of '36;o f activity will be under the general SetByW.AA Scarcely a recommendation waa pro­ complextlon of the convention was ed intercollegiate competition this [management of. Janet Wright, who posed in committee without being con- liberal, leaning .toward extension of Marie Zerr and Carl Hansen year after two years of Inactivity with Society I was appointed last week by Mary tested; scarcely any of the recommen­ the powers of the federal government a schedule which Included debates Senior .Honorary Tennis Matches Feature dations made by the committees were over both the states, corporations, and Lead Sterilisation with Dayton University, St. Joseph's ils Not Approved for Elizabeth Rice, president, of the Li­ > Program; Play Day, Eproved without being altered in Individuals. Talk Tonight College, Rutgers University. Loyola brary Association. ne way. and many were entirely' de­ There was. however, a definite op­ University, Catholic University, Car­ Present Semester During, the sale of tags. Joseph Also Planned ed from the platform. position party which decried even the negie Tech and other schools, plans to Cannon and Ken Duffy* wilt take The number of minority reports, present power of the federal govern­ Members of Catholic Action will include two trips, one * a two-week Seniors in the University aspiring The actual arrival af/Spring ban charge of books donated by the fac­ the bitterness of discussion (which ment and advocated moderation In meet tonight for an. important meet­ eastern tour. In Its schedule for next to membership in the senior honorary ushered in the tennis season on the ulty and student body. The books, to­ it was found necessary to lim­ other recommendations, urging more ing at which nominees for offices will year. In addition to debates with dis­ society received a set-back early, this Bluff and coeds are to be seen cahip trict schools, the society plans to con­ week with the announcement that the gether with the names of the donors, it) attest to the honest differences ofl (fjontlnued^on Page Two) be submitted ' .and a discussion on inc around the courts In pursuit of tinue the relations opened this year University administration would not will be placed in the library for gen "•Sterilisation and Eugenics" held. the championship. The annual tourn­ and to add debates with other schools. consider the inauguration of the so­ ,eral use by the students at the I'ni-. Carl E. Hansen and Marie V. Zerr The debaters will discuss the sched­ ciety during the present school, se­ versity. , ament will begin on Monday wiib a Elections Set For May 7; will join In leading the discussion. ule for next year at today's meeting. mester. large entry in the first round.. Those , The following students will-sell Announced last week as officially Nominees for the offices for next The planned open forum will serve lags: Jane* Wright. Phyllis Berger, competing in the first round are: approved by the Committee on ' Stu­ year, as drawn up by the Nomina­ a number of purposes. Those debat­ Nadine Fedack. Jean Mctiovei;n, Rita Campaign Opens Tomorrow dent Affairs, of which the Reverend Dorothy Yopko ^s. Ann Sbcmaka, tions Committee during the past week. ers unable to participate In intercol­ S tattler, Theresa- Hockensmith, Jean Include: Mary Irene Wiedt and Frank legiate debater WaUl And opportunity Father J. J. Manning is head, the Jean McGovern vs. Hary Helen Borf- Student political activity will begin IW> y Dorothy Yopko. Kitty W. Schratx, president; Gilbert J. Hel­ for training and expression in these plan was returned from the Adminis- „__°_ „ n*>tt. Mary Lou TBllon vs. j Ann Ma) on two fronts early next week when French Club To wig and Mary Helen Honnett. vice forums, at which a question »f im­ tratlbn with the, notice that no action ooney. and Peg (Tain. chano. Olive Barr vs. Phyllis Berger. the elective posts of the students president; Rose Marie Rannlgan and would be taken for setting-up the Beginning during the early part of Vera Ryan vs. .Mary (.race Acetta.. portance to the student will be dis­ 1 publication will be filled and when Elect Officers .Mary Hlnnebusch, secretary; h. Rob­ cussed pro and con. Furthermore, necessary machinery to admit mem 1934 among the senior wnihen'at the Jane Osbouriie vs . Claire Smith. Jo. sc-phine Tardy vs. Efnma Biss'-gtia. preliminary general election campaign ert Kunkel and Clarence B. Riegner, these forums should increase student ' bers of the present Senior class to the University, the Library Association research committee chairman; Thom­ was" formed for th° purpose of "en Kitty Mooney VK. Mary Sm*-aton. activity will get under way. Yearly elections for the various of­ Interest In current problems and-af­ organisation as Bajaban, Charles Hlnnebusch and courSging suident interest in the Vnt Kdith Kettr vs. -Hita Stattler. Mary The four elective posts on the pub­ fices of Le Cercle Franca Is will take ford to them a chance to express their. According to the Sen ate-appointed. Charles Hobek. program committee versity library, and to assist in every Irene Wefdt vs. Helen Alan'cusco." Dor- lications' staff will be filled when the place at the regular trt-weeUy meet­ views. committee to prepare plans for the chairman;' C. Gerard Helm and Tom othy Sheriff vs, Marjone Gloeckner^. Student Senate meets 'to casts its ing of the organisation, tomorrow aft­ It is- expected, further that these Inauguration and functioning of the possible way tin growth and influ­ O'Connor, propagations committee . It is understood that all players Tote for those who have been submi,t- ernoon af 2:00 o'clock in room 58. forums will Increase general Interest proposed society, when the plans were ence." .' * chairman. -wTm enter the tennis tournament Ji^ve ted for the positions by the university i Rita SUttler, head of the entertain­ In the activities of the debating ao- first - conceived about, five months Although a temporary organization Balayed tennis before HIM! aM games Council on Publication*. ment committee, will report for the Elections will he held at the meet- ago, the Administration placed the at the beginnijuL, the Association he* 1«H»rftT>isa» ,_ ,.; • tvill be forfeited If players are absent With the beeinninp of the official annual soiree, for the approval matter In the hands of Father Man­ gan permanent organisation policies ihr fnmjfcItay tt; yfftn/e ning.
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