![Board of Education School District No. So Haida Gwaii](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
BOARD OF EDUCATION SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. SO HAIDA GWAII MEETINGAGENDA ITEM# 5.1 Action: X Information: Meeting: RegularBoard MeetingDate: October27. 2020 Topic: Approvalof minutesof priorboard meeting Background/Discussion: 22 - September 5.1, 2020 regu lar boardmeeting minutes Action: Recommended THATthe Boardof Educationof School District no.50 (HaidaGwaii) approve Regularthe 2020 22, September boardmeeting minutes Presentedby: Board Chair MINUTESOF THE REGULARBOARD MEETINGHELO ON TUESOAY, SEPTEMBER22, 2020 HELD AT THE ADMINISTRATIONOFFICE IN OAAJING GIIDS/QUEENCHARLOTTE AND VIA GOOGLE MEETS PRESENT: RoelandOenooij, Chair Dana Moraes, Vice-Chair Julia Breese,Trustee Wilson Brown, Trustee (Joinedthe meetingat 1821) ALSOPRESENT: Carey Stewart,Superintendent of Schools Kevin Black, Secretary-Treasurer Lao Peerless,Manager of Operations Steve Gottic, IT Manager MaureenBenoit, HumanResources Officer/note-taker REGRETS: Adeana Young, Trustee MEMBERSOF THE PUBLIC/GOOGLEMEET: Keo Evans Anne Barnes Claire Gauthier Warren McIntyre LaverneHamilton Janet Rigg JenntterWhite KazamlrFalconbridge Stephen Ouerengesser l. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTOF HAIOATERRITORY ChairpersonOenooi j respectfully acknowledgedthat the meetingwas held on the uncededand traditionalterritory of the Halda Nation. 2. CALL TO ORDER ChairpersonOenooij ca lled the meeling to order al 1804 hours. 3. PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD The Board of Educationof School Dls!rlcl No. 50 (Haida Gwall) Invited membersof the public lo addressagenda items during the Public QuestionPerioel. The following agenda items were discussed: • None 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA R20092201 MOTIONBY Trustee Julia Breese SECONDEDBY Vice-Chair Dana Moraes THAT the Board of Educationof School District No. 50 (Haida Gwaii)approve the September22, 2020 Regular Board meetingagenda with the followlngadd itions: • 13.5 Human ResourcesOfficer report SOSO(Holda Gwoii) l Regular 8001d Meeting, Septembe, ZZ, 2010 • 13.6 Finance Vouchers MOTIONCARRIED 5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE PRIOR MEETING AND RECEIPT OF RECORDS OF CLOSED MEETINGS 5.1 June 23, 2020 Regular Board meeting minutes R20092202 MOTIONSY Vice-ChairDana Moraes SECONDEDBY Trustee Julia Breese THAT the Board of Educationof School District No. 50 (Haida Gwaii} approve the June 23, 2020 Regular Board meeting minutes as circulated. MOTIONCARRIED 5.2 August 28, 2020 Special Board meeting minutes R20092203 MOTIONBY Vice-ChairDana Moraes SECONDED BY TrusteeJulia Breese THATthe Board of Educationof School District No. 50 (Haida Gwaii) approve the August 28, 2020 Special Board meeting minutes with the following amendment: • Change In-CameraMeeting to Special Meeting. MOTIONCARRIED AS AMENDED 5.3 Sep1ember22, 2020 In-Camera Rise and Report The Superintendentof Schools reportedthat property,personnel and student matters were discussed at the September22. 2020 In-Camerameeting. R20092204 MOTIONBY Vice-ChairDana Moraes SECONDED BY TrusteeJulia Breese THAT the Board of Educationof School District No. 50 (Halda Gwaii) approvethe Septembe,22, 2020 In-CameraRise and Reportas presented. MOTIONCARRIED 6. REPORT ON ACTION FROM PREVIOUS MEETING • No report 7. DELEGATIONS/PRESENTATIONS • No delegations 8. CHAIRPERSON REPORT ChairpersonDenoolj reported that he has been workingclosely with the district senforteam on the 2020/2021school restart. He attended meetingswith Board Chairs across the province,the Special Board Meetingon August 28"' and the Info-sessionat Sk'aadgaaNaay Elementary School. SOSO(Haido Gwoii} 2 Regular Boord Meeting, September 22, ZOZO , 9. SCHOOL START UP 9.1 District Forecast SuperintendentStewart presenteda report on the school district's projectedenrolment for the 2020·21 school year. Discussion; The need for engagementwith parents who have enrolled their children out of district. Some students that are in self.Isolationat this tlme may return to the district. Home school parents are concerned with the longer bus ride from Tlell to Skldegate. Summary:School District 50 has twenty-eight(28) fewer studentsdistrict-wide than projectedin February2020. 9.2 Federal Funding The Secretary-Treasurerprovided a brief overview of the COVID·i 9 Federal Safe Return to Class Funding allocated to the district. When planningfor this funding, spending should: • be in alignment with school districts K-12 Restart plans. • considerthe needs ol Indigenousstudents • considerthe needs of studentswith disabilitiesand diver!\.eabilities, vulnerablestudents (e.g. children and youth in care), and other studentswith low educationaloutcomes. School District50 has received$150,000 and another $150,000 is expected in January 2021 to assist in the following four areas: 1. Leaming resourcesand supports 2. Health and safety 3. Transportation 4. Before and after school care 10. SUPERINTENDENT REPORT 10.1 New Student Trustee Process SuperintendentStewart reportedhaving met with the secondary school princlpals to begin identifyingstudents that would be interestedin the role of student trustee. 10.2 Board Meeting Oates2020/2021 SuperintendentStewart presentedthe 2020-2021Board of Educationof School District No. 50 Meeting Schedule.This schedulewill be posted to the website. Discussion Locationof lhe next meetings. The October 2020 meetingwill be hosted In the same format as this (September22. 2020) meeting and the Board will be announcingthe locationot subsequentmeetings in the future. 10.3 ALM Field Trip Application SuperintendentStewart presentedthe ALM Fishing Oay at Copper Bay lield trip applicationfor approvalby the Board. R20092205 MOTION BY Vice•ChairDana lllloraes SECONDEDSY Trustee Julia Breese SOSO(Haida Gwoii) 3 RegularBoord Meeting, Seprember2 2, 2020 THATthe Board of Education of School District No. 50 (Halda Gwaii) approveme ALMlield trip to Copper Bayas presented. MOTIONCARRIED 11. INDIGENOUS EDUCATION 11.1 OrangeShirt Day SuperintendentStewart spol<eabout the significanceof OrangeShirt Day and reported that Informationand resourcescan be found on Iha district website. 11.2 LEA update SuperintendentSteward reported on the progress of a renewed Local EducationAgreement (LEA) with the SkidegataBand Council.School District 50 is also in discussionwtth the Old Massett Village Council (OMVC) to establlshan LEA. 12, STRATEGIC AND POLICY ISSUE$ 12.1 BC School TrusteesAssociation Update vice-Chair Moraes and Trustee Breesereported on the BCSTA Provincial Town Hall Meeting covering the new COVID safety measurein schools. New resources will be malled to districts and Informativelinks are on the BCSTA hub (below) and will be posted on our website. • http:ll www.bccdc.ca/Health-lnfo-Site/Documents/COVIDpu blic gyidance/Guidance-k-l2•schools.pdf • https :lj www2.gov.bc.c~/gov/ content/educatlon-traj11ing/k· 12/covid-19-return-to•school • https:ll www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/education•training/k-12/administration/program-management/safe• caring•and-orderly-schools As a member of the BCSTA IndigenousEducation Committee,Vice•Chalr Moraesreported that the committee is involvedin many differentaspects of education,but mainly awarenessfor Indigenous Education an<lthe Truth and ReconciliationCommission {TAC). 13. OPERATIONS 13.1 Maintenance& Transportationreport Lao Peerless, Managerof Operations,presented his report Discussion: Lack of transportationfor students from Tlell to Port Clements Sidewalks at Sk'aadgaa Naay ElementarySchool. 13.2 InformationTechnology report Steve Golfic, IT Manager, presented his report. 13.3 AuditedFinancial Statements2019/2020 The Secretary-Treasurerpresented the 2019/2020 Audited Financial Statements and provided a detailed summary of Statement 1 and Statement 2 of the report. The Secretary•Treasurer also thanked Caleb Taguchi, FlnanclalServices Manager, and Moira Dubasov,Assistant Secretary-Treasurer,for their work on the financialreports. R20092206 MOTIONBY Julia Breese SECONDEDBY Wilson Brown THAT the Board of Education approve the 2019/2020 Audited Financial Statementsof School District No. 50 (HaidaGwaii) as presented. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY SOSO(Haid'1 GwaiiJ 4 flegular Board Meeting, September 22, 2020 13.4 Signing Authority R20092207 NOTION BY Trustee Wilson Brown SECONDED BY Vice-Chair Dana Moraes THAT the Board of Educationapprove signing authority be given to Mr. Kevin Black, Secretary­ Treasurer. 13. 5 HR Report Maureen Benoit, Human Resources Officer, presented her repo(t. 13.G Finance vouchers for June and July 2020 R20092208 MOTION BY Vice-Chair Dana Moraes SECONDED BY Trustee Wilson Brown THAT the board of Educationapprove the School District No. 50 (Haida Gwaii) June and July 2020 Vouchersof as presented. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14. CORRESPONDENCE • None 15. QUESTION PERIOD The Board of Education of School District No. 50 (Haida Gwali} and members of the public held a question and answer period. The following agendaitems were discussed: • Bussing for students from Tlell to PCES; • COVID-19 symptomsremoved from the daily health check 11st; • The sharing of enrollmentInformation; • Studentsenrolled in other schools; • DL programming IQrstudents In SOSO; • Training for Student Trustees; • O&As from the Special Board meeting (Aug. 28, 2020); • Support tor home-schooledstudents; • Numberof homeschoolerswithin SOSO; • COVID•19 outbreak plan. 16. ADJOURNMENT R20092209 MOTION BY Vice-Chair Dana Moraes THAT the Board of Educationof School District No. 50 (Haida Gwaii} adjourns the Regular Board meeting al 1943 hours. Chairperson Secretary-Treasurer SOSO{Haido Gwoii} s RegularBoord Meeting, 5eprember22. 2020 C BOARD OF EDUCATION SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 50 HAIDA
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