
V i The Witnei s Vol. VI. No. 5. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, SEPTEMBER 24, 1921 ^S1.50_AYEAH The Brotherhood Convention English Churches W t o Completes Program Fight Drink Evil Prominent Speakers to Lead in Vital Discussions Large Sum Which Was Wasted Last Year on When Churchmen Meet at Norfolk Liquor Arouses Christian People to Action By George Herbert Randall The churches of England,, .particularly AN IMPORTANT NOTICE Anglican and Wesleyan, are increasing their efforts to combat the drink evil. The The Brotherhood Convention will be need is great and urgent. Last year in held at Norfolk, Va., during the five days, For the past year THE WITNESS Britain the appalling sum of 469,000,000 Wednesday to Sunday, October 12th to has been under new management. It pounds was spent on liquor. Convictions 16th. Its program, after many vicissi­ has been our aim, first, to get out a for drunkenness in England and Wales tudes, is now complete. Its setting— wide awake, attractive little paper. (excluding Scotland) numbered 95,763. churches, halls, conference rooms—is all We have also gone to great pains to These are more than in the previous year, arranged for. Some of the strongest men see that our mailing lists are kept in but fewer than before the war, and the of the Church will take part, and there will good condition and that the paper is figures for the first half of 1921 show an be some voices never before heard at a mailed from Chicago early enough in improvement. But the drink bill steadily national Brotherhood gathering. the week to reach you by Saturday. rises from year to year. The increased The Convention divides itself naturally We mean that you shall receive your cost of wines, spirits and beer is partly re­ in a number of ways. There is first and paper regularly, in good condition, sponsible for last year’s record expendi­ foremost the central Corporate Commis­ and never later than Saturday. We ture. The anti-drink organizations in the sion; for this Bishop Tucker of the Dio­ want your enthusiastic support. We churches, having formed a National Tem­ cese of Southern Virginia will be1“the cele­ can deserve it only, by giving you perance Council, representing fourteen de­ brant. Next in spiritual importance will business-like service. The Managing nominations, have now a united program. be the Preparation Service, led this year Editor will appreciate a note from The main plank is local option—localities by the Rev. G. Ashton Oldman of St. Ann’s anyone who feels he is not getting it. to vote for No Change, Reduction, or No Church, Brooklyn. The morning Quiet License. Long-sustained pressure upon Hours, with the Bible as the central cial steamer will take the party up the the government resulted in a round table thought, will be conducted by the Rev. James River to Jamestown Island, where conference whose conclusions formed the Dr. W. H. Griffith Thomas, a recent and Bishop Tucker will make a brief historical basis of the licensing act just passed. Tem­ strong accession to the Church in the address,, and following this at Williams­ perance reformers agreed to accept this as States, and who has come from Canada. burg, eight miles inland, Dr. Goodwin will an interim measure. Perpetuating some An interesting and profitable evening will speak at the luncheon at the College of of the salutary restrictions of the Central be devoted to the Convention Missionary William and Mary, and the Rev. E. Ruffin Control Board, set up early in the war, Service, with Bishop Overs of Liberia and Jones in Old Briton Church. Automobiles the new act represents a substantial ad­ Dean Berryman Green of the Virginia will carry the large party to Newport vance on previous legislation. The hours Theological Seminary as speakers; while News, 27 miles, where the special steamer of opening public-houses have been re­ the Call to the Ministry will again be will again take them on board for the sail duced on week-days to nine in London and sounded, this time by Bishop Guerry of across Hampton Roads in season for sup­ eight outside the metropolis, and on Sun­ South Carolina and the Rev. Dr. Hubert per and the night meeting in Norfolk. days to five; they must not open before Carleton, for many years as a layman the Because of the arrangement of railroad 11 a. m. and must close for two hours in General Secretary of the American and steamboat timetables, the final service the afternoon. Total Sunday closing pre­ Brotherhood. of the Convention will be held Sunday vails in Wales and Monmouthshire. Tem­ perance members of parliament unsuccess­ Unusual prominence will this year be afternoon. It will comprise the reading of tbe Memorial Roll and the Charge to fully fought the clause authorizing restau­ given the general conferences in Conven­ rants to serve liquor with meals up to half tion Hall. The Rev. Dr. W. A. Goodwin the Convention. The only other general assemblage of the Convention that day will an hour after midnight. The chief defect of Rochester will speak to the topic, The of the act is that it does not embody the Teaching Mission of the Church as a Chal­ be the annual Corporate Celebration of the Holy Colnmunion. principle of local option, and the temper­ lenge to a Life of Devotion and Service, ance forces will not be satisfied until this while the important subject of Family Most of these main services will be held method becomes the law in England and Prayer will be led by the Rev. Dr. E. L. in Christ Church, one of the most beauti­ Wales, as it already is in Scotland. Woodward of the Virginia Board of Re­ ful church buildings in America. The main ligious Education. Convention Hall will be in the Ghent Club, Plan Big School Saturday will find the delegates contin­ a near neighbor to Christ Church. As in B uilding uing to discuss the time-honored features other recent years the bçys of the Brother­ of the Brotherhood’s work, and on this hood—and the Church—'will have their Plans for the erection of a Sunday day’s program an outstanding event will parallel Convention in the splendid audi­ School building with a capacity for 200 be the address of Bishop Davenport of the torium of Christ Church parish house. pupils, and for various alterations within Diocese of Easton on our work among Canon Skey of Toronto will be their spirit­ the church, have been made by the vestry seamen. ual leader, while the general engineering of St. James’ Church, Macon, Georgia. To Recreational periods will have a pur­ of the Junior Convention will be in the afford a more spacious interior it is pro­ pose, all of the daylight hours of Friday hands of Francis A. Williams, formerly posed to enlarge the chancel and to erect being given to the Convention Pilgrimage Secretary of the Brotherhood in Canada, a recess altar. Work on the building will to Jamestown and Williamsburg. A spe­ now on the American staff, begin a t once, Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. 2 THE WITNESS GENERAL NEWS OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Island to take care of the Church of the Minnequa Hospital in Pueblo. He has re­ Two Missionaries signed his parish to take effect Dec. 1st. Start on Their Journey Ascension, Bloomfield; Rev. Paul Roberts $ # * One of the most impressive missionary of Holy Trinity, West Orange, has accepted services ever held by the Episcopal Church a call to the Cathedral at ' Boise, Idaho ; The Rev. R. P. Eubanks, in charge of in Detroit took place last Thursday morn­ Rev. James H. S. Fair of Bernardville has Montrose and adjacent missions, has ac­ cepted a call to Cairo, Diocese of Albany. ing in St. Paul’s Cathedral, when Miss acepted a call to a School Chaplaincy and H* Hs H* Frances C. 'Sullivan, a communicant of St. a rectorship in Rhode Island: Rev. Dr. Fleming James of Englewood has accepted The Rev. A. McNulty, formerly of St. Joseph’s church Detroit, and Miss Mar­ Mary’s Church in the Bronx, has accepted guerite J. Schaad of Trinity church, Bay a professorship at Berkeley Divinity School; the cure at Alamosa and will go into resi­ Rev. 0. W. Leslie of Jersey City has taken City, were speeded on their way to mis­ dence about Oct. 1st. sionary service in China. work in the Newark City Mission, with ^ H! Hi The service was arranged by the arch­ charge of Christ Church, Newark; Rev. Dean Browne, who expected to begin his deacon of Detroit, the Rev. H. K. Bartow, Donald Wonders, for some years an assist­ work at the Cathedral last July, has been who preached the sermon. The holy com­ ant at Trinity Cathedral, Newark, has ac­ hindered by illness, but is well-enough to munion was celebrated by the Rev. J. A. cepted a call to the Diocese of Pennsyl­ begin his work on Sept. 11th. He will he Schaad, rector of Trinity Church, Bay City, vania; Rev. Charles S. Armstrong, some­ instituted as Dean by Bishop Johnson on and father of Miss Schadd. time a curate at St. Paul’s, Patterson, has the first Sunday in October. For the last two years Miss Sullivan, taken charge of St. Mathew’s Church, $ Hi Hi • who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Rev. A. P. Knell has removed from east St. John’s College, Greeley, a theological j Sullivan, 306 Holbrook avenue has been Rutherford to have charge of St.
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