Thirty-Fifth Annual Report 2009-2010 Indian Institute of Management Bangalore 1 THIRTY-FIFTH A NNUAL REPORT 2009-2010 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT BANGALORE 2 Chairman’s Message 4 Director’s Report 5 1. IIMB Board of Governors 7 2. Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) 9 3. Post Graduate Programme in Management (PGP) 10 4. Post Graduate Programme in Software Enterprise Management (PGSEM) 16 5. Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy & Management (PGPPM) 20 6. Executive Post Graduate Programme in Management (EPGP) 21 7. Executive Education 23 8. IIMB Centres 23 contents 9. Research 32 10. Information Sharing 33 11. Consultancy 33 12. Faculty 34 13. Library 39 14. Computer Centre 41 15. Student Activities 42 16. Personnel & Administration 43 17. Achievements & Awards 45 18. Financial Position 47 19. Statements 50 20. Statement of Accounts 108 3 THIRTY-FIFTH A NNUAL REPORT 2009-2010 CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE Shri Mukesh D Ambani uring the last year, the Indian Institute of Strengthening its interaction with and support to Management Bangalore (IIMB) moved industry, the Institute has significantly increased its Dforward significantly on all fronts in active focus on short-term and medium term Executive fulfilment of the Institute’s Long Term Vision to become Education programmes. Our emphasis has been on a research intensive institute with a focus on emerging developing leadership skills of managers and enhancing markets and hi-tech entrepreneurship. their competencies in critical thinking, decision making and leadership for the global business environment. IIMB continued to sustain its leading position among Management Schools globally. For the second To encourage the not-for-profit as well as the consecutive year, the Institute has been ranked as the entrepreneurship segments, IIMB launched innovative number one business school in South & Central Asia initiatives for students seeking to work in these areas. by Eduniversal in Paris. IIMB was also ranked number The Institute’s Centres of Excellence contributed six in the Asia-Pacific region in the QS Global 200 significantly to their communities and eco-systems Business Schools 2009 survey – the only school in India during the period. The designation of the IIMB Centre amongst the top ten. for Public Policy (CPP) by the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) as a Centre of Excellence in the Notably, we now have one of the largest pools of faculty area of Urban Development is just one example of the in the country, with the addition of teaching and research recognition of the work done by these Centres. staff from the best of global universities. IIMB instituted three Young Faculty Research Chairs with a view to I am pleased to report the progress made by IIMB in identify, encourage and support world-class scholarship the last twelve months, which has laid the foundation within the Institute. I am also gratified to note that the for making the transition from being one of India’s most work done by the faculty has resulted in a number of respected business schools to an internationally them being recognised in international academic fora. acknowledged centre for management thinking and Not surprisingly, the year also witnessed significant practice. growth in the intake of doctoral students, resulting in IIMB becoming the leader in doctoral education. I offer my thanks and best wishes to the entire IIMB community as well as all our stakeholders, alumni and In the current academic year the intake of students in well-wishers for their efforts and support to make 2009- all the Institute’s long term programmes rose 10 a significant year for the Institute. significantly. With over 500 students graduating in 2009-10, the Institute is pursuing its goal to broaden its academic offering as well as build capacity in each of its programs. With over 1200 students on campus, the Institute had drawn up plans to expand the infrastructure required to effectively manage the increased student Mukesh D Ambani strength. November 26, 2010 Chairman INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT BANGALORE 4 DIRECTOR’S REPORT Professor Pankaj Chandra t is with great pride and pleasure that I bring to has the Director, Deans, Chairperson and Head you the highlights of IIM Bangalore’s Alumni as Trustees. IIMBAA has 12 Chapters Iachievements in the academic year 2009 – 2010. across the world. The past year was a year of many firsts for IIMB. 5. As part of its long term vision, the Institute 1. Eduniversal, an unit of French consulting firm implemented ERP (Enterprise Resource SMBG selected IIMB as the Number 1 B-School Planning), to drive the growth of IIMB over the in India for the second consecutive year. next decade. In July 2009, IIMB selected 2. IIMB launched its one-year full time Executive SunGard Higher Education’s ‘Banner Unified Post Graduate Programme in Management Digital Campus’ (Banner UDC) solution to meet (EPGP) on April 03, 2009. This programme is the present and future requirements of the targeted at mid-career professionals and is an Institute. Banner UDC will enhance efficiencies intensive one year programme designed to in course administration, improve student enhance skills and capabilities essential for services, and enhance capabilities for responsible positions at senior management collaboration with Institutions in India and levels. 70 students were admitted to the worldwide. IIMB has procured and installed Programme in the 2009 batch. Banner UDC software, Oracle RDBMS, Dell 3. During the year 2009-2010, the Office of Servers and other supporting software required International Affairs was established and the to run ERP in a secure networked environment. Student Exchange Programme (SEP) was 6. Peer Review Team visit of EQUIS – IIMB is merged with this office. This initiative was to reflect its broader mandate in seeking and making an endeavour to obtain European forging international partnerships that will Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) enable wider intellectual exchange via faculty certification from European Foundation and doctoral student exchange, in addition to Management Education (EFMD). This quality its current activity of managing graduate student assessment system builds on existing national exchange. Three MoUs were signed by the PGP accreditation associations working in the field Department with Escola de Administracao de of management education and provides an Empresas de Sao Paulo da Fundacao Getulio accreditation framework at an international Vargas, Sao Paulo, Brazil; HEC, Paris, France level, based on a set of criteria for business (for link programme) and The University of schools of high national and international Texas, Austin (USA) bringing the current standing. The Peer Review Team of EFMD number of IIMB global partner schools to 95. visited IIMB campus in March, 2010, to access 4. The IIMB Alumni Association Trust (IIMBAA) academic and research quality, along with was created on September 29, 2009. The trust students learning environment. 5 THIRTY-FIFTH A NNUAL REPORT 2009-2010 Fellow Programme in Management: Executive Education: The Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) is the For the year 2009-2010, 117 programmes were doctoral programme of the Institute, which is designed conducted. Out of them, 32 were Open Programmes to prepare students for careers in teaching and (21 short and 11 long duration), 71 Customized research. 24 students were admitted to this programme Programmes and 14 International Programmes. Also, during the past year. This includes 4 each in Corporate 14 short duration programmes were conducted by the Strategy & Policy and Public Policy, 3 each in Finance Centre for Public Policy to Indian civil servants. and Control, Marketing and Quantitative Methods & Information Systems, 2 in Production and Operations Research: Management and one each in Public Systems and Research activities continued to play a major role in Economics & Social Sciences. the overall growth of the Institute. During the year, 9 Institute-funded projects and 5 case writing projects Post Graduate Programme in Management: were initiated. With a view towards sharing The curriculum of the flagship programme is being information with the community at large, business constantly updated to make the programme more and industry, IIMB faculty published 3 books, and relevant to the changing environment. 67 students contributed 32 articles in journals/periodicals and a from the Institute spent one term in reputed business number of articles in newspapers and made schools outside India while 73 students from overseas presentations in the national and international business schools, in turn, attended a term at the seminars/conferences.The Institute also brought out Institute. Adhering to the commitment that all a quarterly journal IIMB Management Review which deserving students should obtain a chance to at IIMB, is useful to academicians, practicing managers, the Institute provided financial aid to 136 students government and non-governmental organizations. worth Rs. 4.38 crores as compared to Rs. 1.91 crores in the previous year. Consultancy: Also, this year 5 students received the Aditya Birla During the year, 19 projects were completed and six Scholarship and 4 students were recipients of the projects were initiated. Eleven projects are in Ratan Tata Award. The year’s final placement progress. concluded in a record 5 days with 99 companies accommodating all 258 students. The highest number Faculty of acceptances was made in the Management The Institute’s faculty strength was 102 including 11 Consulting Sector with 63 students accepting jobs visiting/Adjunct professors. against 74 offers made. Cognizant Consulting made the highest number of offers, totally 11 in number. Personnel & Administration Relations with staff and personnel continue to be Post Graduate Programme in Software Enterprise cordial. Management: A unique programme designed to meet the specific Operating results needs of software professionals working in the Indian The financial results of the Institute continue to be software industry, the PGSEM course this year satisfactory. Details of income and expenditure are witnessed 75 students being admitted into the provided separately.
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