'mm. NORWALK GAZETTE. jf^NORWAl.K azette Tennn fov -Advertising, . G mm. Furnished 011 application. Liberal, uniform, ratei « 'if- Published ev&y Tu >:>d;>v .\:nt'!i!n|r :it S2 |ier' to long timo and lj#rge space Advertisers..' Year in Aclvam-v: o>i>ior.o cl«. Transient advs. 1 square (I inch) 1 timo 51.00L The CH^t; Lrcrtji-xl'.V•H'itirly LKtvtiltUM Subsequent Insertions, perweek, • SO . Newspaper in this SfW/oit oj the SHUa. Fn iienJI and Obitaa'ry Notices,- same'rates/ It is the bail AiUvrlUinn Mc.linm. and lisis 111" Births, Btarriagcs and Deaths, Inserted free. Jlfoxt AilherUiiniJ, liucauau iL ia l'euit by tut ;-v wmm v J if it I'eojihi. Questionable advrts. not1 inserted at any pried.. Entered hh '2(1 china matter mul- Poster prepaid to All mm Collectable Monthly- and Yearly - - ><#« ' nil Subscribers not served by turners • • Accounts at prorata Sates. ,. ;v5Sili Address Slips Indicate lime when butoscriptioM An Enterprising Republican Journal, especially devoted to Local News and Interests, II Two DOLLARS A YEAR. r . ' bym.iiiuxi.M-e. ESTABLISHED 1800. plllifSllltl Job 3?rin.ting of" every "Variety . A.A., II.H. ByUyiiiss-*"* ^ bonft, S^aHMBaMNORWALK,'CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1883. Number 38. Neati.y, quickly a Chemly ExKCUTBn. ' 0. R. BYISGT0S, PulUahor. H S. BYIXGTOS, Managing Editor. Volume LXXXIII. -•M: \ Frank E. Beach, Associate Editor. ARMY LIFE. <u<3«|. - Let the Boy Mind the Father*^ All our lives, Horace," ho at longth be­ man also raised 49 citrons from f no vine, DR. D. HITCHCOCK, ; REAL ESTATE. THE COUNT! FAIR. J What Is tho Use. ^ gan with deep feeling, " you and I lived fjur of them being on exhibition, and 14 How Connecticut's Citizen Soldiers Hare Speat Only the Best I byaras.s.r,ocirwoop. ' : ^ Two Bays of Had Weather, hut a flood Indoor the Week at Camp Waller. 0 Cor. of West Avenue and To Rent. togothor like brothers. Your undo was like fine pumpkins from one vine. The char Berkeley Place, Docs anyono caro aught for Father ? " x^vV- V,'li.1t is tho uso of this impetuous liaate » Exhibition-Glimpses of Some of tho Sigiits- The Foutth regiment reached Gamp a father to me; you to him wero dearer than Thc Trotting and Other Attractions. acier of the apples on exhibition is suffi­ nii tipper part of a house on Warren. Does anyono think of tho ono S The end Is certain. Let V1B take our tlBW, Waller at 12:30 on Monday, that and tbo Third Iioubo below the Methodist Church. Street. Five rooms. Itcnt low. Enqaire a son. He had neither wife nor child, nor cient evidence that this is a bad season for atT this ollice. 10tf Upon wh0B0 tired, bent shoulders, ' - - - And hoard tho vital'force* that we waste The Fairfield county fair had a fair di.y Fifth battalion being tbe last to arrive. Office Honrs from 7 to 0 a. m., 2 to 3, and 7 Tho cares of tho family come ? ^ l*: i;,'foi'e our day has roached Its golden prime. { any livinjg creature of his kin to sharo tho that It'.ml of fruit, but pears show up well, THE WONDER OF HEALING I to 8p. m. for its opening on Tuesday, but being the The regiment muBtcrcd 400 men, being in •WYAPTOGEL, -•»-j Tho Father who cares for our comfort affection that he givos to you. You woro his especially 15 varieties of splendid ones V/hai ia tho use of rushing with spent b^flth first day there was only a fair attendance. companies as follows: Company A, Subdues Inflammation, To Let And toils on from day unto day, ' After old age, its furrows, its white h»|r ? pride, his hope, his all. But he was a stern thowti by F. 8. Lyon of South Norwalk, f! Dr.T. E.SWIFTH ooms TO RENT in Brick Building in : : Everybody who had entered articles for Bethel,CO; Company D, South Norwalk, Although his steps evor grow slower, ' ' 'v W :' Why need we hurrjr tp to woloomo Doatfa", H. B. Wakcman shows* 18 varieties Leonard street. Possession • imme­ man in his way, and a just. Had he known exhibition, and those in chargc <>r tho dif­ IpigGoiitrols Hemoirhagik DENTIST, diately. JSnqiiiro ol O. T. LKONAItl) & SON. And his dark locks aro turning to gray? " 5 ;: Or go half way, with hands stretched out, to otlfef 05; Company E, Bridgeport, 64; Com­ R you as yon wero, profligato and prodigal, he floe peachca, and five kinds of grapc3. Artidclal teeth without plates by tho perfect May 7th, 1SS3- ferent classw, were kept busy all day get­ pany F, Norwalk, 57; Company G» : -'MamfactiiriDit Pharmacist, Does anyone think of tho duo bills Si® ; ; ! • , There Is no usq. Dear heart, If wc but wait would never have allowed you to inhorite striking and well arranged exhibit or Cores Catarrh, Bhcnmatism, Crowning system. ting the exhibits in proper position, and Danbury, 61; Company I, Winated, Neuralgia, Diphtheria, Sore Ho's called upon daily to pay? J All things will find us. Lot us paufle, t flay, '. ono farthing of his wealth. But you hid kinds of vegetables, fruit, grain, etc. Office & Residence No. 0 West Ave. For Sale Cheap. • ^ We cannot go beyond the silent gate :; by night a very fine and varied display 58; Company K.' Stratford, 67; field Throat, Hoarseness, Tooth­ f Right Hand Boll. 1 ANn f Butchers', etoro, and doctors'bills; ' your vices well; and 1, in my blind attach­ made by the Wilton Farmer's club, and ache, Earache, Piles, Sores, < fsS f'r, ;, -l *06- i > llJjbesoldat a Bargain,if applied for ' That lies a short day's journey down the way. was the result. Refreshment tents were staff and band 35 men. The New Thoro aro somo kind of bills overy day ' i' ment for you, too often shielded you from the Greeu's Farms agriculturists divide Wounds, Bruises, Barns, In­ Wsoon a small, neat Cottage, of six rooms, . ; So lot us take our time in youth's fair bowers,. - pitched, the savory oyster stew prepared, London Day says: "The Fourth came flamed or Sore Eyes, Female ALEX. H. GI090N, wholesale: ani> uetail in good neighborhood, and three minutes' Lilto a tired horso in tho tread mill v i' V his suspicions." attention with thcin, and show corn in walk ol the Bridge. Apply at UAZKTTK The Summer season is so brief at best; --iV;. and a number of side Ehows and catch­ on the ground with a mixed bead gear, Complaints, Scalds, Sprains, OFFICE. Ho works on from morning till night.®! the 1,talk 15 feet high. Austin Jennings Orgaaiet if tho Ktrst Gongrogational Church Does anyono think he is tired ? Let us look on tho stars, and pluck tho flowers, The denounced man frowned, with a ges­ penny contrivances began operations, and Companies B and G wearing white hel­ etc., etc. And whon our feet grow weary, let tffi rest. ture of impatience, but seemed too abashed of Gtetn's Farms, W. J. Finch of West- Teaohor ol ' " f Does anyono mako his iiomo bright? - the wheel of fortune to revolve. mets while the other companies wore the Prices 50c., $1.00 and $1.75. |=H Druggist, gi To Let. to utter any sort of contradiction. port and J. H. Sherwood of Soutbport Piti to-Forte, Organ «Ud mimical Let us take time for love and its delight s ' The trotting on the first day was witl • regular military forage capi The white HE large, commodions front room in Is it right just bocanso ho looks troubled ' It i»tho ono sweet thing that pays for all " "Thencame his mortal sickness," con­ have an excellent showing of onions, the Composition, out inte rest, and not over two d< zjn peo­ helmetcd boys were promptly sent to the Lock Box 39, P.O., NOItWAI.K,CONN. 21 Main Street, Norwalk, Ct. T Gazette Building just vacated by Francis To say ho ia cross as a boar? " v v . , Tho bittorncss of life, for Sorrow's blight, tinued Bolf, "and your shameless offence. display in this line being large. Mies E. TOILET ARTICLES, McKeon. Full particulars of ple occupied seats on the grand stand. right about by their colonel and bad to B.J.STURGES< Kind words, little actions of kindness, ^ ^; U For Pain's despair and Death's fanereal pall. In the deep midnight, like a common thief, B. Grumman of Brancbville can justly Delicately Perfumed Dolightful to Use. Might banish his burden of caro. - ; i v " .••"JiVf-,5; Tin re were only two Etarteis in the four don the regulation bonnet. The rogimcnt vf in the lost era when the world was new. yousknlked Into his chamber, and, even tsko pride in an exhibit of 27 jars of pre­ TollctCream, improves the complexion...91 OO A. H. BALDWIN, M. D., None but absolutely pure and For Sale or to Let. Tis for yon ho is ovcr so anxious, . Love was men's first pursuit and life's excuso. minute class. Frilz entered by E E liay- did fairly well on drill, but their march Iilp Salve, beautif ying and healing. 33 [Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. while the shadow of death was nearing the served f 1 nits, and tho collection of bread, Toilet Soap, softens the skin (3 Cakes). — SO perfectly fresh and reliable medi­ The Coal Yard and Sheds, with large Ho win toil for you while ho may liv.c; Now has that time come back to me and you— niond of New Canaan and Topsy by Miai- ing will be much better bcrore next Sat­ Residence In the Charles Isaacs Homestead, In roturn ho only asks kindness, old man who loved and trusted you, rified cake, etc,, is nicely set oil by a honey Dcntlfrlco./Vw the teeth and gums SO Wall st., Norwalk, Ct.
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