JEWISH NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES [Note.—*indicates that revised data were not furnished upon request] ALPHA EPILSON PI FRATERNITY Org. 1913. OFFICE: 131 W. 13th, New York City Ninth Annual Convention, Dec. 29-31, 1922, New York City. Members, 350 Chapters, 10 PURPOSE: A national collegiate Greek-letter organization for Jew- ish students. OFFICERS: Pres., Simeon L. Hamburger, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Vice- Pres., Sidney Picker, N. Y. C; Treas., Jesse Safir, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Sec, William Cohen, 823 Fox, N. Y. C. BOARD OF GOVERNORS: The Officers, and Louis S. Amreich, Brook- lyn, N. Y.; I M. Glazer, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Lewis J. Laventhal, Phila- delphia, Pa.; Joseph W. Quarte, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Theodore R. Racoosin. N. Y. C. AMERICAN ACADEMY FOR JEWISH RESEARCH Org. June 15, 1920. OFFICE: Philadelphia, Pa. Meeting, Nov. 28, 1922, Philadelphia, Pa. Members, 14; Hon. members, 3. PURPOSE: TO advance Jewish learning in America. OFFICERS: Pres., Louis Ginzberg, N. Y. C; Treas., Jacob Z. Lauter- bach, Cincinnati, 0.; Sec, Henry Malter, 1531 Diamond, Philadel- phia, Pa. AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE Org. Nov. 11, 1906; inc. Mch. 16, 1911. OFFICE: 171 Madison Av. New York City For report, see p. 365. AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS Org. March 1916. Re-org. 1920. OFFICE: 1 Madison Av., New York City. Convention, May 21-22, 1922, Philadelphia, Pa. Delegates, 400. PURPOSE: TO further and promote Jewish rights; to safeguard and defend such rights wherever and whenever the same are either threat- JEWISH NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS 257 ened or violated; to generally deal with all matters relating to and affecting specific Jewish interests. OFFICERS: Pres., Nathan Straus; Vice-Pres., Aaron J. Levy; Samuel Untermeyer; Stephen S. Wise; Treas., Geo I. Fox; Ex. Sec, B. G. Richards, 1 Madison Av., New York City. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Max Aaron, Phila., Pa.; M. Abramoff, Phila., Pa.; H. Appelbaum, Tulsa, Okla.; A. M Ashinsky, Pittsburgh, Pa.; J. A. Bernstein, Mt. Vernon, N.Y.; Philip N. Bernstein, Waterbury, Conn.; Samuel Blitz, New York City.; Jacob Carlinger, New York City; A. B. Cohen, Scranton, Pa.; Joseph Chagi, Detroit, Mich.; David H. Cohen, Phila., Pa.; Samuel Cohen, New York City; Nach- man H. Ebin, New York City; Max Eckman, New York City; Wm. Edlin, New York City; Louis D. Gibbs, New York City; Jacob Gins- burg, Phila., Pa.; Leopold C. Glass, Phila., Pa.; Simon Glazer, Kansas City, Mo.; Henry D. Gold, Boston, Mass.; Abraham Goldberg, New York City; Alexander Goldberg, New York City; A. J. Goldstein, Jersey City, N. J.; George Gordon, Minneapolis, Minn.; Meyer Green- berg, New York City; Gustave Hartman, New York City; R. B. Hershon, Easton, Pa.; Abraham Hirsch, Phila., Pa.; Michael Hollander, Newark, N. J.; Albert Hurwitz, Boston, Mass.; Sol. Hurwitz, Cleve- land, O.; Nathan Isaacs, Pittsburgh, Pa.; M. A. Kaplan, New York City; Maurice Katz, Phila., Pa.; Abraham Kollin, Ceveland, O.; Samuel C. Kone, Hartford, Conn.; Solomon Lamport, Long Island; Hyman Lazarus, Bayonne, N. J.; Isaac Levine, New York City; Martin O. Levy, Phila., Pa.; Max Levy, Staten Island; Chas. Lip- shutz; Phila., Pa; Philip Marcus, Providence, R. I.; Morris Margulies, New York City; Wm. B. Marker, Chester, Pa.; Jacob Massel, Long Island; Israel Matz, New York City; S. Nadelweiss, New York City; Emanuel Neumann; New York City; Samuel Rhine, Akron, O.; Adolph Rosenblum, Phila., Pa.; Samuel Sale, St. Louis, Mo.; Joe W. Salus, Phila., Pa.; Bernard Shelvin, New York City; J. Silberfeld, Newark, N. J.; Adolph Stern, New York City; Elihu D. Stone, Boston, Mass., Max Suls, Baltimore, Md.; Emil Tausig, New York City; Joseph L. Tepper, Washington, D. C; S. Thau, New York City; Morris Wein- berg, New York City; Leo Wolfson, New York City; Mrs. Jenny Zwick, Cleveland, O. AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY Org. 1892. OFFICE: 531 W. 123d, New York City Thirty-first Annual Meeting, May 5-6, 1923, Washington, D. C. Members, 450. Has issued twenty-eight volumes of publications and an index to publications 1-20. Maintains a collection of books, manuscripts, and historical objects in its room in the building of the Jewish Theological Seminary, 531 W. 123d, N. Y. C. 258 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK OFFICERS: Pres., Abraham S. W. Rosenbacfa, Phila., Pa.; Vice-Pres. Simon W. Rosendale, Albany, N. Y.; David Philipson, Cincinnati, O.; Julian W. Mack, Chicago, 111.; N. Taylor Phillips, N. Y. C; Richard J. H. Gottheil; Treas., Henry S. Hfindricks; Curator, Leon Huhner; Cor. Sec., Albert M. Friedenberg, 38 Park Row; Rec. Sec, Samuel Oppen- heim, N. Y. C. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: The Officers, and Chas. J. Cohen, Phfla., Pa.; Henry Cohen, Gal vest on, Tex.; Herbert Friedenwald, Washington, D. C.; Lee M. Friedman, Boston, Mass.; Jacob H. Hollander, Baltimore, Md.; Max J. Kohler, Harold Korn, N. Y. C; Max L. Margolis, Phila-, Pa.; Alexander Marx, N. Y. C; Abraham A. Neuman, Phila., Pa; Lewis L. Strauss, Jr., N. Y. C; Oscar ,S. Straits, N.Y.C.; Cyrus Adler, Phila., Pa., ex-offido, as past president of the Society. AMERICAN JEWISH LEGION Org. 1922. OFFICE: 541 Lincoln PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. First Annual Convention, May 20-21, 1922, Philadelphia, Pa. PURPOSE: To foster Jewish consciousness amongst Jewish ex-service men, to colonize Jewish ex-service men in Palestine, beeping physically fit, and mutual akL • OFFICERS: Chairman, Gershon Agronsky, New York City; Treas., Alex Gold, New York City; Sec, Elias Ginsburg, 541 Lincoln PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. ExECunvEXoiooTTEE: Harry Almes, Phila-, Pa.; Harry C AppeL Phila., Pa.; Benj. Bronstein, Lynn. Mass.; Samuel Cohen, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Sidney Fink, N. Y. C; Abr. I. Hausman, Cleveland, O.; Aaron Schwartz, Phila., Pa.; Z. L. Shein, Baltimore, Md. AMERICAN JEWISH PHYSICIANS' COMMITTEE Org. May 24,1921. OFFICE: 5 Columbus Circle, New York City Second Annual Convention, May, 1922, New York City. Third Annual Convention, May, 1923, New York City. Members, 1,200. PURPOSE: TO build medical college in connection with Hebrew University in Palestine. OFFICERS: Pres., Nathan Ratnoff; Vke-Pres., David Riesman, and Abr. J. Rongy; Treas., Emanuel Libman; Sec, Israel S. Weehsler, N. Y. C. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: David J. Kaliski, Chairman, Joseph Bakst, Samuel J. Kopetzky, Simon Rothenberg. BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF HEBREW UXTVERSITY: Nathan Ratnoff, Chairman; Sigismund S. Gold water, David J. Kaliski, Samuel J. Kop- etzky, Leon Louria, Israel Strauss. JEWISH NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, 259 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Isaac Abt, Joseph Bakst, Joseph Bieber, Louis E. Bieber, Leo Buerger, Samuel J. Druskin, Albert A. Epstein, Emanuel Friedman, Sigismund S. Goldwater, Philip Horowitz, Abraham Hymanson, Harry E. Isaacs, Leopold Jaches, Julius Jarcho, David J. Kaliski, Samuel J. Kopetzky, J. Leon Lascoff, Emanuel Libman, William Linder, Herman Lorber, Leon Louria, Nathan Ratnoff, David Riesman, Abraham J. Rongy, Simon Rothenberg, Kay I. Sanes, Samuel J. Scadron, Israel Strauss, I. S. Tunick, Israel S. Wechsler, AMERICAN PRO-FALASHA COMMITTEE Org. Aug. 1922. OFFICE: 312 W. 89th, New York City PURPOSE: The educational and religious rehabilitation of the Falasha Jews of Abyssinia. OFFICERS: Chairman, Ephraim Frisch; Treas., Elias L. Solomon; Sec, J. Max Weis, all of New York City. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: S. Bendheim, N. Y. C; Meyer Berlin, N. Y. C; Edward N. Calisch, Richmond, Va.; Samuel S. Cohon, Chicago, 111.; Bernard M. Drachman, N. Y. C; Max Drob, N. Y. C; Harry W. Ettelson, Philadelphia, Pa.; Jacques Faitlovitch; Abraham J. Feldman, Philadelphia, Pa.; Solomon Foster, Newark, N. J.; Samuel Friedman, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Ephraim Frisch, N. Y. C; Samuel H. Goldenson, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Israel Goldstein, N. Y. C; Sidney E. Goldstein, N. Y. C; Richard Gottheil, N. Y. C; Rudolph Grossman, N. Y. C.; M. H. Harris, N. Y. C; James Heller, Cincinnati, O.; Maximilian Heller, New Orleans, La.; Mordecai M. Kaplan, N. Y. C; Max D. Klein, Philadelphia, Pa.; Geo. A. Kohut, N. Y. C; Nathan Krass, N.Y.C.; Jacob Z.Lauterbach, Cincinnati, O.; Arthur Lamport, N. Y. C; David Lefkowitz, Dallas, Tex.; Samuel J. Levinson, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Alexander Marx, N. Y. C; Martin A. Meyer, San Francisco, Cal.; Joseph Rauch, Louisville, Ky.; Irving F. Reichert, Jamaica, L. I.; Wm. Rosenau, Baltimore, Md.; A. E. Rothstein, N. Y. C; Norman Salit, N. Y. C; Harry Schneiderman, N. Y. C; Elias L. Solomon, N. Y. C; Nathan Stern, N. Y. C; Mrs. Harry Sternberger, N. Y. C.; A. B. Tintner, N. Y. C.; J. Max Weis, N. Y. C; Peter Wiernik, N. Y. C; Mrs. A. Joseph Wiesenfeld, Baltimore, Md.; Louis Wolsey, Cleveland, O. ADVISORY COUNCIL: David M. Bressler, N. Y. C; Edward Cahn, N. Y. C; Rudolph I. Coffee, Oakland, Cal.; Elijah Finkelstein, Brook- lyn, N. Y.; Lee K. Frankel, N. Y. C; Mrs. Sallie Glauber, N. Y. C; Leo Jung, N. Y. C; Max Klee, Chicago, 111.; Jacob Kohn, N. Y. C; Alma L. Lissberger, N. Y. C; Solomon Lowenstein, N. Y. C; Geo. Mord, Staten Island, N. Y. 260 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK BARON DE HIRSCH FUND Org. Feb. 9,1891, inc. 1891/ OFFICE: 233 Broadway, New York City Thirty-second Annual Meeting, Jan. 21, 1923, New York City. PURPOSE: TO Americanize and assimilate the immigrants with the masses and teach them to become good and self-supporting citizens, and to prevent by all proper means their congregating in large cities. The activities of the Fund fall under the following heads: I. Agriculture; subsidizing Jewish Agricultural Society and the National Farm School; granting scholarships for State agri- cultural school to young men desiring to take agriculture as their life work. II. BASON DE HIRSCH TRADE SCHOOL, 222 E. 64th, X. Y. C, offer- ing to Jewish young men free instruction in day classes in the following trades: Machinist, Plumbing, Electrical, Sign Paint- ing, Printing, Auto Mechanics, and Operating Engineering. III. WOODBINE LAND AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. IV. ENGLISH EDUCATION TO IMMIGRANTS. Day and evening classes.
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