IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING , VOL. 15, JUNE 2017 1 Modeling the Propagation of Trojan Malware in Online Social Networks Mohamamd Reza Faghani, Member, IEEE, and Uyen Trang Nguyen, Member, IEEE, Abstract—The popularity and widespread usage of online A. Overview of OSN Malware social networks (OSN) have attracted cyber criminals who have There are two major types of malware that target online used OSNs as a platform to spread malware. Among different types of malware in OSNs, Trojan is the most popular type with social network users: : cross-site scripting worm and Trojan: hundreds of attacks on OSN users in the past few years. Trojans • Cross-site scripting (XSS) worms: These are passive infecting a user’s computer have the ability to steal confidential malware that exploits vulnerabilities in web applications information, install ransomware and infect other computers in to propagate themselves without any user intervention. the network. Therefore, it is important to understand propagation dynamics of Trojans in OSNs in order to detect, contain and • Trojans: A Trojan is a type of malware that is often dis- remove them as early as possible. In this article, we present guised as legitimate software. Users are typically tricked an analytical model to study propagation characteristics of by some form of social engineering into opening them Trojans and factors that impact their propagation in an online (and thus loading and executing Trojans on their systems). social network. The proposed model assumes all the topological Trojans are the most common method used to launch characteristics of real online social networks. Moreover, the model takes into account attacking trends of modern Trojans, attacks against OSNs users, who are tricked into visiting the role of anti-virus (AV) products, and security practices of malicious websites and subsequently downloading mal- OSN users and AV software providers. By taking into account ware disguised as legitimate software (e.g., Adobe Flash these factors, the proposed model can accurately and realistically player). There are many variants of Trojans operating in estimate the infection rate caused by a Trojan malware in an OSN OSNs, including clickjacking worms [6] and extension- as well as the recovery rate of the user population. based malware [7]. Index Terms—online social networks, malware, worms, Trojan, Compared with XSS worm, Trojan is the more popular type propagation, modeling, simulation, undirected graphs, anti-virus, disinfection of malware targeting OSN users. Over the past few years, Facebook users have experienced hundreds of separate Trojan malware attacks [8]–[10]. For instance, the first variant of I. INTRODUCTION an OSN Trojan browser extension called Kilim appeared in LINE social networking are amongst the most popular November 2014 [8]. From November 2014 to November 2016, O services offered through the World Wide Web. Online almost 600 variants of Kilim were discovered [11]. In most social networks (OSNs) such as Facebook, Twitter and MyS- cases, a Trojan disguises itself as a legitimate software. For pace have provided hundreds of millions of people with a instance in two major Trojan attacks on Facebook, the Trojan means to connect and communicate with their friends, families posed itself as an Adobe Flash player update [9], [10]. In a and colleagues around the world. For instance, Facebook is the more recent attack discovered in 2015 [9], a message enticed second most visited website in the world according to a recent the victims to click on a link that redirected them to a third- ranking by Alexa [1], only after Google. party website unaffiliated with Facebook where they were arXiv:1708.00969v1 [cs.CR] 3 Aug 2017 The popularity and wide spread usage of OSNs have prompted to download what was claimed to be an update of attracted hackers and cyber criminals to use OSNs as an the Adobe Flash player. If they downloaded and executed the attack platform to spread malware [2], [3]. A successful file, they would infect their computers with a Trojan malware. attack using malware in an OSN can lead to tens of millions Trojans installed on a user’s computer have the ability of OSN accounts being compromised and users’ computers to access contents on the compromised system, including being infected. Cyber criminals can mount massive denial of social network contents, credit card information, and login service attacks against Internet infrastructures or systems using credentials. It can even spread itself further by infecting other compromised accounts and computers. They can steal users’ systems on the same network. Such Trojans have the ability to sensitive information for fraudulent activities. Compromised form a botnet to open up channels for attackers to send further OSN accounts can also be used to spread misinformation to payloads such as ransomware. Such a Trojan is a variant bias public opinions [4], or even to influence automatic trading of Locky ransomware discovered in November 2016 [12], algorithms that rely on public opinions [5]. (Automatic trading which was delivered via JPEG and SVG files via Facebook algorithms place buy/sell stock orders on behalf of human Messenger. investors.) B. Motivations The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Com- puter Science, York University, Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3, Canada, Email: Given the popularity of and potential damages inflicted ffaghani,[email protected]. by Trojans, it is important to understand their propagation IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING , VOL. 15, JUNE 2017 2 dynamics in OSNs in order to detect, contain and remove them the propagation of recent Trojans is their ability to prevent as early as possible. Therefore, our objective is to model and users from accessing websites of AV vendors so that the users study the propagation of Trojans in social networks such as cannot download updates/patches. There have been several Facebook, LinkedIn and Orkut. (These networks can be repre- instances of such malware [7], [9], [10], [30]–[32] including sented by undirected graphs, in which each vertex represents a those targeting Facebook users such as Magnet [9], Koobface user, and each edge represents the mutual relationship between [10], and extension-based malware [7]. In response to this the two users denoted by the two end vertices.) new ability of Trojans, infected users have reached out to The topic of Trojan propagation in OSNs has only been their OSN friends, asking for clean-up solutions to remove studied recently. Most of these studies are based on simulations the malware from their systems, as in the case of a large-scale [3], [13]–[15]. Thomas et al. [10] traced the activities of attack on Facebook caused by a malware named Magnet [9]. Koobface, a Trojan that targeted OSN users, for one month All the above factors have an impact on propagation dynamics to study its propagation characteristics. of Trojans in OSNs; however, none of previous works on There exist few works on the topic of modeling propagations modeling worms/malware in OSNs considered these factors. of malware in OSNs. Faghani and his collaborators [16], [17] modeled the propagation of XSS worms in OSNs. Sanzgiri C. Contributions et al. [18] modeled the propagation of Trojans in the social network Twitter where most relationships are one-directional Having identified gaps in existing research, we propose an (follower-followee), unlike mutual relationships in Facebook analytical model that or LinkedIn networks. • considers characteristics of modern Trojans (e.g, mal- There exist works that model propagations of worms and ware blocking users’ access to AV provider websites), malware (not necessarily Trojans) in other types of networks security practices (e.g., users installing AV products on such as people, email and cellular phones. Many of these their computers, AV manufacturers gradually releasing models [19]–[22] assumed that each user is directly connected updates/patches against a newly propagating malware), to every other user in the same network (also known as and user behaviour (e.g., seeking assistance from OSN “homogeneous mixing”). This assumption does not hold true friends to clean up infected computers). None of previous for a real-world OSN such as Facebook where each user works on modeling worms/malware in OSNs considered is directly connected to only his/her friends. As a result, the above factors. the “homogeneous mixing” assumption may lead to an over- • assumes the topological characteristics of real-world so- estimation of the infection rate in a real OSN [23], [24]. Cheng cial networks, namely, low average shortest distance, et al. [25] proposed a propagation model for malware that power-law distribution of node degrees and high clus- targets multimedia messaging service (MMS) and bluetooth tering coefficient [33]–[35]. In this article, we consider devices. Chen and Ji [26] and Chen et al. [27] modeled the OSNs that are represented by undirected graphs such spreading of scanning worms1 in computer networks. Zou et as Facebook, Linked and Orkut. To the best of our al. [24] and Komnios et al. [28] studied the propagation of knowledge, our work is the first that models Trojan email worms. Wen et al. [23] also modeled the propagation propagation in such networks. (In the future we will of malware in email networks and in semi-directed networks extend the model to OSNs represented by directed graphs represented by mixed graphs (i.e., a subset of edges are such as Twitter.) directed while the others are undirected). • is validated using a real-world social network graph, Besides the network topology, there are several other factors a Facebook sub-graph constructed by McAuley and that affect the propagation of Trojans in social networks. Leskovec [36] that possess all the characteristics of online For example, anti-virus (AV) products play an important role social networks as mentioned above. In all experiments in protecting users against malware and thus slowing down we studied, numerical results obtained from the model their propagation.
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