*pp '.!".!..I. , -. L.-I.IM. I'M I, ,Jlj lli,J,/Wfyi)t.j,l,IIIMJpj | Jill pill i ppyy.,^,. •H.w.m^ .».|. .j-y.jw.wju ju rwm.< See CI for Westland Sports Hometown : lOMMI'MCAIIDMt Ntt tXfytj<" '•'. ' ' / ' .'••'; *-*•!]-" Putting you in touoti Thursday wMyourwofW^ D*c*mb«r 3,1998 Serving the Westland Community for 34 years 0 '•.>-.• r* • VOLUME 34 NUMBER 52 WtSTtAND. MICHIGAN • 64 PAGES • http;//observer eccentric.com StvEN^-FiVt CtNTS 6 l*M H«MT«WI C<NUBUDic«UoBi Network, Inc. [ Labor of love Letters to Santa Attention, girls and boys! Christmas is almost here and you Know what that means. Santa Claus Is up at the North Pol* waiting for letters and double checking his Jist to find who's been naughty or nice. The Westland Observer 1$ ashing children to send us their letters to Santa Clays, alw^g with their school :: picture. Tfce d—din to Pec. 11. Th* totter* and photot wW l*f printed Jri tte Dec. 44{ft fesue, having forwarded the • |-letters t6 Santa In plenty of t(me.: • • •"• | Childreh of all ages are encouraged • to send their letters to: Letters to Santa " m Bell-ringing for The Sal^ ••;.[•' W«stl«n<l Observer vation Army take^eojple,:^ •','.';•'• 36251 Schoolcraft plenty of people. The Salva^ Uvonfa, Mi 481&1 tion Army is haying tf oubj^ finding enough, people to." staff the kettles. BYDARRELLCLEM ?i* IN THE PAPER STAFF WRITER ->; : [email protected] : -•*•> • ', .-'''.' * •? . Facing a possible shortfall in holiday fund raising, The Salvation Army;iri TODAY Westland is seeking bellrririgers to coif lect donations in its familiar red ket­ tles. "I really need some people," Lt. COMMUNITY LIFE Charles Yockey of The. Salvation Army Wayne-Westland Community Center STAFF PHOTOS BY TOX Hmsr said Monday. A little bit: ft was meant The local organization launched its as something for Richard A time to listen: John Glenn High School English teacher Kristie Carr listens to her students holiday fund-raising effort Friday with only 10 bell-ringers a day, little more Shebibtodo when he read their creative writing papers. than half the 18 people it needs, he retires, but hisPdscha said. - Books and Gifts is serving The Salvation Army will pay $6.50 an hour, Yockey said. Bell-ringers must another purpose -bring­ be at least 18 years old and have a ing a little bit of Eastern New teachers are a class act photo identification and a Social Secu­ Orthodoxy to the pub- rity card, he said. Call (734) 722-3660. lic./Bl The bell-ringer shortage is fueling BY BETH SUNDRLA JACHMAN new teachers have been hired in the Chal­ concerns as the Westland-based center STAFF WRITER John Glenn English department. struggles to meet its 1998 goal of bjachmao9oe.hondecomm.net There are highlights every day, lenge: $110,000. The money pays for pror AT HOME eaching can? be a interesting job Carr said, Sometimes it's a student English grams to help the community's less for­ ~ and that's especially true understanding something that he or teacher tunate, including one Westland family Twhen you're a new teacher. she didn't Uhderatahd the day before; Carolyn that didn't evem have clothes following Where the heart Is: f/om^ "Every day is. different. Each.day Caroli^:Bacbn^a^l995;^duate of Bacon a house fire earlier this year. entertainingisju$tih£ has it# ups and downs," said Kristie the University of Michigan, is, also The holiday fund-raising goal -JB6W .to; ..thedistrict; \. • • • : ^ ^ •reads to accounts for about 2Q percent of The lf0sed$ori^/pB -?VJ:&. Carr, a new. JSngU&h teacher at Joha; : her Glenn High School;; ; ;,? :: ; *? >, - :.: *I did not ;knSow very rnucn abbuti Salvation Army's total budget. She is one of many ney/ teachers in the district^ she said, adding it has mythol­ "It's a 20 percent that we really need Wayne^Westland. The district is * 'erlia "really-goodexperience." ogy stu­ to have," Yockey said. "It helps fund ENTERTAINMENT teeming with new teachers this "I have gotten really positive feed- dents. this office throughout the year." school year with 93 new hires. Five Although bell-ringers have been post- Please see TEACHERS, A3 Nbel: "Noel tyght," Dec. 5 Please see HELPERS, A2 in Detroit's Cultural Cen­ ter; offers holiday fun for everyone, /El Message on drunken driving hits home Theater: Talented cast BY DARRELL CLEM On the hood of another car, a single sentation showing what can happen this week, and the tab was paid by STAFF WRITER shoe served as a grim reminder of a when teenagers drink and drive. Central Distributors, local Anheuser steps up to the challenge [email protected] teenager who didn't wear a seat belt "This is really heavy stuff," she told Busch wholesaler for western Wayne of % Chorus Line," on Staring soberly at the mutilated bod­ and was thrown from a back seat them. "But I want you to be on the out­ County. stage now at the Theatre ies of teenagers and the mangled cars through a windshield. side looking in, instead of on the Lutheran students seemed impressed they died in, Lutheran High School Inside these cars, students saw inside." by Babb, who tried to educate them Guild ofLivonia-Redford Westland students sat in silence. empty beer bottles and cans, tree Babb brought her "Make The Right with stories of victims who died or suf­ playhouse in Redford,/fL3 Inside one car, a teenage boy who limbs, twisted metal, blood and more Call" program to Lutheran High on fered lifelong injuries. chose to drink alcohol and drive could blood - the remains of death. Tuesday, continuing her nationwide been seen slumped over a steering As 310 students watched, former crusade to help teenagers make life- Thoughtful words wheel -his chest crushed during a hor­ helicopter flight nurse Barbara Babb saving decisions not to drive if they "I think it helps us to understand REAL ESTATE guided them through a grisly slide pre­ drink. She visited several local schools rific death. Please see MESSAGE, A3 Busman's holiday: What do people who sell houses for a living demand in Foundation to offer lots of yuletide fun Dec. 10 their own homes?-/fl Westland residents and the business dren to be helped by The Salvation P.D. Graham, Hayes and Johnson. • Sponsored two Westland students community are invited to attend the Army. Canned or boxed food also may In turn, the foundation will donate to attend the Blue Lake Music Camp. INDEX Westland Community Foundation's be brought for the Army's food pantry. its holiday card budget to charities des­ • Gave $5,000 to the Westland holiday event featuring Victorian Car­ Those planning to attend are asked ignated by the children. YMCA summer camp program. olers, scheduled for 6:30-9 p.m. Thurs­ tQ call ,(734) 595-7727. The Westland Community Founda­ • Donated $15,000 to The Salvation • Obituaries A4 day, Dec. 10, at the Hellenic Cultural The foundation also is getting help tion in 1998 has: Army for summer camp programs. • CJRifled Index _ F3 Center on Joy Road. this season from youngsters who creat­ • Hosted its fourth Christmas in • Donated $5,000 to John Glenn High School's instrumental music pro­ RealEstate F3 The carolers will provide holiday ed their own holiday cards for the foun­ July event and raised more than music, and refreshments and hors dation's annual card mailing. Children $27,000 to help The Salvation Army. gram for band uniform replacement. _ Crossword . F9 d'oeuvres will be served. Admission is from the following elernentaries helped: • Donated $12,000 in scholarships to ^ Jobs Fll donation of an unwrapped toy for chil­ Patchin, Edison, Cooper/Nankin Mills, 14 Westland students. Please see FOUNDATION, A2 Home & Service 06 Automotive G7 • Opinion • A12-13 • Calendar f . B4 Glenn students • Sports \ CI • Real Estate Fl HOW TO REACH US pennies Newsroom: 734-953-2104 from heaven' ^6^.^0001^:734-691-7279 BY DARRELL CLEM Email: STAFF WRITER fa^rmwrt#oe.hornecomrn.net dclem9oe.homecomrn.net Nightline/Sports: 734-9 83-2104 By placing plastic rnilk jugs in their classrooms, John Reader Comment tine: 734-953*2042 Glenn High School students have raised $2,294 for two Clesslfied A 0vertlsing: 734-591-0900 charities. Sponsored by Glenn's student council, the "Jar Wars" pro­ Display Advertising: 734-591-2300 ject raised money by urging students to place their pennies Home Delivery: 734-591-0500 in milk jugs during their sixth-hour classes. "Somo people were putting in $20 bills," Steven Tamaroglio, a sophomore CIBBS student council representa­ tive and Jar Ware co-chair, said, "It's amazing the heart STATF Pfioro BY TOM tlmm these people have." Students raised the monoy on Nov. 16-17 to help The Sal­ Team effort: Maria Baldysz (left to right), Steven Ta?naroglio, and Brian DcGior- vation Army in Westland and the Wayno Civitans. The gio, lOth-graders at John Glenn High School, are the chairs of the Jar Wars effort. They are shown with some of the money collected. Plenso see PENNIES, A2 ;.r. **W) ThtObmrvr * Bctmn^rid THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3,1998 •WW*** SJELTESHI Home intruder "I've lived there tor 20 years Ctr break-in hunting bows valued at $2,000. and I didn't lock anything,'' he Also misaing were $700 in items A WettUod man who lost hun- A woman told police that bar that included hunting clothing, a. dred* of dollars to a home said, Tve learned a lot from this 1999 Volkswagen was broken one happening. Maybe I can help duffel bag, assorted tools and intruder is warning other home­ into between 6:30 p.m.
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