I tm:vrnsr,Y or- Hr-.V/r.:i L!EfU,r'::·. ersonanon House declares union organizer 'unwelcome' By Mar-Vic C. Munar the Hawaii Local 5 union." ter facilitating Friday's elections Variety News Staff The label 'persona non grata' is at the Hyatt Hotel where the move AS THOUGH his defeat at the accorded persons, normally dip­ to fonn a union was narrowly Hyatt Hotel last Friday was not lomats, who are unacceptable or defeated. enough, union leader Elwood Mott un~elcome to the community. Variety's effort to reach Mott Jr. received another blow yester­ The repudiation of Mott yester­ via long-distance to Hawaii failed. day. The House. of Representa­ day is by far the strongest mes­ It was a Sunday midnight in Ha­ tives unanimously approved a sage the House has sent against waii at press time and his office resolution declaring him 'persona unionism in the NMI. was presumably closed. non grata' in the Commonwealth. Mott is the research coordina­ The House resolution stated House Resolution 9-141, torof the Hawaii-basedHotel Em­ the following allegations against authored by Rep. Stanley Torres ployes and Restaurant Employ­ the union leader: and 13 others, states that Mott "is ees Local 5 , the group that ini­ • Mott waited to come to the initiating and organizing unions tiates the formation of unions in Commonwealth until the hotel for his own personal benefit and local hotels. industry on Saipan was large Elwood Mott Jr. profit, being a paid employee.of Mott left the island Sunday af- enough for the union to be profit­ Stanley Torres ably organized here; •He misrepresented to nonresi­ • He showed no concern for any dent employees ability of unions Commonwealth employees when to ensure their contract renewal. the hotel industry was in its in­ The formation of union is the fancy and later growing stages; CNMI, the legislators said, "pro­ and Continued on page 8 Palacios eyeingjob as deputy DLI secretary ey·Rafael H;.Arroyo Variety News Staff REPRESENTATIVE: Herman T. Palacios yesterday disclosed he is eyeing a job in the Tenorio· Administration at the end of his. current term as member of th~ House Qf Representatives: In an interview, the outgoing Iawmakeradmittedhehadlately been discussing employment prospects with Gov. Froilan C. Tenorioandthathewouldgladly OFF THE WALL. Rep. Heinz S. Hofschneider (left) and House Legal Coifnsel Maya Kara get ~(!IP _from accept the position of deputy corridor wall as they draft language to amend a bill seeking lower reconnection fees charged by utility firms. secretary of Labor and Immi­ The measure passed the House during a session yesterday. gration if it was offered by the chief executive. Herman T. Palacios ''The governor said in the men, Vicente T. Attao, Ramon Japanese warplane found newspaper that we have never Dela Cruz and Alvaro Santos. · discussed anything. That's true, Attao is being touted as the By Rick Alberto covered the plane's remnants in CNMI waters, it was disclosed. we. only had an opportunity to governor's next special assis­ Variety News Staff Lands and Natural Resources while scouring the sea during a ·get together last week," said tant for administration while TIIE WRECKAGE of a single­ Secretary Benigno M. Sablan told clearing operation for the govern­ Palacios. dela Cruz will be given a job at engine Japanese World War II a Coastal Resources Management ment. Samsung company had "That's when I asked him if the Office of Management and fighter aircraft has been found board meeting last week that the been contracted to do the clearing there's a position open for me Budget plane, discovered accidentally by work, and it was stipulated in the and he said 'yes,' so I asked him Tenorio in an interview weeks a diver sometime last year, was contract that any finding with a about the position ofdeputy sec­ back said he has yet to make up found intact ~ut in an upside down value should be reported to au­ retary and he said, 'okay.' · his mind on what position will position. thorities. Weather "The rest you would have to be offered to Santos. The finder, a certain Daniel According to Guerrero, Collins ask the governor," Palacios told failed to do this. As for Palacios, Tenorio ear­ Collins, reportedly had demanded this reporter. · liersaidhe didn'tthinkPalacios OuUook compensation and unless assured But Sablan said Collins could Palacios, a two-term Demo­ will be interested in a govern­ .;:::.: of it, would not divulge the exact be given a finder's fee. cratic congressman, failed in his "If the board wants," he said, ment job as be has a thriving location of the aircraft's remains. bid for a third term last Novem­ fishing business. Joe Guerrero, officerof the His­ "we can negotiate (with Collins)." ber. Five other House Demo­ He admitted, though, that The governor, however, in­ toric Preservation Office and crats will not ~ returning to dicated he . is willing to hire member of the CRM board, said Collins was obligf!ted to report office when the Tenth Legisla­ his finding when he was working Palacios if the latter so desires. the wreckage is within the ture begins its tenn ne~t month. · According to Palacios, be bas Tanapag Harbor. for Samsung. Collins is no longer With a full month before the r connected with the Korean com­ since asked the governor if be Guerrero is personally not in­ Democratic House members pany. was willing to take him in after clined to compensate Collins sinr.e e.xit, Tenorio had already dis­ his House tenn. Partly cloudy with he said the finding belongs to the Guerrero requested this reporter Isolated showers closed he will be taking in at He added that it appears the public. to hold the publication of this least three outgoing congress- He said Collins accidentally dis- Continued on page 16 Continued on 8 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-TUESDAY- DECEMBER 19, 1995 Roh corruption trial begins us shutdown ~ea~heSVARffiTYNEWSANDVIBWS~ reimbursement of their expenses By PAUL SHIN checked !Jy metal detectors. key posts, including the finance exchange for helping businessmen Interior, Parks Services closes temporarily SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - Roh, president from 1988-93, and home ministers. In South win government projects. because even the automated sys­ Disgraced fonner President Roh faces charges of taking bribes to Korea, Cabinet shakeups are of­ Chun, president from 1980-88, By Mar-Vic C. Munar federal-local government rela­ said. tems were not working. Tae-woo arrived at the Seoul build a dlrs 650 million slush fund. ten used to divert attention from continued ahunger strike for the 15th Variety News Staff tions or federal services to the It was the second federal shut­ Schorr said, however, the Criminal Court Monday for trial If convicted, he can be sentenced major political scandals or infra­ day Sunday, protesting what he per­ SOME federal agencies in the CNMI." down in a month as White House current budget crisis in Wash­ on corruption charges, the first to 10 years to life in prison. structure disasters. ceives as political retaliation. He has CNMI will temporarily cease He said the Department oflnte­ and the Republicans in the Con­ ington would not affect the ex-leader to face punishment for' Roh's immediate predecessor, Kim's governing party, which refused to take anything other lhan functioning once again because rior and its subagency, the Na­ gress failed anew on Sunday to existing Covenant funding for wrongdoing in office. Chun Doo-hwan, is also in jail for suffered a major setback in June water since he was rurested on Dec. 3. of the partial shutdown triggered tional Parks Service, "is closed reach a compromise on the three­ programs that are already in The 63-year-old former army masterminding a 1979 coup. The local elections, is trying to re­ The 64-year-old Chun is report­ by another budget impasse in because there is no interior bud­ week-old balanced-budget nego­ place. general, Wearing white padded prosecution has until Friday to cover in time for parliamentary edly protesting because President Washington. get bill signed." tiations. "It is the future funding that prison clothes, was escorted into indict him for military rebellion, elections in April and the presi­ Kim reversed his promise not to The federal shutdown will offi­ . Operations of some federal Schorr said the first shutdown has to be resolved," the inte­ the courthouse by guards after his which carries the death penalty. dential election in 1997. punish him for the 1979 coup. cially start today (Monday in agencies in the CNMI such as the "did not substantially affect tlie rior official said. arrival from a prison outside the The two ex-army generals are Roh will stand trial with 14 Kim said he had to change his Washington) however, according Department of Agriculture and CNMI" save a few agencies that As of Monday morning, capital aboard a bus. the first former presidents to face aides and businessmen, charged mind because of massive corrup­ to US Interior Department Field the Farmers' Home will not be needed continuing financial with­ Schorr said, "it did not look He looked grim and did not criminal charges for misdeeds in with helping him establish the tion involving the two ex-army Representative Jeff Schorr, it disrupted at all because "they have drawal. like Congress and the White respond to questions by pool re­ office. A 'third former president, slush fund. The industrialists in­ generals. "would ha\:e minimal effect on their budget bills in place," Schorr During the first shutdown, for House were close to a budget porters as he was led along a long, Choi Kyu-hah, is being asked to Roh Tae-woo volved represeat a who's who of The 1979 coup was followed instance, federal program offic­ they agree on and another con­ narrow hallway into a basement testify in connection with the 1979 South Korean business circles.
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