,w ; • • \; DkIIt Nut P fw i Rot ^ * »F TIm Week Knded The Weather , D ecem ber t , IMV Occaaional rain tonight. Tern* erat^rea In ui^>or SOb. T om or­ 15,563 row cloudy with rain likely. High In 40a. Manchenter^— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXVp, NO. 60 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, pONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1967 (Claemiled Adyeitisliig on P a ge *i) PRICE SEVEN CENTS j ’ l State n || w8 Twisters Hit Concert Leads to r/ Florida Cities \ PANAMA CITY, Fla. (AP)— TVirnadoes also hit at smell A rtew tornado watch was issued towns between Panama Olty Arrests today for the Florida Panhan­ and P ensacola 160 m iles w e s t dle, ravaged Sunday morning One twister smariied Into- the NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — by roaring twisters which lev­ Alabama * coastline, damaging A rock ’n’ roll concert wocr eled hundreds of homes, killed homes at MlfUn and raking a stopped by p<^ce, the lead sing­ two and caused more than 97 boatyard in Bon Secour, Ala., er o t the groiq>, “The doors,” million in damages. where the uninsured loss was was dragged off the atage, a few Ten Florida Panhandle cities estimated at 920,000. acuffles broke out and three per- were hit Sunday morning and ’Three-year-old Joan (Joker, aona In the Journalism field residents spent a restless night one of six children dug out o4 were arrested Saturday night. as tornado watches were posted the wreckage of their Fort Wal­ P olice said Jim M orrison, 24, and then lifted at T a.m. today. ton B each hom e, died at ElgUn of Loe Angeles, leader of the The second watch was put in ef­ Air Force Base Hospital Sunday singing group, was giving an fect at 9 a.m. ’The Weather Bu­ where her mother gave birth to reau said the threat of twisters “indecent and immoral exhibi­ her seventh child during the would last imUl 3 p.m ., EST. tion” when they stopped the storm, hospital officials said. Medical teams from Eglin Air show at the New Haven Arena. parents were identified Force Base gave free tetanus 1118 Morrison was arrested as only as M. Sgt. and V tsa. H. and typhoid immunization shots were Michael Zwerln, music Coker. Officials said the Cokers’ to residents in Fort Walton critic for the Village Voice two-stary home was leveled by Beach, a community 60 miles newspaper In New Toih; Tim the twister. Psgre, a photographer on assign­ west of here, where 220 homes suffered extensive damage. Loveta Byrd, 29, the wife of ment for Life magaslne; and M. Sgt. Jerry J. Byrd, died of a Yvonne V. Cihabrier, a research­ Water service was still lack­ er for Life. ing in many areas but electrical (See Page Twelve) In his arrest report, Lt. service was virtually restored James P. Kelly wrote that Mor- by midmorning. rlsOn and an 18-year-old coed M ore than 200 persons w ere from Southern Connecticut State injured in Florida, several criti­ College were “standing and cally, and a watchman at a kissing” In a dressing room wrecked shopping center in Fort 62 Killed prior to the show. Walton Beach was reported One Mdtness, Fred Powledge, m issing. a writer working on a rock ’n’ Most of the Injured lived in a A s Quake roll story, said Morrison began housing area at ’Tyndall Air singing a number on-stage and Force Base and at Fort Walton told the audience about a con­ Beach. Hits India frontation earlier in the dress­ One twister hit an Alabama ing roKMn. border county. BOMBAY (AP) — A vidiient “ Morrison told the audience Ofticlals estimated damages earthquake hit mountainous that he was talking to a girl in at more than $7 million. Gov. southwest India today, leveled a the dressing room when a po-, Claude Kirk asked federal h^p town at the epicenter, and left liceman came in and told the for what he termed a disaster 62 dead, more than 6(X) injured couple , to move,” Powledge area. and more than 6,000 hometess, said, “ lilorrison said he hesUat- Helmeted National Gturds- Maharashtra State- oCflcials ed and the officer sprayed mace men toting rifles i»troled the said. in his eyes.” cities and highways to prevent The town was Koynanagar, Mace is a spray used in quell­ A helicopter, painted with eyes and a mouth, is guided to a landing spot by a U.6. Marine on Operation Kentucky. (AP Photofax) lootiig, timied back sightseers 160 m iles southeast o f Bom bay ing persons who become violent. amd helped in the massive In the Ghats Mountains. The The police account, however, deamup. United News of India said 80 per said the patrolman had asked Reportedly Took Heroin Kirk toured the Bayou Wood cent of the houses and buUdingB Morrison to leave and that scuf­ section of Fort Wadton Beech In the town were destroyed. fle broke out. He said he used Sunday hours after a twister The town sits atop a 8,000-foot the mace to subdue the per­ spun off from a violent thunder­ mountain and is (he site of a form er. VC Suicide Assault Halted GOP Governors storm had smauihed 60 homes at major hydroelectric dam serv­ I Richard Loren, 26, of New 8 a.m . ing Bombay. The dam was re­ York, Morrison’s agent, asked SAIGON (AP) — Viet American was killed and 31 ed into the middle of a flreflght As the storm bounced over a ported undamaged, but power, that Morrison not be arrested so Cong troops were badly wounded in the two-hour battle between the American ground laike amd tore a five-m ile long was shut down, UacUng out' that the singer could appear for the 120-man post. troops and the Viet Cong. A heli­ Shape Platform swath it left 220 homes wrecked. B om bay. with his act. mauled in a suicide as­ Two of the attacks closer to copter pulled the airmen to Five hours later amother fun- Home Minister Y. B. Chavan' sault Sunday on a fortified WASfflNGTON (AP) — Re­ nue to influence the 1968 cam ­ Police agreed, and Morrison Saigon were apparently diver­ safety. neli ripped into a row of duplex went to the scene. AH available was permitted fo perform. U.S. tutHlery post 60 miles publican governors, so far re­ paign. sions but in the third a wave of It w as the 216th U.S. com bat homes at the housing area for state transport, buses and am­ In his report, Kelly said he north of Saigon while luctant to put themselves behind guerrillas broke the perimeter plane reported downed by ene­ Their priority target itow is a Air Force families, flattening 80 bulances with doctors dhd grabbed the microphone and any single presidential hopeful, other guerrilla units made at a U.S. 9th Infantry Division my acUon in South Vietnam. share of the leadership of the o f them amd datmiaging 24 oth­ nurses was sent from Bombay. told the audience the show was camp at Nhut Tan before being are determined to make them­ three sh^rp attacks on In the ground assault on the platform committee at the next ers, leaving one deatd, nine aaeri- The quake struck as most peo­ over. Police said they received thrown out in hand-to-hand selves a force in shaping the is­ outposts within 25 miles U.S. artillery post one Viet Cong national convention. The gover­ ously hurt and about 400 persone ple slept Bombay newspapers complaints from some in the fighting. sues on which the GOP candi­ of the capital. who got through the barbed nors’ candidate for that role is homeless. ’That tornado touched received reports that the toll s audience that they did not like date will run. The enemy death toll in major The U.S. Command reported wire and deadly crossfire Pennsylvania Gov. Raymond P, down five more times before fiz­ was 100 dead, but these w ere the language allegedly used by actions over the past week that seven Americans were Rhode Island Gov. John H. Shafer. zling out. unconfirmed. the performer. jumped into a U.S. bunker was climbed past 1,200, according to killed and 46 w ere wounded in strangled by an American ser- Chafee fixed that goal today as Senate Republican Leader Ev­ Damage warn estimated in the The report from the state gov­ Some scuffles between police U.S. and South Vietnamese cal­ the three skirmishes around Sai­ gieant. The Oonunumitsts over­ the party leadership conferred erett M. Dirksen is in line to be Fort Wadton Beach airea at ernment said moat of the cas­ and the audience broke out as culations. gon, with almost all the casual­ at a session of the Republican ualties occurred near Kbynana- the Arena was cleared. ran one bunker and destroyed the platform chairman. Chsdee, m ore tham $6 m illion by O i«doo- ties at Nhut Tan. coordinating committee. sa County Sheriff Ra^ Wilson gar, a town of 10,OQQ built fOr Photographer Page said he An eaUmated 400 Oonununieto an M60 tank. An American in the chairman of the Republican Renewed skirmishing also The governors’ three-day workers at the giant Kbyna hy­ was arrested while taking a pic­ charged out of the predawn the bunker played dead and es­ Governors Association, ac­ amd at 91.6 million to housing at was reported along the central conference in Palm Beach, Fla., droelectric dam and plant ture of an officer “roughing up darkness toward bunkers in the caped with an eye wound.
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