Fol. Il. No. 45 2 Dec . 4944 RES ItTED TO -U.S . ARMY WORLD WAR III MULHOUSE ARMY TALKS The purpose of the program is to give the soldier psychological preparation for combat, and a better realization of the import of every phase of his military training . Emphasis will be placed on combat orientation . The mental and physical conditioning of the enemy, and a proper evaluation o` the enemy's weapons and fighting qualities be itressed. A better un54erstanding of the background of the war;- and the soldier's responsibilities in the post-war world will alto by deyeloped. " BY COMMAND OF GENERAL EISENHOWER. (Extract from letter ETO. I August 1944, AG 35212 Op,S. Sub; ,Ict Combat Onef(iion Program,. [BLUEPRINT WORLD WAR !11- HAT does the German sol- dier think about the war now? Since D-Day he has really been taking it. He's groggy. He's down. But is he out? Is he ashamed of his part in the grab that Hitler tried to get /r/ away with? Is he ready to admit ,/. that crime ' doesn't pay? Is he in a state of tension: I wonder prepared to be a Dagwood the what the next war will be like?" rest of his life—instead of a An able seaman put in his two- Superman? pfennings' worth : " Well, if we Here is an exact recording of lose the war now, it will only a caual bull-session among a mean another war in from twelve group of German PW's not Jong to fifteen years." after they were captured . They An Air Force private spoke up. didn't know they were being over- " I want to fight with the Infantry heard so their talk was free and against the Italians in the next fancy. war. " " We're an eternally fighting "I hope to be at least a Major nation. " said a stoker. "Since the General by the next war, " added days of the old Teutons we've a lieutenant in the Signal Corps. been perpetually at war . Ger- The punch behind this line of many has always been at war talk was delivered by a young ever since she came into existence. Nazi, an aide de camp . "Upon The world must always be. kept my country's defeat in this war," he said grimly. "I and thousands visit a German PW camp . He like me will immediately begin talked to the prisoners there in to work for her revenge . " a quiet; green meadow beside the How does Fritz hope to get his river . asked them what they new chance to conquer the world? thought about the end of the It can't be a secret to him any war . about their future and the longer that the Allies intend to future of Germany . A stenographer annihilate the Nazi armies . that wrote do*n the conversations word they will insist on unconditional for word. surrender . ...that they will occupy These PWs Gave Up every corner of Germany . that Without a Fight the Nazi war machine will be . The prisoners in this particular completely scrapped. camp were sound in body . Our What does he think he can do artillery hadn't made them pun- to prepare for " revenge"? A Nazi chy. Our air force hadn't knocked paratrooper, one of the PW 's them silly. They had marched in whose conversation was recorded, and laid down their arms — boastfully let the cat out of the 20,000 altogether, officers and bag : "I am quite convinced that men with clean unifor'nis, smooth even if it goes worse for us than faces, full stomachs `and heavy after Versailles, we shall get the packs. Weary of the lbpelessness best of them some other way. I of the situation, their General know, how. I f they occupy us as had bowed to surrender on Allied well, we need merely infect them terms. through and through with our No attempt has been made to ideas. And that can be done. I polish up the interviews printed shall now learn English and you below. Some of the sentences may will perhaps notice that I will seem disjointed. Some of the adopt an entirely new line of words may seem out of place. action. I am no Nazi—and yet That's not important. What is I am one." important is the picture of the This Nazi was certainly cock- Nazi mind which these interviews sure. Why was he so confident? provide. What is it, this " new" line he On the surface the thoughts of talked about? What did he mean these PW's appear to be their . by the crack " I am no Nazi— own. When you read them per- and yet I am one?" haps you will be struck by the To get the answer, ARMY "sweet reasonableness" of some TALKS sent a reporter out to of the arguments they put for- 2 ARMY TALKS ward. "These guys aren't being man PW is therefore trained to unreasonable," you might say. give out a running line of Goeb- "Seems to_ me that what they're bels' fanciest propaganda booby- saying makes pretty good sense. traps — specially designed for What's all the hullabaloo about? American "suckers." We have no real quarrel with So remember, .what you are 'em. " about to read comes to you by That's just what Goebbels wants remote control. The loudspeaker you to say. `may be a harmless-looking Ger- Look closely at the picture and man PW's mouth. But the voice you'll find the cracks where the — via microphone from the Wil- pieces were put together. The helmstrasse — is Goebbels. It fellow who put them together transmits some of the cleverest was Goebbels. To give the devil lies ever dreamed. his due, he is just about the most These booby-traps have one efficient propagandist who ever definite, coldly-calculated purpose: lived. to win for Germany ~fhe war of If you had asked any of these ideas. German PW's where he got his If the Germans win that war, ideas, he would tell you they all the blood our men have spilled came out of his own head . He on tfie beaches, in the hedge- thinks he makes up his own mind rows, atop the bitterly fought — independently of what Goeb- crests, will have been useless. bels puts out at the Propaganda It's a steep price to pay for Ministry. But if you pay close Nazi sucker-bait. attention you'll see that the state- ments of these PW's` all fit to- gether neatly — too neatly. Here 's how it conies from a Notice_ , how they form a definite Sgt of German Engineers: pattern. Want to know where that pattern was designed? You get it Q. Is Germany going to win or lose the war? A . I think it will — Berlin. not win. Q. What kind of a peace German PW a Propaganda Booby-Trap do you hope for? A . As far as That still doesn 't answer the business of its being . reasonable. OK . did you ever hear a smart "Philadelphia lawyer" when he was in the groove? He could put you on the witness stand and tie you in knots before you could warm the chair. Answer yes or no! By the time he was through with you, you'd be spinning like a gyro. Alongside Goebbels a "Philadelphia lawyer " is a rank am ateuT. The Nazis think the Americans are a bunch of boobs. The Ger- 2 December. 1944 3 I am concerned I want a peace We have been promised we will where I can work and get my have new weapons to win the living by working. Q. Can Ger- war. Q. When you have beaten many live without more territory? us, what kind of peace terms will A . Perhaps, but it would be diffi- we get? A . I want a peace where- cult because we do not produce by all countries can live and work enough food. Q. Then Germany and earn their living in peace to- must have more land? A. Yes, to gether. Q. When you have won the grow wheat and corn . Q. Will it war what will happen to. the Jaws, be necessary to go to war again Democrats, etc.? A . I have no for living space? A. I have had personal enmity against the Jews. quite enough of this one. They have never done us any (Did you spot the trap? if your an- harm. I don't want to do them swer is " yes", go to the foot of the class. any harm . Q. What will you do There are two traps . Here is the inside to the people in the United States? on the less obvious one : In 1939, the . I personally have nothing year Germany teas "forced" into liar, A her fields produced enough to supply against the people of the United every man, woman and child with four States. Q. And the people in other pounds of wheat a week. Hardly a star- countries? A . I have nothing to say. vation diet .) Q. Are you a Nazi? A. All Ger- mans are Nazis. The reason why is that the Fuhrer has brought us work whereby we can earn our living. Q. Have you changed your mind about the Fuhrer? A. 1, and I believe most of the sol- diers, have the same opinion about Hitler as before the war started. Q. Is it essential :that Ger- many win the things Hitler wants? A. We must nave cOl'onies, but not land such as front' 'Denmark and Poland.
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