This electronic thesis or dissertation has been downloaded from the King’s Research Portal at https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/ Studies in representations and perceptions of the Carolingians in Italy 774-875. West, Geoffrey Valerio Buckle The copyright of this thesis rests with the author and no quotation from it or information derived from it may be published without proper acknowledgement. END USER LICENCE AGREEMENT Unless another licence is stated on the immediately following page this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ You are free to copy, distribute and transmit the work Under the following conditions: Attribution: You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Non Commercial: You may not use this work for commercial purposes. No Derivative Works - You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you receive permission from the author. Your fair dealings and other rights are in no way affected by the above. Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact [email protected] providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Download date: 10. Oct. 2021 Studies in Representations and Perceptions of the Carolingians in Italy 774-875 by Geoffrey Valerio Buckle West submitted for the degree of PhD King's College, London April 1998 B BL LO 1J 2 Abstract This thesis describes aspects of the representation and perception of the Carolingians in Italy between 774 and 875. This relates to the impact of Carolingian ideology in Italy. The thesis is composed of a series of parallel source studies. Most of the material considered was produced away from the Carolingian court and thus reveals the reaction of those in the provinces. Even when, as with capitularies, the material discussed originated at the court, the selection of which pieces to preserve is nevertheless sometimes indicative of the priorities of those involved. The thesis is composed of six chapters and a short coda. Chapter one is an introduction which deals with the histonography of the subject, outlines the aims of this study and delineates the difficulties associated with it. Chapters two and three deal with narrative sources written, respectively, within the regnum Iialiae and those written outside it in southern Italy. These two chapters consider the descriptions of the Carolingians contained in these texts in the light of the literary approaches of these works. Chapter four analyses other literary productions linked with or referring to the Carolingians in Italy, mostly poems. Chapter five discusses the numismatic evidence about Carolingian government in Italy and the coinage's capacity to carry ideological messages. Chapter six considers the evidence of Carolingian capitularies in Italy, the promulgation of these texts and their use in the peninsula. Particular attention is devoted to the methodological problems involved with using each of these types of source. Thus a partial image is developed of the ideological profile of Carolingian rule in Italy and of the reaction to it. The coda, chapter seven, describes the place of this work in the historiography and suggests further approaches. 3 CONTENTS Acknowledgements 5 Abbreviations 7 ONE Introduction 10 Defining the Field: Historiography 10 Problems, Limits, Aims 22 TWO Narrative Sources I: the Regnum Italiae 28 Historia Langobardorum Codex Gothani 29 Agnellus of Ravenna 36 Andreas of Bergamo 55 Chronicon Brixense 77 Libellus de potestate imperatoria urbe Roma 83 THREE Narrative Sources II: the South 93 Chronica Sancti Benedicti Casinensis 93 Erchempert of Montecassino 98 Vita Athanasii 110 Gesta Episcoporum Neapolitanorum 113 Concluding Comments 119 FOUR Literary Productions and the Carolingians in Italy 132 Poetry 137 Epitaphs 153 Audiences 158 FiVE Coins in Carolingian Italy 165 Introductory comments 165 Northern Italy 169 Papal Coins 173 Monograms 175 Benevento and Venice: 182 Benevento 183 Venice 192 Circulating Medium 195 Currency and the Economy 197 4 SIX Carolin2ipn CaDitutaries in Italy 211 Historiography 211 Manuscripts 214 Capitularies in Context 220 Italian Capitularies: Synoptic Comments 231 Characterizing Capitularies 233 The Purpose of the Capitularies 242 Capitularies and the Carolingians 245 SEVEN Coda 254 or instead of a conclusion Bibliography: Primary Sources 259 Bibliography: Secondary Sources 262 5 Acknowled2ements The research for this thesis was conducted in several libraries but especially in the University of London Library in Senate House, where Helen Young in the Palaeography Room was particularly helpful; in the British Libraries, old and new; in the Institute of Historical Research and in the Warburg Institute. I should like to thank my supervisor Janet Nelson, whose scholarship has been a constant inspiration. Acknowledgement pages are for those debts which can't just be indicated in footnotes. This is partly because they're not merely academic debts, but mostly because they're worth much more than just a footnote. Alan Scadding first showed me that history could be more than an exam. Guy Halsall, Barrie Singleton and Alan Thacker all provided encouragement at times when it was sorely needed. So too, very generously, did Anke Holdenried, who also demonstrated empirically that the maximum daily intake of caffeine and cigarettes is much higher than I ever imagined. Andrea Valli, Paolo Grub and Claire Pilsworth kindly provided me with items which were unavailable in English libraries. Claire also read chapters II and III. Ross Baizaretti read chapters II, Ill, W and VI. Both greatly improved the sections they read. I am very grateful to them for their efforts. My greatest creditors are Paul Kershaw and Sarah Hamilton. They both read pretty much the whole thesis, sometimes repeatedly. Long, fun, hard-fought discussions with Paul taught me an enormous amount about the subject. Knowing him has been one of the best parts of the process. Islington will never be quite the same. I owe Sarah even more. I've learnt more from her, about more things, than from anybody else. She guided me on important points of technique and so helped remove many errors. More significantly when my morale was at its lowest she guided me out of that too. I owe her a huge amount. I would have fallen by the wayside long ago without her help. 6 It's an acknowledgements cliché to end with ones family, but then most clichés are true. My parents, my sister and my grandmother have always supported me in every way, with everything from cash to cakes. When they encouraged me to start my PhD, I doubt they realised how much effort they'd have to put in. Actually, even if they had known I think they would probably still have told me to do it. Like footnotes, the text wouldn't have been finished without them and, just like footnotes, the viability of the whole thing depended on them. It may not always have seemed like it but I did notice; and I am very grateful. Possiamo smettere adesso. Abbreviations AB Annales Bertiniani, ed. G. Waitz, MGH Er Usum Scholarum, (Hannover, 1883). Archly Archly der Gesellschaftfiir ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde, (Hannover). ARF Annales Regni Francorum, eds. G. Pertz & F. Kurze, MGH Er Usum Scholarum, (Hannover, 1895). ASL Archivio Storico Lombardo, (Amsterdam). ASP... Archivio Storico per le Province... [+ name of region/city] BISI Bolletino dell'Istituto Storico Italiano, (Rome). BMZ BOhmer-Muhlbacher, Regesten, vol. ifi Die Regesten des Regnum Italiae und der Burgundischer Tell: die Karolinger im Regnum Italiae 840-887 (888), ed. H. Zielinski, (Vienna, Cologne, 1991). Calasso, MED F. Calasso, Medio Evo del Diritlo, (Milan, 1954). CB Chronicon Brixiense, ed. G. Pertz, MGH SS III, pp. 23 8-40. CDL Codice Diplomatico Longobardo, ed. L. Schiaparelli, 2 vols. (FSI 62 (1929), 63 (1933); Rome). CNI Corpus Nummorum Ilalicorum: Primo Tentativo di un Catalogo Generale delle Monete Medievali e Moderne Conlare in Italia o da Italiani in A/fri Paesi. (Milan, 1912-). CSBC Chronicon Sancti Benedicti Casinensis, ed. G. Waltz, MGH SS RL, pp. 468-82. DA Deutsches Archivfiir Erforschung des Mute/alter, (Cologne). DBI Dizionarlo Biografico degli Italiani, multiple vols., (Rome, 1960-). Einhard, VAM Einhard, Vita Karoli Magni, ed. 0. Holder-Egger, MGH Er Usum Scholarum, (Hannover, Leipzig, 1911).. FS Fruhmittelalterliche Studien. (Jahrbuch des Instituts thr Fruhmittelalterlicherforschung des Universität MUnster; Berlin, New York). 8 FSI Fonti per la Storia d'Italia (published by Istituto Italiano per il Medio Evo; Rome). GEA Johannes Diaconus, Gesta Episcoporum Neapolitanorum, ed. 0. Waltz, MGHSSRL, pp. 402-36. Giierson & P. Grierson & M. Blackburn, Medieval European Coinage, vol. I, Blackburn, MEC The Early Middle Ages, (Cambridge, 1986). HLCG Historia Langobardorwn Codicis Gothani, ed. G. Waitz, MGH SS RL, pp. 7-11. IMU Italia Medievale e Umanistica, (Padova). KG Karl der Grosse. Lebenswerk undNachleben, ed. W. Braunfels & H. Beumann, 5 vols. (Dusseldorf; 1966). LOwe, DG Wattenbach Levison, ed. H. LOwe, Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen, 4 vols., (Weimar, 1952-63). LP Liber Ponhficalis, ed. L. Duchesne, 3 vols., (Paris, 1886-92). MGH Monumenta Germaniae Historica. MG!! Cap ibid Capitularia Regum Francorum, torn. I ed. A. Boretius, (Hannover, 1883); tom. II eds. A. Boretius & V. Krause, (Hannover, 1897). MGH DK MGH Diplomata Karolinorum I: Pippini, Carlomanni, Carolomagni Dzplon,ata, ed. E. MUhlbacher, (Hannover, 1906). DLo MGH Diplomata Karolinorum III: Die Urkunden Lothars I und Lothars II, ed. T. Schieffer, (Berlin, 1966). DLII Ludovici llDiplomata, ed. K. Wanner, FSlAntiquitares 3 (Rome, 1994). MGHEp ibid. Epistolae KaroliniAevi, t.IJ ed. E. Duemmier, (Berlin, 1895); vol.IV (Berlin, 1925); Epistolarum VII Epistolae KaroliniAevi vol. V (Berlin, 1928). MGHPLAC ibid. Poetae LatiniAevi Carolini, vol. I ed. E. Duemmier, (Berlin, 1881); vol.
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