Abendanon, Eduard 102-3, 112-4, 116-8, 123, 126, 158, 327

Abendanon, Eduard 102-3, 112-4, 116-8, 123, 126, 158, 327

Index Abendanon, Eduard 102-3, 112-4, 116-8, ‒ ruler list 168, 316 123, 126, 158, 327 Alitta lake 100, 102, 115-7, 119, 128, 198 Abidin, Zainal 67, 74, 80, 229 ‒ estimate of former size 116-7 agricultural land, control of 27, 36, 157, Allangkanangngé ri La Tanété, Cina 214, 225, 227, 233 palace site 206 agriculture 33, 35, 55, 91, 126, 158, 201 Amparita, Sidénréng tributary 79, 255- see also rice, and wet-rice agriculture 6, 259 ‒ and trade 124, 202-3, 213, 223, 227, 231 Anaqbanua, Wajoq tributary 229 ‒ dry-rice 136, 221 Andaya, Barbara 32 ‒ expansion of 35-6, 157, 213-4, 225-7, Andaya, Leonard 31, 242 252 Anderson, Benedict R.O’G. 251-2 ‒ garden cultivation 22-3, 25, 136, 217, Andi Ijo karaeng Lalolang, last ruler of 219, 221 Gowa 56 ‒ gardens 176, 191 Andi Makkaraka, a palontaraq 67, 77 ‒ swidden 35, 65, 202-3, 252 Andi Makkulau, first bupati of Pinrang Ajattappareng genealogies 4, 159, 167- 187, 190 73, 175, 180, 194, 199, 207, 215, 227, Andi Rukiah, last aqdatuang of Sawitto 239, 246 190 Alakkuang, domain land of Sidénréng Ara, Makasar land 34 176-7, 255-6, 259 Aratang, Sidénréng domain land 177, Alitta 1, 6, 23-4, 26, 78-9, 87, 100, 102-3, 255-6, 259 115-7, 119, 121-4, 127-8, 135, 137, 139, archaeological surveys 10, 12-3, 33-4, 144, 146, 166-7, 172, 198, 203, 213, 215, 168, 213 see also under individual 225, 227, 240, 258, 297, 318 toponyms listed in index ‒ archaeological survey 10, 128, 210-1 ‒ data from 265-309 ‒ as collector and distributor of goods ‒ site maps 291-304 128, 225 Aroangngé, Mt. 215 ‒ ceramic data and finds 210-1, 225, Arsip Nasional Indonesia, Makassar 232-3, 265, 275-6, 286, 288-9, 305 branch of 5-6, 59 ‒ control over lower course of Saddang- ‒ microfilm manuscript collection of 6-7 Tiroang 128, 225 ascriptive status 23, 63, 163, 251 see also ‒ defeat of by Gowa 228, 242, 245 white-blood and ranking system ‒ earthenware production 128, 203 Ashmolean Museum 35 ‒ genealogical data 63, 168 Atappang, Népo domain land 219, 258, ‒ oral tradition from 166-7, 175, 198 263 STEPHEN C. DRUCE - 9789004253827 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 09:33:10PM via free access 358 Index attoriolong Suppaq and Sawitto (aSS) ‒ ceramic finds 10, 212, 223 81-7, 89-90, 192, 242-5, 311-3 Baraqmamasé, Sidénréng tributary 147, ‒ confusion of order in 82, 85 152, 156, 224, 255-6, 259 ‒ formulaic expression in 81-2 ‒ ceramic finds 147, 221 ‒ oral features of 81 Barelaié, on Rappang ruler list 316 attoriolong texts 39, 41, 65-8, 70, 72, 74, Baringeng, Soppéng tributary 29 81, 86 ‒ tributary and domain list 29 ‒ explanation of 39, 65-6 Baroko, in kabupaten Enrekang 234-6, Aubert, T.H., sketch map by 103-5, 320 316-7 Austronesian Barombong, in kabupaten Pinrang 114 ‒ and founder rank enhancement 179 Barru, Bugis kingdom 103 ‒ and founder-focused ideology 179 Barru, kabupaten 16-7, 24, 37, 139-40, 144 ‒ ideas of origin and precedence 159-60 Baru-baru, member of Cempa confed- ‒ themes in South Sulawesi 154, 179 eration 195, 197 Austronesian language family 17 ‒ ceramic finds 197-8, 210 ‒ Malayo-Polynesian branch of 17 ‒ oral tradition 197 Barukku, Sidénréng tributary 139, 141, Bacukiki, Suppaq domain land 51, 168- 144, 156, 221, 224, 255-6, 259 9, 174, 180, 199, 207, 214-7, 237, 239-40, ‒ oral tradition 149 257, 262 Batara Gowa, late fifteenth century ‒ archaeological survey 215 Gowa ruler 56, 63 ‒ ceramic finds 214-5, 217 Batara Mallong, ruler of Sangallaq in ‒ importance of in Ajattappareng genea- Sawitto origin tradition 190 logies 215 Batara Tungké, figure in Sawitto origin ‒ oral tradition 217 tradition 191 ‒ tomanurung of 168, 172, 174 Batu Lappaq, Massenrempulu polity 24, badiq, as grave goods 146, 149 87, 190, 232 badong dance 188 Bawakaraeng, Mt. 15 Baebunta, Lemolang kingdom 23 Bay of Suppa 102-3, 131, 217 Bakka, Maiwa domain land 222, 256, beads, archaeological finds of 33 260 Bélawa / Béla-bélawa, Suppaq domain Balai Arkeologi Makassar 9, 10, 12-3, land 103, 117, 119, 124, 205-6, 257, 210, 215 262, 293 Balainipa, Mandar kingdom 56, 181-2, ‒ archaeological survey 206 195 ‒ ceramic data and finds 206, 232, 272, Balusu, Bugis kingdom 51, 75, 311 285, 288, 290 ‒ oral genealogy 50-1, 235 Bélawa, Sidénréng ally or tributary 223- ‒ palm-leaf lontaraq from 38, 58 4, 229-30 Bamda Sea 94 ‒ defeat of by Wajoq 230 bananas 120, 202 ‒ origin tradition 223 Banggae, Mandar kingdom 195 Bellwood, Peter 159, 179 Bangkalaq, Makasar kingdom 44, 63, 72 Bélokka, Sidénréng tributary 99, 133-4, Bantaeng, kabupaten 15-7 190-1, 193, 212, 255-6, 259, 301 Bantaeng, Makasar kingdom 33, 63, 70, ‒ archaeological survey 211-2, 266, 307 72, 179, 234-6, 316-7 ‒ ceramic data and finds 206, 211-2, Baranti, Rappang domain land 10, 258, 220, 281-2, 286, 289-90, 307 264 ‒ earthenware production in 203 STEPHEN C. DRUCE - 9789004253827 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 09:33:10PM via free access Index 359 Benteng, in kabupaten Pinrang 113-5, 187, 191-3, 196, 227, 231, 244, 246, 249, 118-9, 121-2 252, 312-3 Bénténg, Rappang palace centre 10, 258, ‒ chronicle of 5, 35, 66-70, 72, 76, 80, 86, 264 157, 214, 227, 244 ‒ ceramic finds 10, 212, 223 ‒ expansion of 35, 61, 231 Benteng dam 113, 115, 121 ‒ expansion of wet-rice agriculture 36 Benteng Talloq, Talloq palace centre 206 ‒ genealogy 61, 67 Besseq Sitto, figure in Sawitto origin tra- ‒ see also tellumpoccoé agreement dition 190 ‒ oral tradition 75-6, 166 Bétao, Sidénréng tributary 135, 147, 152, ‒ tomanurung of 76 156, 221, 224, 255-6, 259 ‒ treaty with Gowa 244 ‒ ceramic finds 135, 147-8, 221 ‒ wars with Gowa in sixteenth century ‒ oral tradition 149 244, 246 Béulu, Sawitto domain land 257 ‒ wars with Luwuq in sixteenth century Bila, Sidénréng triburary 133-5, 152, 156, 231 158, 220-1, 224, 255, 259 Bonerate, island southeast of Selayar 18 ‒ as ancient locale of exchange and com- Bonggakaradeng, kecamatan in Tana munication 135 Toraja 100, 183 ‒ ceramic finds 135 Bonggakaradeng, Toraja origin figure ‒ market 100, 133, 135, 148-9, 158 183-4, 188, 192 ‒ oral history 100, 133 ‒ as ironsmith 183-4 ‒ oral tradition 229 ‒ oral tradition about 183-5 bila-bila 29, 221 Bongkangngé, mid- to late sixteenth cen- Bila river 15, 91, 93, 100, 133-5, 158, 201- tury ruler of Boné 244 2, 220, 224 Bonto-bonto, Makasar polity 234, 236, ‒ navigation of by river trade boats 113 316-7 ‒ role in trade and communication 133, Bontonlempangang, advisor to ruler of 202 Gowa 88, 314 Binagakaraeng river 91, 105, 131-3 Botelho, Simão, Captain of Melaka 239 ‒ navigation of by sea-going vessels 132 Botto, Sidénréng tributary 153, 156, 255, ‒ oral tradition about 131 259 Binamu, Makasar kingdom 44, 63, 70, ‒ oral tradition 153 72, 206, 242 Bougas, Wayne 19, 63, 146 ‒ oral ruler list 51 Braam Morris, D.F. van 80, 116-7, 127-9, Binamu Pesoka, karaeng, figure in 178 Binamu origin tradition 70 Brawn, David 178 Binuang, Mandar kingdom 195 bronze, archaeological finds of 32-3 bissu 41, 46, 79, 188, 240 Brown, Roxanna 12-3 Bojo, Suppaq domain land 51, 207, 215- Bua, Sawitto domain land 124, 257, 261 7, 257, 262 buaq community 31 ‒ ceramic finds 214-5 buffalo 44, 153, 176, 188, 202 Bokki, in kabupaten Pinrang 115, 119 Bugis 1, 19, 21-2, 31, 34, 37-41, 44-6, 54, Bolopatina, figure in Sidénréng origin 60, 70, 85, 92-3, 135-7, 141, 143, 152, tradition 178 154-8, 162-3, 172, 176, 193, 201-2, 220, Bone, kabupaten 16-8 226, 246, 250 see also languages and Boné, Bugis kingdom 6, 24, 29, 30, 52-3, language families and mortuary prac- 56, 68-9, 81-4, 154, 164-5, 176-7, 179-80, tices STEPHEN C. DRUCE - 9789004253827 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 09:33:10PM via free access 360 Index ‒ cultural influence of 4, 92, 149-52, 221, Caldwell, Ian 3, 32, 57, 60-1, 63, 177, 250 226 Caldwell, Ian and Wayne Bougas 44, ‒ relationship with Toraja 54, 178, 180 63, 70 Bujung Pitué, well in Alitta 175, 198 Caldwell, Ian and Malcolm Lillie 93-4, 98 Bulbeck, David 12-3, 27, 72, 143, 149, Caleppa peace agreement 30 163, 202, 210, 241-3, 265 camphor 221 Bulbeck, David and Genevieve Clune Catholocism see Christianity 36, 203 Cempa 55-6, 164, 195-9, 210 Bulbeck, David and Ian Caldwell 12, ‒ ceramic finds 197, 210 33-4, 265 ‒ oral tradition 55-6, 195-7, 199, 235 Bulo, Maiwa tributary 222, 256, 260 ‒ tomanurung of 195-6 Buloa, daeng of, oral tradition related by Cempa, kecamatan 140 in Gowa chronicle 46 Cempa confederation 197-9, 210, 226 Bulu, Sawitto domain land 10, 103, 118, Cengkengé, Népo domain land 219, 258, 124, 137, 139,144, 210, 226, 257, 261, 263 266, 304 Cenrana region 61, 63, 228 ‒ ceramic finds 10-1, 210, 226 Cenrana river 15, 92-4, 98, 201, 228, Bulu Dua, place in Urung origin tradi- 230-1 tion 153 Cenrana valley 33, 61, 231 Bulu Jampu, place in Urung origin tra- Cense, A.A. 5, 71 dition 153 central lakes see Lake Tempe and Lake Bulu Kapa, place named in lasigalung Sidenreng tradition 234, 316-7 Central Sulawesi 13-4, 20, 131, 217, 234- Bulu Pécakeng, place in Urung origin 5, 237-8, 244 tradition 153 ceramics and stoneware, imported 8-10, Bulubangi, Sidénréng land 99, 230-1, 12, 30, 33-35, 55, 60, 98, 103, 113, 125-8, 299 135, 146-50, 155, 174, 197-8, 204-7, 210, ‒ archaeological survey 211-2, 231, 266 212-5, 218, 220-1, 225-6, 231-3, 237, 252, ‒ as sixteenth century palace site 230-1 265-90 ‒ ceramic finds and data 211-2, 220, ‒ as grave goods 146-50, 155, 157, 266 231, 279, 286, 288, 290 ‒ as status goods 252 ‒ ceramic data, comparison of with ‒ exchanged for rice 36, 157, 203, 205 Watang Sidénréng 212, 231 ‒ initial large-scale import of 9 ‒ excavation of martavan at 149 ‒ strategic distribution of 30, 252 Bulucénrana, Sidénréng tributary 78, ‒ trade in 33-4, 36, 125, 135, 203, 205, 139, 141, 144, 156, 220-1, 224, 230, 245- 207, 213-4, 220, 226, 233, 252 6, 255, 259 ‒ see also under individual toponyms ‒ defeat of by Wajoq 230 listed in index ‒ oral tradition 78, 141, 179, 221 Christianity 93, 238-40 Bulucenrana river 133 ‒ conversion to 235, 237, 239-41 Bulukumba, Bugis kingdom 15-7, 241 chronicles of South Sulawesi 3, 5-6, 39, Bungin, in kabupaten Pinrang 137, 139, 65-72, 74, 80, 249-50 141, 144 ‒ contrast of with typical attoriolong Bungin, Maiwa tributary 222, 256, 260 texts 65-7, 70 Bungin river 105 ‒ dating of 69-71 Busoga (Nigeria), transmission of oral ‒ oral history, use of in later sections of tradition in 43, 45 69-71 STEPHEN C.

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