CONTINUING HOMŒOPATHIC MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICES QUARTERLY HOMŒOPATHIC DIGEST VOL. XXVIII, 1 & 2, 2011 Lead me from Untruth to Truth Lead me from Darkness to Light Lead me from Death to Immortality Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28 (This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in Homœopathy drawn from the well-known homœopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end. Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th Street, Korattur, Chennai - 600 080, India.) ©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 1&2/2011. For private circulation only CONTINUING HOMŒOPATHIC MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICES QUARTERLY HOMŒOPATHIC DIGEST VOL. XXVIII, 1 & 2, 2011 Part I Current Literature Listing ______________________________________________________________________________ Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homœopathy drawn from the well-known homœopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc. ______________________________________________________________________________ Inspiration from the Organon GUBBAY, Diana (HT. 30, 1/2010) I. PHILOSOPHY Full article is given in Part II. 1. Paradigm Shift: Homœopathy as Applied 3. Sind die Jüngsten Angriffee der Medien auf die consciousness Homöopathie gerechtfertigt? – Eine Streitschrift BROWN, Doug (HL. 20, 2/2007) (Are the recent attacks by the Media on Homœopathy unprejudiced? A warning) Homœopathy finds itself increasingly at odds with VITHOULKAS, George (ZKH. 53, 1/2009) mainstream medicine, not primarily because of its different pharmacopoeia or methodology, but because it In the recent times there has been increased cry by is based on a fundamentally different paradigm. the British Media against Homœopathy, as it had never Allopathy as well as the “common-sense” understanding before been tantamounting to maligning Homœopathy. of the world with which most of us are raised, is The author, with his several years’ experience in all grounded in materialism. Developments in the sciences parts of the world, feels that these calumnious of noetics (consciousness), cosmology, and physics, statements are framed due to certain ‘teachers’ of however, are challenging materialist assumptions about Homœopathy who have based themselves on ‘dreams’ reality, thereby creating a context within which the truth “proving”, ‘signatures’ ‘elements’ etc. They do not of Homœopathy can be considered with less risk of follow HAHNEMANN’s methods. Probably these cognitive dissonance. New opportunities for describing ‘teachers’ feel the Hahnemannian method “laborious”; what we do in terms of this new paradigm may bring and therefore have based themselves on these more people to Homœopathy, may help establish the imaginative methodologies. [All these cries “kill cultural relevance of our healing art in the new Homœopathy” have died down since about an year now. = KSS] 4. Homöopathie im Zeitgeist Gedanken zur “Modernisierung” einer 200 Jahre alte Heilkunst (Homœopathy in the spirit of the Time – on millennium, and may help enlarge our own vision and modernization of a 200 year old Medicine) understanding of the depth of our work. ROHRER, Anton (ZKH. 53, 2/2009) 2. An Ideal of Health ©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 1&2/2011. For private circulation only HAHNEMANN wanted to found a Medicine able PITT Richard (HL. 20, 2/2007) to cure with certainty. It’s foundation was well described in §3 of the Organon. The pre-requisites for A new proving was done because the original certainty in cure are, a correct perception of symptoms proving was not complete and various themes of the of both – the disease and the remedy – and their provings are presented. matching each other. Ever since the beginning of Homœopathy, 3. The Methuselah Tree homœopaths have interpreted §3 according to the spirit Pinus longaeva of the times (Zeitgeist), in accordance with the CREVELD Marijke (HL. 20, 3/2007) development of natural sciences, and Medicine including Anatomy, Pathology, etc. Later Psycho- Pinus longaeva is the longest-living tree on earth. analysis came on, then Depth Psychology etc. Currently A dream proving was conducted with a remedy made of it is Quantum Physics. The author discusses with the root and wood of a Bristlecone pine. During the support of eminent authorities – HAHNEMANN, dream proving many dreams occurred with the theme HERING, DUNHAM, KENT, PASCHERO, ‘above and below’, related to the connection with the KLUNKER, et al. earth and the cosmos/spirituality. Among the themes found were ‘no communication, being 5. Miasm in the Mineral Kingdom unconnected/disconnected and insensitive’, ‘running MORRISON, Roger (AJHM. 102, 2/2009) and hurry’, ‘sadness’ and ‘lonely’, all related to the problem that we are increasingly out of sync with our The author proposes miasmatic relationships (based external time frame. on the miasmatic concepts of SANKARAN) of the mineral remedies and organic compounds, synthesizing 4. Some Remarks Concerning Homeopathic Provings the work of Jan SCHOLTEN and Rajan SANKARAN. ROSENBAUM, Paulo & SILVIA , I.Waisse-Priven (HL. 20, 2/2007) 6. Look at, then See the Case SHEPPERD Joel (AJHM. 102, 2/2009) There is extensive discussion concerning the proper method of conducting homœopathic drug trials. The Students of Hahnemann’s Organon often find an authors have been conducting proving for the last three aphorism that catches their attention the most. The first years. Experience has revealed some aspects that have part of §104 interests me. What exactly does a been previously omitted or that need further adjustment, homœopath do after going to great pains to investigate such as the notion of healthy volunteer, double-blind vs. the complete case? The English translations vary multiphase studies, the notion of placebo, etc. The widely in their answer. What modern homœopaths authors believe that it’s essential for researchers to actually do in practice varies even more erractically. publish even partial results of well conducted trials, in What are the words that HAHNEMANN actually uses? order to contribute to the improvement of the proving Every translation involves a personal interpretation. protocol. (Full article is in Part II = KSS.) -------------------------------------------------------------------- II. MATERIA MEDICA 5. Sieben Kriterien für verifikationen (Seven Criteriae for Verifications) 1. The Ring of Nenya – Elven Queen Galadriel and KLINKENBERG Carl Rudolf (ZKH. 53, 1/2009) Anhalonium LALOR, Liz (HL. 20, 2/2007) The characteristic symptoms and modalities of remedies are established through verifications. The Homœopaths have for years surmised the meaning and definition of verification is explained. The Constitutional pictures of each character in the difference of verification and clinical symptom is wonderful Tolkien tale of The Lord of the Rings. demonstrated on the basis of a cured case of Previously in Links Liz LALOR explored the Perimyocarditis. characters of Frodo as Anacardium and Gollum as Verifications have to yield to high standards of Mancinella. This essay is follow-on from that article quality. 7 basic criteria are defined, as well as the term and looks at the character of Queen Galadriel and the “false” clinical symptom. It is stated why in remedy picture of Anhalonium. Homœopathy only characteristic and intense symptoms can be verified. 2. A new proving of Petroleum What are these 7 criteriae? They are: ©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 1&2/2011. For private circulation only. 3 1. The symptom or symptom group must have gone A case of Kali ferrocyanatum away clearly and it must remain so cured for very MANGIALAVORI, Massimo long time. (HL. 20, 2/2007) 2. Only characteristic and intensive symptoms can be verified. A 26 year-old woman with Infertility and 3. Only genuinely relevant, sick alterations can be weakness. Anaemic-worsening inspite of iron verified, no hypothesis or interpretations. treatment. Not gaining weight inspite of eating 4. A verification of a single medicine must be anything and everything. Operated for cyst in ovaries verifiable backward also. If more medicines one and endometriosis. Stabbing pains during periods. after the other were given, why this verification is Leucorrhoea during the fake menopause period forced relevant is to be said. by the tablets. Series of infections – Candida, 5. The verification must clearly be of that medicine Trichomonas and then Staphylococcal. Never been able and not from other therapies, for example, to cry. Often dreams of flying and slowly losing height. Psychotherapy, Diet, Acupuncture. Tries to isolate pain as she is not able to bear it. 6. The remedy must have brought about the cure and Wandering pains. Kali ferrocyanatum Q1. After few not by change of environment or other state, for days strong bellyache similar to that of dysmenorrhoea. example a change of life situation or by removal of To take medicine
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