Henderson Haven real estate section debuts today • Proposed school budget cuts concern students, Page 3 HENDERSON HOME NEWS Henderson's Only Local Ne <00F. BMI Tuesday, January 30, 2001 Henderson, Nevad iMvLN- 50C A ML In Brief... Station takes conu vi Candidate filing for pffice continues Three residents have filed for three municipal offices of The Reserve today through Monday nfioming. Mayor Jim Gibson and By LM Scrivntf eight casinos in the valley background checks there is," News StedT Writer under the company's owner- Municipal Judge Ken Proctor said Jack Taylor, Station ship. Casinos' director of corporate have filed for re-election. Almost three years after opening, The Reserve Hotel Approval of the Nevada public relations. "They check Jesse Home has filed for City and Casino was scheduled to Gaming Commission was the your credit history, your tax Council, Ward 3. Councilman close its doors at 2 a.m. today. last obstacle before the formal history, financial history, per- Jack Clark said last week he By 4 p.m. today, however, the take-over that was proposed in formance history, everything." intends to run for re-election. casino is set to re-open under October, when Station Casinos The take-over agreement Candklate filing will close at 5 new ownership. announced it had offered to said that current employees of purchase the Reserve for $70 p.m. Friday, Feb. 2. Station Casinos Inc.'s bid to The Reserve will be retained take over The Reserve was million from Ameristar after the take-over, and that Foothiil High to host given the go-ahead by the Casinos, Inc. Rob Weldenfeld/News Staff Nevada Gaming Commission "They check everything. It See STATION Shaltespeare piay TRANSITION — The Reserve's casino is scheduled to be closedfrom 2 a.m. to Thursday, making a total of is one of the most thorough Page 4 4 p.m. today as Station Casinos takes ownership. A touring Shakespeare company will perfomfi 'Juliius Caesar" at Foothill High Schoolat7p.m. Feb. 10. Safety bond See Page 6 Burlcholder Students return from D.C. may be ' A group of Burkholder Middle School studenfs has returned from inaugural fes- reconsidered tivities in Washington, D.C. By Usa Stiller See Page 10 News Staff Writer "Fm probably the most anti-tax guy in town. I hate to see federal money slip away," Bob Swadell In Sports... said at Thursday's special Henderson City Council Foothill boys post meeting. "But 1 hate to see federal money slip away." Swadell, who is co-chair of Citizens for a Safer impressive victory Henderson, echoed the sentiments of most of the 240 The Foothill High School .;;-pjpople who packed the Council Chambers. boys basketball team used "v '^Fhe City Ctmncil held the hastily called special timely free throws to post an meeting to conSidjcr tfie option of starting the process to put the pupic safety bond on the June ballot. impressive victory over Green Narrowly defeafeU'-by 865 votes in November's elec- Valley on Friday night. tion, the bond would supply the city with See Page 7 funding needed to put 90 additional police officers on the>«tpe«tf ^ong with additional fire and para- medic personnel. Your Repercussions from the defeat have already been felt. Neighbor... According to Police Chief Michael Mayberry, response time to citizen requests for help has already Betty Campbell begun to decrease. This is on top of the decrease in Betty Campbell loves to response time that had already taken place this past Rob Weldenfeld/News StalT year sing. "1 can remember a time when our response to pri- For the past six years, ELVIS FAN — Connie Betz of Henderson recently won a radio station's promotional trip for two to Graceland, Tann., the home of Elvis Presley, King of Rock and Roll. Betz has been a Presley fan since she was 5 years old. ority-one calls (life-threatening) was three niinutes she has been a member of or less, no matter what the time of day or night," the Sweet Adelines, a non- N|ayberry said. "For the year 20(X), our average profit group response time ... was between six to seven minutes." of female Mayberry said response time to calls involving singers who burgleunes, auto thefts and larcenies has also risen Elvis fan wins trip to Graceland from 6 to 7 minutes to an average of 41 minutes. take thefr Lisa Phillips and Cyndi Zockoll told the Council music all By Carta Riddle when she was 20 years old and eight months News Staff Writer that a recent break-in in their neighborhood had over the val- pregnant. "Being pregnant didn't stop me," she said. "I recently left a neighbor waiting outside for police for ley "Thank you, thank you very much." 50 minutes after a 911 call was made for help. On her third try, Connie Betz was finally caller stiU^ot as close as I could. I even have a piece of 'I like the his sfcrf that ripped off when he threw it (in the Mayberry said that without additional funding to number nine. keep up with the growth of the city, other services friendship In celebration of Elvis Presley's birthday, crowd)." Campbell and sup- Despite any negative comments about Presley, would hqve to be cut back. Officers would no longer KQOLSM, or KOOL 93.1. and Turner Classic be able to come to residents' homes when a child over ' port," Movies gave away a trip for two to Graceland, . Betz thinks Elvis alvyays had a good heart. "In almost every movie, he had a scene with 14 runs away or to take stolen vehicle reports, emd Campbell said, "We're a sis- Tenn., the home of Elvis Presley, King of Rock they would not respond to 911 hang-ups unless they tertiood.' and Roll. children. I just love that," she said. Betz' fascination with Elvis can be seen were^.^nspici'dus. ^^ Campbell moved to A drawing was held for the ninth caller to win ^ ..^AS a city we're apathetic — we feel safe and the trip. KOOL 93.1 announced Betz as the win- through her plethora of Elvis memorabilia. Henderson from New Jersey secure," Phelps seiid. ner on Jan. 12. Among a watch, beach towels, coffee mug, trivia in 1968. She has five chil- game and collectible dolls, Betz' most unusual She was one of 20 people who addressed the "I had nine minutes and 31 seconds to call the Council, many of whom said the quality of life Was dren, 10 grandchildren and radio station," Betz said. items are an Elvis telephone that sings "Hound Dog" when it rings, an Elvis Monopoly game, and the primary reason they chose to live in Henderton. five great grandchildren. Betz has been a Presley fan since she saw "I chose to live in Henderson because of the qual- Campbell loves having a "LovrMe Tender" when she was 5 years old. a sheet of Elvis stamps. "The time period when he was doing all of his ity of life here," Craig McCall said. "I appreciate that big family, and has traveled "I cried when he died because I thought it was the Council (previously) chose not to use scare tac- real," she said. movies is my favofite," Betz said. She knows all of all over the country, including the songs in his movies and can describe what is tics. I think a strong investment in the education of Betz idolized Presley like every other teenage^ voters is necessary," FkMida, Idaho and Montana happening in the movie when she hears it. girl growing up. In a photograph displayed in Ji4r Many, including Council members, agreed that to visit them. home, Betz is meeting the King for the first time *I don't think anybody will ever really be as big 'From the time they are as him," she said. "If you were a true Elvis fan, public education about the necessity of the bond at 13 years of age. could have been better little, the warmth and the "He was good at not being too big of a star," you cared about him, no matter what." love are always there,' she she said. "When he could, he always took time to See ELVIS meet his fans." See SAFETY sakj. Page 3 When she's not singing or Betz attended her first Elvis Presley concert Page 2 spending time with her fami- ly, Campbell enjoys reading, cross-stitching and staying in shape with water aerobics. City grapples with Gibson files for re-election Special to the Newt Nevada. In 1998 and 1999, 24 Citing a continuing desire to new parks were opened in the Index Sunset traffic jams serve the people of Henderson, city, increasing the total park Mayor Jim Gibson has filed for land to more than 250 acres. 2 By LIta Stiiltr tion," he said. "The conges- re-election. He was first elected "We've worked hard to make Deaths 5 News Staff Writer tion is just going to get to the seat in 1997. sure our residents have access worse." Education 6 IVafTic on Sunset Road "Working with the Council to the best recreational and 'It seems very congest- Sports - 7 between Stephanie Street and the people of this commu- leisure facilities possible," ed," said Pauline Freeman, BusinaM 14 and Gibson Road is already nity during the past four years Gibson said. "It's an important who drives around the area a nightmare for many who has been extremely reward- factor in maintaining our city's often to come to places like travel through tire intersec- ing," he said.
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