DECEMBER 2012 HANUKKAH SERVING OREGON AND SW WASHINGTON Ed AsnEr MArk FEuErstEin &Actors introduce Heifer at Hanukkah Portland A surPrisinG Hub For surroGAcy sPEciAL sEctions HAnukkAH Festival of Lights PLAnnEd GiVinG Money & Values How many people would Howactually many runpeople toward would the soundactually of run an explosion?toward the sound of an explosion? Whether it’s a Qassam rocket landing in Sderot, a bomb at a Jerusalem bus stop, or an industrial accident in Haifa, the paramedics of Magen David Adom are thereWhether to save it’s alives Qassam — even rocket when landing it endangers in Sderot, theirs. a bomb But at they a Jerusalem don’t need bus your stop, admiration.or an industrial They needaccident your insupport. Haifa, Givethe paramedics to Magen ofDavid Magen Adom David today. Adom are there to save lives — even when it endangers theirs. But they don’t need your admiration. They need your support. Give to Magen David Adom today. 6505 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 650, Los Angeles, CA 90048 Toll Free: 800.323.2371 Ě [email protected] 6505 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 650, Loswww.afmda.org Angeles, CA 90048 Toll Free: 800.323.2371 Ě [email protected] www.afmda.org How many people would Howactually many runpeople toward would the soundactually of run an explosion?toward the sound of an explosion? TRUSTWORTHY COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTIONS Contact Gretchen today for your one hour free consultation GRETCHEN STANGIER, CFP® WWW.STANGIERWEALTHMANAGEMENT.COM 9955 SE WASHINGTON, SUITE 101 • PORTLAND, OR 97216 • TOLL FREE 877-257-0057 • [email protected] Securities and advisory services offered through lpl financial. a registered investment advisor. Member finra/sipc. From Campaign Kick-Off to Super Sunday - THANK YOU to all of our supporters! Whether it’s a Qassam rocket landing in Sderot, a bomb at a Jerusalem bus stop, or an industrial accident in Haifa, the paramedics of Magen David Adom are thereWhether to save it’s alives Qassam — even rocket when landing it endangers in Sderot, theirs. a bomb But at they a Jerusalem don’t need bus your stop, admiration.or an industrial They needaccident your insupport. Haifa, Givethe paramedics to Magen ofDavid Magen Adom David today. Adom are there to save lives — even when it endangers theirs. But they don’t need your admiration. They need your support. Give to Magen David Adom today. 503.245.6219 | www.jewishportland.org ® THE STRENGTH OF A PEOPLE. 6505 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 650, Los Angeles, CA 90048 6680 SW Capitol Highway | Portland, OR 97219 THE POWER OF COMMUNITY. Toll Free: 800.323.2371 Ě [email protected] JewishPDX 6505 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 650, Loswww.afmda.org Angeles, CA 90048 Toll Free: 800.323.2371 Ě [email protected] www.afmda.org Oregon’s Original Sephardic Synagogue Free B’nei Mitzvah Lessons for your son or daughter as they prepare for their big day! Learn what it means to become a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, to read from the Torah, and the ideas behind this special day. Rabbi Kaplan engages each child according to their level and in topics that are of interest to them. Contact our synagogue office today to begin your child on this wonderful journey to adulthood. (503) 227-0010 • www.AhavathAchim.com • Services conducted in the Sephardic and Israeli Custom • Welcoming Jews of all background • Friday evening services every week at sunset • Shabbat morning services at 9 am, followed by lunch and festive Kiddush Rabbi Michael Kaplan Office: (503) 227-0010 Cell: (503) 610-3850 [email protected] Congregation Ahavath Achim 3225 SW Barbur Blvd, Portland • www.AhavathAchim.com EXPERIENCE AND SERVICE MAKE THE DIFFERENCE CONFIDENTIALITY • PROFESSIONALISM • INTEGRITY • DEDICATION • TECHNOLOGY ARDLEY HOUSE STATELY CRAFTSMAN SKYLINE ESTATE PORTLAND HEIGHTS ML#12507386 ML#12169974 WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS PORTLAND HEIGHTS RENOVATED DUTCH COLONIAL COUNCIL CREST CRAFTSMAN SOPHISTICATE WITH VIEWS PORTLAND HEIGHTS COLONIAL NEW NEW PENDING PRICE PRICE ML#12533094 ML#12176762 ML#12585420 ML#12505032 MJ STEEN Principal Broker Cronin & Caplan Realty Group, Inc. www.mjsteen.com 503-497-5199 For 30 years we’ve helped bring peace of mind to over 20,000 clients during one of life’s toughest times. Respected OREGON ◆ S.W. WASHINGTON 503.227.1515 360.823.0410 GevurtzMenashe.com Divorce ■ Children ■ Support table of contents December 2012/Kislev-Tevet 5773 Volume 1/Issue 11 [Cover Story] 20 Heifer challenge and response [SPECIAL SECTIONS] [HANUKKAH] Special Section 28-37 The inspirational menorah, Hanukkiah collection kindles memories, Fun and games for all ages, December Dilemma [PLANNED GIVING] Special Section 44-50 Create A Jewish Legacy, Multi-generational giving, Simply generous, BB Camp a pioneer 20 [Columns] Frony Chaima from Malawi, with a heifer her family 38 Chef’s Corner received from Heifer International supporters. by Lisa Glickman 51 Advice: Ask Helen 61 Ageless Advice by Elizabeth VanderVeer, MD 62 Life on the Other Side by Anne Kleinberg 63 An Israeli in Oregon by Natalie Nahome 64 An Oregonian in Israel by Mylan Tanzer [Connect] 36 Traditions 56 Volunteers 67 Happenings [Focus] Check out our stories on: 12 UPFRONT: On Pointe 28 14 A&E: A Jewish Carol A hanukkiah can be almost any shape – as long as it has eight 15 ........ Women cartoonists at OJM branches with an extra holder for the shamash, or helper candle. 17 ........ Book Review: Moses: A Stranger Among Us 18 ........ Artist Profile: Anna Kodesch 26 FASHION: Federation gals have fun 40 FOOD: Kosher chocolates great Hanukkah treat 42 ......... Local trends merge at co-op 43 ......... Roots: Edible and ancestral 52 BUSINESS: Lice Knowing You 53 ..........Historic building evolution 54 FAMILY: Portland surrogacy expertise 58 HEALTH & FITNESS: Climb up to fitness 60 SENIORS: Activity becomes enrichment 66 HOME & GARDEN: Room Redo CORRECTIONS In the November history article about Oregon Court of Appeals First Chief Judge Herbert Schwab, a caption under the photo of Barbara and her husband, Herbert Schwab, inadvertently identified her as Herbert’s 54 sister Mildred. Additionally, Barbara’s last name before marrying Being at the hospital for the birth of their twin sons to a surrogate Schwab was Mayer. mother in Portland was an amazing experience for this gay Israeli An article about Jewish astronauts in the November issue misspelled couple: “We were crying. The moment you get to hold them for the two of the astronauts’ names. The correct spellings are Judith Resnik first time in your arms … we are so happy.” and Garrett Reisman. 6 DECEMBER 2012 | OREGON JEWISH LIFE table of contents Get refreshed WITH OHSU PLASTIC SURGERY SERVICES Our trusted experts offer the latest minimally invasive cosmetic treatments to help you glow. Our expert services include: • Brow/eye lift • Botox • Abdominoplasty • Face lift • Fillers • Liposuction • Rhinoplasty • Waxing • Breast procedures • Chemical peels • Facial • Body contouring Call now for our holiday specials: 503 494-6687 The knowledge of all for the care of one. VRP-004 (7.375x4.9375).indd 1 11/15/12 3:30 PM FFT_letterhead_withoutNames.pdf 1 10/7/12 6:41 PM FOOD FOR THOUGHT festival April 18-21, 2013 a food-raiser and friend-raiser 6680for SW the entireCapitol community Highway, benefiting the Portland, OROREGON 97219 FOOD •BANK 503.245.6219 foodforthoughtpdx.orgwww.foodforthoughtpdx.org presented by Together WE do extraordinary things 503.245.6219 | www.jewishportland.org ® THE STRENGTH OF A PEOPLE. THE POWER OF COMMUNITY. 6680 SW Capitol Highway | Portland, OR 97219 Presented by JewishPDX ® Book your Corporate and Private Events, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and Special Occasions at the NEW Portland Aquarium! C www.portlandaquarium.net 16323 SE Mcloughlin Blvd M Milwaukie, OR 97267 503-303-4721 facebook.com/portlandaquarium Y CM MY CY CMY K OR Jewish Life ad:Layout 1 4/23/12 9:58 AM Page 1 SERVING OREGON AND SW WASHINGTON Publishers Robert Philip and Cindy Saltzman Advertising and Editorial Director Cindy Saltzman Editor-In-Chief Deborah Moon Advertising Sales Cynthia Klutznick Debbie Taylor Art Director Susan Garfield Copy Editor Amy R. Kaufman “We are building on a legacy.” —Robin Runstein Columnists Lisa Glickman, Anne Kleinberg, Natalie Nahome, Helen Rosenau, Mylan Tanzer and Elizabeth VanderVeer, MD Contributing Writers A NEW GENERATION OF Jan Behrs, Julie Diamond, Rich Geller, Amy R. Kaufman, INSPIRED LEGAL SERVICE. Joseph Lieberman, Liz Rabiner Lippoff, Lauren M. Murphy, Polina Olsen, Kerry Politzer, With a roster of smart, young, energetic attorneys, Sura Rubenstein, Elizabeth Schwartz and Kell,Alterman & Runstein continues the proud Vanessa Van Edwards tradition begun in 1929 by Portland civic leader and founder Gus J. Solomon. Our high quality How to reach us: services build on long experience in legal matters [email protected] ranging from business law to litigation concerns 503-892-7401 to family issues.We also have strong expertise in [email protected] other practice areas: 503-892-7402 I Estate Planning I Energy Law [email protected] I I 503-892-7401 Franchise Law Environmental & Natural For subscriptions, go to www.ojlife.com Resources Law and click on subscriptions Visit www.kelrun.com to learn more about the firm and meet our attorneys. Practical, progressive and technologically savvy, they retain a personal touch and are more focused than ever on providing effective, helpful legal assistance to individuals, families and business. Oregon Jewish Life 6680 SW Capitol Hwy. Portland, Oregon 97219 www.ojlife.com KELL, ALTERMAN & RUNSTEIN,L.L.P. A Prince Hal Production Attorneys (TGMR18) Eight decades of progressive thinking. The content and opinions in Oregon Jewish Life do not necessarily reflect those of the publishers, staff or contractors. Articles and columns are for informational purposes only and not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of our published materials, Oregon Jewish Life, and its agents, publishers, employees and contractors will not be held responsible for the misuse of any information contained herein.
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