f I J c..PTb5- DI- 0-.3 The! Facies Front of the Devonian Slave , \ -' '. Point- Elk Point Sequence In Northeastern British Columbia and the Northwest Territories By D. L. GRIFFIN* ,.. , (Annual TVestewn lvleeting, C.l.Af., Vancouver, October, 1964) Downloaded from http://onepetro.org/JCPT/article-pdf/4/01/13/2165429/petsoc-65-01-03.pdf by guest on 26 September 2021 ABSTRACT The facies front of the Slaye Point - Elk Point sequence is the nar­ row 7.one of contact between the car~ bonate Slal'e Point, Sulphur Point and Pine Point formations and the "equiva­ , lent shales of the Horn River forma­ > tion. The facies front trends approxi­ mately north-northeast in British Co­ lumbia and east-northeast in the Northwest Territories. The sh"ales lie to .the northwest of the front and the carbonates to the southeast- The facies f ..ont of the Slave Point ­ Elk Point sequence is in the order of 1000 miles in lengt.h. It extends over a maximum known stratigraphic in­ ( :~ terval of aDout 1,300 feet. In parts of i. the Northwest Territories. the inter­ val over which. the facies front is de­ veloped is considerably less due to the influence of a positive tectonic feature known as the Tathlina High. , In most areas, the Slave Point and Sulphur Point formations pass to shale quite abruptly and tend to be~ have as a unit in this respect_ The zone in which the Pine Point forma­ tion passes to'shale is much broader than that in which the b..-o overlying formations pass to shale. Three main tectonic divisions of the , ; facies front arc recognized_ It is prob­ ! .•' able that the major morphological features of the front result from structural controL Drilling' has shown that, in' many areas. the dolomitized Slave Point formation at the facies front contains abundant reserves of natural gas. There are sufficient grounds for be­ AREA OF INTEREST lieving that the underlying formations at the front also contain significant hydrocarbon reserves_ Figw'c 1.-Index map 8howillg the a1·ca disclI-sscd in the paper. INTRODUCTION and the Slave Point - Elk Point member of the Horn River forma­ rocks consist of a series of lime­ tion in northeastern British Co­ N the eastern part of northeast­ stones and dolomites with occasion­ lumbia. It is the purpose of the I ern British Columbia and in al interbedded shales. Beyond a present paper to consider some as­ northern Alberta, the Slave Point ­ relati veb~ narrow zone of profound pects of this zone of facies change Elk Point sequence consists of a lithologic change which trends wbich stretches from the Rocky series of evaporites and carbonates, east-northeast across the southern Mountains in the west to Great mainb~ Givetian in age_ 'Vhen part of the Northwest Territories Slave Lake in the east. (See Fig1l,.. traced to the nodh,vest the eva­ J and north-northeast across north­ 1). porites are lost from the sequence eastern British Columbia, the up­ The facies contact bet\veen the ",' per three-quarters of the Slave carbonates and shales occupies a Point - Elk Point sequence is rep­ zone usuallY several miles in resented by 11 series of shales. width, although it is considerably *Pet1"oleu1n Geologist~ British Co­ These are referred to the Horn wider in some areas, which ex­ lumbia, Dept_ of jJIines & PetToleurn River formation in the Northwest tends over a maximum strati­ Resow'ces, Victoria.-, B.C. Territories and to the Otter Park graphic interval of about 1,300 ,Technology, .Jonuary..March~ 1965, Montreol 13 feet. This contact is termed the shown that parts of the front are Point - Elk Point sequence war­ facies front of the Slave Point ­ indeed associated with reef struc­ rants independent study for sev­ Elk Point sequence_ tures, it is thought preferable to eral reasons. First, it is of great There is much evidence that, on use a noncommittal term, such as interest from a stratigraphic and the carbonate side of the front, facies front, for the whole struc­ tectonic point of view because it prolific organic growth occurr~d, ture until .such time that adequate repre8ents the Loundary between which, in places, resulted in the subsurface control and deta.iled two provinces of deposition which formation of reef structures. This study have established the precise wel"e maintained for a very large has led various workers to tel'm nature of this marked zone of fa­ part of Givetian time. To the parts of the front a reef front or cies change. northwest of the front there was barrier reef. Although it can be The facies front of the Slave an argillaceous province of deposi­ tion; to the southeast a carbonate­ evnpol'ite province of deposition. Secondly, the facies front is of in­ terest from a biological viewpoint because of its association with reef ._•• _••••• F':;O~5 f~OhT OF SLAVE POINT fORMATION development_ Finally, the facies front has recently assumed greut HEU.s LYING .or 5o"E DI;T4~lE fRO" r~E economic importance because drill­ FROhr ol.5 S~OWN.IN W~I~H TI'!E SL.oVE POINT ing by oil companies has revealedDownloaded from http://onepetro.org/JCPT/article-pdf/4/01/13/2165429/petsoc-65-01-03.pdf by guest on 26 September 2021 IS EII:T[IISIVELY OOLOIolITIIEO the presence of very considerable ....-- O:O"TOUI\·IOOII INTERVALS ", reserves of natural gas in the dolo­ mitized limestones of the front. "ELLS ",EIITlONEO IN TE_T I BUT NOT LT'hG It is with the last of the above­ • 011 ;[O:TIO" "01 mentioned aspects of the facies front that this paper is primarily concerned and therefore it will be SO' necessar:y to concentrate on what may be termed the physical as­ pects of the front; namely, its form, orientation and vertical and horizontal dimensions. The facies front ,vill first be described as it appears in north­ ea.stern British Columbia, where fairly extensive subsurface con­ trol enables some generalizations to be made regarding its main fea­ tures. Following thi~, the Grent Slave Lake area will be considered, 50' ,5H· as this represents the best known area of outcrop along the front. In order to arrive at a complete syn­ thesis of the front throughout its known area of occurrence, the datu from the subsurface of the south­ ern part of the Northwest Terri­ tories will then be considered. Fi­ nally, the main features of the front will be sllmmarized and con­ sideration will be given to its eco­ nomic aspects. BmTISH COLUMUIA The well control in the plnins area of northeastern British Co­ lumbia allows the facies front to be outlined in some detail. The majority of the wells penetrate only to the Slave Point formation, and consequently it is this parl of the front that is be~t known. The facies front of the Siuve Point formation in northenstel'n British Columbia was traced out by Griffin (in press). Fi[JHTC 2, which shows the configuration of the front in British Columbia, is based on this work, and is in keeping FiglO'C 2.--Isopach map 0; the Slave Point fonnation in northeastenL British Columbia, showing the facies front a:nd line of Section AB. The position of the \\'ith the information available to j?·ont in the plains area 18 based un 'Well cont,ol. June 1. 1964, 14 The Journal af Canadian Petroleum I 2 3 4 A SA Shall Kluo Creak a-so-em Wes1 No! Imp Clerke Lake c-94-L Gulf Slares Fort Nelson No.2 Pan Am etalA"1 Snoke Ri~r c·28 D B o·5Q-C.94-J·9 c-94-L.94 o J-g o-95-J. 94·J'10 c-2B-D.9q."0-1 .. K.8 1557 Ft. KB. 1372 Ft. K.B.1299 Fl. KB.953.5 Ft .. T.O 6893FI T.O. 8039 FI. T.D.7889FI. T.O.7614 FI. I I II i ~IIlPSON-, ~ ,...., ..] ~ - ! i i, ~ L ;.. it ! - i -l ~'" ~~ , ~ ~ ~, ~ ~. ~ I .;;.B F.lI.=ES (a.aSh:~1 -.' ~ FRO>IT ~ -$ ;f ~su.:'~- r i ; ELIl POI~' , SE~eE ,n" ~'i r~ I .- ~ ' - Downloaded from http://onepetro.org/JCPT/article-pdf/4/01/13/2165429/petsoc-65-01-03.pdf by guest on 26 September 2021 :r ..BlacII-S!'F'oI -d ~-~ ! I~ • ~ • , , lDriD.T BAT ~ ~ I (L.......I I I 3 f ~ ' .' ~ . ~l ~ " atIt1QUu.l. • ,,~ .~ t -~ ,--~ " . " i ~" ~ 1_ 1:- I -'" '. III T'IT'_ Clo........... Corb:rooloL [Z) _ ..4!'~...... , ...'9....., C:1"h<L h~ Figure 3. C1·0SS section (AB) the Gla1·ke Lake m-ea, B.G.J showing the facies front and the j01"1l!ations discllssed in this pape1-.. The line of section is shown i.n Figure 2_ Depths in feet aTe shown on well lo.gs. The Slave Point formation, British Columbia and northern Al­ formations) of the units of the throughout most of northeastern berta, consists, in most sectionsJ of evaporitic PaIt of the Elk Point British Columbia, varies between light-coloured dolomites and anh~'­ Basin (Fort Vermilion anhydrite, 200 and 500 feet in thickness and drite together with some terrigen­ Watt Mountain, Muskeg and Keg is made up mainly of limestones. ous clastics_ It does not pass to River formations) to the Elk Point In some areas, especiaIJy in the vi­ shale in the area under considera­ Group. However, it is considered cinity of the facies front, the Slave tion. that, for the purposes of the pres­ Point is dolomitized. Stromatopo­ Beyond the facies front. in the ent discussion, this procedure is roids are the dominant element in area of argillaceous deposition, the valid in that it helps to' emphasize the fauna of the Slave Point for­ Otter Park shale is underlain by a the unity of the Elk Point Basin, mation, and these organisms be­ limestone unit which correlates whilst at the same time enabling come especially abundant near the with the basal part of the Pine the stratigraphic changes within facies front.
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