US007815733B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,815,733 B2 Iwai et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 19, 2010 (54) METHOD FOR PRODUCING HEXAGONAL 5,236,545 A * 8/1993 Pryor .......................... 11795 BORON NITRDE SINGLE CRYSTAL AND 5,296,119 A * 3/1994 Moustakas .... ... 204,192.15 HEXAGONAL BORON NITRDE SINGLE 5,849.242 A 12, 1998 Rusanova et al. ........... 264/625 CRYSTAL 6,319,602 B1 * 1 1/2001 Fauzi et al. ................. 428,366 6,383,465 B1* 5/2002 Matsumoto et al. ......... 423,290 7,014,826 B2 3/2006 Iizuka ........................ 423,290 (75) Inventors: Makoto Iwai, Kasugai (JP); Katsuhiro 7,063,741 B2 * 6/2006 D'Evelyn et al. ............. 11773 Imai, Nagoya (JP); Takatomo Sasaki, 7,297.317 B2 * 1 1/2007 Maniccia et al. ............ 423,290 Minoh (JP); Fumio Kawamura, Minoh 2003/0140845 A1* 7/2003 D'Evelyn et al. .............. 117/8 (JP); Minoru Kawahara, Saitama (JP); 2003/017.0161 A1* 9, 2003 Iizuka ........................ 423,290 Hiroaki Isobe, Taki-Gun (JP) 2003/0183155 A1 * 10/2003 D'Evelyn et al. ............. 117/68 2004/0000266 A1* 1/2004 D’Evelyn et al. .............. 117?2 (73) Assignees: NGK Insulators, Ltd., Nagoya (JP); 2004/0235203 A1* 11/2004 Gurba et al. ................... 438/8 Yusuke Mori, Katano-Shi (JP) 2005/0081456 A1* 4/2005 Ihara et al. .................... 5 1/307 2006/0051942 A1 3/2006 Sasaki et al. 2006/O140838 A1* 6/2006 Pulitz et al. .................. 423,290 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2006/O140839 A1* 6/2006. Maniccia et al. ............ 423,290 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2006/0185577 A1* 8, 2006 Watanabe et al. .............. 117?2 U.S.C. 154(b) by 358 days. 2008/001 1224 A1 1/2008 Iwai et al. ................... 117,952 (21) Appl. No.: 11/837,557 2009,025 1044 A1* 10, 2009 Shioi.......................... 313,503 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (22) Filed: Aug. 13, 2007 EP 1548 16.0 A1 6, 2005 (65) Prior Publication Data JP 57-149899 A1 9, 1982 JP 59-073410 A1 4f1984 US 2008/OO11224A1 Jan. 17, 2008 JP 60-005007 A1 1, 1985 JP 2001-072499 A1 3, 2001 Related U.S. Application Data JP 2001072499 A * 3, 2001 JP 2005-145788 A1 6, 2005 (63) Continuation of application No. PCT/JP2006/302408, WO WO 2004/O13385 A1 2, 2004 filed on Feb. 7, 2006. 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A * 2/1980 Wedlake et al. ............... 5 1/307 calcium nitride flux by heating, or heating and then slowly 4.409, 193 A 10, 1983 Sato et al. 4,551.316 A * 1 1/1985 Iizuka ........................ 423,290 cooling, boron nitride and a calcium series material in an 4,683,043 A * 7/1987 Melton et al. ... 204,192.15 atmosphere containing nitrogen. Bulk hexagonal boron 4,784.978 A * 1 1/1988 Ogasawara et al. ........ 501 (96.4 nitride single crystal can thereby Successfully be grown. 4,810,479 A * 3/1989 Biardeau et al. ............ 423,290 5,064,589 A * 1 1/1991 Ichikawa et al. ............ 264/668 16 Claims, No Drawings US 7,815,733 B2 1. 2 METHOD FOR PRODUCING HEXAGONAL and a large size. They have thus found that bulk of hexagonal BORON NITRIDE SINGLE CRYSTAL AND boron nitride single crystal can be precipitated and grown in HEXAGONAL BORON NITRDE SINGLE Solution, by heating boron nitride and a material comprising CRYSTAL at least calcium atom (calcium series material) in an atmo sphere containing at least nitrogen atom. The present inven CROSS-REFERENCE RELATED APPLICATIONS tion is thus made. Application Ser. No. 1 1/837,557 is a continuation of PCT/ DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION JP2006/302408 filed Feb. 7, 2006. 10 The calcium series material is not limited, as it contains FIELD OF THE INVENTION calcium atoms and calcium nitride or calcium metal are most preferred. The present invention relates to hexagonal boron nitride The shape of the boron nitride and calcium series materials single crystals and a method of producing the same. is not particularly limited, and may be bulk or powder. Fur 15 ther, although the boron nitride and calcium series materials BACKGROUND ART are preferably of a high purity, they may contain a predeter mined amount of a dopant depending on the application. Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) takes a stable phase hav According to the present invention, the boron nitride and ing planar graphite structure of SP2 bonds. Hexagonal boron calcium series materials are weighed, charged in a crucible nitride single crystal has Superior electrical insulation, a low and then heated under pressure in a nitrogen-containing dielectric constant, heat resistance, chemical stability and atmosphere to grow hexagonal boron nitride single crystal. lubricating property. It has thus been expected as a material The material of the crucible is not particularly limited as far as for use in connection with electronics and machinery. In it is not reactive with the calcium containing flux at the particular, boron nitride has a large band gap of about 6 eV. growing temperature. For example, it is found that titanium and is thus excellent as a material for a Substrate for luminous 25 nitride and Zirconium nitride can appropriately be used. devices (LED, LD) in the ultraviolet wavelength region. The Although the partial pressure of nitrogen during the growth development of a production technique for a single crystal is not particularly limited, it is preferably not lower than wafer has been demanded. atmospheric pressure to avoid the evaporation of the materi It is, however, very difficult to grow bulk single crystal als. Although the upper limit is not particularly limited, it may hexagonal boron nitride. This is because hexagonal boron 30 be 10 atoms or lower from a practical viewpoint. nitride hardly vaporizes until a high temperature and does not The atmosphere may be composed of nitrogen only, or may easily dissolve, and a flux appropriate for growing hexagonal contain a gas other than nitrogen. Such gases other than boron nitride has not been found. nitrogen include argon and helium. In the case that the nitro A production technique for growing hexagonal boron gen-containing atmosphere contains a gas other than nitro nitride single crystal by flux process (Solution process) was 35 gen, the total pressure of the atmosphere is not particularly disclosed in Japanese Patent publication No. 2001-72499A. limited. It has been further known that aluminum nitride single Further, although the temperature during the growth is crystal is obtained by heating aluminum nitride and calcium appropriately selected, it is 800 to 1800° C., for example. nitride in sealed state at, for example, 1550° C. or 1610°C. From the viewpoint of assisting the reaction, the growing (Mat. Res. Bull. Vol. 9 (1974) pages 331 to 336). 40 temperature is preferably 1200°C. or higher. As the tempera According to Mat. Res. Bull. Vol. 9 (1974) pages 331 to ture exceeds 1600° C., the vapor pressure of Ca is consider 336, an aluminum nitride material and a calcium nitride mate ably elevated. Thus, the growing temperature is more prefer rial are mixed and then heated to Successfully precipitate ably 1600° C. or lower. single crystal aluminum nitride. Such calcium containing flux Further, although the cooling rate after the heating is not is, however, extremely high in reactivity, so that it is suscep 45 limited, slow cooling is preferred from the viewpoint of pre tible to reacting with the crucible material to melt the cru cipitating a larger crystal. Although the degree of the slow cible. It is further described that the sealed crucible may be cooling is not particularly limited, fine crystals may become broken as the inner pressure is increased. Due to these prob predominant if the cooling rate is large. Thus, the cooling rate lems, the growth of boron nitride single crystal using a cal is preferably 10°C./hour or smaller, and more preferably 5° cium-series flux has not been studied until the present inven 50 C./hour or smaller, from the viewpoint of precipitating the tion was made.
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