WINTER/SPRING 2010 Special BIO International Convention Edition Global Event for Biotechnology Returns to Chicago Essays from BIO, ADM, Abbott and Baxter Updates on Nanotechnology Overviews of Astellas and Lilly Highlights from Illinois Technology Parks and Midwest Research Universities Network Guidance on Patents and Payers James Greenwood President and CEO Biotechnology Industry Organization WINTER/SPRING 2010 Contents BioLogical Quarterly SM Responding to Challenges, Capitalizing on Opportunities Editorial Advisory Committee 4 Kris Lutt, iBIO Chairman of the Board Steven E. Ducommun Partner 6 Meeting Agriculture’s Challenges, Sustainably K & L Gates LLP Dr. Robert Fraley, Chief Technology Officer, Monsanto Company William Fitzsimmons Senior VP 12 Global Expertise at the Nanoscale Research & Development Jed Weiner, Editor, BioLogical Quarterly Astellas Pharma US, Inc. Dr. Alicia Löffler 20 Patient-Focused Medical Innovation Executive Director & Bart Peterson, Senior Vice President, Eli Lilly and Company Associate VP for Commercialization Northwestern University 26 Astellas, Moving Forward Kris Lutt Seigo Kashii, President & CEO, Astellas Pharma US, Inc. Advisor, Office of the Chairman Archer Daniels Midland Company 30 Research Institutions in the Midwest: Powerful & Diverse Allen J. Dines and Marc Oettinger, Midwest Research University Network Terrence J. Noetzel Global Lead Client Service Partner Deloitte Consulting LLP 36 Leading the Charge for Education Reform David Miller, iBIO Institute President & CEO Dr. Norbert Riedel Corporate VP & Chief Scientific Officer Illinois’ Technology Parks Grow Biotech Businesses Baxter International Inc. 40 Summaries submitted by technology park personnel General Manager AJ Pace 50 What Payers Want: Viewing Payers as Customers Deloitte Consulting LLP Editor Jed Weiner Biotechnology Patenting: What You Need to Know Contributors 56 McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP David Miller Sales Development Biotechnology 2010: Fulfilling the Promise John Conrad 60 James Greenwood, President & CEO, BIO Layout/Design/Production Goble & Associates Healthcare Communication 66 Why the 2010 BIO International Convention Is Important for Illinois Dr. Norbert Riedel, Chief Scientific Officer, Baxter; James Tyree, President, Abbott Biotech Ventures Inc. JoinJoin thethe EffortEffort TheThe purposepurpose ofof BioLogicalBioLogical QuarterlyQuarterly isis toto promotepromote communitycommunity buildingbuilding andand openopen discussiondiscussion throughthrough awarenessawareness ofof thethe leadershipleadership displayeddisplayed bbyy IIllinoisllinois llifeife ssciencesciences oorganizations.rganizations. HaveHave ssomethingomething toto contribute?contribute? SupportSupport ourour effortsefforts by:by: ForFor moremore information,information, visitvisit www.ibio.orgwww.ibio.org. • SubmittingSubmitting storystory ideasideas ©©20102010 IIllinoisllinois BBiotechnologyiotechnology IIndustryndustry OOrganizationrganization • WritingWriting llettersetters toto thethe editoreditor (iBIO).(iBIO). AllAll RightsRights Reserved.Reserved. TheThe viewsviews expressedexpressed inin • ContactingContacting uuss aaboutbout ssponsorshipponsorship opportunitiesopportunities thisthis publicationpublication areare thethe viewsviews ofof thethe authorsauthors andand dodo notnot necessarilynecessarily reflectreflect thethe viewsviews ofof iBIOiBIO oror itsits affiliates.affiliates. JJoinoin uuss nnowow bbyy submittingsubmitting allall questions,questions, ccomments,omments, iBIOiBIO mmakesakes nnoo rrepresentationsepresentations cconcerningoncerning tthehe ssource,ource, originality,originality, accuracy,accuracy, completenesscompleteness oror reliabilityreliability ofof anyany oorr rremarksemarks toto [email protected]@ibio.org. statement,statement, information,information, data,data, finding,finding, interpretation,interpretation, advice,advice, opinion,opinion, oorr vviewiew ppresentedresented herein.herein. From the Board Responding to Challenges, Capitalizing on Opportunities By Kris Lutt Advisor, Office of the Chairman, Archer Daniels Midland Company; Chairman of the Board, iBIO Company, a position that seeks to enhance ADM’s Kris Lutt, performance by coordinating the activities of Advisor, Office of the the company’s executive leadership team. I am Chairman, Archer the first representative of the state’s agriculture Daniels Midland community to serve as iBIO Chairman since the Company. merger in 2001, yet my focus and goals extend well beyond agriculture. I am interested, for example, in seeing our agriculture and healthcare communities grow together to tackle some of the toughest challenges facing our state, including job creation and improved education. Illinois is nationally recognized for the quality and scope of our research universities, but we are not reaping the rewards of these world-class institutions. Our inability to create jobs to retain a talented work force, and our failure to provide The year 2010 is already proving to be an exciting OUR AG AND sufficient resources and incentives to create one for the Illinois life sciences community, companies, has put us at a disadvantage not just and I am honored to serve as Chairman of our HEALTHCARE to the coasts — as has been the case historically organization during such an important and integral — but also to our neighbors in Wisconsin, Indiana, time in the community’s growth. The Illinois Ohio and Michigan. COMMUNITIES Biotechnology Industry Organization (iBIO) and its PROPEL programs made great strides under To address this issue, Illinois State Senator SHOULD GROW the leadership of Immediate Past Chairman Andy Michael Frerichs last year introduced Senate Bill Hull of Takeda Pharmaceutical North America, 1522, which included a set of programs based TOGETHER and I look forward to continuing Andy’s legacy of on best practices from our neighboring states, dedication and hard work during my term. programs that have contributed directly to the creation and retention of high-tech jobs. The bill I believe deeply in our organization’s mission, and I unanimously passed the State Senate, but it has look forward to working with David Miller and the been held up in the House of Representatives. To rest of the iBIO staff during this critically important accomplish the goals outlined by Governor Pat year. But the purpose of this article is not to spell Quinn, the House must pass SB 1522 or Illinois will out iBIO’s work plan for the year, or to talk up the continue to lose jobs and technological advantage 2010 BIO International Convention. Instead, I am to our neighbors. going to discuss some of the industry issues that are particularly important to me, and suggest how PROPEL-ing Small Business Growth each of us might begin to address these topics. We in the life sciences community have been By way of background, I am the Advisor in the working to reverse this trend through our PROPEL Office of the Chairman at Archer Daniels Midland 4 BioLogical Quarterly Winter/Spring 2010 programs, which are designed to facilitate the and develop the connection between the school creation of small companies. Thanks to a grant lab and local industry. from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), along with A second program, SCI: Science Career significant pro bono counsel and mentoring Investigation, educates students about career from subject-matter experts within the Illinois opportunities in the life sciences industry. The life sciences community, entrepreneurs now innovative, research-based SCI program combines benefit from a support system that helps them in-class and online activities to reach students overcome the challenges of starting a business in in creative and effective ways. Comprehensive a challenging economic climate. career information and industry profiles provide the next generation of scientific and business PROPEL works to align resources and expertise for leaders with a roadmap to a career in the life member companies through coaching, technical sciences community. assistance, business plan presentation panels and direct assistance grants provided by DCEO. iBIO I encourage you to find out more about the created PROPEL after analyzing programs that programs that iBIO, iBIO Institute and PROPEL had proven successful elsewhere, and — as a have developed to build a better business recent New York Times article noted — PROPEL community for Illinois. Visit www.ibio.org, is generating momentum for start-ups in Illinois. www.ibioinstitute.org and www.ibiopropel.org Yet, we still have much work to do to ensure the to learn how you can get involved on behalf of state’s business environment is more conducive students and entrepreneurs alike. to start-ups’ growth. I intend to focus much of my time and energy as chairman to the issues of job A Year of Promise and Productivity development and business expansion, which are The 2010 BIO International Convention in Chicago, too important to the economic viability of Illinois to which runs from May 3 to 6, will be a great be overlooked by the leadership in Springfield. showcase for the breadth and quality of expertise that resides in our community, and in the Midwest Toward a Renewed Focus on as a whole. I believe that our strength in four Education major biotech-related sectors (agriculture, human health, environmental and industrial applications) Another issue weighing on the Illinois economy distinguishes our region from any other in the is the state of our education system. For years, global life sciences market. The BIO convention
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