522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE January 29, 1982 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Friday, January 29, 1982 The House met at 11 a.m. and was new industries are going to make a go No man's passing should be without called to order by the Speaker pro of it. note but it does not detract from tempore <Mr. FOLEY). The President made clear that he others that these four men should be will be submitting a plan for dismem­ especially mourned. berment of the Department of Energy I was at Nellis Air Force Base along DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO very shortly, and, in the meantime, TEMPORE with Nevada's U.S. Senators, the Hon­ the Department's budget calls for vir­ orable HOWARD W. CANNON and the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid tual inaction on the part of the Feder­ Honorable PAUL LAXALT, Maj. Gen. before the House the following com­ al Government in the area of alterna­ Guy L. Hecker, Jr., Director, Air Force municatiqn from the Speaker: tive energy and conservation. Repeal Legislative Liaison, and Maj. Gen. WASHINGTON, D.C., of the tax incentives .intended to en­ Ralph J. Maglione, now retired, but January 28, 1982. courage the private sector to move formerly a Thunderbird leader, when I hereby designate the Honorable THOMAS into production and development of al­ a stirring and dignified memorial serv­ S. FoLEY to act as Speaker pro tempore on ternatives: alcohol, methane, solar, ice was conducted. Prior to that cere­ Friday, January 29, 1982. wind, geothermal, oil from shale, and mony, the Secretary of the Air Force THOMAS P. O'NEILL, Jr., coal technologies, to name just a few, Speaker of the House of Representatives. advised me that messages of condo­ is just one more step toward going lence had been pouring in from all back to the old way of meeting our over the world. Within the hour, he PRAYER energy needs. Laissez-faire wasn't has received messages from the Gov­ The Chaplain, Rev. James David enough before, and it won't be now. ernments of Great Britain and Ford, D.D., offered the following Too much is at stake here for the Gov­ Turkey. The loss was truly felt on an prayer: ernment to say "it is not our prob­ international scale. A representative of lem." the President called to say that the 0 God, Creator of the world and A year ago this week, Sheik Yamani, President was saddened by the tragedy Sustainer of every good thing, we the Saudi oil minister, made it clear and would make his sentiments known reach out . to You for strength to do that his government's strategy was to to the families of the men. Nor were those good things that bring glory to keep us from pursuing alternative the tributes limited only to words. Your name and serve those about us. energy sources and conservation poli­ Almost within hours the Blue Angels, We ask that You would sustain people cies. He made the point that inaction the Navy counterpart to the Thunder­ of every vocation who do what they on our part would hasten the day of birds, had begun a scholarship fund can to alleviate distress, to provide OPEC's ultimate stranglehold on us: for the six sons and daughters these comfort to the lonely, to feed the Saudi Arabia's interest may appear to be men left behind and the University of hungry, and bring all manner of help served by lower production rates and higher Nevada established full scholarships to those in need. Make us conscious of prices, irrespective of the outcome. Let me remind you of my earlier statements regard­ for the wives and children. Your plan for people where justice is It has also been felt on a personal the measure of our common life and ing the link between price and consumption rates. Whenever prices go down, consump­ level by many Americans. A consider­ where mercy and compassion are the tion goes up and vice versa. Whenever oil able number of people in my district in marks of the human spirit. Amen. prices increase, large amounts of capital are the days immediately following this invested in search of alternative sources of tragedy told me they had seen the THE JOURNAL energy and in a search for oil in different Thunderbirds perform, sometimes areas. If we force Western countries to noting they had met them, and in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The invest heavily in finding alternative sources varying ways indicated they too felt a Chair has examined the Journal of of energy, they will. This would take no the last day's proceedings and an­ more than 7 to 10 years and would result in loss. nounces to the House his approval reducing dependence on oil as a source of Even though Congress was not in thereof. energy to a point which will jeopardize session when this happened, it did not Saudi Arabia's interests. Saudi Arabia will go unnoticed by our colleagues. Chair­ Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the then be unable to find markets to sell Journal stands approved. man MELVIN PRICE of the Committee enough oil to meet its financial require­ on Armed Services wired a special mes­ ments. This picture should be understood. sage for the service: Let us not play into their hands. THE REPEAL OF ENERGY TAX On behalf of all of the members of the INCENTIVES WOULD ONLY House Armed Services Committee, I want to STRENGTHEN OPEC'S HAND A TRIBUTE TO U.S. AIR FORCE express my deepest sympathy to the fami­ <Mr. GLICKMAN asked and was THUNDERBIRDS KILLED IN AC­ lies of the officers of the Thunderbird pro­ CIDENT gram who were killed on January 18, 1982, given permission to address the House in a tragic crash. for 1 minute and to revise and extend <Mr. DAN DANIEL asked and was The Air Force personnel in the Thunder­ his remarks.) . given permission to address the House bird program provide an important link be­ Mr. GLICKMAN. Mr. Speaker, the for 1 minute and to revise and extend tween the civilian and Air Force communi­ Treasury Department has announced his remarks and include extraneous ties as representatives of all Air Force per­ that it will be submitting legislation to matter.) sonnel who perform the demanding and repeal energy tax credits as one way of Mr. DAN DANIEL. Mr. Speaker, on dangerous tasks necessary for the defense of raising revenues. That plays into the Monday of last week, this Nation was the Nation. The importance of the Thun­ derbird program cannot be overestimated, hands of OPEC and ignores the impli- · sorely diminished with the deaths of as it extends throughout the country an ap­ cations of our energy dependence on Maj. Norman L. Lowry III, Capt. preciation of the role of air power in our our economy and our national securi­ "Willy" Mays, Capt. Joseph N. "Pete" military readiness posture, as well as the re­ ty. It also destroys consistency and. Peterson, and Capt. Mark E. Melan­ markable skills required of Air Force per­ cer.tainty that is badly needed if these con, all U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds. sonnel. 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. January 29, 1982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 523 These fine officers-Major Norman L. country. We desecrate our heritage essed by the jobs services offices. Lowry III, Captain Joseph N. "Pete" Peter­ and we betray posterity. Those offices are going to be cut by son, Captain William "Willy" Mays, and So let us strive to measure up to the 800 people on February 15 unless Captain Mark E. Melancon-have given their lives in defense of the Nation as much same degree of dedication, patriotism, something is done. as servicemen killed in combat. I salute and bravery these men have placed Last December, when the gentleman them. before us in their lives and their from Massachusetts <Mr. CoNTE), of­ As might have been expected, once deaths. fered a substitute amendment to the the shock of this sad event was passed, The SPEAKER pro tempore <Mr. continuing resolution, assurances were there immediately came from some GLICKMAN). The Chair recognizes the given that no people would be laid off quarters demands that the program be· gentleman from Washington <Mr. from employment services and no halted. While I do not argue with the FoLEY) for 1 minute. people would be laid off from unem­ good intentions of those who suggest ployment compensation offices and this, it must be recognized that this is CONGRATULATIONS TO ITALIAN that the offices would remain open. the last possible thing these four GOVERNMENT IN RESCUE OF He said, in concluding that portion of brave men would want. The thought GEN. JAMES DOZIER his remarks, that if what he said was was echoed by their widows, Mrs. not true, the administration would file Linda Downing Lowry, Mrs. Sara Ann <Mr. FOLEY asked and was given a supplemental budget request. That Scragg Mays, Mrs. Cecilia Jones Peter­ permission to address the House for 1 request has not yet been filed for the son, and Mrs. Carol Jean Neal Melan­ minute and to revise and extend his unemployment compensation and the con with whom I spoke. These women remarks.) administration indicates it will now recognize the value to the Air Force Mr. FOLEY. Mr. Speaker, we cannot oppose additional funds to keep those and the country of their husbands' allow the session to end before the offices open.
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