The electronic version of the book is created by http://www.enverhoxha.ru SPIRO DEDE THE COUNTER-REVOLUTION WITHIN THE COUNTER-REVOLUTION (about the events of the years 1980-1983 in Poland) THE «8 NËNTORI» PUBLISHING HOUSE TIRANA 1983 INTRODUCTION From the moment it burst out openly to this day the Polish crisis of 1980-1982 has compelled attention from the whole of world opinion. From all sides and directions a great deal has been and still is being said, giving the most varied and contradic­ tory opinions, assessments and definitions to it. All along, the Party of Labour of Albania's assessment of the true character of the recent events in Poland and its stand towards them has been the diametrical opposite of everything that has been said in the bourgeois-revisionist world. Right from the outbreak of the crisis in September 1980, the PLA pointed out that the strike movements in Poland «were inspired and manipulated from out­ side by the capitalist bourgeoisie of the West, by the all-powerful Polish Catholic Church and internal reaction. They were aimed against a counter-rev­ olutionary regime and had a counter-revolutionary inspiration.»* --------------------------- * «Zëri i popullit», September 7, 1980. 3 Subsequent events fully confirmed that the entire recent movement in Poland, both before De­ cember 13, 1981 (when the pro-Western counter­ revolutionary forces were in full cry and very close to achieving their aims) and after December 13, 1981 (when the pro-Soviet counter-revolution­ ary forces put down their rival through the use of violence) is nothing but the history of the clash of two groups, one more counter-revolutionary than the other. From this aspect, that is, as the history of the struggle between two rival counter-revolu­ tionary groups, the recent Polish movement is of no interest to us. Let those concerned, the authors of the counter-revolution themselves, write its his­ tory if they wish. Nevertheless, there are a number of other as­ pects and factors tightly entangled with both the Polish movement of recent years and the ideo-polit- ical clamour raised about it, the analysis and ex­ amination of which from the PLA's stand-point of Marxism-Leninism is of special importance and interest to the genuine Marxist-Leninist parties and the international proletariat and the progressive forces. First of all, while showing once again that the strength of the working class is capable of bring­ ing down a reactionary state today or in the future, just as it was in the past, the Polish workers' revolts proved at the same time that without the leadership of the Marxist-Leninist party the move­ ments of the working class not only do not lead to revolution and are doomed to failure, but, worse still, are frequently placed under the control and command of reaction and ultra-right forces and obliged to play the game of the latter. How and why did it happen, for example, that although the Polish proletariat rose to its feet it could not ad­ vance towards the revolution and the dictatorship 4 of the proletariat? Why were millions of Poles so thoroughly misled that they became a reserve of the counter-revolutionary forces and placed them­ selves under alien political and ideological ban­ ners? What impelled them on this course, what are the «gains» they achieved from participation in this movement, what is the true road which they must follow, etc., etc. — for all this host of extremely acute problems, analysis of the current Polish move­ ment on the basis of the thinking and the stand of the PLA has particular importance. Second, the international bourgeoisie and the modern revisionists of all hues, through their invol­ vement in many ways and their frenzied propa­ ganda about the events in Poland, have undertaken and are intensifying another furious campaign against the theory and practice of scientific social­ ism, against its vitality and laws of development. All of them base their struggle and accusations on a common denominator: on the alleged socialism which they claim exists in Poland. The international bourgeoisie, with American imperialism at the head, is laying all the blame for the things that have occurred and are occurring in the capitalist society in Poland on the socialist sys­ tem, charging that it is the source of all evils, of the reigning socio-economic chaos and endless in­ justices from which Poland has been suffering for years. The efforts of the modern revisionists headed by the Soviet social-imperialists lead to the same reactionary conclusion. While doing everything pos­ sible to maintain the existing situation in Poland, the capitalist order which has been re-established there for years, they present it as a socialist coun­ try. The only result of such propaganda is to sow stupefaction and confusion among the masses, to arouse their discontent towards this «socialism», which allegedly exists and flourishes in Poland. In 5 this way the modern revisionists of all hues dis­ credit the theory and practice of genuine scientific socialism. The chiefs of the Kremlin and their lackeys present the counter-revolutionary events in Poland as a consequence of those shortcomings and weaknesses which the so-called socialist order in Poland allegedly inherited from the past, from the period of «dogmatism» and «Stalinism». Accord­ ing to them, those mainly responsible for this are the top bosses of the Polish party and state, who, after being squeezed dry, are tossed aside and des­ cribed as the bearers of all evils. In these conditions, examination of the recent events in Poland, of the causes which led to them and of the bourgeois-revisionist theories about these events, on the basis of the Marxist-Leninist analyses and conclusions of the PLA, has special importance. Above all, handling the problem in this way brings out clearly the truth that once again the whole frenzied bourgeois-revisionist campaign against so­ cialism is based on an absurdity. In reality social­ ism does not exist in Poland. It was overthrown years ago, has been replaced by the capitalist order, therefore, it is in vain to blame socialism for the things that have occurred in Poland. The blame falls on that order which has long been established and consolidated there — the capitalist order. In regard to this Comrade Enver Hoxha pointed out some years ago, «Defence of the theory and prac­ tice of scientific socialism from the attacks and distortions of modern revisionists of various hues and tints and other bourgeois and petty-bourgeois trends is one of the most important tasks in the ideological struggle today.»* Third, the events of the years 1980-1982 in ------------------------------------------------------- * Enver Hoxha, Report to the 6th Congress of the PLA, Selected Works, vol. 4, p. 766, Eng. ed. 6 Poland took place disguised as and under the ban­ ners of a trade-union movement, and trade-union­ ism has been proclaimed by international reaction as the only road to salvation for Poland and the Polish people. Why were these banners employed, what is hidden behind the «independent trade- unions», how was the Polish proletariat caught up in them and on what dangerous anti-Marxist paths does this old game of the international bourgeoisie and reaction lead the proletariat? The analysis of all these events brings about the many bitter les­ sons contained in the recent Polish movement, les­ sons which it is essential to recognize and to learn from. Fourth, the recent events in Poland are linked directly with the line pursued by the Polish United Workers' Party. Hence, a correct analysis of these events necessarily requires a look at the treacher­ ous line which this party has pursued during the past 30 years, a line which led to the grave situ­ ation, the chaos and confusion in Poland today. Besides enabling us to find the real causes and factors of the Polish crisis, this examination of the traitor course of the PUWP is important also in order to equip the Marxist-Leninists and the masses with revolutionary experience. Fifth, the events in Poland are by no means «simply a Polish phenomenon». The same basic causes and factors which led to the Polish crisis exist in all the other countries in which the mo­ dern revisionists have seized power, just as they exist in the whole capitalist world. Hence, the causes exist and it is entirely possible that what occurred in Poland in recent years might spread to or re-appear in other countries, especially in the former socialist countries. We are not referring to the rival counter-revolutionary groups and clans within these countries. They have done and will 7 continue to do their work. The issue is that the proletariat and the masses in these countries must rise in the just and legitimate struggle they have ahead of them under the banners of the revolution and not fall prey to the great and hideous bour­ geois-revisionist deception into which whole con­ tingents of the Polish proletariat fell in the move­ ments of recent years. For these and other reasons, analysis of the recent events in Poland from the positions of Marx- ism-Leninism and the general conclusions which the Party of Labour of Albania has reached about them have great ideological and political impor­ tance. 8 I A SHORT REVIEW OF THE SUMMER OF 1980 The whole period of more than two years, in particular the period from June 1980 to De­ cember 1981, but in fact even after this, saw an unprecedented confrontation of the most varied classes and social-political forces of Poland. Al­ though general chaos was the most characteristic feature of the situation in which this confrontation took place, within this chaos the fierce clash be­ tween two main social-political forces, hostile to each other and, at the same time, entangled and implicated with each other, has become ever more clearly outlined and concretized.
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