R.I. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC. 130 SESSIONS ST. • PROVIDENCE, RI 02906 Support Read By Jewish More Than Agenci~~ 35,000 With Your People Membership THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. ' VOLUME LX, NUMBER 47 THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1978 25¢ PER COPY Egypt's Newspape-,s Deny Begin Says He Will Not Resume Talks Anti-Semitic Charges Until -Egyp_,t' s Press Stops Attacks CAIRO: A political cartoon in the daily showed the Israeli Prime Minister being JERUSALEM: Prime Minister Je~ish state, it would be useless and Al Abram this morning carried a blunt cap­ throttled by_world public opinion. Another Menahem Begin said here that the Israeli humiliating for .our delegation to go to tion under a caricature of Prime Minister had a woman labeled Israel dragging him military delegation would not return to Cairo to participate in the talks of the Menahcm Begin of Israel. off by the necktie to a treatment center for Cairo for negotiations until the Egyptian military committee." "Don't make excuses," it said. "We are addicts and ,·inquiring: "Can you treat press ceased its "hatred and incitement to "We hope that in the coming_ days the ◄ not anti-Semitic. We are anti-you." someone who is hooked on settlements?" - ◄ hatred against the Jewish people." Egyptian Government will prevent the ◄ That summed up the Egyptian response This was an allusion to the Jewish Citing nine instances of language he repetition of such outrageous statement~, ◄ ◄ to Mr. Begin's charge in the Israeli settlements in occupied Sinai, which Mr. found objectionable in the Egyptian press for which the Egyptian Government 1s Parliament that a "notorious anti-Semitic" 4 Begin insists must remain there even after a in recent days, Mr. Begin said, with emo­ responsible under the prevailing conditions campaign had been undertaken in the peace settlement. tion and at length: of that country," Mr. Begin said in the Egyptian press. The black eyepatch worn by Foreign "If this kind of obnoxious language is closest thing in his speech to a personal at­ Mr. Begin said that Israel would not Minister Moshe Dayan has also been used l ◄ continued, we shall not be in a position to tack on Mr. Sadat. ◄ resume peace negotiations until Cairo end­ as a cartoon device by Mr. Jaheen. A recent send the representatives and spokesmen of The Prime Minister's speech was billed ed its "incitement to hatred against the cartoon showed Peace asking to change the state of Israel to a place in which their yesterday as a detailed response to Mr. ~ Jewish people." places with War at the conference table ◄ people, their country and their Government Sadat's address to his legislature on Satur­ ◄ In the mood of disappointment that because Peace had been placed on Mr. are so vilified." day on the foundering peace efforts that ◄ followed the stalemate at the last meeting of Dayan's blind side. Begin Is Called 'Shylock' began on Nov. 19 when Mr. Sadat visited ] Mr. Begin and President Anwar el-Sadat, in None of the cartoons have been explicitly Mr. Begin's strong remarks were released Jerusalem. Ismailia on Dec. 25-26, the Israeli leader ..anti-Jewish. to the foreign press in a translation of a Last Wednesday, Mr. Sadat abruptly has been subjected here to increasingly Mr. Amin is an American-educated speech prepared for delivery in the Israeli recalled the Egyptian delegation to the barbed personal criticism. But the Egyptian n·ewspaperman with a reputation for snip­ · Parliament. Some observers said the tone of political talks that had begun here the day press seems more•rkindly disposed toward ing at authority. The late Gama! Abdel his speech as delivered in Hebrew to the before. The political committee was· headed the average Israelis than it was before Nassser had him arrested in the mid-1960's, Parliament was less strident, but after his by the Foreign Ministers of both countries President Anwar el-Sadat's trip to Israel tortured and jailed for more than eight speech, the Prime Minister's office said he - Mohammed Ibrahim Kamel of Egypt two months ago. years on charges of being in the service of stood by the English-language excerpts and Moshe Dayan of Israel. President 'A Few Unfortunate References' the United States Central Intelligence released to the press here, and Mr. Begin Carter pzrsuaded Mr. Sadat not to cancel a One Western diplomat who has followed Agency. himself used sharp language in remarks to scheduled meeting of a military committee, recent press comment found "a few unfor­ Mr. Amin responded to Mr. Begin's reporters after his speech. headed by the Egyptian and Israeli Defense tunate references but no campaign" of anti­ criticism by saying that the accusations had One third of Mr. Begin's prepared text Ministers, which had met earlier in Cairo Semitist'n. made him laugh because he, too, was a was devoted to what he termed anti-Semitic and had been scheduled to resume there Only a few of the nine examples of alleg­ critic of discdmination, "especially remarks in the Egyptian press, although first on last Thursday and then yesterday. ed anti-Semitism cited by Mr. Begin in the anything of a religious nature." Arabs, too, are Semites. Mr. Begin men­ But the Israeli Cabinet decided un­ Egyptian press could be traced today. The tioned an article that referred to him as animously yesterday not to send Defen~e best known was the comparison of Mr. U.S .. Specialists Soy "Shylock the usurer who wanted a pound Mi nister Ezer Weizman to the talks at this Begin to Shylock, the money lender in Newspaper Comments of flesh from his debtor." time when discourse between the two Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice," An article in Al Ahram, the semiofficial nations has become increasingly vitrioiic which was made twice by Mustafa Amin, a Not Government's Egyptian daily, said "the Jew will bargain and unproductive. columnist for the newspaper Al Akhbar. even with the Angel of Death," and another In his speech Saturday, Mr. Sadat again Criticizing the outcome of the Ismailia WASHINGTON: United States article, in Akhbar el Yorn, said, "Begin said that in order for fruitful peace meeting, Mr. Amin wrote on Dec. 3 I that Government specialists said that there had should thank God that he was not beaten negotiations to take place, Israel had to the "meetings were not with the delegates of been references in the Egyptian press up by members of the Egyptian delegation agree to a total withdrawal from the Arab the state of Israel but wit? Shylock, the recently that could be interpreted as "anti­ in Ismailia," the Suez Canal city where Mr. lands it captured in 1967 and to selfdeter­ Jewish usurer who sought a pound of flesh Jewish" or otherwise prejudicial to Jews but Begin met with President Anwar el-Sadat of mination for the 1.1 million Palestinian from his debtor's body." that there did not seem to be any organized Egypt on Christmas Day. · Arabs living in Israeli-occupied territories, "What Menahem Begin offered was not a campaign as suggested by Prime Minister .,.. "As you can see," Mr. Begin told the even if statehood is what they choose. peace agreement but a bill by Jewish usurer Menahem Begin of Israel. 120-member Parliament, "these are not Mr. Begin again rejected these conditions to a debtor in hardship, which he, the The specialists said they had not seen · only notorious anti-Semitic expressions but in his speech, noting that he had done so usurer, burdened with compound interest, every article published but that Mr. Begin, a repetition of what we used to read in Der earlier when Mr. Sadat stated them prior expenses, fines and profits, Mr. Amin went in a speech in the Israeli Parliament, Sturmer," a Nazi paper. "In such an at­ to, during and after his visit to Israel. on . appeared to have covered most of the items mosphere of hatred and incitement to Mr. Begin told the Parliament that Mr. Yesterday, Mr. Amin said that the stalled that were possibly anti-Jewish. hatred against the Jewish people and the (Continued on page 16) talks could resume when Mr. Begin stopped The Egyptian press, while influenced using the "language of Shylock." heavily by the Government, is not under of­ The most common response from Egyp­ ficial control. There is no precensorship, of­ Israeli Youth Turning tians is that they cannot be anti-Semitic ficials said, so articles often appear that the because they are Semites themselves. Government may not favor. "At no time can Egypt be accused of this Officials in the party of Secretary of State A way From Their Roots feeling," said Foreign Minister Mohamed Cyrus R. Vance, who returned here from a Ibrahim Kamel last night. "If one stray trip to the Middle East, said that in talks By AARON SITTNER as follows: To the first and second word here or there has happened, it should with them, Mr. Begin had expressed per­ not be interpreted in this sense at all." Israel's young peopl~ are turning away questions, 100 per cent of the Orthodox or sonal anger repeatedly about an article by a from their Jewish roots, a leading so-called traditional youths opted for The official decision from Cairo has been . prominent Egyptian columnist that c~m­ researcher in religious trends observed here. Judaism. But among the others, only 62 per in general to ignore the charge by Mr. pa red him to Shylock, the Jewuh Prof. Simon Herman of the Hebrew cent preferred to be born as Jews here in Begin.
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