THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. Big Names Vital THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER S3, 1964 B-19 In Hitch's Films Hollywood Diary By the Associated Press HOLLYWOOD. Film Colony Set It’s strictly s, big-name To See Miss Hayes -nr o day policy for Alfred Hitchcock. • By Sheiloh Grahom * The director of "Suspense” always has top names in his HOLLYWOOD. can corrall more than $10,000,000 COMPLETE! INTACT! just by being and accepting casts, and he explains why: The tickets have only just nice gone on sale the Hayes’ the pictures Columbia has for years ago for Helen “Many I made a “What Every Woman Knows,” her and by listening to Aly •*. MORE TNRIUING picture at a smaller studio, sellout Khan! ¦RsiA I but looks like a for the \tb got to be the best... and was forced to use lesser- four weeks at the Huntington ** * * fINUtMORI SPECTACUIAR known players that were under Hartford Theater. ... I asked Glenn Ford is directing wife When planning business luncheons you want picture MORE MAGNIFICENT and the very best, contract. The was not Ethel Barrymore’s son, Sam Colt, Eleanor Powell’s TV show, “Faith Be sure to call on Statler—they’ll meet anybody’s test! terribly successful and it if he’d seen the immortal Helen of Our Children,” and doing 20 taught THAN EVER ON OUR For large affairs or groups or size at all, me a lesson. with Frederic March and Clau- other jobs besides. Eleanor smaljer any "I have I must and The Statler has the room learned that dette Colbert on TV in "The her Sunday-school class will get for you, so why not make that call! high-powered personali- use Royal Family," which makes no top billing over Glenn, who does SCREEN! For information, call Mr. Wilder at Executive 3-1000. ties and familiar faces for my bones about being a satire on the narrating. pictures. In melodrama you the Barrymores. *No,” said Sam, must have some one to pull Scott McKay is replacing John “my family does not approve of i| Forsythe in “Teahouse of the lor. And audiences are more the play.” HO {STATLER likely to pull for some one they : August Moon,” and he is also TEL Maureen O’Hara accepted “The riding the crest of the wave as are lamiliar with than a lesser Number One,” with Tony Entire hotel oir-cenditiened known Quinn Celeste Holm’s leading man in performer. in Mexico City because her No. i i her TV show. First met Scott 1 romance lives there. when David Selznick brought It’s cute to hear Betty Bacall him to Hollywood for “Duel in enthusing over her two-year-old the Sun” eight years ago. After daughter. “And I’m the girl who that was a great big TOOK TWO YEARS only silence. wanted boys,” she laughs. Mickey Rooney’s conversation I never saw her looking so well. piece: “I’m in good shape finan- Films of More Than Routine Merit How about some more pictures? cially. If you let the wife take WINELAND THEATERS ** * * producer “ABOUT MRS. LESLlE"—Another superb performance by care of the money, you can’t go W m y «om the Shirley wrong.” fourth Rooney ? WITH Booth. ANACOSTIA Marjorie Main, on her Euro- The Mrs. n 1 L s IGONE —Comic off-beat adventure yarn by John Reissue of Academy Award Winner. pean can take a bow. A years ago, \ the “BEAT THE DEVIL” HUMPHREY BOOART. WALTER experiences this summer: few w m ¦% Huston. HUSTON in "TREASURE OF THE “Every one should go to Europe Mickey was up to his neck in “THE CAPTAIN’S PARADISE”—AIec Guinness as a seafaring BIERRA MADRE.” at 1:30. 4:00. debt—nearly half million dol- 6:35. 9:10. —once only.” A “Ma and Pa a mm man with two wives. Kettle” was showing in Florence, j lars—and his career was: non- 2533 S E MB& “GLENN MILLER STORY”—James Stewart as the fondly- HIGHLAND Italy, when she was there. “Ma existent. Now he’s the busiest J F TREMENDOUS bandleader. Cinema Scope. GUY MADISON In elegant actor-producer in CAST OF remembered ‘THE COMMAND." Color, at 6:20, sure sounded in Ital- town. 2.500... “GONE WITH THE WlND"—Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable in 8:00. 9:40. ian,” says Marge, who talks of i (Released by N. A. N. A.) the authentic classic. It! AMTVf* Nichols Av* at Atlantic giving up her career because of —Alfred suspense gem. ft 1 laflll 1lls St. SE . J0.3-5000 “THE LADY VANISHES” Hitchcock's old ALAN LADD In "HELL BELOW ill health. “LIVING IT UP”—Martin and Lewis with a genuinely comic ZERO” Technicolor, at 6:25. 9:40; Producer Nicky Nayfack snared New Team Also FORREST TUCKER in "CALI- Acting script. FORNIA PABSAGE." 7:55. George Sanders to Join Mike at _ “PLYMOUTH ADVENTURE”—Mayflower Master Spencer Tracy 293,N h0 5t Wilding and Cornel Wilde in Gets Start CONGRESS 2.8 Film and the Pilgrims. r 0 A^7 “The Scarlet Coat.” George, they Cinema Scope. JOHN WAYNE. CLAIRE HOLLYWOOD. “THE ROBE”—Biblical drama oni the vast Cinema Scope scale. TREVOR. LARAINE DAY. ROBERT tell me, is now relaxed, with the STACK in "THE HIGH AND THE gal Hail the newest and one of MIGHTY."Technicolor, at 6:20. 9:00. Gabor out of his life. DRIVE-IN THEATERS SIDNEY LUST THEATERS PAflkl <703 Marlboro Pike. Md Sidney Chaplin has been hold- the most attractive husband- IsUIUM* . , Free Parking Air Conditioned JO 8 515 Free Parking ing hands all over Rome with Tony PALMER DRIVE-IN 2 Technicolor Hits. RAY MILLAND. wife movie teams: Martin GRACE KELLY. ROBERT CUM- British Movie Actress Joan Col- JENNIFER JONES Cedar 3-1111. On the'Geerce Palmer MINGS FOR MURDER." and Cyd Charisse will be co- (Md. Hwy. In "DIAL M lins. And Sid has been stating Hwy. TOO Via Defense or HILLSIDE DRIVE-IN at 6:15, 9:40: CHARLTON HESTON in “Have Tux, Landorer Rd. (Md. 202). Children (1200 Marlboro Pike S.E., 1 Mile From in "SECRET OF THE INCAS." at 8. emphatically over there, that starred Will Under 12 Free. D. C. Line. JO. 8-7»7». Children Travel," musical comedy by Tonight Only. WILLIAM HOLDEN In I Free. Open 7 PM. i a nun iour*i. m. there is no trouble in the mar- BRAVO” j liHUnbli Parkway William Ludwig and Sonya GRIGORY PICK ••ESCAPE PROM PORT 5-2113 (Technicolor), riage of his father, Charlie Chap- at 9-40: also STER- DOUBLE FEATURE Cinemascope. RICHARD WIDMXRK Levien, which Joe Pasternak LINO HAYDEN In ••HELLGATE.” at | OLENN FORD. "THE BIG HEAT.” in "HELL AND HIGH WATER." lin, and Oona O’Neil. at 7:30. 10:45: Plus JON HALL. Technicolor, at 6:00. 7:50, 9:40. will produce for MGM. The L£lL i BOMBAY,” Farley Granger found "THE LAST TRAIN TO Copi * H “d himself story was suggested by Mar- COTTEN on of the 9:30. JOSEPH Starts Tomorrow, One at CAPITOL after Largest Screens In the World. « 5. 8 with $85,000 taxes when CLARK GABLE. VIVIEN LEIGH2!u in tin’s career as a night-club UMI UN FROM HEHcil HUSMU IUUIUU «UHI HKTOM CHIUS KIFM JANE WYMAN and ROCK HUD- Starts Tomorrow. he quit Sam Goldwyn, which is SON In j "GONE WITH THE WIND." Techni- I entertainer. The singer reports "MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION." color. at 8:00. Doors Open 7:30. why he hasn’t made a movie “MAGNIFICENT | soon to start rehearsals for ' v ; recently. “Now I can afford to I ! “Hit the Deck,” in which he SEPTEMBER— MONTH OF SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS! "-JulfH* OBSESSION” FAIRFAX learn to act,” said Farley, so he’s Also ‘'CRIPPLE CREEK.” Both BELTSVH.LE DRIYEIN i j j also will star for the same tn Technicolor. CLARK GABLE. VIVIEN LEIGH In studying in acting schools. Balt*. Blvd. WE. 5-5900. ODen 7 P.M. "GONE WIND.” One Show. studio. WITH THE ** * * j 2 (Released by NANA.) Technicolor Hits *r 9 MARTIN and LEWIS. "LIVING IT Flash! Liberace is going j P /. *-pßt!^?oH?<rC(^s9^C)pet^M»M ABC DIIVEnTTf UP." Technicolor, at 7:30. 11: Plus GEORGETOWN steady!! She’s a 23-year-old Family Showplace of the Southeast. 808 HOPE. ARLENE DAHL. TONY Washington's Repertory Cinema MARTIN, "HERE COME THE AIR CONDITIONED by of Air Conditioned 3 Ml. from D. C. Line. Follow Sonth GIRLS." at 9:30. Free Playground. brunette dancer the name Capitol St. S.E.. * direct route to LAST DAY Joanne Rio. Jean Simmons Francis Loses ABC Children under 12 years FREE JAMES Ends Tonfitht. PRF.D MacMURRAY. AT I PM JU. 0-3322. Biggest Screen MASON signed today as the Salvation •THE EGG AND I." at 9:50: Plus ft la4-Eiin This Area. ALANLADD. DANIELLE DARRIEUX in JOE r. • McCREA. In Technicolor. "HELL ZERO," Technicolor. Army lass in the “Guys and 'Godiva' Role Only. BFLOW “FIVEFINGERS” ‘•BORDER RIVER," at .7:35 j at 7. 9:30. movie, with Marlon 8y th* Associated Press Enjoy the Best in Pood at the ABC. Dolls” Tomorrow. Alan Paton's Best Seller, Brando, Sinatra Starts Tomorrow. THE BELOVED COUNTRY.’1 Frank and Friday. "MAGNIFICENT OB- "MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION." "CRY. Vivian Blaine. HOLLYWOOD. SESSION." Plus "DRUMS ACROSS THE Doors Open 5:45 P.M." Feature at 6:66'. I Victor Moore best Director Arthur Lubin RIVER.” 7:58. 9:56 P.M. FREE PARKING at I has the job OL. 2-2868. Biggest Parking he had a “TREMENDOUS OF,nPTIIFCnnI Wilkerson's Lot.
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