Weather DbtribotioB , M kad hamid May mi *MMrn». Um b«h dap hi the Ni Bccpt la Ot m «Z I Red Ban/c Area J 26,415 •here, Tuesday. Outlook Copyright-The g^ BankHegister, Inc. 1966. <Uy, Mr aad continued hot iMONMOUTH COUMTTS HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 89, NO. 10 baud WIT. ICaodir UJJOTUJ rrklu. Uamd Clua Fti«as> raid at Rid Bank and at Addftiaul MalUas Otllcu. MONDAY, JULY 11, 1966 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Reds Down 5 U.S. Aircraft SAIGON (AP)-The Viet Cong shot down three In the jungles northwest of Saigon, a battered in Marines to protect another CH34 which had gone American helicopters in South Viet Nam, killing Viet Coog regiment escaped toward the Cambodian down last night with mechanical trouble. A second four U. S. and nine South Vietnamese soldiers, border, leaving at least 238-dead after the U. S. CH34 was brought down by the Reds this morning while two more U. S. jets were lost in the air war 1st Infantry Division decoyed the guerrillas into a in the same area. However, the original helicopter against the Communist North, an American spokes- furious fight. was repaired and returned to action, a spokesman man announced today. All 13 helicopter deaths came when a U. S. said. A Navy fighter-bomber became the 285th plane UH1D Iroquois was shot down 18 miles southeast 88 MISSIONS lost in the 17-month air war against North Viet of Ca Mau in southernmost An Xuyen province Nam early today. The bombing continued with an which had been relatively quiet in recent months. U. S. Air Force and Navy planes flew 88 mis- attack on another oil storage depot 130 miles west- The U. S. spokesman had no further details. sions against North Viet Nam yesterday. In addi- northwest of Hanoi near the old French base of tion to the fuel dump near Dien Bien Phu, an oil Dien Bien Pliu. The pilots reported that two build- The two other helicopters—both Marine CH34 storage area 32 miles northwest of Vinh was hit ings were damaged. troop-cargo carriers—went down in the northern in the continuing American effort to cripple North part of the country 12 miles northwest of the Ma- Viet Nam'i motor transport. Other targets included Ground fighting in South Viet Nam died down, rine base at Chu Lai. There were no casualties in bridges, targes, roads and trucks, most of them with both U. S. and Vietnamese headquarters re- either crash. near the coast of the southern panhandle. porting only light patrol contacts. The Communists nuiled a chopper as it ferried (See VIET NAM, Page 2) Mayor Blasts Board Action YE COTTAGE INN BURNS — Keyport firs Chief William Newman searches for clues to cause of fire that early yesterday tore through dining room and cocktail lounga of Ye Cottage Inn, West Front St., Keyport. Ask State Probe of Currie Firing KEANSBURG-Residents here "This is. .unparalleled in the John J. Ryan, Jeremiah T. Wil- from this episode will place a ucation, ruled that there are no are seeking an investigation by history of this school system. son, Mrs. Elizabeth Connelly and heavier burden on an already provisions in state law for such the state commissioner of educa- Debauchery of Justice George W. Preston, Jr. overloaded taxpayer. Such costs action. tion of circumstances surround- "Irreparable damages inflicted "They displayed diligent effort will not go unnoticed and will Shortly after, confirmation was ing the dismissal last week of Dr. King Posts List upon this teacher cannot be un- in trying to avoid ths issue and have to be justified in the next received of the petition drive to teacher Robert T. Currie by the done by rescinding or recasting the unwanted notoriety which school budget." seek an inquiry by the education Board of Education. a vote. The unwarranted action may hurt the education of our Can't Recall commissioner. Word of petitions calling for . .is a deliberate and flagrant children. Qualified teachers will Pledges to seek the recall of Rumors of petitions also beinp such a probe came on the heels violation of the American way be reluctant to apply for assign- the five members were checked circulated to demand the resig- Of Rights Demands of a heated blast by Mayor Leon- It is the most complete de- ment in the borough of Keans- Friday when Edward O. Glas- nations of board president, Mrs. ard S. Bellezza against the five bauchery and travesty of justice burg. pey, assistant director of the Di- Margaret Boyle, and members CHICAGO (AP) -Dr. Martin He called for a "united black crying "black power board members who voted for I have ever witnessed. "Any additional expenses in- vision of Controversies and Dis- Douglas Foulks, Wallace E. Luther King, Jr., Sunday brushed consumer bloc that would be waving signs. One sign read Mr. Currie's ouster. "I commend board members curred for litigation deriving putes, state Department of Ed- (See CURRIE, Page 2J past signs calling for "black able to strike at any concern," "We Shall Overcome" and car- The mayor declared: power" to post the demands of and ended his speech with a ried a picture of a machine gun "The display of'arrogance by his Chicago civil rights move- pledge to come to Dr. King's aid Some of the group identified certain school board members ment on the front door of City at any time — "He's my broth- themselves as members of the and the administrative heads of Hall. er." Blackstone Rangers, a teen-age the Keansburg public school is Weekend Accidents Kill 15 The posting came after a King recently has been in dis- gang on the South Side. a complete and total disregard By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS dead were identified as John heat-defying antislum rally in agreement with McKissick and of wishes of parents, students, of a house and a reservoir. A cldent otcurrcd at Caldwell- King told the crowd: Fifteen persons died as a re- Heller, 21, of Springfield, an in- Chicago's Soldier Field and a other advocates of black power. taxpayers and voters of this bor- witness said it looked like the Wright Airport. The plane ap- "Within the white community sult of traffic accidents, drown- structor for Chatham Aviation of pilot attempted to avoid the parently stalled during a stunt traffic-halting march through James H. Meredith, first ough. there exists a substantial' group ings and light airplane crashes Morristown Airport, and Joe house. maneuver some 50-100 feet in the Loop. Better housing, more known Negro graduate of the of white Americans who cherish in New Jersey during the past Bitz, 42, of Convent Station, an FAIRFIELD — A veteran air- the air. Jobs and better schools were University of Mississippi, who weekend. Air Force veteran who was be- line pilot and his woman pas- Dead at the scene was Mrs. among the demands. was wounded during a recent democratic principles above the Airlines Traffic deaths numbered five: ing checked out in that type of senger were killed Saturday Sophie Williams, 46, of Hacken- Earlier, King linked arms march to Jackson, Miss., told privilege, and who have demon there were six drownings, and aircraft. Authorities said the night when the motor of their sack. The pilot, Frank Fabian. with civil rights leaders, includ- the rally that all civil rights strated a will to fight with the plane had been in the air about Negro against injustice. four persons were killed in two 40-year-old restored biplane ap- 3d, 44, of Little Ferry, died a ing Floyd McKiss-ick, national groups must join to fight "the Strike Talks an hour when it went in a mys- parently conked out during an director of the Congress of Ra- plane crashes. Two of the plane few hours later in Mountainsid system of white supremacy." "The Negro needs the white victims were flying instructors, terious spin and spiraled to the air show and the plane crashed Hospital, Montclair. Mrs. Wil- cial Equality, to form a com- man to free him from his fears ground between the front yard and burst into flames. The ac- mon front in the struggle for Ne- The slogan "black power" Resumed one was an airline pilot, and (See FATALITIES, Page 2) was seen in crudely painted The white man needs the Negro the other a woman passenger. gro equality. to free him from his guilt. WASHINGTON (AP) — Nego- McKJssick, who at first had signs, and heard in the chant's of tiators meet today to tackle the The victims: said he might not be able to at- groups of young Negroes and "I must' reaffirm that I do nol wage issue and other nationa MADISON TOWNSHIP — tend tiie rally, told the crowd of in the words of some of the seek the answer to our problems disputes in the strike against 76-yar-old man drowned yester- MCAP Gets $482,589 gome 35,000 that the concept of many speakers at the rally. in violence. Our movement's five airlines which has grounded day in the Raritan Bay off Lau- black power had been misinter- Before King spoke, 150 per- adherence to nonviolence has thousands of travelers jt the rence Harbor. He was identified preted, that it meant only that sons delayed the raliy several been a major factor in the crea- peak of the summer vacation as Gabriel Jouvan of Cliffwood Negroes "have a right to deter- minutes when they paraded tion of a moral climate that h*s season.
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