An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • THE • Dcm)~tifying the l\lona Men's basket ball lose., to Lisa. Drexel, 70-56, Bl B8 PRSRTST) 250 Student Center+ University of Delaware + Newark, DE 19716 L' .S. Po~tal!c P ID Tuesday & Friday '\t.::\\ <tr(. DE Penmt o. 26 FREE Volume 129, Isstie.34 · · . Friday, February 28,2003 'Vagina Monologues' return, this time with men H\ R \CIIEI I \ .\ '\S the: ·re screammg at the top of the1r lung-,, .. Heller -,aid. for' 1<.:tum of tlomc,tic no!encc. will reccne all of the R While performances such a-, "My \ngry \ 'agina:· benefits .. "\h \n_n \ ae:m<~" ,,nd The\\ on ..m \\'ho Lmcd " \\car and Sa\ .. and "Reclaiming Cunt" had the Alumna Laini \\'clue organized the event a~ well to \l,t!.c \ Happy·· "ere Jtht two of the man) audience I a ugh i ng. the som bcr performances of as p<:rformctl in it She sa1tl \~hen she fir't heard about perf1mmmc~ for the mostl) female CJ\mtl of 410 \\hO "Vagina :\ot- o Happ) Fact," "I Was There in the men playmg a part -,he ''a' skeptical. ntt<.'nded. the 11pcmng n1ght of the \ agma l\lonologues Room .. and ":'\1cn 's Monologue" brought e\ eryone "Then [realized men want to help out as much as nn \\'cdno.:,dJ\ a: \litcho.:llllall back. to real it) the\ can." 'he -,aid. "What better wa\ for them to do The nwiw'ol!ucs. written h\ E' e Enslcr. were Senior l\1egan Heuberger said most people in the that than to hu\c a monologue of their ~wn." created to en·po~\<?r "omen. ,1,- ''ell a relate true autl;ence could relate to the stories told 1n the Sen1or Shae John,o"n said the three men who 'tones 11l '10lence <~~ainst "lllllCll. rerformances. performed the m,llc monologue gave the overall ~how The solid m1' ,;f com cal ami somber monologues "They ''ere all ''nnen in a wa) everyone could an e'\cellent t<lliCh. drc'' appropnatc rc.Illlt\11, of silence or roanng untler'>t<mtl." she s<ml. "The male monologue e'pecially "I \\as reall) impre,scd to get the male laughter. mo,·ed me. per-,pcctiYc." she aid. "The dialogues shO\\ ed the ~ \\ hlle th<.' silO\\ 1s in its fourth \car at the "It wa' a huge difference hearing what the world strength or the group." uni' o:r,tty. thl' rerformanco.: marked the fii<t time men would be lik.e without ,·iolence agai'iist women from Senior Emilv Ehlers said she has been in the show ha\C been 111\ohcd as i.idOr,. men. lt "as extremely powerful to listen to something for mo years <Hid can feel the o,·en\ helming positi,·e Freshman Da\.: Sch.tellcr 'illld he ''as blo'' n <m a\ they had personally written." force. b~ the dn cr.; it~ of the pcrfnrman..:c. · Senior Sam Wightman. pre. idcnt of the ~1en "Thi-, -.ho\\' really reaches a lot of people:· she "Th.:rc arc times "ho.:n I felt their pain and I "as Against Rape Soeiet;. said the Vagina Monologues 1s a said. tm the \t:r!!C of ..:n in~:· he 'aid "But. there aro: so great opportunity for men to show their o;uppo11. Senior Sa-,ha Gamburg. -,ecretar) of Haven. was mam other-umes \\hen'! couldn' t stnp laughing ... He 'aid h1s imtlal thought was that men \\OUitl not one of .)9 ca-.t members in the production. She said the ·Frc,hman Ericnnc Kilgore '-i.iid she could not stop feel comfortable on stage dunng a performance about 1ssuc 111\ nh cs C\ cryone. not JUst ''omen. laugh111g at some parts of the perfmmi.lncc vagmas. "The cnJ'>atle to stop 'iolcncc against women is a "The an!!n \ .Jl!ll1a \\as hilanous:· 'he said. "It \\as ~ "But men and ''omen can both be femi111sh. and universal cru-,atle ... Gamburg said. "There IS no gender perfom1ed ";\~ell am.l \\ Hh 'o much cnerg) :· this performance gh es everyone a chance to help out." lme: we all should be united." Sophomore ,\rchJe Heller s<utl he preferred the Wightman said. She -,aid -.he could not ha\c been happier with the lll funm .tcts the seriou-, ones ~1.\RS wanted to be im olvetl With organi,·ing and performances. :.The Inti.: red bra got me ... he said. "Then funtlraising as soon as they heard the) could. he said. 1 "I \\as especially pleased with the show.'' CYenone started moaning .. - The group co-sponsored the event '' ith Haven. the Gamhurr. s,ud "It is a r.0od time to learn a few things -The \\ails of i\litchcll Hall c..:hoctl \\ith the moans uni,·ersity ·, gay. lesbia. bisexual and transgendered and bring people together to unite in the fight to stop and ~roans of "The Woman \\ ho Lo,o:d to l\lak.e student group. and did much of the promoting. violence a~ainst ,,·omen." THERE\ IE\\ Jam~' Schmidl \'ag1~as Happ~ ··monologue. ·'All of the profit-. go to a reall: good cause:· The ~lni,crsit\ 's final performance or the This year's production of "The Yagina :\lonologues" "Ho" can they n11t get ewr~ one· s attemion when \\ ightman said "The Emmau> HOU'>C. a local sho.:ltcr monlllogucs is toniglit at 8 p.m. features 39 cast members in three performances. Former CIA director discusses war on terrorism BY KATIE GRASSO anu intelligence. narcotic~ unit. "here Carey was able to shut considered the terrorist att<ILb of Sept II an \dnw ,,, ill I \t 11 \Ed 'r He tl~sLrihctl thb period a.., a simrlcr down two international cartels. intelligence failure. Da\ 1d Care\. fom1cr head of the Central time in L' .S international relations He said the agenc1 ·s plan for count.:r­ ..""rhere is absolut.:l\ no doubt;· Care\ Jntclligcnce gctK~. spoke about the lite of a "\\"c knc\\ w hn i.lllU "here our ene P\o narcotic.; was to capture the kingpms in-,tead said. "From mam angle~. !Sept. I II "as t1i1 CIA agent to appro:-.1matcl) 3ll0 aud1cncc \\as,"hc aid of the lo\\ k\ cl dealer' mt,·lhgcnc<' lailurc. · members in Cia\ ton Hall on Wedncstla\ Care\ dcscnbcd the C IA·, trailbhllcrs One cartel was shut down b\ lito.:rall\' He 'aid .til the informatwn \\Us 111ght. • - as a!!CJW, ·\\hO \\en: ll1!1ll\all\·e in their field folkm ing the scent of one of its i11ember.·. ti\ailablo:. as C\ itlenccd b\ the unmcuiate In the past. Care) ·s fom1cr position as during the Cold War. The CalC Cartel's accountant wore ~o much acquisition of informaiion about the head of intelllr.ence offered little room for In the late 1950..,. he o;aid the a~cnn "as cologne. Carey -.aid. that after they lost sight intli' iuuals inmh ctl in tho: attacks. candor. Howe~er. in the first lecture in the responsible for tlcn:lopmg the tcchnolt;g) to of him. they were able to .,tay on his trail. Care) also atltlrcssctl questions from the Global Agenda Scncs. "Spies. Lie-. and tak.c pictures of restricted land area-. from He 'aid h1s motivation for joining the uudience about ai-Qaida leader Osama bin Sneak.) Guys:· he discussed past secret space. Thi' allowed the Lnlletl State' to Cl,\ wa-. to utilize Its educational benefits. ~<.tdcn. proJects and his opiruons of the United itlentif~ and photograph So\ iet missile He planned to work. tO\\ ard obtaining a He sa1tl his personal bchcl 1" that hm States' war on terrorism. sir.hts. doctorate. he said. but " tn Laden is still ali' e. but he Jocs not\\ "To some of 111\ former colleagues. thi-. ~ Whik some Cl,\ agents are recruited. mtelligence soon became addictive <llltl he wh\ he cannot he found. i-, the1r worst mghu~are:· Care\ swd. "l\1e. a he '>aid some \Oiuntecr. ' rema1;ed with the agency for 32 )Cars. - Care\ rctir.::tl from the CJ,\ in 200 I and captiYe aud.ience and an open n1ic ... "i\genh arc the people willing to giYc During his career with the organiJ:ation. "a' nam~tl 'icc president of Information Before Care\ became a member of the us kc\ infnrmation." Carcv s,titl. "Thcv arc the C IA ha-, e\ ol\'etl from focusi1lg mo-.t of Assurance of Oracle Corporation. the agcncv. he rccei~ed a bachelor's degree in traito;, to others. heroes to us:· - 1ts attention on the Soviet Union tO" counter­ nation· s l;u·ge-.t enterpnse soft\\ arc compan:. agricultural economics from C~orncll Carey tic scribed one agent P) otr Popo' . terronsm James \lcGee. chairperson of the L~ni,er>it\. and a master's in business who prtl\ided SoYiet intelligence to the "I think our top three priorities arc one. department of political science and administration from the Un1' ersJt) of Gnitctl States. sa\ mg the countn half a counter-terrorism. t\\ o. counter-terrorism and international relations. said Care\ "on Dela\\are. billion dolli.irs in rescar~h. - three. counter-terrorism ... he said. "But there numerous aw artls in his posiuon as tiircctor When he joined the CL\. Care) said. 60 "That "as "hen a half billion dollar, are other important concem'> such a-, counter­ of the CIA. HKiutling the CIA D1rectors percent of the agcnC) ·,. aiTairs dealt \\ith the was a lot of mone\ :·he -,aid. narcotic' and weapons:· medal and the D1stmguTshctl Career medal. So,iet Ln10n.
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