IN THIS ISSUE .. GENERAL NEWS S.ns~l In Chh:a,o ..hot In head by ,.nc ...................... 1 S'ntU!u~~d~:i s~~~~~e ~rrns~~~~ ment ......................... 3 M.mb",hlp Publication: Japan ... Amorl",. CIUlfIlJ Lt... , 125 WtU" Sl, Los AII9.lo., CI 9001Z (213) MA 6.4471 .. NATIONAL-JACL Satow: 13 chaptcl'$ <luallfy for IU, Publl,h.d W.. kIJ Ei"pl Lan Wilt 01 thl Yo., - ~ CllS' 'OS\l91 'lid II Los AlI9tlt •• CIIW, time htrh Awards: School Part.· ntlrshtp projec.t tor Jr. J"ACL deadline nean .....••..•. •• ••• 1 FRIDAY, SEPT. 23 , 1966 .. CHAPTER-JACL VOL. 63 NO. 13 New Telephone: MA 6·6936 TEN CENTS Dlyton'a tloat wins sweepstakes.1 ", DEPARTMENTS Jr. JottLngs: 1000 Club Notes; Chapte.r Can Board ........... 3 .. COLUMNISTS Masaoktt: Ctvll Rights bllt kUled. Goo.: Radel blas charged'. Hosekaw.: Tajirl Mcmodal award. \"e Ed's: A Weel<;'s Respite. Sansei shot in head PER SPEC .!t BY BEIIoRY SUZUKIDA 01 them yelling "Blackstone", were connected with the a !lack were quoted by the American (Special to the Pacific Citizen) the scouts scattered. Explorer on Kanki. in showing a decided upswing, ... Robert Tesbima. 18. of 6759 The Chicago American, not only b number, but in the Jerry ~ OHICAGQ..-.Jiames Kanld, a 2(). Constance saw Kanld fafl to which front·paged the inci· seriousness of gang assaults. year-old Sansei. was shot b the pavement. On e of the at­ dent with an eighkolurnn ban· • Enomoto lI! the head on his way home tacker.. yelled. "We got one 01 ",er-Teens Ambush 7 Scouts, Young Kanld Nat' l President. (Il from a Friday night scoul them." 1 Shot~pointed out teenage Kanki graduated Irom Hirsch meeting last week. Explorer Ron Lopez. 19. 01 gang violence has claimed the High, attended Southwest Jr. Sacramento On the late Saturday news 7G59 Kenwood Ave., said there lives of at least six youths College and was enrolled this Th. other day a number 01 telecast, his father Mamoru were about 20 in the gang. He so far this year. At least 105 lall at Chicago Teachers Col. memos from 1000 Club Chiel. (of 7742 Merrill Ave.) told his beard four or five shots. youths have been seriously lege North. working toward a Dr. Fl'ank Sakamoto. to Dis· interviewer he bore no ill·will beaten, stabbed. slasbed or career as an English teaeber. trict 1000 Club Lieutenants, tClwards Ibe unknown assail· Trouble Makers wounded with firearms wbile He was a part·time employee fell out 01 my n\ailbag. Fl'ank ants. He also believed his SO:l According to local police, the another 21 girls, at least, have 01 television station WT.1W. is losing no time building a felt no ill-will either. Blacksto;,e Rangers are known been forcibly raped or other· His father is an adviser for campaign to bolster our ~OOO When asked what he thought as troublemakers in the south· the Explorer Post. which is i!}. wise sexually assaulted by Club ranks. was the cause of this incident, side area. D ~tective Adolph tegrated. Some of its members Over the years our 1000 Club Kanki attributed it primarily to Gary said he did not know youth groups. aTe Japanese, Mexican, Puerto has tended to become familiar SOCiety. He felt keenly that the If any members of the Rangers Police juvenile statistics Rican and Negro. <lnd comfortable. like an "old individual gang members (be­ slloe". It may be thai ,,;e need lieved to be the Mighty Black· somethbg to charge it up. stone Rangers) were not to Creative ideas from our Dis­ blame. He volunteered the in· trict & Chapter 1000 Club form<ltion that perhaps the Chairmen can produce activi· scout program he had been tie.3 t projects, programs. etc. ON STAGE-Five Coloradans enriching congratulates Mrs . Juanita Likes, Lamar spo;,soring should have beeD that can revitalize the Club at the theater through their vocation or civic theater founder, handing her expanded to cover more young· Chapter and District levels. avocation were called to the stage to "Larry" award, bronze sculpture de· sters in the area. Similarly, we need ideas lor receive the second annual Larry Tajiri signed by Larry's brother Shinkichi. I was greatiy impressed with some symbolic national pro­ memorial awards in Denver last Mon· (Bill Hosokawa comments on the event the mature reactions of this ject, Ibat will repolish the day. Helen G. Bonfils (left), president in his column this week.) aggrieved father. Instead .,! image of the 1000 Club. Let's pouring deprecations and support Fl'<lnk in his cam· of the Denver Post and honorary chair· man of the Tajiri Memorial Foundation, -Denver Post Photo swearing vengeance, Mamoru paign, not only to swell the Kankl held steadfast to the Thousander ranks but, to re­ concept 0(: "Forgive them tor kindle enthusiasm b being they know not what they do." identified with membership in Director's Report: Mas Satow it. Three-Hour Operation Not commonly known is that The you::lg E xplorer scout Frank enrolled bis two young survived a three·hoUI brain sons b the 1000 Club. 23 JACL chapters qualify operation to have the bullet removed. He was conscious be­ lore undergoing surgery and ALIEN LAND LAW FIGHT was reported in fair condition Just advised that the second aner the operation at Billings FIRST PRIZE - With six huge paper hor Day 'Holiday at Home' parade take! ~eekend next month has been for All-Time High award Hospital. folded objects hanging from bamboo first prize in the civic category. set up lor Mike Masaoka and Doctors said after the suc· poles, Dayton JACL's entry in the La· me to see first band, how the San Francisco now increased for S years in mors prevalent at the time re cessful operation that James campaign is going in Wasb· While there is a bit more succession, and Alameda post­ Japanese Americans.. tele­ would not be paralyzed. Doc· ington. Early review of the than a month for final determi· ing its 3rd year increase. gram of greetings to 2nd An· tors said the builet entered strategy bas elicited comment nation of those JACL Chapter, Incidentally. there are now nual Larry Tajiri Memorial Kanki's forehead and lodged Dayton's sweepstakes wrangler which deserve pecognition for 41 Chapters in more than 200 Award presentation in Denver i:l his brain. from the "old pro" (Mike ) five feet wide. One of the beneath the origami. They outstandl:lg membership per· member category where two on being alerted by Min Yasui The shooting occurred Sept. (Special to the Pacific Citizen) that our cbances look pretty fish measured 14 feet b were Mrs. Fred Fisk, Mr., good. There is no questicn that foronanees. 23 Chapters al· years ago the COU:lt was 30 of the Award Committee . 16 as Kanki was walking willi DAYTON - The theme was ready qualily with all·time Cbapters. loaned our copy of CBS·TV's six other scouts o.n 74th St. "Wonderlu! World of Fan· length. Each one took 2 hours Dale Green and daughter, Lin. some hard work is again be­ In fold and another bour to da, Janet Diehl, Cathy Hunt3. highs. 21 of which have sur· "Nisei-The Pride a:ld th between. Dorchester and Ken· tasy". and the Dayton J'ACL Ing done by many of our col­ dn the 150-2OQ group San Fer· reinforce with a wooden frame. burger. and Beverly and Pat leagues in the Pacific North· P"Ssed their last year all·time nando Valley shows the highest Shame" to the Berkeley Uni­ wood avenues. Kanki told p<>­ woo first place this year in membership highs. fied School District for showing lice he heard some 01 the the Civic ca,tegory of tbe large The Dayton Chapter thinks Tanamachi. All were dressed west. percentage increase in its 8th in J<lpanese kimono. Ray J ello Among Chapters in the more to select group of leachers and youths call out: " Mighty 196 unit " Holiday at Home" they may hold the national Particular thanks are due successive year ot better-than kins was this year's float than 500 member class, San discovered that coordinator Blackstone Rangers". parade held on Labor Day. record on the largest origami Tak Kubota and Toru Sakaba· performance. Salinas 'valley chairman. Francisco retains its "ichiban" Mrs. Katherine Favors used to The scouts had been attend· The float consisted o( six ever folded and placed on a ra. Meanwhile I will look for· increased for the 4th year and The 35,000 people wbo rating from last year with .1,538 be a neigbbor of Em Nakadoi ing an Explorer Post 2569 huge folded origami hanging moving float. ward to the trip. Omaha is in its 3rd year of viewed the parade also ",,­ mem bers, but is closely press­ in Omaha and attended several from To compliment and add (Enomoto and Masaoka are increase. meeting at the Essex Commu· 14-1001 high bamboo joyed the Dayton Cllapter's 7 ed by San Jose with 1.537 with special JACL functions on her :lity Church, 7400 Dorchester. poles. Origami were each beauty to a:l already beautiful Icheduled to visit the Seattle Mid·Columbia heads the 100- Shindler clowns who gave out area Oct. S-11.) the highest percentage increase 150 member Chapters in high. invitation. When accosted by gang, one more than six feet long and float. seven chapter girls sat in this group. This is the 11th over 200 monogrammed bal· est percentage i.:lcrease with loons and entertained in tho consecutive year that San Jose Gilroy marking its all·time YOUTH PROGRA1I1 line of march.
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