US Submarine Veterans Inc. (USSVI ) Volume 6, Issue 1 Seattle Base Jan-Apr 2004 Change of Command Our overall goal this year any USSVI member, other scholarship winner was to increase atten- me rchandise selling come from our group dance at meetings and rights in the Store for the when Jennifer Aaby, membership in the Base. Base, and placement of a Shipmates Tom Rice’s In 2003 our goal was to donation container for grand-daughter was cho- raise the meeting atten- our Charitable Founda- sen in 2003. dance average to 40 and tion. We had significant at- the membership count We led a successful tendance from Seattle from 135 to 160. We multi-base effort to cre- Base in Reno at the joint achieved our meeting at- ate a Submariners Me- convention. tendance goal and our morial at Tahoma Na- We started our quar- membership count grew tional Cemetery. We had terly dinner meeting pro- to 145, 15 short of our a very enjoyable picnic gram in 2003. goal. this summer in conjunc- We had a very suc- We continued our tion with South Sound cessful Holland Club in- monthly speaker pro- Base. We participated in duction and Tolling the gram and it continues to several parades, most Boats ceremony on the be well received, and we notably the Auburn and pier alongside the Rus- continue to partner with Sedro Wooley Parades, sian Submarine, and had Seattle Submarine At- plus several events at a wonderful Christmas tractions and the Foxtrot Tahoma Cemetery. luncheon at the Seattle sub to provide Docents We continued to lead Yacht Club in conjunction and light restorative the way in participation with SubVets of WWII, work in exchange for free in our National Charitable Lockwood Chapter. admission at any time for Foundation. We had an- (See “Command” on page 11) Commander’s Corner by Robert Opple, Base Commander Seattle Base 2004 My 2004 goals will not Commander. I do so only be to continue the knowing that Patrick excellent tradition Householder had the base already established, but in great order and to set goals that will the transfer would be distinguish our base as seamless. I also know one of the top in USSVI. that those elected to You will note that I called office and the returning the Seattle Base "Our committee heads are Base". We are all committed in seeing our brothers of the dolphin It is with a great deal of base continue the and as such, we know honor that I assume the excellence established by very well that it takes a responsibility of USSV Patrick and his crew. qualified crew to dive a (“Corner” - Continued on page 12) The Dolphin Brotherhood Page 2 THE DOLPHIN BROTHERHOOD Lounge. Pat Householder and Cliff Nutter made Christmas of ‘43 opening remarks, Bob Opple lead the traditional Lockwood Chapter Submarine Tolling of the Boats, Commander Hugh Latham – Veterans of World War II & spectacularly attired in full dress uniform with Seattle Base United States medals – gave opening remarks on behalf of Submarine Veterans Inc. Joint Holiday WWII vets, and Base Chaplain Mike Bennett – Lunch also resplendent in miniature medals – provided the prayer. Then followed a scrumptious ban- On December 20th more than a hundred me m- quet of London Broiled beef or Salmon Fillets; bers of the Puget Sound submarine veteran both food and service at the Seattle Yacht Club community (19 World War II submarine veter- were first rate. ans, 33 post-WWII submarine veterans plus guests, friends and sponsors) gathered for a After the meal, and before coffee and desert, truly memorable and historic occasion at the Charlie Ryan led a round of champagne and Seattle Yacht Club. The 2003 Submarine Vet- sparkling cider toasts to both WWII and Cold erans Joint Holiday Lunch brought together War submarine veterans. Then, from 2:00-3:00 Navy veterans whose active duty years a microphone was passed around and many of spanned from the 1930s through the 1990s. It the World War II combat veterans regaled the was an occasion for shipmates to get better gathering with tales of how they spent the acquainted or reacquainted and celebrate and Christ mas of ’43 or other Holiday seasons during the War. Finally, the group sang the Navy Hymn and God Bless Ame rica accompanied on the piano by Lei- Llah Smith (Admiral Horton Smith’s wife). The gala ended with distribution of door prizes that included original December 1943 Life, Readers Di- commemorate U.S. Navy Submarine Service gest and Saturday Evening Post Magazines; two history and traditions. gift sets of Silver Lake Winery wine donated by shipmate Phil Ward; Caterpillar jackets and insu- Subvets were breaking down the door almost lated mugs donated by shipmate Bob Opple; and 45 minutes before the 11:00 starting time. As USSVI 2004 calendars. members and guests arrived at the beautifully decorated clubhouse, everyone received Everyone agreed this was the Seattle-area sub- enameled lapel pins commemorating the occa- marine veteran social event of the year. And I sion, ladies got a gorgeous corsage (courtesy was especially pleased when one of our WWII of shipmates Doug and Connie Abramson) and combat veteran shipmates approached me as he each sailor or couple was photographed in the left the clubhouse and said “This was the best Club foyer. Then there was an hour-and-a-half party I’ve ever been to in my life!” Of such days of socializing over cocktails in the “Ward memories are made. Room”, overlooking Portage Bay and with 1940s Holidays tunes being played on the pi- Sponsors ano. Without these people’s generous support to At 12:30, following group photos of the sub- Christmas of ’43 the event’s full ambiance and vets, everyone adjourned to the Fireside color would not be possible. Their contributions VOLUME 6, ISSUE 1 Page 3 are a sign of respect and appreciation for the District Nine Annual Meeting Apr 30, May 1 & 2, 2004 (Arrive Fri Apr. sacrifices and contributions of World War II and 30th - Depart Sun May 2nd) post-World War II submarine veterans. Reme m- ber these friends of the submarine veteran com- Sheraton Hotel - Portland Airport munity when you need the services their busi- 8235 Northeast Airport Way nesses provide. Portland, Oregon (503) 281-2500 Joe Baer, Vice President, Bernstein Investment Rooms $69.00 each includes Cont Breakfast (Non-hotel residents $ Research and Management and Alliance Capital 11.00 each for Breakfast) Management, LP - $1,000: Bernstein Investment Research and Management provides comprehen- Local Attactions: sive estate and wealth management services for Hillsboro Evergreen Aviation Museum. http://www.sprucegoose.org/ private families and individuals, as well as insti- USS Blueback at OMSI http://www.omsi.edu/visit/submarine/ tutional asset management. Private clients are PT 658 is at the Naval Reserve Center, Portland, OR. PT 659 is at the the firm’s central focus, and Bernstein, a unit of Oregon Military Mus., Portland, OR. The PT 658 is being restored, us- ing some parts from the '659. Save the PT Boat, Inc. and PT Boat Res- Alliance Capital LP, manages $44 billion for a toration, Inc. are involved in the restoration. The 659 boat is to be private clientele that includes some of the na- moved to the Fort Vancouver National Historical Site in Vancouver tion’s most prominent families and individuals. Washington. Here is a link http://ourworld.compuserve.com/ The Seattle Office is at Two Union Square, Suite homepages/mandm/ptboatp1.htm Look up PT 658. According to Blue- 4650 in Seattle. To learn about the firm’s invest- back Base Commander, the PT boat is being restored at Swan Island, ment track record, capabilities and services con- which is a industrial area in Portland. tact Joe Baer at (206) 342-1300. May 1st Dist. Meeting at 9 am to Noon (Free time until evening dinner, Edward DeVito III, Vice President, Maust Corpo- Hospitality Room open for chewing the fat and sharing hydraulic sand- ration - $500: Eddie (USS Plunger, SSN-595) is wiches (if you so desire) with your favorite bubbleheads/ a new Seattle Base shipmate. Maust Corpora- tion has provided trucking services in Seattle May 1st Banquet dinner: 6:30 pm: $30.00 each since 1902. They provide freight brokerage ser- vices – specializing in frozen and refrigerated Entree choices: cargo - for full truck load or less than truck load Pacific Salmon Fresh Boneless Filet' Grilled, served with Tomato Ca- transportation between Seattle and any location per Classic Cordon Blue chicken Breast filled with julienne ham, Swiss chess, in the United States. Call Maust Transportation London Broil Charbroiled, Thinly Sliced, Served with Burgundy Mush- Services at (206) 431-0676 if you need reliable, room Sauce competitively priced freight services. Seattle Base, USSVI - $500 For the dinner send at note stating the entree you desire for the meal with a check to Ann Nichols Foundation - $500 Richard Hagen, The Hagen Company: Dick was Chuck Lytle [email protected] 2805 SE Balboa Dr. our sponsoring Seattle Yacht Club member. Vancouver, Wa 98683-9184 Hagen Company provides commercial real estate For the RV'ers among us: brokerage services – purchase, sale, manage- ment throughout Puget Sound, with emphasis on RV'err Portland Meadows R.V. Park (503) 285-1617 the East Side. Dick Hagen can be reached at 222 NE Gertz Rd. (425) 455-1005. Portland, Ore — article by Charlie Ryan Columbia River RV Park (503) 285-1515 10649 NE l3s Ave. Portland, Ore Sheraton Parking lot has NO Hook-ups For further information: Contacts : Collie Collins, BC: [email protected] Bob Walters: [email protected] Page 4 THE DOLPHIN BROTHERHOOD Little Known Facts by Bill Wolfe, Editor of Polaris ? The first Japanese casualty to American arms ously Capt.
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