J SIXTEEN TO TWENTY ESTABLISHED 1868. l AUGUST '1894. 1 PAGE8-.1.00 A YEAR. VOL. XXXII, No. 81. f TOPEKA, KANSAS, WEDNESDAY, 1, CATTLE. SWINE. SWINE. TABLE OF CONTENTS. B. 1I0WlIIY, Box lOll, Topeka, Kas., breeder and SELECT HERD OF BERKSfllRES SUNNY SLOPE 'V••hlpper of thoroughbred Poland·China and En­ FARM, 2-Tn STOCK IHUBBST. - steers PAGE gll.h Berk.hlre .wlne and Sliver-Laced W),andotte lIave fo� sale pigs from ,State fair winners. Can C. S. Kas. ' CROSS, Proprietor, Emporia, Fed for Beef and for Growth. chicken•. WI olaSses for 'show, Boars for fall service. A few lIerefords. Beau Real 11066 SOws bred. Addre88 Breeder of pure-bred PAGE S-AGBIOULTUBAL 'M.A.TTBRs.-The choice , KBI.-Pedlgreed Poland·ChI­ head. tbe herd. Young bull. and heifers for ...Ie. TROTT, Abilene, (lo" Kas • Worm. More Facts About Orlm­ G. W. BERRY, Berryton, Shawnee Poland·Chlna .wlne. Choice • Also M. B. Al.o for ...Ie, bred Armf, Transmission D nBl and Duroc·Jersey.. Turke)'., BOn Clover. The Electrical Light Brahma, Pi),mouth Rock, S. Wyandotte chlck­ lr�:�;::.!""��I��I·�i of Energy. GeologlcalCondltlons Affect­ ·en. and R. Pekin ducka. Egg.. Of the best. Cheap. J. N. ELLIS ����:r���Je'l�!°'23rs'1� !�� the noted Duchess and Lady Lee strain. of N:H. the of Water. Oameron, Mo., Ing Purity General Lee, both Gentr:r PAGE 4-The Appreciation of Gold. & GENTRY, O'rrAWA, KAs.-Our Po- �:e':t%a':'lr:��I':?c! DIETRICH ., PAGE 5-Publ1shers' Paragraphs. Selec­ , �);, f � I �, low�:r:;�h�y:c�n? = 'b'::J:M�e':'3dZi2'm�t � I LarlaBarkshlras tion of Seed for Planting. Pet'. OBllood and the great Loyal Duke 2IJ823 O. -The Old write u•. Brookdale Herd of Red Polled Cattle. PAGE 6-TIIB HolO CmOLB. For choice pigs now reiul)' to.hlp. Comeo��C:�����':�=���� Farm House (poem). Chicago Under the lias won more prize. In 1892 and 1800 than an), other B. Sutton & Bona, Rutger at .Ix State fatre Mob. Woman's The Man and herd out, Including champlon.hlp Rights. BBRKSlIIRES.-Wm.Farm, RUB88ll, Kanl!&8.· Choice lI'ebruar:r and and World'. Columbian Expo.ltlon on Iowa DaT)'lOn Labor-Effects the State. Child Upon March pig•• Young boars read), for .ervlce. Young 10th aUD. 1I1. calve. for ..Ie. Write. Individual. and cholce.t breeding. Wages and Welfare. .ow. bred. Good WlI[. MILLER'S SONS, Wayne, Neb. PAGE 7-Tn YOUNG FOLKs.-The Boy In Tax-. the .Mow (poem)'. Pays One Cent (lATTLE AND SWINE. General Sherman Kept Open HOUde. In the Sick Room. , Poland·CblnBl Pearl, J 1I TAYWR PAGE 8-EDIToBIAL.-Want.Amidst tre­ ClIOICE Short-horn.. .: ' 'Kas. used Abundance. General Grange Pic­ UlDLAND STOCK FARM.-F. M. Owen., Melvem, nic. Wanted. The Russian Corn Reports JIJ.. Kas., breeder of Galloway and 1I01.teln cattle, Thistle Pest. Poland·Cblna.wlne and thorougbbred poultr:r. Be.t PAGE 9-EDITOBIAL.-Weather-Crop Bul· of strain.. Come, .end or write. letln, Kansas Swine Breeders. Atten· H. ALBERTY, Cherokee, KBI., Regl.tered 1I01· Kansas Breeders. Irrlgbtlon Con­ tion, M••teln-lfrle.lan cattle, Poland-China and Duroc­ vention In the Sixth Congressional Brown of Jersey .wlne, ,Ro.e-comb Leghorl\s. Stocl< :G. w. GLICK,_ATCWSON:, KAS. District. alllllle. and both sel[e. for sale. Orders booked now J. R e , KILLOUGH" SONS, 10-H()BTIC�TuBB.-preventlon of for p!gs and egll•• Rlcbmond, Kan.as, Bree4a and bu for Bale Bate. and BateJl.topped PAGE SHORT�HORNS, 1rI1- and Scab. How to Breedel'llof Waterloo,; K�klevlngton, Pear Blight Keep STOCK FARM lIERD OF THOR· barto, CntirIr, Prln_, Gw),nne, LItO)' Jane and o$ber Sweet Potatoes. Fresh Sprouts of Ex­ ASlILANDoughbred Poland·Chlna hogs, Short-hom cattle­ POLAND-CHINA SWINE titahlona6fe famllte•. The grand Batea bulla Water­ and PI:rmouth Rock chickens. Boare.lo serilOli, loo Duke of Shannon Hill No. 898'1'9 and perience. Wlnaome Duke 11th at bead of herd. ll-IN THB DAIBY.-Oleomargarlne 113,18'1' PAGE �!: bulla for Bale now. Vtaltora WeloolOe. AmeriCa:. tu'\f'�:h.��� ':�Jr.:rla::')''!�fC.��o�o��i OhQIOBlOling (poem). The Jersey In Nortli' lodlvldual merlt'and gllt-edl8d pedigree m)' motto. Addrell ,W. L. CHAFFEE, Manacer. Butter Fat and Butter. Atiout Milk Thermom· .• �rr.'!Fa�nr..�lleIaeIl.- I: r.�� ::.:o� - Fever. The Dairy Cow as & AND' POULTRY FOR SALE. Some eter. Dairy Notes .... POULTRY YJ.BD.­ SlIEEf'0II91ce COTIIWOLD and MEUINO buck., any age. Women as POUltry-Raisers. Preparing POULTRY. Will sell to oult the ttmes, The leading varieties of Orst-class for sale at all times. Addres. Green Food for Fowls. Notes. pouttrr Poultry 1I. H. lIague & �n, Walton, Kas. PAGE 12-FAMILY DoOToR.-Bad Effects POULTRY YARD8-lIave for Bale the Seed. RIVERSIDEM. B. Turke),., S. L. Wyandotte., B. P. Rock., of Tobacco ....Alfalf�aving S. C. White 'Brown Leghorn., Light Brab· Missouri Horticulturists. Leghorn., MISCELLANEOUS. Valley mas, Pekin ducks and their eggs In season. Chick. PAGE IS-TuE VBTBBINkRIAN .... Gossip at all times. LuclUe Randolph, Emporia, Kan�as. PEARSON M. 1I0SMER, Live Stock AUctioneer, Maryville, About Stock. Market Reports. P. A. J POULTRY YADDS.-L.E. Pb:le1,En:. KlnaIeJ', KanAB, licit .itl��I����!":. EURBKAKu., breeder of PI),month Rock., S. Wy- ��tir r';::':�C:n��:�:�e poria, Breeder of reasonable. Secure dates early. t!���:n:�.���':t"e:a·a�'\.:i:!�u���°'ci':lc�8 , F M. BREEDERS' DI'RECTORY. at all times. Ellg. In season. Poland·China Swine -. WOODS, Live Stock Auctioneer, Lincoln, Neb • . Refer to thelie.t breedera In the We.t, for whom T. FORBES-FINE S, C. BjlOWN LEG­ I do bu.lne88. PrIce. reUonable and . oorre.pondeoC8 HARRYhorns. Eggs for sale, packed and sent by safely IOlIclted. el[press to any part'of the United States. Address 701 Polk Ku. St., Topeka, JAS. W. SPARKS, . Short-hom cattle and Po­ Live Stock Auctioneer, l\larshall, Mo.' LANGSlIAN BARRED PLYM land·Phlna hogs, bred by Sales made In all States and Terrltorle8. Hefer to . NBB. PURE-BREDouth Rock and S. C. B. Leghorn egg" one dollar C. C. KEYT, VBRDON, the best breeders In the West, for whom I have thirteen. Addre•• Robert MI••ourl Pa Aberdeen 101458, apure HORSES. per Crow, King made sale., Write or telegraph for 'dates before cillc Railway Agent, Pomona, KBB. Crulckshank,head. the herd. advertl.lng. Terms reasonable. Stock for sale at all times. F welcome. A One lot of male for STOCK ARM.-RegI8tered, Imported VALLEY HEHD FANCY POLAND-CHI­ VI.ltors young pip S. C. ORR, VETERINARY SURGEON AND stallions and mares Farm two miles north of Nebraska. PROSPECTand hlgh·grade Clydesdale KAWN AS-Of. the most noted bred for feed­ .ale. Verdon, DR.DENTIST.-Graduate Ontario Veterinary Col­ suit for sale cheap. 1'eMu. to purchaser. Thorough­ Ing qualities as well a8 fancyfamllleslpo nts. Bebout's lege, Canada. Veterinary Editor KANSAS l!'ARMBR. 8ale. Two mile. west of bred Short-horn cattle for Tecumseh _at head of herd. M. �'. Tatman, Pro­ AU dl88ue. of domestic animal. treated. Ridgling H. T.A.HUBBARD Topeka, Sixth strect road. W. McAfee, Topeka, prietor, Rossville, KanSBB. castration and cattle spaying done by be.t apjfroved KBB. Rome, KaolIN, calls to any dlstanoo. Office, breeder T. lIARRAlI, Pomona, KBB.• of pure- ' Breeder of , . �:::'��;';'n���ttend J POLAND-OHINAS and OATTLE. +J�I;' 'f ho�nbS�edE�g�;n��at���:'e�: R�����n��c�'fo��f� t.: ., ,,' LARGE ENGLISH after 15. August BERKSWRES. Two bundred head. AU age•. 8.\t����RIFe��O..Si{��KlI!�eCtI��!B�t- AND RED POLI,BD CATTLE COTS­ Flft)' boara and fortY'Ove SOws read), for buyer•. ferent seta of 8tud book8 and herd book. of cattle ENGJ,ISHwold Sheep.-Young stock for sate, pure"'blood. GUINEA FOWLS-U each; egg."ll per and bog.. Compile catalogue.. Retained b)' tile and Your order. solicited. Address L. K. WHITEthirteen. Pl'lI7lwuth Rock OockMels, f2 each; Stock to make aU their grades. CL()VER LAWN HERD City Yard., Denver, Colo., Green Mo. f1 thirteen. WMte HollMIa 'L'uT�', 113 oomblnation .ales of horses and cattle. Have fiaseltlne, Dorchester, Co., eggs, per POLAND-OHINAS. large each; ellg8,12 per thirteen. MARK S. SALISBURY, oold for nearly every Importer !Lnd noted breeder of Young.ow. and bcars and VAI,I,EY HERD O�' SHORT·HORNS.­ Independence, Mo. cattle In America. Auction ...Ie. of fine horse. a for ...Ie. PI-Ice. head. spring pig. .peclalt)'. acquaintance In California, New NEOSHOImported Buccaneer at Hegl.tered bulls, Stock flrst-cIBBS. Large breeders reasonable. and heifer. and cow. ot bed·rock prices. D. 1'. Nortun, n. DILLE & BONS, EIlOBRTON, KAS., Mel[loo, Tel[as Wyoming Terrltor:r. where I W.N.D. BIRD, Emporia, KBB. Council Grove, Kas. A• ot choice B. P. Hock., S. L. Wyandotte.l I,lght have made nUlOerou. pnbllc ...Ie•. BrahlOas and M. B. turkeys. Chicken egg. ,1 to f2 Satl.facllon thl. herd were per 15; turkey eggs 113 per 11. guaranteed. R. S. COOK HOLSTEIN-Jo'RIESIANS.-I,.romfurnished some of the winners at the World'. Fair. Write for M. E. MOORB, Cam­ Wichita, Kall., catalogue. SWINE. eroD, Mo. Breeder of ... w. of ,. "',, • • Poland � Chinas. H. C�0?s�Ef3��'�f:3�rlt:i ���.p��der '" '.\ I" Farm four mile. north of town. Thoroughbred Duroc-Jersey' Hogs ", GROVE RBnD OE' ,SHORT·HORNS.­ VALLEY�'or .ale, choice youug bulls Bud heifers at reI>­ .0nable._prlCf)s. Call on or address Tho•. P. Bab.t, Dover, KS8. H 0 LSTEl N - F RI ES'IANS NORJlIAL SOHOOL of JoTom this herd were furnished some' of the wlu. ..-� THE STATE K&N­ Is BB the Great ners at the World's �·alr.
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