Link 3_09-10_Cover_E_2:Layout 1 02.06.2010 17:39 Uhr Seite 1 TheA global voice for women Link3/2009-2010 No 218 Partnering in Haiti SI/E Scholarships Soroptimist Peace Prizewinner Clean Water for Helping Women Community Building People in Need Realise Their Dreams Across Ethnic Lines Link 3_09-10_S. 02-03_E_4 02.06.2010 17:39 Uhr Seite 2 Soroptimist International Note from the Editor Soroptimist International THINKING GLOBALLY FOR WOMEN (SI) is a worldwide organi- sation for women in man- Some time ago, I attended an Annual Gen- tionally recognised organisation is all about. By agement and professions, eral Meeting of one of the Unions and was sur- working together, we can achieve more. And working through service prised when some of the delegates said they why shouldn’t we be proud of these efforts were not interested in the aspect of being part and publicise them in the media? We stand to projects to build a better of an international organisation. The remark earn even greater respect from our partners and world for women and chil- was not only a shock, but it also saddened me thus accomplish more for women and girls! because these Soroptimists have no idea what dren. There are currently they are missing. I realise that not everyone can Christine Cromwell-Ahrens, Editor, The Link over 90,000 members in attend Governors’ Meetings and meet women Contents more than 3,000 clubs in from all over our Federation, but what about the joys of inviting your Friendship Link clubs 124 countries. for a visit and experiencing first hand Sorop- arche noVa at Work in Haiti 4 timist solidarity and friendship? The Link al- Soroptimist International Helping Women Realise Their Dreams 6 lows everyone to share in this experience. of Europe (SI/E) is one of As Editor, I receive all sorts of information Select Scholarship Candidates Now! 7 about the activities of our Clubs and Unions. four federations of Soropti- Study Tour to Moldova 8 The projects across borders are not only in- mist International. It has spiring, but also offer concrete help to thou- 21st General Assembly in Africa 9 some 35,000 members in sands of people, whether they involve digging Soroptimist Peace Prizewinner Reports 10 over 1,200 clubs in 57 wells for communities without access to clean water or providing education for young Biennium Theme Projects 12 countries. women and children in need. Let us not for- Federation News 14 Soroptimists inspire action get this important aspect of solidarity in achieving our goals. Imagine how exciting it is News from Unions and Clubs 18 and create opportunities that SI/E is not only able to support its own to transform the lives of Club Port au Prince in Haiti, but can also of- fer aid to thousands of other victims through women and girls through its partnership with arche noVa and other or- a global network of mem- ganisations. This is what being an interna- bers and international Cover page partnerships. Please con- p. 4/5 sult our website at www. With the help of Club p. 10/11 soroptimisteurope.org for Karen Blixen, the Little Rock Development Centre more information about provides a nurturing learn- the aims, activities and ing environment, meals and health care to vulnerable projects that characterise children from the Kibera our organisation. slums in Kenya. p. 14 p. 22 3/2009-2010, No 218. Quarterly magazine of Soroptimist International of Europe, published in English and French President: Dr Eliane Lagasse, Meerlaan 21, BE–9620 Zottegem, Belgium • Phone Private: +32 9 360 42 43, Fax: +32 9 345 85 46 • Email: elianelagasse@ hotmail.com. Editor: Christine Cromwell-Ahrens, Lundsford House, Lundsford Farm, Etchingham, East Sussex TN19 7QH, United Kingdom • Phone: +44 1580 819 319, Fax +44 1580 819 077 • Email: [email protected]. Subscription forms are available on the SI/E website www.soroptimisteurope.org or from headquarters [email protected]. A reminder to subscribers (individuals or clubs): any change of address should be communicated to SI/E headquarters in Geneva (72, route de Florissant, CH – 1206 Geneva, Fax: +41 22 789 04 43). If undelivered magazines are returned because of an incorrect address, we cannot assume responsibility for re-sending. Subscription rates (four issues per Soroptimist year starting December to September): Club bulk subscription (minimum five) €10.00 per subscription per language. Individual subscription per language € 12.50 (for airmail please add € 5.50 per subscription). 2 THE LINK 3/2009-2010 • Note from the Editor • Contents • Imprint Link 3_09-10_S. 02-03_E_4 02.06.2010 17:39 Uhr Seite 3 President’s Letter Dear Soroptimist Friends, how the endowment was used, and she has not disappointed us. She has initiated projects addressing the common interests of the Soroptimist stands for empowering and transforming the lives various ethnic communities. One of the most successful – with a of women and girls; the 35,000 members of SI/E substantiate this major impact on women’s health – is the ‘Mitrovica Breast Can- mission through service work and projects. This issue of The Link cer Initiative’ aimed at improving the prevention and treatment illustrates how we realise this mission in many different ways. You of breast cancer. will read how members have implemented a variety of projects with We are also very proud of the Danish Union’s work on the the same goal: giving women and girls the opportunity to fulfil their Women and Climate Change project, which has now been extended potential and live their dreams. to Kenya. Receiving such a substantial grant from the Danish For- eign Ministry to fund such an important awareness-raising effort Doing more than just building schools is a great honour for our Danish Soroptimists. Education is the key to progress and essential to achieve a Implementing the Strategic Plan for SI better life. It is well known that by educating girls and women, the whole family benefits. Soroptimist has therefore SI needs to re-evaluate its role to remain a significant player in always supported educational projects, but we want to do more a fast-changing world. We must assess the needs of our members than just build schools. We want the young women to as well as determining our requirements of them in line of the grow- progress in their careers by giving them guidance and advice ing pressure of career, family and social obligations. Although some- from experienced professional women (mentors) or by allow- times difficult to accept, we must change if we want to attract dy- ing them to continue their studies in the best circumstances namic young women and maintain the interest and enthusiasm (scholarships). of existing members. SI and SI/E are addressing this issue with the As the Mentoring Project, initiated by the German Union, implementation of the strategic plan. In this connection, SI has matches the vision of Soroptimist so well, we have expanded asked members to select a Long Term Project, and I invite all of the programme throughout Europe. Created many years ago, you to actively participate in this voting process. the SI/E Scholarship Fund has since helped scores of women My Board and I are interested in the opinions of members and realise their professional dreams. Some of them have even be- the SI/E Governors’ Meeting is an excellent opportunity to make come Soroptimists. In the future we intend to give greater im- your voices heard. I hope that this event in Ghent will bring stim- portance to scholarships and will try to link them with the Men- ulating discussions and that afterwards all of us will be satisfied toring Programme. with the progress made! Education enables young women to support themselves and makes them less vulnerable to false promises of glamorous jobs In friendship by traffickers. Soroptimist projects like the ones in Moldova or Romania have been very effective in the prevention of human Eliane Lagasse, SI/E President trafficking. Receiving credit for our work and generosity Soroptimist is also friendship and solidarity, and the earthquake SI/E President Eliane in Haiti has brought out the best in our members. The reactions Lagasse, here with her were fast and overwhelming. Indeed, we were so fast that, instead granddaughter Char- of one well-planned action, many clubs and union sent money di- lotte, wants Soroptimist rectly to different organisations. We have no way of keeping track International to succeed of all the various projects and donations, since contributions by in its mission to and the name of Soroptimist are often left unmentioned. Of course, improve the lives of helping those in need is more important than publicity, but why women and girls. shouldn’t SI/E receive credit for its work and generosity? We can- not quantify the results of our Haiti appeal, because nobody knows the total amount of donations. Centralisation of information is important for any organisation, and SI/E, which has to collect data for international agencies, is no exception. In recognition of Soroptimist’s continued work for peace, PP Heidrun Konrad initiated the SI/E Peace Prize to honour par- ticularly outstanding achievements. In Amsterdam in 2009, the third Prize was presented to Valdete Idrizi for her excellent work in peace- and community-building in Mitrovica, a region in Koso- vo with many ethnic conflicts. A year later Valdete has reported 3 THE LINK 3/2009-2010 • President’s Letter Link 3_09-10_S. 04-05_E_3 02.06.2010 17:42 Uhr Seite 4 arche noVa at work Clockwise from far right: Mat Anderson of arche nova reports to President of Club Port au Prince, Nadège Bance Jacques, on the progress of the project.
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