University of Tartu Sign Systems Studies 32 Sign Systems Studies 32.1/2 Тартуский университет Tartu Ülikool Труды по знаковым системам Töid märgisüsteemide alalt 32.1/2 University of Tartu Sign Systems Studies volume 32.1/2 Editors: Peeter Torop Mihhail Lotman Kalevi Kull M TARTU UNIVERSITY I PRESS Tartu 2004 Sign Systems Studies is an international journal of semiotics and sign processes in culture and nature Periodicity: one volume (two issues) per year Official languages: English and Russian; Estonian for abstracts Established in 1964 Address of the editorial office: Department of Semiotics, University of Tartu Tiigi St. 78, Tartu 50410, Estonia Information and subscription: http://www.ut.ee/SOSE/sss.htm Assistant editor: Silvi Salupere International editorial board: John Deely (Houston, USA) Umberto Eco (Bologna, Italy) Vyacheslav V. Ivanov (Los Angeles, USA, and Moscow, Russia) Julia Kristeva (Paris, France) Winfried Nöth (Kassel, Germany, and Sao Paulo, Brazil) Alexander Piatigorsky (London, UK) Roland Posner (Berlin, Germany) Eero Tarasti (Helsinki, Finland) t Thure von Uexküll (Freiburg, Germany) Boris Uspenskij (Napoli, Italy) Irina Avramets (Tartu, Estonia) Jelena Grigorjeva (Tartu, Estonia) Ülle Pärli (Tartu, Estonia) Anti Randviir (Tartu, Estonia) Copyright University of Tartu, 2004 ISSN 1406-4243 Tartu University Press www.tyk.ut.ee Sign Systems Studies 32.1/2, 2004 Table of contents John Deely Semiotics and Jakob von Uexkiill’s concept of um welt .......... 11 Семиотика и понятие умвельта Якоба фон Юксюолла. Резюме ...... 33 Semiootika ja Jakob von Uexkülli omailma mõiste. Kokkuvõte ............ 33 Torsten Rüting History and significance of Jakob von Uexküll and of his institute in Hamburg ......................................................... 35 Якоб фон Юкскюлл и его институт в Гамбурге: история и значение. Резюме ....................................................................................................... 71 Jakob von Uexküll ja ta instituut Hamburgis: Ajalugu ja tähtsus. Kokkuvõte ................................................................................................... 71 Jesper Hoffmeyer Uexküllian Planmässigkeit ......................................................... 73 “Плановость” Юксюолла. Резюме......................................................... 96 Uexkülli ‘plaanipärasus Kokkuvõte........................................................ 97 Kalevi Kull Uexküll and the post-modern evolutionism.............................. 99 Юкскюлл и постмодернистский эволюционизм. Резкше .................. 114 Uexküll ja uusajajärgne evolutsionism. Kokkuvõte................................... 114 Han-liang Chang Semiotician or hermeneutician? Jakob von Uexküll revisited . 115 Семиотик или герменевтик: Якоб фон Юкскюлл. Резюме....................137 Semiootik või hermeneutik? Jakob von Uexküll, taas. Kokkuvõte.......... ...138 6 Table o f contents Tobias Cheung From protoplasm to Umwelt: Plans and the technique of nature in Jakob von Uexküll’s theory of organismic order . 139 От протоплазмы до умвельта: планы и природная техника в теории порядка организмов Якоба фон Юкскюлла. Резюме........... 166 Protoplasmast omailmani: Plaanid ja loodustehnika Jakob von Uexkülli organismilise korra teoorias. Kokkuvõte .................................................... 167 Mathias Gutmann Uexküll and contemporary biology: Some methodological reconsiderations............................................................................. 169 Юкскюлл и современная биология: некоторые методологические соображения. Резюме ............................................................................... 185 Uexküll ja kaasaegne bioloogia: Mõned metodoloogilised kaalutlused. Kokkuvõte .................................................................................................... 186 Jui-Pi Chien Schema as both the key to and the puzzle of life: Reflections on the Uexküllian crux ............................................ 187 Схема как ключ и загадка жизни: размышления над проблемой Юкскюлла. Резюме................................................................................... 207 Skeem kui elu võti ja mõistatus: peegeldusi Uexkülli probleemile. Kokkuvõte .................................................................................................. 208 Cornelius Steckner Symbol form ation......................................................................... 209 Формирование символа. Резюме ............................................................ 227 Sümboliloome. Kokkuvõte......................................................................... 227 Dario Martinelli The musical circle: The umwelt theory, as applied to zoo- musicology..................................................................................... 229 Музыкальный круг: теория умвельта применительно к зоо- музыкологии. Резюме............................................................................... 251 Muusikaline ring: Omailma teooria, rakendatuna zoomusikoloogias. Kokkuvõte ................................................................................................... 252 Table o f contents 7 Florian Mildenberger Race and breathing therapy: The career of Lothar Gottlieb Tirala (1886-1974)....................................................................... 253 Раса и дыхательная терапия: жизнь Лотара Готтлиба Тиралы (1866-1974). Резюме................................................................................ 274 Tõugja hingamisteraapia: Lothar Gottlieb Tirala (1886-1974) elukäik. Kokkuvõte ................................................................................................... 275 John Michael Krois Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy of biology...................................... 277 Философия биологии Эрнста Кассирера. Резюме............................... 295 Bioloogia filosoofia Ernst Cassireril. Kokkuvõte....................................... 295 Andreas Weber Mimesis and Metaphor: The biosemiotic generation of meaning in Cassirer and Uexküll ........................................... 297 Мимезис и метафора: биосемиотическое производство значения у Кассирера и Юкскюлла. Резюме ............................................................ 307 Mimees ja metafoor: Biosemiootiline tähendusloome Cassireril ja Uexküllil. Kokkuvõte .................................................................................. 307 Anton Markos In the quest for novelty: Kauffman’s biosphere and Lotman’s semiosphere ................................................................................... 309 Поиск новшества: биосфера Кауффмана и семиосфера Лотмана. Резюме ....................................................................................................... 326 Uudsuseotsing: Kauffmani biosfäär ja Lotmani semiosfäär. Kokkuvõte .. 327 Jakob von Uexküll, Thure von Uexküll The Etemal Question: Biological variations on a Platonic dialogue ......................................................................................... 329 Якоб фон Юкскюлл, Type фон Юкскюлл. Вечный вопрос: биологические вариации одного платоновского диалога. Резюме ... 361 Igavene küsimus: Bioloogilised variatsioonid ühele Platoni dialoogile. Kokkuvõte ................................................................................................... 362 8 Table o f contents Reviews Jakob von Uexiill jr. Jakob von Uexküll and Right Livelihood — the current actuality of his W eltanschauung.................................................. 363 Thu re von Uexküll Eye witnessing Jakob von Uexküll’s Umwelttheory............... 373 Riin Magnus, Timo Maran, Kalevi Kull Jakob von Uexküll Centre, since 1993 ...................................... 375 Torsten Rüting Signs and the design of life — Uexküll’s significance today: A symposium, its significant history and fu tu re....................... 379 Sign Systems Studies 32.1/2, 2004 From the editors of this volume Current volume of Sign Systems Studies is reflecting two remarkable events that took place in 2004. First, this was the establishing of Jakob von Uexküll Archive for Umweltforschung and Biosemiotics at the University of Hamburg, accompanied with an international conference “Signs and the Design of Life — Uexkiill’s significance today” held for the inauguration of the Archive in Hamburg in January 2004 (see a detailed review by T. Rüting in the end of this volume). Second, there was the meeting “Cassirer, Lotman, Uexküll: Be­ tween biology and semiotics of culture”, held in Tartu in May 2004. This has been organised by John Michael Krois from the Humboldt University of Berlin (at that time the first Emst-Cassirer-Professor at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in Social Sciences) together with the Department of Semiotics of Tartu University. Most of the papers of the current volume were presented in one of these conferences. The volume altogether has been prepared in colla­ boration with Hamburg University, particularly its Jakob von Uexküll Archive for Umweltforschung and Biosemiotics} Although there has been some mentioning of Jakob von Uexküll’s work in several papers published in Sign Systems Studies earlier, this is the first case to devote a focused attention to his works. This can be seen as a follow-up to the special issue of Semiotica vol. 134(1/4), 2001, that has been entirely devoted to the interpretation of Jakob von Uexküll’s legacy and role in semiotics. We also thank Han-liang Chang from the National Taiwan Univer­ sity, who has organised the translation of
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