Hello gang! Welcome to the World Science Fiction Convention. If you do not have a wonderful time here, it will be your own fault. To you readers, we have tried to give this great opportunity to meet the men and women who create the most fas cinating literature of all, science li< tion. Authors and artists, here is your chance to get acquainted with a representative slice of your leading public. And you editors, here r tin chance of a lifetime to watch aulhm and reader get together and bailie il out, with your own two cent iai limn unwelcome. So, come on and ret i<> gether, science fiction fans readm artists, authors, editors and mal ■ this the best bang-up convention ev» i held. And we want to lake llii oppm tunity, too, to give mu hc.niHli thanks Io the publisher'. edilm a ill hors, tirl isls, and rcadei ■, ol ■.( ii’in c fiction, w'lhoul whose ndvet I islup and contributions this program and Ihin convention could mil have been imid> ii reality. We want everyone Io have an enjoyable liner dm ami win n I In I Imc < omc Io my 1 I ii ewell we hope you will all loul Imw.nd III i blggei and belli I i mivcnl Inn in lime , In tiiliir. / In Memory of ley Cj. \\'einkauin Whose Hobby Was Science Fiction S C I E N T I F I CT I 0 N I STS Hyman Tiger Carroll Wymack Moro jo Mike & Corinne Ellsworth Thos. S. Gardner Frances Alberti Julius Unger Jane 6EM35 Win. S. Sykora Emrys Evans James V. Taurasi Fitz-Gerald P. Grattan Frances Sykora Roy Test Jr. Mario Racic Jr. Ray Foulkes Mary Marcarette Curry Flerbert Hacussler N. Gilbert Dancy W. Lawrence Hamiing Vodoso John Giunta Pogo Jack Agnew Paul Freehafer Robert A. Madle Sophia Van Doorne Thomas Watson T. Bruce Yerke Langley Searles Joe Hatch (per FJA) Katherine Briknar Ray Douglas Bradbury Ann B Peter Racic Forrest J. Ackerman Sam Moskowitz. Erdstelulov Walter E. Marconette Maybelle Anshutz C. L. Barrett, M. D. Weaver Wright John Wasso Jr. Dr. Acula Sparks Stringer Jack Erman Ed Barrera Carlyle J. Bassette (per FJA) Emil Petaja Mrs. Allis Kerlay Tom Shields Fojhak Ford DeMenschen Mirta Forsto Clyde F. McAtee Claire Voyant Robt. A. Heinlein Walter Sullivan Don Green W Eddie I ichlig Nancy Featherstone Frances I airchild Joe W. Skidmore (per FJA) Rohl. Cridl.ind Thomas Hinmon Alden Ackerman Mrs. Charles Sykora Wilbert Stimson Rose Alberti 1 larry Wilson Millie Taurasi Berta Burn ill Jack Speer I a Verne Wade Louis Kuslan Irving Smith Gertrude Kuslan Jim Mooney Ted Dikiy I rmly Sweet Willard Dewey Irving Newman Hoy Ping Pong Wanda I ent Bob Tucker Herman Dottpke George M Tillie * lair I h-lding Flossie Hardart I larold Clark .Ian Rader S I Balboa Multicolor Joe Roger Stair Carmen Marcs A. Row Kuni/ Al Wenger Ray I lit i vhaiiM n Mrs, I ucie B, Shepherd I cone i I hallo it Chas, Henderson l dw Andsrson I ouise I lamell I con a rd Adlaml Mis < ieo, 11, Wyman Karl I out Win .Schilling* It..lit I ( umiioil' loir Bari I kin Mi I'hall R US* I lodgkiun I i im A I imlri Wall D.nigbeilv In Grateful Recognition to Science Fiction For What It Has Meant To Me MAP ■■■■■■■ Compliments of AMAZING STORIES and FANTASTIC ADVENTURES I Compliments of Mytes Standish Cabot ("The Raido Man") and family, Kuana, Cupia, P. V. James Grant, Gentleman Gangster, Chicago, III. General "X", U. S. Army And All Other Brain Children of The Big Three [ lie I\ oriel Science THE THRILLING GROUP Standord Magazines, Inc Hatter Public ntloni, I»t» Z’ Wc'.l 4Mlll 'illnrl SUNDAY, JULY SECOND MONDAY, JULY THIRD Morning Session: 13 CO A.M to 12:00 Noo'i Afternoon Session: 2 00 Io 7.00 P. M. I. Informal gathering at Convention Hal). 1. Call to order. 2. Luncheon Recess. 2. Reading of Minutes of previous day. 3. “The Fan World of the Future." by Sam Moskowitz. Afternoon Session: 2:20 to 7:00 P. M. 4. "Science, and Science Fiction," by William S. Sykora. 1. Registration in foyer. 5. ‘ Seeing (he Universe,1' lecture and motion picture, by Ruroy Sibley. 2. Official Opening of the Convention. 6. Recess for Refreshments. 3. Minutes of the First National Science Fiction Convention. 7. Science Discussions. 4. Address of Welcome, by Sam Moskowitz. 8. Dinner Recess. 5. "Science Fiction and New Fandom,” by William S. Sykora. 6. '"Science Fiction, the Spirit of Youth,'’ by Frank R. Paul. Evening Session: 8:30 P M to Midnight 7. Motion Picture —‘‘Metropolis,’’ a .scientific fantasy of the future. I. The Science Fiction Dinner, in honor of Frank R. Paul, the he-I kiumn 8. Recess for Refreshments. (30 minutes) and best liked science fiction artist. 9. ‘The ('hanging Science Fiction,” by John W. Campbell. Jr. 2. Adjournment tn I'uesday, July' Fourth, Independence Day. 10. “Men of Science Fiction,1' by Mort Weisingcr. 11. “Science Fiction Personalities” - general introductions and discussions. TUESDAY, JULY FOURTH 12. Supper Recess. Afternoon Session: • (X) ’ । / ' >:J p M Evening Session: 8 3? . C:0‘2 M. I. The Science Fictimi Softball Game. "Srienr.v Fiction Prole . ImiiiK Vi 1. The Science Fiction Auction. Science Fiction rarities contributed by S( icnce Ficlimi Fans" for the Science Fiction '"lib,ill 1 li.inipliiii'<lil|i famous fans, authors, and editors, to be sold at public auction. 2. Supper Recess, and mliournment Io the World? Fall G(tmml'< 2. Adjournment to Monday, July Third. Evening Session • I'' ' *' ' ' I Independence Day Fireworks al New York World? Fair Program Heading and authors'cuts, courtesy <>f Thrilling Wonder Stories. I. Final Adjournment and Farewell FROM 1 om THE UNITED VOICE OF ALL SCIENCE FICTION FANDOM Sam Moskowitz, Managing Secretary, 603 So. 11 th Street, Newark, N. J. CLASSICS OF FA NTA JJ To Read! z ou ve ^en C lam oring The Greatest Flights of Creative Imagination! Stories That Soar Above the Passing Strange! Merritt ------ The Moon Pool Wellman - - - - Space Station No. 1 Leath ------ Karpen the Jew Cummings - The Girl in the Golden Atom Wandrei - - - - The Witch-Makers Giesy - ----- Blind Man's Buff Robbins ------ The Whimpus Never before have these famous scientific ticm triumphs been ;>.il li< ।• <I together for your enjoyment . Lovers of the worlds of a thousand tomorrows have begged for them . The Editors present the moil exciting collection ever published .... On Sale July 19 Eifteen < < m ■ ya/tutud FANTASTIC Published by Ihc I’rank \ Million ( ninpimv t he AfftO&y dill ihhl S/di h \ hiiVF I dies Ihillhb Ihhitl'Vi Ihfrillvr l*h Ihm UrrXVv ATTEND MEETINGS A Miniature Convention At Every Meeting First Sunday of Each Month Bohemian Hail, Second and Woolsey Avenues, Astoria, Leng Island Compliments of Will Sykora THE ORIGINAL AND FOREMOST MAGAZINE OF FANTASY-FICTION Vhe Unique Magazine Willy Ley Frank R. Paul David H. Keller, M. Otis Adelbert Kline Henry Kuttner Manly Wade Wellman Jack Binder Stanley G Walnbaum I innk Hnlknnp I nny, . Il GREETINGS FROM SCIENCE FICTION CELEBRITIES Bob Olsen Raymond L. Gallon Willy Ley William F. Temple John Taine Conrad H. Ruppert Otto Binder P. Schuyler Miller Jack Binder Eric Frank Russell Jack Darrow Manly Wade Wellman Robert Bloch John Russell Fearn Otis Adelbert Kline Had Vincent John D. Clark, Ph. I). Polton Cross David II. Keller, M. D. Thornton Ayre Frank Belknap Long, Jr Henry Kuttner Frank R. Paul David V. Reed L. A. Eshbach Mort Weisinger H. C. Koenig Jack Williamson Edmond Hamilton Julius Schwartz Arthur R. Tofte Compliments of MARVEL SCIENCE STORIES and DYNAMIC SCIENCE STORIES from Newsstand Publications “Calling a Spade a Spade” SCIENCE FICTION Magazine Edited by Charles I), llornig, of the old Gernsbuck U'iWc/ Stories that are amazing, astounding, wondrous, startling, dynamii marvelous, weird, fantastic but above all they are SCIENCE FICTION featuring the master authors of the decade lamdo lllndei, Idmmid Hamilton, Neil R. Jones, Raymond Z Gallon, Manly Wadi Well....n, eli 1'1 I S distinctive science hcllimiil articles of alr.niIdm Inleo t ind departments for of, and by the Ian Soil inn be one of mu 100,000 \ssoi lute I illtm itiPieh In handing ytiltr nrnresl newsdealer 15 cents f«M a eop\ of the liilrM SCIENCE FICTION Greetings from Fantasy News THE WEEKLY FAN MAG 137-07 — 3 2nd Avenue Flushing, New York Windsor 6 - 2721 Compliments of JULIUS UNGER Private Collector and Dealer in FANTASY FICTION 1349 50th Street Brooklyn, New York "Madge" & "Mike" (Voice of the Irr.ogi-oation & Mikros) & Ellay Esscffcll (LASFL) wish the CONVENTION well Fantascience Field 7 yrs serving the IMAGI-NATION "EVERYTHING IMAGINABLE" 23614 N. New Hampshire Hollywood, California Compliments of Hope You’re Having a Wonderful Time CHARLES D. HORNIG Editor, Science Fiction J. HARVEY HAGGARD.
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