
AGE OF CONSENT CO lvifviiTTEE EVIDENCE 1928-1929 Volume IV Oral Ev:c1 ~~}ce and \Vritten Statements of \Vitnesses f:ra•~& the 1\fadras Presidency. CALCUTTA: GOVEUNl\IENT OF INDIA CE.\'TIUL PUBLICATION BRANCH 1'329 Price Rs. 5 or 8s. 3fl. AGE OF CONSENT COMMITTEE EVIDENCE 1928-1929 Volume IV Oral Evidence and Written Statements of Witnesses from the Madras Presidency. CALCUTTA:· GOYERNMENT OF INDIA CEXTRAL PUBLICATION BRANCH 1929 Government ol India Publications are obtainable lrom the Government of India Central Publication Branch, 3, Government Place. West. Calcutta, and from the following Agents:- EUROPE. Onxo.c o• IBB HIGH _COMMISSIONKR FOR. .INDIA, 42, GBOSVENOB GABDBNS, LO~DON, s.w. 1. , And at all Booksellera. INDIA AND CEYLON ~ Provindal Book Dep8ta: )UDUs:-Superilltendent, Government Press, Monnt Road, Madras; BOKDAY :-Superintendent, Government Book Dep6t, Town Hall, Bombay. SurD :-Library attached to the Olllte of the Commissioner In Sind, Karachi. 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The l'roprietor, Punjab Sam,krit Book DepOt, S. Murthy & CD., Madras. !> aidmitba Street, Labore. Bright & Ca., Tnvaudrum. The Insurance Publicity Co., Ltd., Lahore. 'fhe Dook:over"s Reoort, Tatkad, Trivandrum, South The Punjab Religious .Hook Societ)", Lahore. India. , Manager of the lmperlai Book Depot, 63, Chandney E. M. Gop•bkr.shoa Kon~. Pudumandapam, Madura. Chawk Street, Delhi. Ceu>.ral Book De!)Ot, Madura. Fono Book Agency, New DelW. Vija.pur &: Co., VIZagapatam. Oxford Bock ana ,;tatiouery Company, DelW and Thacker & Co., Ltd,_. Bombay. Caicutta. D. B. Taraporevaia :;on. & Co., Bombay. l:luput., Amerlran Baptist Mission Press, Eangoon. sunder Panduran~. Dombay. The Modern Publlshing Hou.se, Ltd., 30, Pbayre Ram Ch•udra Gvvind & Sous, Kalbadevl Road, Street, Rangoon. Bomb,.y. Burrua Book Club, Ltd.• Rangoon. N. M. Trlpathl .t: Co., Booksellers, Prinr.e>s Street, .Manager, Tbe ·• Hltavad•," ~agpur. K>lbadovi Road, Bout bay. Bhlsey IJ 1 otliers,Books~lle:a and Stationers. Sitabaldi, ,i4i New and Secondhand Bookshop, Kalbadevl Road, N;gpur. Bombay. S C Taiukdar, Proprietor, Students & co., coach ·I• Mrs. ~adiabai Atmar.. m Sagoon, Kalbadevi R:>~d, · Behar. Bombav. The Managt>r, Ceylon Observer, C-obmbo. J. M. Paudh & Co., Bombay. The Manager, The Indian Book ~hop, B_t>naree C1ty, oatulal & Co., Bombay. Nandkishore & Bros., Chowk, Benares C1ty. A. H. Wheoler .i\ \J\l., Allahabad, C!Licntta and llom- The i:lriv•iliputtur t:o-operative 'l'radmg lnion, Ltd. .b bay. • Srlvillipnttur (8. I. R.). S. Govmd & Co., Sandhurst Road, Gtrgaum, Bombay. Rs.ghunath Prasad & Soll9. Patna City. Propnowr, New Kitabkhan:>, Poona. The ::>tudents' Emporium, Patna. The Manager, Oriental Book Supplying Agency, 15, . K. L. Mathur & Bros., Guzrl,_ Patna City. Sbnkrawar, Poooa City. D,•ndekar .Hrothe.a, Indore City. Rawa Krlahna Broa., Opposite Vlshrambag, Poooa PnstakalaYa Sahayall: l:lahakarl Ud., Baroda. City. The Hyder~b.•d Book Depot, Chaderghat, H}"dera• s. P. Bookstall, 21, Budhwar, Poona. had (D"CCSD). Mang~ldaa & Suu$, Booksellers and Publlilhers, Bhaga Th lror & Co. Amraotl. Talao Surat a ' T ak lamp 0 Trichina- The St11ndard Book & Stationery Co., 32-33, Arbab S. Krishnas_wami & Co., epp u • ·• ··JL Road, Poaha.war. poly Fort.. , R. B. UmadJ.klU dr. Co., The :Uharat Book Dep6~, National Colle;!e Teachers Uulou Book Dep~t, Dharwar. TrJchlnopolv. AGE OF CONSENT COMMITTEE. (P ersonne1.) Chairman. 1. Sir Moropant Vishwanath Joshi, Kt., K.C.I.E., late Home Member of the Executive Council of the Governor of the Central Provinces. I Members. 2. Rai Bahadur Pandit Kanhaiya Lal, late ·Judge of the Allahabad High Court. 3. Mr. A. Ramaswami Mudaliyar, lately a l\fember of the Madras Legis­ lative Council. 4. Khan Bahadur 1\Iahbub l\Iian Imam Baksh Kadri, O.B.E., lately a District and Sessions Judge in the Bombay Presidency, and now Chief Judicial Officer of the Junagadh State. 5. Mrs. M. O'Brien Beadon, l\I.B., B.S. (London), L.S.A., Superin­ tendent, Victoria Government Hospital, Madras. 6. l\Irs. Brij Lal Kehru. 7. Maulvi Muhammed Yakub, 1\I.L.A., Deputy President of the Legislative Assembly. 8. 1\Ir. S. C. Mitra, M.L.A. 9. Pandit Thak'Ur Das Bhargava, 1\f.L.A. 10. l\Iian Mohammad Shah Kawaz, l\I.L.A. Secretary. :Mr. l\1. D. Sagane, 1\I.A., LL.B. EVIDENCE. TABLE OF CON'fENT5. N.B.-Dr. stands for Dootor. L. , Lady. M. , Mohameda.ns. T. Tex:ts. " ?AG~S. Qt"ESTIONNAIRE • • • x:v-:x:viii ORAL EVIDENCE OJ' WITNESSES AND THEIB. WRITl'EN. STATEMENTS 1-571 I I PAGES. I Names. Designation. - No. -· I Written I Oral I Statements. : Evidence. -- I I I I I MAD~.S. I I ' ~ao Member, Council of ,_2 2-8 1 I Pr. U. Rama . I .. I I State, Madras. I 2 L. 1\frs. Kamaladevi Hony. Organising 8-13 13-21 I t I Chattopadhyaya; .-t:lecretary, All·India. I Women's Conference I . • 9n Educational ! · Refo5m, Bangalore. I I Hon'ble V. Ramadas Member, Council of 21-25 25-31 3 .. i I Pantulu. State, Madras. ; I I Tondiarpet, Madras 31-34 34-46 4 .. ! Dewan Bahadur C. V. I i Viswanatha. Sastri. 5 .. ~ M. R. Ry. Rao Bahadur Advocate General, 46-47 47-57 ! C. V. Anantakrishna. Madras. I Aiyar Avl. I 6 .. Dewan Bahadur T. R. Advocate, Madras . 57-59 59-65 Rama.chandra. Iyer. I 7 .. 1\fr. N. Srinivasa. Advocate, Vice-Presi· 65-67 67-83 Acha.rya, B.A., B.L. dent of the All·India I Brahman& Maha· I sabha, Madras. I I 8 .. Rao Bahadur M. Commissioner, Hindu 83-87 87-94 Chengayya Pantulu Religious Endow- Gam. B.A., B.L. ment Board, Madras. 9 L. 1\Irs. 1\falati Pat war- Hony. General Secre- 95-97 97-105 dhan. tary, Women's Indian Association, Adyar, Madras. I I ( IV ) PAGES. No. - Names. Designation. Written Oral Statements. I Evidence. I I I MADRAS-('ontd. I 10 Dewan Bahadur T. Madras I 106-115 Rangachariar, C.I.E. I I 11 L. Sister R. S. Subbalak- Superintendent, Ice 115-116 I 117-12~ shmi, B.A., L.T. House Hostel, Head I Mistress, Lady I Willingdon Train- I ing College, General Secretary, Sri Sarada Ladies Union, Tripli- cane, Madras. 12 I Mr. C. Venkatasubbra- High Court Vakil, 126-131 131-143 miah•. George Town, I Madras. I 13 L. ; Miss L. Krishnabai, Secretary, The League 143-146 146-153 I B.A. of Youth, Madras. 14 . J\1r P. Ramanathan Advocate, High Court, 154-157 157-165 1- . Madras. I 15 1 Mr. M. K. Acharya • M. L. A., lfadras 165-168 i 169-183 ' 16 i Mr. c. v. Venkat-j M. L. C., Coimbatore 183-185 185-199 raman a Iyengar, I B.A.,B.L. I 17 Rai . Bahadur T. M. Cuddapah. 200--201 201-211 Narasimha Charlu, B.A.,B.L. 18 I Mr. U. P. Krishna- I China Bazar Road, 1 212-227 228-239 macharys. of Benares. Madras. 19 Mr. Sami Venkata- M. L. C., Madras 240--246 chalam Chetty. 20 Bramha Sri K.
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