CONGRESSIONAL RE.CORD. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. THIRD SESB·ION. SENATE. The Secretary read the credentials of JoHNSON N. CAMDEN, chosen by the electors of the State of Kentucky a Senator of 1t1oNDAY, December 7, 1914. the United States for the remainder of the term ending March The first Moaday in December being the day· prescribed by 3, 1915. the Constitution of the United States for the annual meeting of The VICE PRESIDENT. The credentials will be placed on Congress, the third session of the Sixty-third Congress com­ file. menced on this day. Mr. JAMES. Mr. CAMDEN is present in the Senate Chamber The Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Capitol. and ready to take the oath of office. The VICE PRESIDENT (THOMAS R. l\1AR~HALL, of Indiana) The VICE PRESIDENT. ls there any objection to the ad­ called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock noon. ministration of the oath of office to the newly elected Senator from Kentucky? The Chair hears none, and the Senator elect PRAYER. will present himself at the desk. The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offered the Mr. CAMDEN was escorted to the Vice President's desk by Mr. following prayer : JAMES; and the oath prescribed by law having been adminis­ Almighty God, we come before Thee in the spirit of our high tered to hil,ll, he took bis seat in the Senate. traditions and seek Thy favor at the opening of this session of the Senate. We have come with the weight of a world­ LIST OF SENATORS. wide influence upon us and with lnrge responsibilities for the The list of Senators by States is as follows: _ welfare of a hundred million of Thy creatures. The State is Alabama--John H. Bankhead and Francis S. White. a divine institution called into being by Thy grace to secure Arizona-Henry F. Ashurst and Marcus A. Smith. the freedom of Thy people and to guarantee to them their Arkansas-James P. Clarke and Joe T. Robinson. natural rights. Thou hast called into places of prominence California-George C. Perkins and John D. Works. and power these Thy servants in this honorable Senate and Colorado-John F. Shafroth and Charles S. Thomas. hast sent them forth to secure the divine purpose as a great Connecticut-Frank B. Brandegee and George P. McLean. Nation. Do Thou guide them. Give them that grace which will DelatVare-Henry A. du Pont and Willard Saulsbury. insure constant leadership of thought in all their great work. Florida-Nathan P. Bryan and Duncan U. Fletcher. Grant, we pray, that our message to all the people may be that Georgia-Hoke Smith. of peace and our influence in all the world that of universal Idaho-William E. Borah and James H. Brady. brotherhood. We ask for Christ's sake. Amen. Illinois-Ja'mes Hamilton Lewis and Lawrence Y. Sherman. CALLING OF THE ROLL. Indiana-John W. Kern and Benjamin F. Shively. The VICE PRESIDENT. Senators, the hour has arrived Iowa-Albert B. Cummins and William S. Kenyon. at which in accordance with the Constitution of the United Kansas-Joseph L. Bristow and William H. Thompson. Stutes the CongresS-or the United States is to assemble in regu­ Kenttteky-Johnson N. Camden and Ollie .M. James. lar session. In accordance With that- document I now declare Louisiana-Joseph E. Ransdell and John R. Thornton. the Senate of the United States to be convened. The Secretary Maine-Edwin C. Burleigh and Charles F. Johnson. will call the roll for the purpose of ascertaining whether there Maryland-Blair Lee and John Walter Smith. be a constitutional number of Senators present for the trans­ Massachusetts-Henry Cabot Lodge and John W. Weeks. action of business. Michigan-William Alden Smith and Charles E. Townsend. The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators an­ Minnesota-Moses E. Clapp and Knute Nelson. swered to their names : Mississippi-John Sharp Williams and James K. Vardaman. Ashurst Hollis O'Gorman Simmons Missouri-James A. Reed and William J. Stone. Bankhead James Oliver Smith, Ariz. Montana-Henry L. Myers and Thomas J. Walsh. Borah Johnson Ove1·man Smith, Ga. Brandegee Jones Owen Smith, Md. Nebraska-Gilbert M. Hitchcock and George W. Norris. Bristow Kenyon Page Smith, S.C. Ne'l'ada-Francis G. Newlands and Key Pittman. Bryan Kern Penrose Smoot New Hampshire-Jacob H . Gallinger and Henry F. Hollis. Burleigh Lane Perkins Sterling Burton Lee. Md. Pittman Stone New Jersey-William Hughes and James E. Martine. Chamberlain Lewis • Pomerene Sutherland New Mexico-Thomas B. Catron and Albert B. Fall. Clark. Wyo. Lippitt Ransdell Swanson New York-James A. O'Gorman and Elihu Root. Culberson Lodge Reed Thompson Cummins McCumber Robinson Thornton North Ca1·olina......:..Lee S. Overman and F. M. Simmons. Dillingham UcLean Root Tillman North Dakota-Asie J. Gronna and Porter J. McCumber. du Pont Martin, Va. Saulsbury Walsh Ohio-Theodore E. Burton and Atlee Pomerene. Fletcher Martine, N. J. Shafroth Warren Gallinger Myers Sheppard Weeks Oklahoma-Thomas P. Gore and Robert L. Owen. Gore Nelson Sherman White Oregon-George· E. Chamberlain and Harry Lane. Gronna Newlartds Shields Works Pennsylvania-George T. Oliver and Boies Penrose. / Hitchcock Norris Shively Rhode Island--LeBaron B. Colt and Henry F. Lippitt. V Mr. SHEPPARD. I wish to announce that the junior Senator South Carolina-Ellison D. Smith and Benjamin R. Tillman. from Mississippi [Mr. VARDAMAN] is unavoidably detained in Mississippi. South Dakota-Coe I. Crawford and Thomas Sterling. · The VICE PRESIDENT. Seventy-five Senators have an­ Tennessee-Luke Lea and J~hn K. Shields. swered to the roll ca~l. There is a quorum present. Texas-Charles A. Culberson and Morris Sheppard. SENATOR FROM KENTUCKY. Utah-Reed Sm~wt and George Sutherland. Mr. JAMES. Mr. President, I present the credentials of Ron. Vermont-William P. Dillingham and Carroll S. Page. JOHNSON N. CAMDEN, elected a Senator from the State of Ken­ Virginia-Thomas S. Martin and Cia ude A . Swanson. tucky to fill the unexpired term of the late Senator Bradley. Washington-Wesley L. Jones and Miles Poindexter. I ask that the credentials may be received and read. West Virginia-William E. Chilton and Kathan Goff. The· VICE PRESIDENT. Is there obj.ection? The Chair · Wisconsin-Robert M. La Follette and Isaac Stephenson. hears none, and th~ Secretary will read the credentials. Wyoming-Clarence D. Clark and Francis E. Warren. 1 ·- ~ · . .. CONGRESS! ON AI~ RECORP-.SENATE. I DECEl\IB:JiJR 7' NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE. REPORT OF SERGEANT AT ARMS. l\fr. KERN submitted the following resolution (S. Res. 484), The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: tion from the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, transmitting a full and complete account of all property in his possession and Resolved, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives that a quorum of tbe Senate is assembled and that the Senate is ready in the Senate Office Building belo.nging to the United States to proceed to business. Senate. which, with the accompanying paper, was ordered to NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT. lie on the table. He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Mr. KERN submitted the following resolution (S. Res. 486), Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, transmitting a statement of the which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to : proceeds derived from the sale of certain property belonging to Resolved, That a committee consisting. of two Senators be appointed the United States, which was ordered to lie on the table. to join such committee as may be appornted by the House of Repre· sentatives to wait upon the President of the United States and inform NOBEL PEACE PRIZE (S. DOC. NO. 626). him that a quorum of each House is assembled, and that Congress is ready to receive any communication he may be pleased to make. The VICE PRESIDE:r-.rrr laid before the Senate a communica­ The VICE PRESIDENT appointed as the committee Mr. KERN tion from the Secretary of State. transmitting a ci!"cular issued and Mr. GALLINGER. by the Nobel committee, furnishing information as to the dis­ HOUR OF DAILY MEETING. tribution of the Nobel peace prize for the year 1915, which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on For­ Mr. OVERMAN submitted the following resolution ( S. Res. eign Relations and ordered to be printed. 485), which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: · THE INCOME TAX ( 8. DOC. NO. 623). Resolved, That the hour of the daily i:neeting of the Senate be 12 The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ o'clock meridian until otherwise ordered. tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in re­ CREDENTIALS. sponse to a resolution of October 8, 1914. a part of the pre­ liminary report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue show­ The VICE PRESIDE"!\'"T. The Chair lays before the Senate ing the amount of revenue derived from the income classi­ the certificate of the governor of Kentucky certifying to the tax' fied by States for the last fiscal year; which, with the accom­ election of J. C. W. BECKHAM as a Senator from the State of panying paper. was referred to the Committee on Finance and Kentucky for the term beginning March 4, 1015. The same will ordered to be printed. be referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. The VICE PRESIDENT presented the credentials of BENJA­ TRAVEL PAY OF EMPLOYEES IN WAR DEPARTMENT (S. DOC, NO. 624 ). MIN F. SHIVELY, chosen by the electors of the State of Indiana.a The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Senator from that State for the term beginning March 4, 1915, tion from the Secretary of War, transmitting, pursuant to law, which were read and referred to the Committee on Privileges a statement showing the number of officers or employees of the ancl Elections.
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