Bilingual Educational Publication • June 2019 • Edition # 11 • Waukegan Community Unit School District 60 Page 15 D60D60D60 NewsNewsNews Drill Team Impresses at Nationals /Impresiona Drill Team en Nacional WHS Celebrates the Class of 2019 Celebra WHS Graduación 2019 Pages 2, 3 2 WPS60 - Class 2019 - June 2019 WHS Celebrates the Class of 2019 u A Class of 970 students gradu- ated on Friday, May 31. u This year’s graduates earned scholarships totaling more than $25 million. u The Class of 2019 completed nearly 2,412 college applications to a total of 456 colleges nationally and internationally. u Nearly 500 students will at- tend a college, university or trade school in the fall, according to stu- dent surveys. u Students will matriculate to 176 different colleges and universi- ties across the United States. u Sixty graduates are members Lake County. u Class of 2019 Salutatorian is: of the National Honor Society. Ethan Ashworth. u A total of 252 graduates com- u A total of 249 students grad- pleted more than 550 combined Ad- u Other top 10 students: Mari- uated with Summa Cum Laude, vanced Placement courses. anne Chuy, Jessica Lechuga, Cristian Magna Cum Laude or Cum Laude Antonio-Santiago, Mireya Tenorio, distinction. u Forty-nine graduates will earn Michelle Panaguiton, Annika Swan- the Illinois Seal of Biliteracy. son, Jazmin Medina, Tracey Lisbey. u Forty-three students were selected as Illinois State Scholars u Twenty-six graduates earned u Class President: Denise Mar- by the Illinois Student Assistance the distinction of North Suburban tinez. Commission. Conference “Scholar Athlete”. u Graduate Heryk Popoca u 50 students completed course- u Class of 2019 Valedictorian is: was recognized for perfect atten- work, which earned them dual Erick Bravo. dance throughout his high school credit at WHS and the College of career. Publisher Mitchell Riportella FOLLOW WPS D60 News Theresa Plascencia Manager of Communications D60D60 NewsNews Superintendent of Schools [email protected] Keep up with 60 on Social Media (224) 303-1012 About Us D60 News is a monthly bilingual newspa- Editors Advertising per published by Waukegan Public Schools, Nicholas Alajakis WaukeganPublicSchools in conjunction with Puro Futbol. D60 News Director of Communications Oscar Zepeda is distributed to families in Waukegan Pub- @WaukeganSchools lic Schools, as well as dozens of locations [email protected] [email protected] throughout the City of Waukegan. 1201 N. (224) 303-1200 (847) 858-7493 Sheridan Rd. Waukegan IL. 60085 June 2019 - Class 2019 - WPS60 3 4 WPS60 - Awards / Reconocimientos - June 2019 3 Waukegan Math Teachers Win State Awards They were recently honored by the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics. By D60 Staff hree Waukegan Public Schools teachers were re- cently honored by the Illinois TCouncil of Teachers of Mathemat- ics (ICTM) for their outstanding work as math educators. Waukegan teachers had the re- u Ms. Melissa Wise u Ms. Amy Clyne u Ms. Sunya Coleman markable distinction of winning /Photos: WPS60 the teacher of the year awards in the elementary, middle school and sec- ities, uses research on the teaching has taught since 1986. The Excellence stros de WPS60 ganaron tres de los ondary level. Overall, WPS60 teach- and learning of mathematics to guide in Secondary Mathematics Teach- ocho premios anuales de ICTM. ers won three of the ICTM’s eight instruction, and represents the pro- ing Award is given annually to a high “Es realmente alentador que los annual awards. fession with enthusiasm to students, school teacher who has prolonged ef- educadores de todo el estado estén “It is truly encouraging that ed- teachers, and parents. fective service in the classroom, has reconociendo los logros y las contri- ucators around the state are recog- been an active participant in profes- buciones realizadas por las Escuelas nizing the achievement gains and Ms. Sunya Coleman sional organizations, is a contributor Públicas de Waukegan, todos sus contributions made by Waukegan Ms. Coleman was named the win- to the advancement of mathematics educadores y especialmente sus es- Public Schools, all its educators, and ner of the Excellence in Middle School education, has shown continued tudiantes”, dijo el Sr. Matt Foster, especially its students,” said Mr. Mathematics Teaching Award. Ms. growth as a mathematics educator, Coordinador de Matemáticas K-8 Matt Foster, the District’s K-8 Math Coleman is a seventh and eighth and provides leadership and influ- del Distrito. “Nos estamos convir- Coordinator. “We are fast becom- grade teacher at Webster Middle ence toward improved mathematics tiendo rápidamente en un distrito ing a district that others look to for School, where she’s taught since 2013. education. que otros buscan cambios positivos”. positive change.” The Excellence in Secondary Math- As winners, Ms. Clyne, Ms. Cole- ematics Teaching Award is given to man and Ms. Wise, will be formally Los ganadores son Waukegan’s winners included: a middle / junior high school teacher recognized by the ICTM at its annu- La Sra. Melissa Wise al conference in the fall. Ms. Melissa Wise who employs a variety of sound teach- Fue anunciada como la ganadora Ms. Wise was announced as the ing strategies and instructional re- del Premio a la Excelencia en la en- Excellence in Elementary Math- sources, participates in professional 3 Maestros de Matemáticas señanza de matemáticas Elemental- ematics Teaching Award winner. activities, uses research on the teach- ganan premios estatales es. La Sra. Wise trabaja como maes- Ms. Wise works as a second grade ing and learning of mathematics to Tres maestros de las Escuelas tra de segundo grado en Greenwood, teacher at Greenwood, where she guide instruction, and represents the Públicas de Waukegan fueron hon- donde ha enseñado desde 2009. Ella has taught since 2009. She joined profession with enthusiasm to stu- rados recientemente por el Consejo se unió al Distrito 60 en agosto de District 60 in August 1999. The Ex- dents, teachers, and parents. de Maestros de Matemáticas de Illi- 1999. El Premio a la Excelencia en cellence in Elementary Mathematics nois (ICTM) por su excelente trabajo la Enseñanza de Matemáticas El- Teaching Award is given annually to Ms. Amy Clyne como educadores de matemáticas. ementales se otorga anualmente a a highly motivated and effective K-6 Ms. Clyne was been named the Los maestros de Waukegan tu- una maestra de matemáticas K-6 mathematics teacher in the state who winner Excellence in Secondary vieron la notable distinción de ga- altamente motivada y efectiva en el employs a variety of sound teaching Mathematics Teaching Award. nar los premios de maestro del año estado que emplea una variedad de strategies and instructional resourc- Ms. Clyne is a 9-12 grade teacher at en la escuela Elemental, Intermedia estrategias de enseñanza y recursos es, participates in professional activ- Waukegan High School, where she y Secundaria. En general, los mae- educativos sólidos, participa June 2019 - Awards / Reconocimientos - WPS60 5 en actividades profesionales, utiliza la investigación sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las matemáticas para guiar la instrucción y represen- ta la profesión con entusiasmo para los estudiantes, maestros y padres. La Sra. Sunya Coleman Fue nombrada ganadora del Pre- mio a la Excelencia en la Enseñanza de Matemáticas de la Escuela In- termedia La Sra. Coleman es una maestra de séptimo y octavo grado en la Escuela Intermedia Webster, donde enseña desde 2013. El Premio a la Excelencia en la Enseñanza de Matemáticas Secundarias se otorga a una maestra de escuela Intermedia/ Secundaria que emplea una variedad de estrategias de enseñanza sólidas y recursos de instrucción. Participa en actividades profesionales, utiliza la investigación sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las matemáticas para guiar la instrucción, y representa la profesión con entusiasmo a los es- tudiantes, maestros y padres. La Sra. Amy Clyne Ha sido nombrada ganadora del Premio a la Excelencia en la En- señanza de Matemáticas Secundar- ias. La Sra. Clyne es una maestra de grado 9-12 en la Escuela Secundaria de Waukegan, donde ha enseñado desde 1986. El Premio a la Excelen- cia en la Enseñanza de Matemáticas Secundarias se otorga anualmente a una maestra de escuela secundar- ia que ha prestado un servicio ef- caz prolongado en el salón, ha sido una activa participante en organi- zaciones profesionales, contribuye al avance de la educación matemática, ha mostrado un crecimiento con- tinuo como educador matemático y proporciona liderazgo e influ- encia para mejorar la educación matemática. Como ganadores, la Sra. Clyne, la Sra. Coleman y la Sra. Wise serán reconocidas formalmente por el ICTM en su conferencia anual en el otoño. 6 WPS60 - Health / Salud - June 2019 District 60 Health Requirements for 2019/2020 By D60 Staff grado deben mostrar prueba de haber recibido dos dosis de la va- he Illinois Department of cuna contra la varicela (varicela) y Public Health requires a dos dosis de MMR (Sarampión, Pa- number of immunizations peras, Rubéola). Tand exams before students can at- Todos los estudiantes que ingre- tend school in the State of Illinois. sen a pre-kínder y kínder deben Below is a detailed list of those re- tener una prueba de tres o más do- quirements and the grades affect- sis de polio, con la cuarta dosis en o ed by each prerequisite. Parents después del 4to cumpleaños. are asked to please begin planning Todos los estudiantes que ingre- for the 2019/2020 school year and sen a sexto, séptimo, octavo y nove- begin scheduling these immuniza- no grado deben mostrar una prue- tions and exams soon. u All students entering Preschool, Kindergarten, Sixth and Ninth ba de haber recibido una dosis dos All students entering Preschool, grades are required to have a current physical examination. /Photo: WPS60 dosis de la vacuna meningocócica Kindergarten, Sixth and Ninth (meningitis).
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