Society News Florence Conference New Sponsors Conference Committee Contributions for the Florence Con­ In EUROPHYSICS NEWS No. 1 The Executive Committee, at its ference have been received from : (January 1969) the organization and Session of 24 January 1969 in Geneva, Consiglio Nationale della Richerche preliminary programme of the Florence considered the subject of sponsor­ (Rome), Italian Ministry of Education, Inaugural Conference were reported. ship or endorsement by the Society Italian Ministry of Tourism, Interna­ The Conference will take place from of scientific conferences in Europe. tional Atomic Energy Agency (Vienna), 8-12 April 1969 under the general title It was decided to create a Conference Azienda Autonoma di Turismo (Flo­ “ The Growth Points of Physics ”. Committee to advise the Executive rence). More complete information is now Committee on all matters regarding The Executive Committee wishes to available. scientific conferences and summer express its gratitude to those organi­ This Inaugural Conference of the schools. An important task of the zations which have been kind enough European Physical Society is endors­ Conference Committee will be to to help the European Physical Society ed by the International Union of Pure coordinate physics conferences and through contributions towards the and Applied Physics (IUPAP). summer schools in Europe and to initial heavy expenses. Nevertheless, Inaugural Session avoid proliferation of the meetings. the major part of the income of the (Tuesday afternoon, 8 April) The first session of the Conference Society must in the future be derived Welcome by the Mayor of Florence Committee is planned in Prague on from membership fees. At the present and a representative of the Italian 14 March 1969. Those organizations stage, when the membership of the Government ; seeking sponsorship or endorsement Society is being built up, the scope V.F. Weisskopf : Physics in Europe in should contact the Main Secretariat of its activities is dependent upon the Twentieth Century in Geneva as soon as possible. such income. P.M.S. Blackett : The Old Days at the Cavendish Laboratory Plenary Sessions New Members (Three afternoons and Saturday morning) At the Executive Committee Meeting on 24 January the following were A. Hewish (Cambridge) : Pulsars accepted as members of the European Physical Society : N.F. Mott (Cambridge) : Electrons in A. Garcia, Valencia A. Perry, Baden Category 4 a) and 4 c) R.R. Gatto, Padua M. Peter, Geneva Crystalline and Non-Crystalline A. Abragam, Gif-sur-Yvette L. Godefroy, Dijon L.A. Petermann, Geneva Materials L.W. Alvarez, Berkeley Y. Goldschmidt-Clermont, Geneva C. Piron, Geneva E. Ascher, Geneva J.M. Goldschvartz, Delft R.A. Pocock, Geneva M.F. Perutz (Cambridge) : Atomic J.H. Bannier, The Hague C. J. Gorter, Leyden H. Postma, Alkmaar Structure of Biological Catalysts A. O. Barut, Trieste W.D.B. Greening, London R. Reimann, Zurich L.B. Okun (Moscow) : Trends in High- N. Bazley, Geneva H.L. Hagedoorn, Geldrop J.P. Roche, Corkcity J. Beenakker, Leyden J. Haisma, Limeil-Brevannes A.J. Rose, Paris Energy Physics L. Bellomonte, Palermo U. Hauser, Cologne J. Rossel, Neuchâtel J.M. Winter (Saclay) : Multiple P. Benoist-Gueutal, Paris O. S. Heavens, Heslington A. Rousset, Paris R. Bizzarri, Geneva E. Heer, Geneva J. Ruefenacht, Lausanne Quantum Transitions R. Blinc, Ljubljana V. Heine, Cambridge T.W. Ruijgrok, Utrecht E. Amaldi (Rome) : Physics F. J. Bloore, Liverpool J.R. Hennel, Cracow K. Saermark, Lyngby W. Bollmann, Geneva G. Hochstrasser, Geneva S. Safrata, Prague and Education R. Bouchez, Grenoble F. Hofelich, Geneva C. Salvetti, Rome H.B.G. Casimir (Eindhoven) : Physics C. Bovet, Meyrin D. Isabelle, Clermont-Ferrand H. Schachner, Geneva and Industry B. H. Brandsen, Durham J. Jeener, Brussels I. K. Schell, Geldrop W. Brandt, New York R. Jost, Zurich H. Schmid, Geneva The two last mentioned lectures G. Brianti, Geneva A.D. Kanaris, Manchester E.E. Schneider, Newcastle u. Tyne will take place on Saturday morning L. J.F. Broer, Eindhoven J. Kistemaker, Amsterdam J. Schopman, Amsterdam C. Brot, Orsay K. Kohl, Vach over Nuremberg W.J. Schrader, Port-Marly 12 April under the chairmanship of W.A. Bruil, Eindhoven L. Kowarski, Geneva R. Sechehaye, Meinier the President of the European Phy­ P. Budini, Trieste D. J. Kroon, Eindhoven P. Servoz-Gavin, Grenoble J.O.S. Burgman, Stockholm M. Labro, Heverlee D. Shoenberg, Cambridge sical Society. G. Chanussot, Dijon J. Lacaze, Pau M. Sieskind, Strasbourg Parallel Sessions J.S.R. Chisholm, Canterbury R. Lacoste, Toulouse I. Slaus, Zagreb (Three mornings) G. Cortellessa, Rome S. Y.T. Lagerwall, GothenburgE. Smars, Täby R.M.J. Cotterill, Lyngby K. E. Larsson, Stockholm P. Staehelin, Hamburg a) Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmo­ J.C. Courvoisier, Geneva S. Leach, Orsay C. Stephan, Orsay logy and Relativity R.H. Dalitz, Oxford E. Lillethun, Bergen G. Sylin, Brussels M. Danysz, Warsaw M. Locquin, Paris A. Tenner, Amsterdam Section Chairman : D.W. Sciama R. David, Amsterdam W. Low, Jerusalem N. A. Törnqvist, Geneva (Cambridge) S. R. De Groot, Amsterdam G. R. Macleod, Geneva J. Urbanec, Prague R. Penrose (London) : Gravitational M. De Hemptinne, Louvain R. Menningen, Geneva G. Vanderhaeghe, Geneva A. A.M. Delil, Vollenhove A. Mercier, Berne L. Van Gerven, Louvain Collapse J. Depireux, Sart Tilman par Liège R. Mercier, Lausanne L. Van Hove, Geneva Chairman : *H. Bondi (Paris), the Sta­ B. De Raad, Satigny W.J. Merz, Zurich A.G. Van Vijfeijken, Eindhoven C. DeWitt, Chapel Hill H. Meyer, Eindhoven D. Vasilescu, Nice tus of General Relativity A.N. Diddens, Meyrin W.C. Middelkoop, Geneva J. Walters, Manchester L. Woltjer (New York) : Radio Galaxies R.A. Donald, Liverpool E. Miescher, Basle A.H. Wapstra, Amsterdam R.L. Drew, Langley P. P.M. Molenaar, Zaandam W.H. Wimmers, Amsterdam and Quasi-Stellar Objects P. Fabesch, Geneva G. Monod-Herzen, Boulogne H. Wind, Geneva Chairman : L. Biermann (Munich) F.J.M. Farley, Shrivenham W.S. Moos, Vienna J. Wouters, Kessel-Lo E. Schatzman (Paris) : Nucleo­ W. Ferwerda, Groningen R. Mössbauer, Munich S. Wouthuysen, Amsterdam A.D. Fokker, Beekbergen H. A. Olsen, Trondheim P.R. Wyder, Nijmegen synthesis at Stellar Surfaces E. Forslind, Stockholm J.L. Olsen, Zurich C. Zangger, Hauterive Chairman : not yet determined P. Frank, Tokyo M. Osredkar, Ljubljana F. Friedman, Haifa M.U. Palma, Palermo Category 4 b) E. Salpeter (Cornell) : Highly Conden­ N. Fröman, Uppsala M.B. Palma-Vittorelli, Palermo Groupement AMPERE sed Matter in Stars R. Frosch, Geneva A.E. Pannenborg, Eindhoven Ecole de Physique F. Fumi, Palermo R. Pauthenet, Grenoble 32, boulevard d’Yvoy Chairman : Nor yet determined L. Galatry, Besançon L. Pekarek, Prague 1211 Genève 4 (Moscow) 7 G. B. Field (Berkeley) : Cosmic Back­ G. Toraldo di Francia (Florence) : vened in Florence. Each individual ground Radiation and its Interaction Recent Progress in Classical Optics Ordinary Member of the EPS is with Cosmic Matter Chairman : A. Marechal (Paris) entitled to attend the Assembly and Chairman : L. Gratton (Rome) R.V. Khoklov (Moscow) : to vote ; each National Physical So­ D.W. Sciama (Cambridge): The Recent Non-Linear Optics of Ultrashort ciety or Academy which is a member Renaissance of Observational Cos­ Pulses of the EPS is represented by one mology Chairman : K.P. Meyer (Bern) voting delegate. The meeting will Chairman : not yet determined E.R. Pike (Malvern) : Photon Statistics include a report by the Executive (*pending acceptance) Chairman : F.T. Arecchi (Milan) Committee on all matters concerning b) Nuclear and Elementary Particle I.L. Fabelinskii (Moscow) : Scattering the activities of the Society. Physics of Light Using Coherent Light At the end of the Assembly, the Section Chairman : L. Van Hove Sources ballot will be opened for the election (CERN) Chairman : not yet determined of Delegates of Individual Ordinary C. Rubbia (CERN) : Current Problems The following two Sessions will be Members on the first Council. The on Weak Interactions common with Section d) : ballot will close after 24 hours. Chairman : T.D. Lee (Columbia, CERN) *E. Fünfer (Garching) : Use of Laser According to the present enrollment F.J.M. Farley (Shrivenham) : Status of Light for Investigations of Atoms, of individual ordinary members and of Quantum Electrodynamics Molecules and Plasmas the number of delegates of Member Chairman : R. Gatto (CERN/Florence) Chairman : *H. Haken (Stuttgart) Societies or Academies, the number W. Czyz (Copenhagen/Cracow) : W. Paul (Bonn) : Experimental Aspects of delegates of individual ordinary High-Energy Collisions of Hadrons of Atomic and Molecular Collisions members on the first Council is likely and Nuclei and M.J. Seaton (London) : Theore­ to be at least 4 and at most 5. Indi­ Chairman : H. Schopper (Karlsruhe) tical Aspects of Atomic Collision vidual ordinary members will be re­ P. von Brentano (Heidelberg) : Isospin Problems quested to submit nominations for a Symmetry in Nuclei Chairman : H. Massey (London) maximum of 5 delegates to the Coun­ Chairman : I.S. Shapiro (Moscow) Proceedings cil. Each nomination must carry the signatures of at least three individual V. Strutinsky (Copenhagen/Dubna) : The Proceedings of the Conference The Fission Process ordinary members as well as the ap­ will be published, by kind agreement proval of the nominee. If the number Chairman : A. de-Shalit (Rehovoth) of the Italian Physical Society, as a H. Lipkin (Rehovoth) : The Spectrum of nominees is insufficient, the Exe­ special issue of the RIVISTA DEL cutive Committee will nominate further of Hadrons NUOVO CIMENTO. To non-sub­ Chairman : Ch. Peyrou (CERN) candidates. A list of nominees will scribers of the RIVISTA, a special Inau­ then be sent to all individual ordi­ c) Physics of Condensed Matter gural Conference edition of this issue nary members ; those who do not Section Chairman : S.F. Edwards will be made available. Participants attend the Florence Inaugural Confe­ (Manchester) can purchase this special edition at rence can vote by mail for a maximum D. Sette (Rome) : Critical Phenomena a reduced price. of 5 delegates on the Council.
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