2017 Intrust Super Cup Draw

2017 Intrust Super Cup Draw

2017 Intrust Super Cup Draw Please Note: Draw is subject to change. Draw as at Mon 16 Jan 2017 *Indicates TV Game Round One (4 - 5 March) Date Home Away Venue Time Hashtag Sat 4th Sunshine Coast Falcons Easts Tigers Sunshine Coast Stadium 4.30pm #SCFvTIGES Sat 4th Mackay Cutters Northern Pride BB Print Stadium Mackay 6.00pm #MCvPRIDE Sat 4th CQ Capras PNG Hunters Browne Park 6.00pm #CQCvPNG Sun 5th Redcliffe Dolphins Burleigh Bears Dolphin Oval 12.40pm* #PHINSvBEARS Sun 5th Tweed Heads Seagulls Ipswich Jets Piggabeen Sports Complex 2.00pm #THSvJETS Sun 5th Souths Logan Magpies Wynnum Manly Seagulls Davies Park 2.00pm #SLMvWYN Sun 5th Norths Devils Townsville Blackhawks Bishop Park 3.30pm #DEVILSvTSVB Round Two (11 - 12 March) Date Home Away Venue Time Hashtag Sat 11th Burleigh Bears Norths Devils Pizzey Park 4.00pm #BEARSvDEVILS Sat 11th Sunshine Coast Falcons Souths Logan Magpies Sunshine Coast Stadium 4.30pm #SCFvSLM Sat 11th CQ Capras Redcliffe Dolphins Browne Park 6.00pm #CQCvPHINS Sat 11th Wynnum Manly Seagulls Northern Pride BMD Kougari Oval 6.00pm #WYNvPRIDE Sat 11th Mackay Cutters Tweed Heads Seagulls BB Print Stadium Mackay 6.00pm #MCvTHS Sun 12th Ipswich Jets Townsville Blackhawks North Ipswich Reserve 12.40pm* #JETSvTSVB Sun 12th PNG Hunters Easts Tigers National Football Stadium 3.00pm #PNGvTIGES Round Three (18 - 19 March) Date Home Away Venue Time Hashtag Sat 18th Townsville Blackhawks Mackay Cutters Jack Manski Oval 4.00pm #TSVBvMC Sat 18th Northern Pride Sunshine Coast Falcons Barlow Park 5.30pm #PRIDEvSCF Sat 18th Easts Tigers Redcliffe Dolphins Suzuki Stadium, Langlands Park 6.00pm #TIGESvPHINS Sat 18th CQ Capras Burleigh Bears Browne Park 6.00pm #CQCvBEARS Sun 19th Tweed Heads Seagulls Wynnum Manly Seagulls Piggabeen Sports Complex 2.00pm #THSvWYN Sun 19th Souths Logan Magpies PNG Hunters Davies Park 2.00pm #SLMvPNG Sun 19th Norths Devils Ipswich Jets Bishop Park 3.00pm #DEVILSvJETS Round Four (25 - 26 March) Date Home Away Venue Time Hashtag Sat 25th Ipswich Jets Sunshine Coast Falcons North Ipswich Reserve 3.00pm #JETSvSCF Sat 25th Burleigh Bears Souths Logan Magpies Pizzey Park 4.00pm #BEARSvSLM Sat 25th Wynnum Manly Seagulls Mackay Cutters BMD Kougari Oval 6.00pm #WYNvMC Sat 25th Redcliffe Dolphins Townsville Blackhawks Dolphin Oval 7.00pm #PHINSvTSVB Sun 26th Easts Tigers Northern Pride Suzuki Stadium, Langlands Park 12.40pm* #TIGESvPRIDE Sun 26th Tweed Heads Seagulls CQ Capras Piggabeen Sports Complex 2.00pm #THSvCQC Sun 26th PNG Hunters Norths Devils National Football Stadium 3.00pm #PNGvDEVILS 2017 Intrust Super Cup Draw Please Note: Draw is subject to change. Draw as at Mon 16 Jan 2017 *Indicates TV Game Round Five (1 - 2 April) Zaidee’s Foundation Round Date Home Away Venue Time Hashtag Sat 1st Townsville Blackhawks Easts Tigers Jack Manski Oval 4.00pm #TSVBvTIGES Sat 1st Sunshine Coast Falcons Wynnum Manly Seagulls Sunshine Coast Stadium 4.30pm #SCFvWYN Sat 1st Northern Pride Burleigh Bears Barlow Park 5.30pm #PRIDEvBEARS Sat 1st Mackay Cutters PNG Hunters BB Print Stadium Mackay 6.00pm #MCvPNG Sun 2nd Redcliffe Dolphins Ipswich Jets Dolphin Oval 2.00pm #PHINSvJETS Sun 2nd Tweed Heads Seagulls Souths Logan Magpies Piggabeen Sports Complex 2.00pm #THSvSLM Sun 2nd Norths Devils CQ Capras Bishop Park 3.00pm #DEVILSvCQC Round Six (8 - 9 April) XXXX Rivalry Round Date Home Away Venue Time Hashtag Sat 8th Ipswich Jets Easts Tigers North Ipswich Reserve 3.00pm #JETSvTIGES Sat 8th Sunshine Coast Falcons PNG Hunters Sunshine Coast Stadium 4.30pm #SCFvPNG Sat 8th Northern Pride Townsville Blackhawks Barlow Park 5.30pm #PRIDEvTSVB Sat 8th CQ Capras Mackay Cutters Browne Park 6.00pm #CQCvMC Sun 9th Souths Logan Magpies Norths Devils Davies Park 2.00pm #SLMvDEVILS Sun 9th Burleigh Bears Tweed Heads Seagulls Pizzey Park 2.00pm #BEARSvTHS Sun 9th Wynnum Manly Seagulls Redcliffe Dolphins BMD Kougari Oval 3.00pm #WYNvPHINS Round Seven (14 - 17 April) Easter Date Home Away Venue Time Hashtag TBA Souths Logan Magpies Mackay Cutters Davies Park TBA #SLMvMC Sat 15th Townsville Blackhawks Burleigh Bears Jack Manski Oval 4.00pm #TSVBvBEARS Sat 15th Easts Tigers Wynnum Manly Seagulls Suzuki Stadium, Langlands Park 5.00pm #TIGESvWYN Sat 15th Northern Pride Ipswich Jets Barlow Park 5.30pm #PRIDEvJETS Sun 16th PNG Hunters Redcliffe Dolphins National Football Stadium 3.00pm #PNGvPHINS Sun 16th Norths Devils Tweed Heads Seagulls Bishop Park 3.00pm #DEVILSvTHS Sun 16th Sunshine Coast Falcons CQ Capras Sunshine Coast Stadium 2.30pm #SCFvCQC Round Eight (22 - 23 April) ANZAC Round Date Home Away Venue Time Hashtag Fri 21st Mackay Cutters Easts Tigers BB Print Stadium Mackay 7.00pm #MCvTIGES Sat 22nd Wynnum Manly Seagulls CQ Capras BMD Kougari Oval 6.00pm #WYNvCQC Sun 23rd Burleigh Bears PNG Hunters Pizzey Park 2.00pm #BEARSvPNG Sun 23rd Souths Logan Magpies Ipswich Jets Davies Park 2.00pm #SLMvJETS Sun 23rd Redcliffe Dolphins Sunshine Coast Falcons Dolphin Oval 2.00pm #PHINSvSCF Sun 23rd Norths Devils Northern Pride Bishop Park 3.00pm #DEVILSvPRIDE Sun 23rd Townsville Blackhawks Tweed Heads Seagulls Jack Manski Oval 3.00pm #TSVBvTHS 2017 Intrust Super Cup Draw Please Note: Draw is subject to change. Draw as at Mon 16 Jan 2017 *Indicates TV Game Round Nine (29 - 30 April) Date Home Away Venue Time Hashtag Sat 29th Ipswich Jets Burleigh Bears North Ipswich Reserve 3.00pm #JETSvBEARS Sat 29th PNG Hunters Northern Pride National Football Stadium 3.00pm #PNGvPRIDE Sat 29th Easts Tigers CQ Capras Suzuki Stadium, Langlands Park 5.00pm #TIGESvCQC Sat 29th Wynnum Manly Seagulls Townsville Blackhawks BMD Kougari Oval 6.00pm #WYNvTSVB Sun 30th Mackay Cutters Norths Devils BB Print Stadium Mackay 1.40pm* #MCvDEVIL Sun 30th Redcliffe Dolphins Souths Logan Magpies Dolphin Oval 2.00pm #PHINSvSLM Sun 30th Tweed Heads Seagulls Sunshine Coast Falcons Piggabeen Sports 2.00pm #THSvSCF Representative BYE Weekend (5 - 7 May) Round Ten (13 - 14 May) Date Home Away Venue Time Hashtag Sat 13th Townsville Blackhawks Souths Logan Magpies Jack Manski Oval 4.00pm #TSVBvSLM Sat 13th Northern Pride Tweed Heads Seagulls Barlow Park 5.30pm #PRIDEvTHS Sat 13th CQ Capras Ipswich Jets Browne Park 6.00pm #CQCvJETS Sat 13th Redcliffe Dolphins Mackay Cutters Dolphin Oval 7.00pm #PHINSvMC Sun 14th Burleigh Bears Sunshine Coast Falcons Pizzey Park 2.00pm #BEARSvSCF Sun 14th Easts Tigers Norths Devils Suzuki Stadium, Langlands Park 3.00pm #TIGESvDEVILS PNG Hunters BYE Wynnum Manly Seagulls BYE Round Eleven (20 - 21 May) Date Home Away Venue Time Hashtag Sat 20th Ipswich Jets PNG Hunters North Ipswich Reserve 3.00pm #JETSvPNG Sat 20th Sunshine Coast Falcons Mackay Cutters Sunshine Coast Stadium 4.30pm #SCFvMC Sun 21st Townsville Blackhawks CQ Capras Jack Manski Oval 1.40pm* #TSVBvCQC Sun 21st Souths Logan Magpies Northern Pride Davies Park 2.00pm #SLMvPRIDE Sun 21st Burleigh Bears Wynnum Manly Seagulls Pizzey Park 2.00pm #BEARSvWYN Sun 21st Redcliffe Dolphins Norths Devils Dolphin Oval 2.00pm #PHINSvDEVILS Sun 21st Tweed Heads Seagulls Easts Tigers Piggabeen Sports Complex 2.00pm #THSvTIGES Round Twelve (27 -28 May) Date Home Away Venue Time Hashtag Sat 27th Ipswich Jets Wynnum Manly Seagulls North Ipswich Reserve 3.00pm #JETSvWYN Sat 27th Mackay Cutters Burleigh Bears BB Print Stadium Mackay 6.00pm #MCvBEARS Sat 27th CQ Capras Northern Pride Browne Park 6.00pm #CQCvPRIDE Sun 28th Tweed Heads Seagulls Redcliffe Dolphins Piggabeen Sports 2.00pm #THSvPHINS Sun 28th PNG Hunters Townsville Blackhawks National Football Stadium 3.00pm #PNGvTSVB Sun 28th Norths Devils Sunshine Coast Falcons Bishop Park 3.00pm #DEVILSvSCF Sun 28th Easts Tigers Souths Logan Magpies Suzuki Stadium, Langlands Park 3.00pm #TIGESvSLM 2017 Intrust Super Cup Draw Please Note: Draw is subject to change. Draw as at Mon 16 Jan 2017 *Indicates TV Game Round Thirteen (3 - 4 June) Date Home Away Venue Time Hashtag Sat 3rd Sunshine Coast Falcons Ipswich Jets Sunshine Coast Falcons 4.30pm #SCFvJETS Sat 3rd Northern Pride Easts Tigers Barlow Park 5.30pm #PRIDEvTIGES Sat 3rd Mackay Cutters Wynnum Manly Seagulls BB Print Stadium Mackay 6.00pm #MCvWYN Sun 4th CQ Capras Tweed Heads Seagulls Browne Park 1.40pm* #CQCvTHS Sun 4th Souths Logan Magpies Burleigh Bears Davies Park 2.00pm #SLMvBEARS Sun 4th Norths Devils PNG Hunters Bishop Park 3.00pm #DEVILSvPNG Sun 4th Townsville Blackhawks Redcliffe Dolphins Jack Manski Oval 3.00pm #TSVBvPHINS Round Fourteen (10 - 11 June) Date Home Away Venue Time Hashtag Fri 9th Mackay Cutters Townsville Blackhawks BB Print Stadium Mackay 7.00pm #MCvTSVB Sat 10th Ipswich Jets Norths Devils North Ipswich Reserve 3.00pm #JETSvDEVILS Sat 10th Sunshine Coast Falcons Northern Pride Sunshine Coast Stadium 5.00pm #SCFvPRIDE Sat 10th Burleigh Bears CQ Capras Pizzey Park 5.30pm #BEARSvCQC Sat 10th Wynnum Manly Seagulls Tweed Heads Seagulls BMD Kougari Oval 6.00pm #WYNvTHS Sun 11th Redcliffe Dolphins Easts Tigers Dolphin Oval 2.00pm #PHINSvTIGES Sun 11th PNG Hunters Souths Logan Magpies National Football Stadium 3.00pm #PNGvSLM Round Fifteen (17 - 18 June) Date Home Away Venue Time Hashtag Sat 17th Townsville Blackhawks Sunshine Coast Falcons Jack Manski Oval 4.00pm #TSVBvSCF Sun 18th Wynnum Manly Seagulls Norths Devils BMD Kougari Oval 3.00pm #WYNvDEVILS Sun 18th PNG Hunters Tweed Heads Seagulls National Football Stadium 3.00pm #PNGvTHS Burleigh Bears BYE CQ Capras BYE Easts Tigers BYE Ipswich Jets BYE Mackay Cutters BYE Northern Pride BYE Redcliffe Dolphins BYE Souths Logan Magpies BYE Round Sixteen (24 - 25 June) Date Home Away Venue Time Hashtag Sat 24th Northern Pride PNG Hunters Barlow Park 5.30pm #PRIDEvPNG Sat 24th CQ Capras Easts Tigers Browne Park 6.00pm #CQCvTIGES Sat 24th Wynnum Manly Seagulls Sunshine Coast Falcons BMD Kougari Oval 6.00pm #WYNvSCF Sun 25th Souths Logan Magpies Redcliffe Dolphins Davies Park 2.00pm #SLMvPHINS Sun 25th Tweed Heads Seagulls Townsville Blackhawks Piggabeen Sports Complex 2.00pm #THSvTSVB Sun 25th Burleigh Bears Ipswich Jets Pizzey Park 2.00pm #BEARSvJETS Sun 25th Norths Devils Mackay Cutters Bishop Park 3.00pm #DEVILSvMC 2017 Intrust Super Cup Draw Please Note: Draw is subject to change.

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