I O. 177 4717 SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, 6 NOVEMBER 1986 Publi~hed by Authority WELLINGTON: FRIDAY, 7.NOVEMBER 1986 PROPOSED ELECTORAL BOUNDARIES: 1986 4718 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 177 Proposed Boundaries of the Maori Electoral Districts in New relation to the South Island electorates may choose to have their Zealand objections heard in Christchurch. If objectors wish to appear before the Commission they must say The Representation Commission appointed in pursuance of Sec­ so, indicating the venue they wish to be heard at, in their written tion 15 of the Electoral Act 1956 hereby publishes, in accordance objections. with the provisions of section 23 of the said Act the proposed boundaries of the four Maori electoral districts in New Zealand, Maps of the proposed districts may be seen at the office of any and further gives notice that written objections, to the same, will be city or borough council, district or county council, district commu­ received by the undersigned the Chairman of the Commission at nity council, or town board; or the office of the Chief Surveyor at the office of the Secretary of Justice, Department of Justice, Private Auckland, Hamilton, Gisborne, Napier, New Plymouth, Welling­ Bag, Postal Centre, Wellington not later than Monday the 8th day ton, Nelson, Blenheim, HokitLlca, Christchurch, Dunedin and of December 1986 for consideration by the aforesaid Commission. Invercargill and the office of the Chief Electoral Officer at Lower Ifobjectors wish to appear before the Commission they must say so Hutt, all Registrar of Electors offices and District Courts. in their written objections. Counties, districts, wards (ridings), cities, boroughs, district com­ The Commission will hear objections in Wellington Christchurch munities, and town districts where mentioned in the notice shall and Auckland commencing late January 1987. If objectors wish to unless otherwise stated, be those existing on 4 March 1986. appear before the Commission they must say so, indicating the The Higher Salaries Commission required districts to be classi­ venue they wish to be heard at, in their written objections. fied as Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D in accordance Maps of the proposed districts may be seen at the office of any with the following criteria: city or borough council, district or county council, district commu­ (a)The purpose of the classification is to assist in the determina­ nity council, or town board, or the office of the Chief Surveyor at tion of allowances under the Higher Salaries Commission Act 1977. Auckland, Hamilton, Gisborne, Napier, New Plymouth, Welling­ ton, Blenheim, Nelson, Hokitika, Christchurch, Dunedin and (b)Regard is to be had to the difficulty or otherwise of travel Invercargill or the office of the Chief Electoral Officer at Lo"(er within a member's electorate, Group A comprising those elector­ Hutt, all Registrar of Electors offices and District Courts. ates within which travel is the least onerous in terms of time and Counties, districts, wards (ridings) cities, boroughs, district com­ distance. munities and town districts where mentioned in this notice shall Group D comprising those electorates within which travel is the unless otherwise stated, be those existing on 4 March 1986. most onerous in terms of time and distance, and Groups B and C comprising electorates which fall between those two extremes, Dated at Wellington this 7th day of November 1986. Group B being more closely comparable to Group A, and Group C N. C. JAINE, being more closely comparable to Group D. Chairman of the Representation Commission (c)For the purposes of classifying electorates in accordance with (b) above, the Representation Commission shall not take into con­ sideration islands which are more than 100 kilometres distant from SCHEDULE either the North Island or the South Island. NORTHERN MAORI-Population 37 280 Dated at Wellington this 7th day of November 1986. Comprises the existing Northern Maori Electoral District, NZ Gazette 1983 p 1424. N. C. JAINE, EASTERN MAORI-Population 36 975 Chairman of the Representation Committee. Comprises all the existing Eastern Maori Electoral District, NZ Gazette 1983 p 1424 together with that portion of the existing BAY OF ISLANDS Western Maori Electoral District, NZ Gazette 1983 p 1424, imme­ diately south of the proposed Northern Maori Electoral District Population: 33 482 Classification: Group D and bounded to the west and south west by the Auckland/Hamilton Commencing at the entrance to the Hokianga Harbour and pro­ Motorway, Pahurehure Inlet of the Manukau Harbour, The Fur­ ceeding easterly up the middle of that harbour, the Waihou River long, Great South Road, Glenora Road, North Island Main Trunk and State Highway 1 to and generally southerly along the west Railway, Walters Road, Mill Road, Hamlin Road, Clevedon Road, boundary of the Bay of Islands County, thence easterly along the Papakura Cleavdon Road, Clevedon Kaiwaka Road, Wairoa River, north boundary of the Mataraua Riding of the Bay of Islands Tourist Road, Monument Road and the roads South to Hunua and County to the point of intersection with the Okaihau Branch Rail­ linking Hunua Paparimu and Mangatawhiri and No 2 State High­ way, thence easterly generally along that Railway and southerly way east of Mangatawhiri to the existing boundary of the Eastern generally along the North Auckland Railway to its intersection with Maori Electoral District. the west boundary of the Towai Riding of the Bay of Islands WESTERN MAORI-Population 37 123 County, thence southerly along that boundary to the existing Bay of Islands Electoral District boundary as defined by NZ Gazette 1983 Comprises all the existing Western Maori Electoral District, p 1424, thence generally easterly along that boundary to the mean NZ Gazette 1983 p 1424, together with the County of Horowhenua high water mark, thence generally northerly and southerly along and boroughs of Levin and Otaki and excluding that portion above that water mark to the point of commencement and including the described as included in the proposed Eastern Maori Electoral Three Kings Islands and all other adjacent islands. District. SOUTHERN MAORI-Population 36 488 HOBSON Comprises the existing Southern Maori Electoral District, Population: 33 513 Classification: Group D NZ Gazette 1983 p 1424, excluding the County of Horowhenua and Commencing at the entrance to the Kaipara Harbour and proceed­ boroughs of Levin and Otaki. · ing northerly along the mean high water mark of that harbour and west bank of the Wairoa River to and generally westerly along the Proposed Boundaries and Classification of the General Electoral northern boundaries of the Arapohue and Omana Ridings of th~ Districts of New Zealand Hobson County along the southern boundary of the Whangare1 County and the northern boundary of the Mangapai Riding of the The Representation Commission appointed in pursuance to Sec­ Whangarei County to its intersection with Mangapai Road, thence tion 15 of the Electoral Act 1956 hereby publishes, in accordance southerly generally along that road, Monk Road, Mangapai Caves with the provisions of section 18 of the said Act, the proposed Road and Waipu Caves Road to its intersection with the north boundaries of the electoral districts of the North and South Islands boundary of the Waipu Riding of the Whangarei County, thence of New Zealand and of the classification of those districts required easterly along that boundary to and northerly along the mean high - for the purposes of the Higher Salaries Commission Act 1977 and, water mark to its intersection with the proposed boundary of the further gives notice that written objections, to the same, will be Bay of Islands Electoral District, thence westerly generally along received by the undersigned, the Chairman of the Commission, .at that boundary to the entrance to the Hokianga Harbour intersec­ the office of the Secretary of Justice, Department of Justice, Private tion with the high water mark, thence southerly along the mean Bag, Postal Centre, Wellington not later than Monday the 8th day high water mark to the point of commencement including the Poor of December 1986 for consideration by the aforesaid Commission. Kings, Hen and Chicken, Mols:ohinau and all other adjacent islands, The Commission will hear objections in Wellington, Christ­ excluding the proposed Whangarei Electoral District. church and Auckland commencing late January. WHANGAREI Objections relating to any electorate will be heard in Wellington. Population: 33 449 Objectors in relation to the electorates north of and including the Classification: Group A electorates of Waipa, Tarawera, Matamata and East Cape may Commencing at the intersection of the Whangarei City boundary choose to have their objections heard in Auckland. Objectors in and the Nihoteatea Stream, thence easterly generally along that 7 NOVEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 4719 stream, the Waiponamu Stream and the Raumanga Stream to and Eden Borough boundary and Sharpe Stream for approximately 1 southerly ·along Otaika Road to its intersection with Arcus St, km, thence to and southerly along Scenic Drive, Shaw Road and thence east to and south along Limeburners Creek to its intersec­ the boundary of Waitakere Urban Ward of Waitemata City to a tion with the existing Whan_garei Electoral District boundary as point on Exhibition Drive approximately 1 km from Huia Road, defined by NZ Gazette 1983 p 1424, thence generally easterly, thence southerly along that drive and Huia Road to
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