Science Museum Library and Archives Science Museum at Wroughton Hackpen Lane Wroughton Swindon SN4 9NS Telephone: 01793 846222 Email: [email protected] OMN Collection of the papers of Michael Pearson relating to his work on the Omnitrac airborne computer for Decca Navigator Company. Includes predominantly Decca technical proposals, brochures, and reports. Also included are Pearson’s presentations, pilot guides, manuals and instructions, and some correspondence, almost all of the period c. 1960 to 1970s. There are also notes covering theory, programming and operation. Compiled by Beata Bradford Reference Date Description Box Number Code OMN/001 undated MONA Ambac/Decca modular area Box 1 navigation system; The Decca Navigator Company Limited OMN/002 undated The Ambac Decca Modular Box 1 Navigation System, specifications OMN/003 1970 Description of the L-1011 Box 1 Modular Navigation System for Submittal to FAA; Lockheed- California Company. OMN/004 1972 Avionic Flight Control System, Box 1 Lockheed-California Company OMN/005 1972 Automated Navigation Systems; Box 1 Lockheed-California Company OMN/006 1969 Navigation Systems, Short Take Box 1 Off Landing, Evaluation Program; American Airlines, Inc. OMN/007 Undated Nav Aid Draken, Decca Harco Box 1 navigational system proposal OMN/008 1975 Determination of Position by Box 1 Satellite-Doppler Techniques; First seminar on Satellite- Doppler techniques by V.Ashkenazi and R.J. Gough. (2 issues) OMN/009 1976 Compendium of Formulae on Box 1 Geodetic Position Networks, by V.Ashkenazi; University of Nottingham, Department of Civil Engineering OMN/010 1996 Decca Radar – Historical notes Box 1 on The Radar Development Division or RAD-DEV, 1948- 1980; by Phil Williams and friends OMN/011 1986 The Navigation of Navigation Box 1 Satellites by Vidal Ashkenazi and Terry Moore; University of Nottingham, Department of Civil Engineering OMN/012 Undated A Global Civil Navigation Box 1 Satellite System Concept, European Space Agency OMN/013 1976 Spanish document – Sumaria Box 1 Introduccion a la Goedesia Classica Compendio de Formulas; by V.Ashkenazi; (2 copies) OMN/014 1977 Spanish document – Box 1 Determinacion de Posiciones Geodesicas por Medio de Satelites Doppler, by V.Ashkenazi, R.J. Gough and R.M. Sykes OMN/015 1977 Spanish document – Calculo de Box 1 Posiciones Geodesicas por Satelites Doppler; by V.Ashkenazi, R.J. Gough and R.M. Sykes OMN/016 Undated Spanish document – El Metodo Box 1 Doppler y Aplicaciones. Enclosed newspaper ‘Clarin, Buenos Aires, 1985 OMN/017 1976 Improved navigation system Box 2 study, working papers, Filtering; Flight Navigation Limited. OMN/018 1971 Mark 2 Air Transport Area Box 2 Navigation System; Aeronautical Radio, Inc. OMN/019 1973 Omega Navigation Set, Phase Box 2 II, Final Engineering Report; Radio Navigation Group OMN/020 1971 Airborne Guidance and Control Box 2 Systems; Eastern OMN/021 1958 A Description of the Ferranti Box 2 Pegasus Computer with Magnetic Tape Equipment; Ferranti, second edition OMN/022 1967 Map: Aircraft Position Chart, Box 2 North Atlantic 3071 OMN/023 Undated Modular Area Navigation System Box 3 for L-1011 Tri-Star by Ambac/Decca; The Decca Navigator Company Limited OMN/024 Undated Megabit Simulator Notes; Box 3 Lockheed California Company OMN/025 1969 Mona System Specifications for Box 3 Lockheed L-1011 Tristar OMN/026 Undated The Decca Data Link; The Decca Box 4 Navigator Company Limited. OMN/027 1974 Operating Manual, Automated Box 4 Navigation System for all Nippon Airways; Arma Division of Ambac OMN/028 Late Folder of documents relating Box 4 1960s to Data Link System. OMN/029 1970 Overhaul Manual for Omnitrac Box 4 2B Computer Type 1826; The Decca Navigator Company OMN/030 1962 The Decca Navigator System Box 5 operating instructions and marine data sheets OMN/031 1974 Navigation Chart – E. Anglia Box 5 and Netherlands; British European Airways OMN/032 Undated Table of Function Codes, Box 5 Appendix 5 OMN/033 1967 Chart: North Atlantic Dectra Box 5 OMN/034 1971 Navigation Chart, Eastern Air Box 5 Lines, Washington-Newark/New York-Boston Area OMN/035 1973 Navigation Chart – N. Germany Box 5 and Denmark; British European Airways OMN/036 1974 Navigation Chart – W. France Box 5 and C. Isles; British European Airways OMN/037 Undated Offshore Enhanced Oil Box 5 Recovery; Institute of Petroleum OMN/038 1958 Folder of circuit diagrams and Box 5 photographs of Dectra Sig Generator OMN/039 1958 A Description of Ferrante Box 5 Mercury Computer with ancillary equipment OMN/040 1960 Radio Facility Chart, Low Box 5 Altitude-Enroute, USA OMN/041 1961 EDSAC 2 Autocode Programming Box 5 Manual by D.F. Hartley; University Mathematical Laboratory Cambridge OMN/042 Undated Direct Integration of Box 5 Electronic Digital Data Processing Systems by A.L. Freedman OMN/043 1968 Harco Programme (Omnitrac II) Box 5 Hyperbolic Area Coverage OMN/044 1960s Folder of notes reports and Box 6 drawings relating predominantly to Rajah DF System. OMN/045 Undated Aircraft performance graphics Box 6 OMN/046 Undated R2 & R3 Analysis Box 6 OMN/047 1973 Specifications for 1-11 Box 6 Omnitrac System; British Aircraft Corporation Limited OMN/048 1961 User’s guide to the EDSAC Box 6 Magnetic Tape System; University Mathematical Laboatory OMN/049 1966 Algorithms for computation of Box 6 horizontal position of a vehicle using Decca Possitioning System in Afwets Program; General Precision Decca Systems Inc. OMN/050 1970 Overhaul Manual, Onmitrac Box 7 Ancillary Unit Type 934 OMN/051 1971 Overhaul Manual, Onmitrac Box 7 Ancillary Unit Type 976 OMN/052 1969- Documentation and Box 8 1970 correspondence pertaining to contracts with The Flying Tiger Line; Volume 1 OMN/053 1960S Study file: Computer Systems I Box 8 OMN/054 1950- File ‘System Design’ including Box 9 1959 design of Ferranti, Decca Flight and Hargo Argosy Programme OMN/055 1968- Omnitrac II; Doppler Box 9 1970 Processing and Integration OMN/056 1970 Technical Manual Mona System Box 10 Acceptance Test Program OMN/057 1974 RAE Reports Box 10 OMN/058 1964 Memorandum on Distributed Box 10 Communications by Paul Baran; The Decca Navigator Company Limited London OMN/059 1963 Decca Navigator och Radar AB Box 10 OMN/060 Undated Mona Automated Navigation Box 11 System, Technical / Operational Description OMN/061 1969 Heads of Agreement relating to Box 11 Air Navigation and Guidance system (MANG) OMN/062 Undated Standard Method of Propeller Box 11 Performance Estimation; Society of British Aircraft Constructors, Ltd. OMN/063 1972 Detailed description of Box 11 operation of the MONA Programme: ‘Twelve Weeks in London with Mona’ OMN/064 1954- ‘Coordinate Transforms Box 11 1968 Geodesics File’ relating to Loran and Digital computers hyperbolics OMN/065 1961 An Analysis of Project Beacon; Box 12 Air Traffic Service Federal Aviation Agency OMN/066 1971 Supplement No.1 to ARINC Box 12 Characteristic 582, ‘Mark 2 Air Transport Area Navigation Sytstem’. OMN/067 1976 ARMA / Lockheed Fuel Box 12 Management Algorithms OMN/068 1968 Omnitrac, Preliminary Box 12 Instruction Book; Technical Publications Department Decca Systems Inc. OMN/069 1967 Area Navigation VOR/DME Decca Box 12 Omnigraph – DC-9 OMN/070 1974 Automatic Flying of Curved Box 12 Approach Paths – A Computer and Flight Invenstigation; Royal Aircraft Establishment technical report OMN/071 Undated Flying Tiger Line Omnitrac Box 12 Operating Manual OMN/072 Undated Micro D 1808 Computer Box 12 Technical Description; Arma Division of Ambac OMN/073 1959- Navigator Computer file Box 13 1960 OMN/074 1960 Navigator Computer Omnitrac I Box 13 – M. Pearson’s initial work OMN/075 1960 Converter from Decca to PHI Box 14 Coordinates specifications and Decca Chain Conversions Handbook OMN/076 1966 Spherical Trigonometry Box 14 Relationships OMN/077 1976 Decca Navigator, Principles of Box 14 Performance of the System OMN/078 1965 SRN3 Hovercraft Omnitrac I and Box 14 Boscombe Down Comet file OMN/079 Undated Omnitrac I HI-FIX (marine) Box 14 software by John Mackereth OMN/080 c.1959- Papers and Patents; The Decca Box 15 1969 Navigator Company Limited OMN/081 c.1957- Patents Box 15 1967 OMN/082 Undated A Hovercraft Navigation Box 15 System; Decca Radar Limited OMN/083 Undated Omnitrac I Technical Box 15 Description ‘Displays and Altitude Computer for AN/TPS- 34 Radar; Air Publication OMN/084 1970 MONA Modular Navigation System Box 16 – Drawings OMN/085 Undated MONA – The Ambrac / Decca Box 16 Modular Area Navigation System; The Decca Navigator Company Limited OMN/086 Undated Notebook ‘Garpeta Rivadavia’ Box 16 containing notes, cuttings and diagrams on various subjects OMN/087 Undated Operating Instructions for The Box 16 Decca Navigator Mark 7 OMN/088 1964 Operating Instructions for The Box 16 Decca Navigator Mark 10/Omnitrac (2 copies) OMN/089 Undated Operating Instructions for The Box 16 Decca Navigator Mark 8A (2 copies) OMN/090 Undated Operating Instructions for The Box 16 Decca Navigator Mark 10 OMN/091 1958 The Decca Navigator System Box 16 Handbook for The Decca Navigator Flight Log Types 570 & 722 OMN/092 1958 The Decca Navigator System Box 16 Handbook for The Decca Navigator Flight Log Mark 01 OMN/093 Undated BOAC Autonav System by Decca Box 16 OMN/094 Undated BOAC Autonav II System by Box 16 Ferranti OMN/095 1976 Pilot’s Guide Ontrac III Box 16 Navigation System OMN/096 1966 Pilot’s Guide FD-109 Box 16 integrated flight system for Eastern Air Lines Inc. OMN/097 1962 Handbook for The Decca Box 16 Navigator Airborne Reciever Mark 8; The Decca Navigator Company Limited OMN/098 Undated Tristar Aids and Mandatory Box 16 Flight Recording System, General Information and Fault Finding OMN/099 Undated Operating Manual ANS Box 16 (Automated Navigation System) for British Airways; Arma Division of Ambrac OMN/100 Undated Operating Manual ANS Box 16 (Automated Navigation System) for Gulf Air; Arma Division of Ambrac OMN/101 1940s Photocopies of Eureka journals Box 17 OMN/102 1975 A Technical Proposal for an Box 17 Area Navigation Computer System for R.A.F.
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