E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1996 No. 91 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was come forward and lead the House in the affordability for the American people. called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Pledge of Allegiance. That bill was not allowed on the floor pore [Mr. COLLINS of Georgia]. Mr. BROWN of Ohio led the Pledge of in 1992 by the then majority Democrat f Allegiance as follows: leadership. As Members know, we have struggled DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Repub- with this question of health care for TEMPORE lic for which it stands, one nation under God, some time. We have passed through the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. House a bill that ensures affordability, fore the House the following commu- f ensures portability, and offers to 40 nication from the Speaker: million Americans the health care sav- WASHINGTON, DC, MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE ings account. The people who would June 19, 1996. A message from the Senate by Mr. take advantage of these are the self- I hereby designate the Honorable MAC COL- Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- employed and employees of small busi- LINS to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. nounced that the Senate had passed ness, people who would have an oppor- NEWT GINGRICH, without amendment a bill of the House tunity to buy the most rational insur- Speaker of the House of Representatives. of the following title: ance possible for themselves by their f H.R. 3029. An act to designate the United own choosing, get a tax credit for put- States courthouse in Washington, District of ting money in a savings account with PRAYER Columbia, as the ``E. Barrett Prettyman which to deal with the deductible and The Chaplain, Rev. James David United States Courthouse.'' incidental medical expenses, and an Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- The message also announced that ability to do something for themselves er: pursuant to Public Law 85±874, as on their own health care. When we see violence in any form, O amended, the Chair, on behalf of the That bill is under consideration in God, we cringe and are appalled. And President of the Senate, appoints the the other body and is stopped by one when we see violence against our Senator from Wyoming [Mr. SIMPSON] Senator and one Senator alone, from places of worship, we can despair and to the Board of Trustees of the John F. Massachusetts, who apparently does lose hope for there is madness about. Kennedy Center for the Performing not like freedom and would only have Yet, O loving and gracious God, You Arts. the Americans do what they please if it would have all people of good will per- f is mandated. severe in peace and be open to the heal- f ing and reconciliation that builds com- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER munity and respect. May Your Spirit, PRO TEMPORE ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER O God, that can accomplish what we The SPEAKER pro tempore. The PRO TEMPORE cannot, be with those who hurt and Chair will receive fifteen 1-minutes on The SPEAKER pro tempore. The may each person speak and work and each side. Chair would remind Members they give in ways that promote justice and f should not refer to Members of the peace. Amen. other body by name or in an identifi- f REPUBLICAN HEALTH CARE RE- able way. THE JOURNAL FORM BLOCKED IN THE SENATE f BECAUSE IT DOES NOT RELY ON The SPEAKER pro tempore. The GOVERNMENT MANDATES CONSUMERS UNION WEIGHS IN Chair has examined the Journal of the (Mr. ARMEY asked and was given AGAINST MEDICAL SAVINGS AC- last day's proceedings and announces COUNTS to the House his approval thereof. permission to address the House for 1 Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- minute and to revise and extend his re- (Ms. DELAURO asked and was given nal stands approved. marks.) permission to address the House for 1 f Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, in 1992 the minute and to revise and extend her re- House Republicans, working with marks.) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Bush, put together an excel- Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, in fact, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the lent health care bill designed to ad- we do want to have portable and secure gentleman from Ohio [Mr. BROWN] dress the questions of portability and health insurance for people, and we b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6513 H6514 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE June 19, 1996 want to have insurance companies pro- for 1 minute and to revise and extend picked up the Hill and read that the hibited from not insuring folks for his remarks.) Speaker of the House is giving me cred- their preexisting conditions. But let Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I it for launching the Republican budget me tell the Members, under the banner had planned to hold up a toy assault with my face. I want to thank him, but of reform, what the congressional ma- weapon when I spoke today on the I cannot take credit. jority has done to the health care bill. House floor. House rules suggest I not Everybody wondered how the Repub- Do not take my word for it, take the do so. licans got the last four votes on this word of Consumers Union. Consumers This toy gun was made in China. It is Republican budget that they launched, Union produces the Consumer Reports only a toy. But the 2,000 assault weap- because this Republican budget in- that advise us on buying an auto- ons that the U.S. attorney in San Fran- creases the deficit from this year, next mobile, an appliance, and not to buy a cisco found last month were not toys. year, and the next year. It is a disaster. lemon. Let me tell the Members what They were the real thing, smuggled in It's a ship that should be sunk, not they say about medical savings ac- by the Chinese Government or a com- launched. counts, which is holding up the health pany controlled by the Chinese Govern- Mr. Speaker, when the Republicans care reform bill: ment. It is sometimes hard to tell the counted the votes, they did not have The inclusion of the Republican MSA pro- difference when you are dealing with a them, so they had to keep the voting posal in the Kassebaum-Kennedy bill makes Communist country that uses slave machine open for a very long time the legislation worse than a wash for con- labor. while they pressured their Members to sumers. It takes us backward in our efforts to make health insurance accessible and af- The assault weapons in California change. The Speaker said he did not fordable. kill people. Those toys made by the have to work at all, that their four MSA's are a time bomb. They turn the Chinese in Chinese slave labor camps changers very willingly came down very principle of insurance on its head. In- kill jobs, American jobs. The trade def- here and changed when they saw my stead of pooling resources, they help healthy icit with China is $34 billion a year and face. That is fairly incredible, because people accumulate wealth. growing. Before long it will be greater I was not here. I was one of the first to I ask Members to be on their guard than the deficit we have with Japan. vote, went home, and was watching the and oppose the MSA's. MFN, most-favored-nation status, is vote on C±SPAN, so I have something f not fair to American workers. Kill over Helen of Troy. If the Speaker is HEALTH CARE REFORM: COMMON- MFN. right, they can beam my face right SENSE ANSWERS FOR AMERI- f back in here from C±SPAN even if I'm absent. CA'S HEALTH CARE NEEDS THE NEA MUST GO f (Mrs. KELLY asked and was given (Mr. FUNDERBURK asked and was permission to address the House for 1 given permission to address the House MEDICAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ARE minute and to revise and extend her re- for 1 minute and to revise and extend NEW APPROACH WITH PROVEN marks.) his remarks.) TRACK RECORD Mrs. KELLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. FUNDERBURK. Mr. Speaker, (Mr. BALLENGER asked and was today to encourage our colleagues to here we go again. The NEA insists on given permission to address the House join me in calling on the Senate to pass offending American families. Freshman for 1 minute and to revise and extend our commonsense health care reforms Republicans tried to eliminate tax- his remarks.) now. These are reasonable changes like payer funding for the National Endow- Mr. BALLENGER. Mr. Speaker, med- portability, affordability, and most of ment for the Arts, in part because tax- ical savings accounts have become a all, accessibility. payers should not have to subsidize art focal point for this whole debate over Portability is within this Congress' which blatantly offends the religious grasp.
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