5. Environmental Analysis 5.3 LAND USE AND PLANNING 5.3.1 Environmental Setting Existing Land Uses On-Site Honda Center is located on a 42.6-acre site located within the City of Anaheim. The Honda Center is a 650,000 square foot arena for sports and entertainment events and can accommodate a maximum of 18,900 spectators (depending on seating configuration). The parking lots surrounding the Honda Center have 3,775 parking spaces to accommodate visitors. Additional parking for the Honda Center is provided off-site by agreement and/or by private operators. Surrounding Land Uses The Honda Center property is bound on the north by Stanley Cup Way and the Union Pacific Railroad, to the east by the Santa Ana River, to the south by Katella Avenue and to the west by State Route 57 (SR-57) freeway (see Figure 2, Local Vicinity). The Honda Center is within a half mile northeast of the Angel Stadium of Anaheim and the existing Anaheim Amtrak/Metrolink Station and the future Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARTIC) and Anaheim Rapid Connection (ARC). Land uses surrounding the Honda Center are primarily commercial and light industrial, including restaurants, offices, of some distribution facilities. Existing General Plan Designations The City of Anaheim General Plan Land Use Element designates the Honda Center site and surrounding area as Mixed Use. Areas designated as Mixed-Use are designed to function differently from the typical patterns of individual, segregated land uses. Uses and activities are designed together in an integrated fashion to create a dynamic urban environment that serves as the center of activity for the surrounding area. The designation provides opportunities for an integrated mix of residential, retail, service, entertainment and office opportunities in a pedestrian-friendly environment. Because of their more intense, compact nature of development, Mixed-Use areas encourage the use of transit service and other forms of transportation, including pedestrian and bicycle travel. Existing Zoning Designations There are two zoning designations onsite, as shown in Figure 3-8, Existing Zoning and Property Ownership. The central and western parts of the site are zoned Public Recreational (PR), and within the Platinum Triangle Mixed Use (PTMU) Overlay Zone. The eastern part of the project site is zoned Transition (T) and is also within the PTMU Overlay Zone. The intent of the “PR” Zone is to establish for the benefit of the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Anaheim and its visitors, a zone to preserve, regulate and control the orderly use and enjoyment of City-owned properties and facilities and adjacent private property. Property within the purview of the Public Recreational Zone includes (a) City-owned property, whether the same is exclusively occupied by the City or is used by others on the basis of some agreement with or concession by the City, and (b) adjacent private property, whose use and development has an impact on the use and enjoyment of City-owned property and facilities. Honda Center Enhancement Project Draft EIR City of Anaheim Page 5.3-1 5. Environmental Analysis LAND USE AND PLANNING The intent of the “T” Zone is to provide for a zone to include land that is used for agricultural uses, in a transitory or interim use, restricted to limited uses because of special conditions, or not zoned to one of the City’s other zoning districts for whatever reason, including recent annexation. The City’s Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan and corresponding PTMU Overlay Zone identify the project site as belonging to the Arena District. Application of the PTMU Overlay Zone in the Arena District, which is coterminous with the project site’s boundaries, allows for the development of a maximum of 425 housing units, 100,000 square feet of office space, and 100,000 square feet of commercial space. The Overlay Zone does not change the underlying zoning designation of each parcel in the District. However, it is intended to provide new opportunities for mixed-use development, provided that specific legal provisions and development standards are met. The City’s Zoning Code is the primary tool for implementing the General Plan, providing development standards, identifying allowable land uses, and specifying other regulations. By establishing rules regarding the use of property and site development standards (e.g., building heights and setbacks, parking standards, etc.), the Zoning Code provides detailed guidance for development based on, and consistent with, the land use policies established within the General Plan. 5.3.2 Thresholds of Significance According to Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines, a project would normally have a significant effect on the environment if the project would: LU-1 Physically divide an established community. LU-2 Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including, but not limited to the general plan, specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect. LU-3 Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan. The Initial Study, included as Appendix A, substantiates that impacts associated with the following thresholds would be less than significant: Threshold LU-1 Threshold LU-3 These impacts will not be addressed in the following analysis. 5.3.3 Environmental Impacts The following impact analysis addresses thresholds of significance for which the Initial Study disclosed potentially significant impacts. The applicable thresholds are identified in brackets after the impact statement. Page 5.3-2 The Planning Center|DC&E January 2012 5. Environmental Analysis LAND USE AND PLANNING IMPACT 5.3-1: THE PROPOSED ZONING RECLASSIFICATION FOR A PORTION OF THE PROJECT SITE WOULD NOT CONFLICT WITH THE PUBLIC RECREATIONAL (PR) ZONING OR THE PLATINUM TRIANGLE MIXED USE OVERLAY ZONE. [THRESHOLD LU-2] Impact Analysis: The City of Anaheim General Plan, the Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan (PTMLUP), and the Zoning Code establish standards for development within the project area subject to approval of any required permits and/or a Standardized Development Agreement for properties that are developed in accordance with the PTMU Overlay Zone. The Proposed Project includes an application for a zoning reclassification for the eastern portion of the site currently zoned Transition (T) to Public Recreation (PR). Upon approval of the requested zone change, the entire Honda Center site would be zoned PR. Consistency with Zoning Designations for the Project Area The Proposed Project includes an application for a zoning reclassification for the eastern portion of the site currently zoned Transition (T) Zone/Platinum Triangle Mixed Use (PTMU) Overlay Zone to Public Recreation (PR) Zone/PTMU Overlay Zone. The proposed zoning classification would make portions of the property within the T/PTMU consistent with the zone classification for the remainder of the Project Site (PR/PTMU). The intent of the "T" Zone is to provide for a zone to include land that is used for agricultural uses, in a transitory or interim use, restricted to limited uses because of special conditions, or not zoned to one of the City’s other zoning districts for whatever reason, including recent annexation (Anaheim Municipal Code Section 18.40.020). The portion of the site zoned T/PTMU is used for surface parking, and there is no agricultural use on the site. The Honda Center opened in 1993 as the Anaheim Arena and thus is not a transitory or interim use. While a portion of the project site zoned T/PTMU is owned by the Orange County Flood Control District, (OCFCD), the area so zoned is located in the X Zone that is protected by levees, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate maps (FIRM Map No. 06059C0142J). The levees located to the east of the project site along the Santa Ana River are designed to contain the 1% chance flood (100-year flood). While overtopping of the levee or failure of the levee is possible, the Proposed Project would not result in substantial modifications to the existing Honda Center or its parking lots and, thus, would not result in greater flooding impacts. In addition, the proposed zone reclassification would not change the OCFCD’s existing use of its property for flood control purposes. Therefore, there is no reason for the property to remain in the T Zone. Additionally, the reclassification of the properties to the PR Zone would be consistent with the adjacent properties within the project site and subject properties include (a) City-owned property, whether the same is exclusively occupied by the City or is used by others on the basin of some agreement with or concession by the City, and (b) adjacent private property, whose use and development has an impact on the use and enjoyment of City-owned property and facilities. Additionally, the City’s Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan and corresponding PTMU Overlay Zone identify the site as belonging to the Arena District. This designation allows for the development of a maximum of 425 housing units, 100,000 square feet of office space, and 100,000 square feet of commercial space within the Arena District. The proposed zoning reclassification would not alter the Honda Center Enhancement Project Draft EIR City of Anaheim Page 5.3-3 5. Environmental Analysis LAND USE AND PLANNING development standards, permitted intensities, or other land use regulations of the Arena District as set forth in the Anaheim Municipal Code Chapter 18.20. As indicated in subsection of the Anaheim Municipal Code, the PTMU Overlay Zone has the following major objectives: Create a unique integrated, walkable urban environment that encourages pedestrian activity and reduces dependence on the automobile for everyday needs, through a streetscape that is connected, attractive, safe and engaging.
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