ALTRINCHAM HISTORY SOCIETY - INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS J = Journal, OP = Occasional Paper, B = Bulletin 1066, Who came with William? J21 15th Century Deed J2 1667 Subsidy Roll for Altrincham, Comments & Comparison J11 1667 Subsidy Roll for Altrincham, Transcription J10 17th Century Auction - Artenstall family J17 21 years in Broadheath, 1930s-1940s J29 23rd Bn Cheshire Home Guard, Sale J2 26th November, 1813 - General Rejoicing in Altrincham J4 Abattoir, Altrincham J15 p.7 Adverts, 1930s local traders J30 AFS, Altrincham and Merseyside Blitz May 1941 OP39 Alan Turing - Mathematical Genius OP6 Alehouses, Court Leet cases 1613-1760 OP48 Alias as a term and legitimate families J10 Alice in Wonderland J21 p.23; J31 Allingham, Helen OP1; J31 Alretune - Davenport Green & the Lost Villages J7 Altrincham & District Natural History & Literary Society 1908-1914 J4 Altrincham Agricultural Society B5 Altrincham and Bowdon Occupations, 1600-1760 J16 Altrincham Authors J29 Altrincham between the Wars - memories J13 Altrincham Carrot J18 p.6 Altrincham Charter 1290 J35 Altrincham Court Leet 1612-1760 OP44 Altrincham Court Leet 1620s to 1681 OP33 Altrincham Court Leet meetings 1888 and 1937 J40 Altrincham Court Leet of 1653 J2 Altrincham Families: Higginson, butchers, 1600-1735 J19 Altrincham Gas Works Branch Line J19 Altrincham General Hospital History, Part 1: 1851 to 1948 OP27 Altrincham General Hospital History, Part 2: 1948 to 2013 OP35 Altrincham General Hospital, Microgeography in Altrincham J29 Altrincham Grammar School for Boys J31 Altrincham in 1348-49: Survey & Rental Parts 1 & 2 J3; J4 Altrincham in 1667: Comparison with Neighbouring Townships J11 Altrincham in 1667: Subsidy Roll J10 Altrincham in 1799 - Map OP4 Altrincham in 1834 - Bias in a Government Report? Parts 1, 2 and 3 J19; J20; J21 Altrincham in 1841: Cheshire Market Town OP5 Altrincham in 1930s J30 Altrincham in Decline? Rental of 1514 J6 Altrincham in WW1 - Part 1: Asquith's War Aug 1914 -May 1915 OP34 Altrincham in WW1 - Part 2: The Coalition's War May 1915 - Dec 1916 OP38 Altrincham Inns, Bent's Inn 1640-1713 J34 Altrincham Inns, Eaton's Inn 1600-1753 J35 Altrincham Map 1777 J36 Altrincham Market Bell 1684 J3 Altrincham Textile Mills 17th to 19th century OP26 Altrincham Tithe Schedule 1838 J13 Altrincham Tour OP15 Altrincham Town Clock and Market Bell, 1663-1700 J36 Altrincham Town Hall Stained Glass J32 Altrincham Town Hall, History of OP37 Altrincham, the AFS and the Merseyside Blitz May 1941 OP39 Altrincham's First Fire Engine J37 American Army & German POW Camp, Dunham Massey OP20 Ancient Footpaths Association 1852, Hale Moss J2 Ancient Order of Foresters Investment Association J38 Ancient Sinderland Footpath J18 p.4 Armitage, George Faulkner J27 Arnold's Yard, Altrincham J27 ARP Register for Stamford Park Road, Hale J7 ARP Wardens, Hale - Bulletin 1943 J7 Art Treasures Exhibition 1857, at Old Trafford - Civic Pride J23 Artenstall Family of Altrincham, 1616 J17 Artist Douglas Marshall Rigby 1891-1918 J39 Ashley, Military Obligation in 15th Century J5 Ashton-under-Lyne connection J1 Attorneys, local 17th & 18th centuries J22 Author: Philip Henry Mules J27, J29 Author: Richard Mason J23 Author: Thomas Kingston Clarke J29 Auxiliary Fire Service, WW2 OP39; OP54 Avro York Aircraft - Death of Air Chief Marshal J28 Baillie, Dame Isobel - Blue Plaque OP3 Barony Court of Dunham Massey 1613-1640, terms found J38 Barony Court of Dunham Massey 1733-1740 OP28 Batchelor, James, gunmaker J31 Bayliss, Don & Hilda - Local History Award J28 Bayliss, Donald G. Obituary J37 Bell, Market J3 Bell, Market J36 Bent's Inn 1640-1713 J34 Berry, William & Thomas - Parklands, Dunham Massey OP24 Bird Watching - Altrincham Sewage Farm J24 Blacking manufacturers - Parklands, Dunham Massey OP24 Bleeding Wolf Hotel & Garage, Hale J25 Blitz in Altrincham J30 Blue Plaque - Dame Isobel Baillie OP3 Blue Plaque - Ronald Gow OP8 Board of Health, 1851 J22 p.11 Bobbin Turners J29 Bollington Hall Farm, Little Bollington - Dunham Massey Farms Project CD or print Bombed-out Chippy J8 Bombing WW2 Altrincham J29; J30 Bombing WW2 Broadheath J8, J23 Bombing, Southwold, South Downs Road, Hale J15 Boons and Services in 17th & 18th centuries B5 Boroughs in the 13th Century J15 Bostock family, 15th century deed J2 Boundaries of Altrincham J20 p.11 Bowdon Croquet Club J14 Bowdon Downs Potato J18 p.6 Bowdon in the 19th century J30 Bowdon War Supply Depot WW1 OP23 Bowdon, Who was Who 1600-1650 Part 1: Ashton to Hardy, A. J12 Bowdon, Who was Who 1600-1650 Part 2: Hardy, J. to Litherland J17 Bowdon, Who was Who 1600-1650 Part 3: Ridgeway to Simpson, E. J19 Bowdon, Who was Who 1600-1650 Part 4: Simpson, K. to Venables J20 Bradbury Central School 1910-1985 OP21 Bradbury, Capt. E.K. VC J33 Brereton, Sir William Letter Books J1 Bridgewater Canal - Duke of Bridgewater and Countess of Stamford OP16 Bridgewater Canal at Broadheath, Tour J24 Broadheath and a Naval Enigma, 1916 J12 Broadheath Home Guard J26 Broadheath Industrial Estate, Tour J24 Broadheath Memories J29 Broadheath SEE ALSO Budenbergs, Kearns, Linotype Broadheath, Railway crash J38 Broadheath's Black Night - WW2 Bombing J23 Brookheyes Farm, Sinderland - Dunham Massey Farms Project CD or print Brooks Family, Bankers: Finem Respice J5 Budenberg's, Broadheath J23 Buildings of Central Altrincham in 2000 (Out of Print) OP9 Burdett's Map of Altrincham 1777 J36 Burgages of Altrincham J24 Butchers in Altrincham J36 Buttermarket OP17 Cabmen's Shelters J40 Caldwell, Thomas, at Trafalgar J25 Camp Green, Rostherne J22 p.14 Captain Scott's Visit to Seamon's Moss School J5 Carr, the, Hale J32 Carrington Moss, Impending Disappearance J15 Carroll, Lewis J21 p.23; J31 Castlefield Tour J31 Castles, Edward I in North Wales J18 Causeway, The, Altrincham J22 p.17 Cellar Dwellings - Random Jottings J18 p.6 Charities OP53 Charity Schools: Harbouring Inmates 1600-1760 OP53 Charity Shops in Altrincham - Early Days J22 Charter, Altrincham 1290 J35 Cheese, Cheshire J23 p.18 Chelsea Pensioners, Local men J23 Cheshire Archaeology Day 1994 Report J8 Cheshire Market Town in Victorian Times: Altrincham in 1841 OP5 Chip Shop, Broadheath, Bombing J8 Chip Shop, Oldest? Broadheath J23 p.18 Chorley Old Hall J6 Chorlton, Raphe, will 1634: Gossip & Scandal J20 Church Tithes in Hale J25 Cinemas in WW1 J33 Civil War J10 Civil War, Cheshire Royalists 1646-1660 OP14 Civil War, Wythenshawe Hall 1644 J21 Clarke, Thomas Kingston, author J29 Clayton, George of Altrincham 1720-1745 attorney J22 Clibrans' Nursery J18 p.5 Clock - Altrincham Town Clock & Market Bell J36 Cobbler's Shop, Broadheath J23 Colonel John Rosworm J7 Common Law - Custom J27 Confectionary Works, Broadheath, Bombing J8 Constables' Accounts - Mary Martin of Bowdon 1625 J36 Cook, John of Altrincham 1727-1749 attorney J22 Coppock, William - Timperley 1729 datestone J34 Cottages at Nos. 113 and 115, Navigation Road J12 Cottrill, Sergeant, DCM 1901 J8 Court Leet for the Barony of Dunham Massey 17th & 18th OP48; OP51; OP53 Court Leet for The Barony of Dunham Massey, 1613-1640 J38 Court Leet of 1653 J2 Court Leet, 1834 Report, Parts 1, 2, 3 J19; J20; J21 Court Leet, Altrincham 1612-1760 OP44 Court Leet, Altrincham 1620s to 1681 OP33 Court Leet, Altrincham meetings 1888 & 1937 J40 Court Leet, Dunham Massey1733-1740, & Court Baron OP28 Court Leet, Grand Inquest, 1744 J12 Court Leet, Provost's Sunday J11 Cow Lane - where Alan Turing lived J3 Crimes - Court Leets 1613-1700 OP51 Croquet J13 Cunliffe Brooks Bank: Finem Respice J5 Cunningham's Camp, 1894-1939: Isle of Man J10 Dacre, Susan Isabel, Artist 1844-1933 J16 Dairyhouse Farm, Dairyhouse Lane - Dunham Massey Farms Project CD or print Darby & Joan Club, History 1946 J24 Davenport Green & the Lost Villages J7 Davenport Green Hall J32 de Quincy, Thomas J1 Death of Air Chief Marshal - Leigh-Mallory J28 Deed - Parker's Tenement, Altrincham 1849 J23 Deeds 15th Century J2 Deeds as a Source J23 Defence Organisations WW2, Hale Road J7 Denton Churchyard Masonic Gravestone J9 Devisdale, History J27 Dialogue between two history detectives re Roads in Altrincham J36 Domesday Book, Lost Villages J7 Dore, Norman, an appreciation J13 Downs House, Higher Downs J22 Dowty Aviation, WW2 Memories J40 Duckenfield, Colonel - Civil War, a Tameside man in Isle of Man J9 Duke, his Canal, the Countess and her lands: Bridgewater Canal OP16 Dung - There's nowt like muck J22 p.11 Dunham Fleam - water supply for Dunham Mill J20, J23 p.20 Dunham Hall, silver collection OP41 Dunham Hall, WWI Hospital J28 Dunham Massey American Army & German POW Camp OP20 Dunham Massey Camp, British soldiers National Service J34 Dunham Massey Court Baron & Court Leet 1733-1740 OP28 Dunham Massey Court Baron 1613-1640, terms found J38 Dunham Massey Farms Project - History of 8 farms Available as printouts or on CD Dunham Massey footpaths J9 Dunham Massey Papers at John Rylands Library J22 Dunham Massey Roman Road J9 p.11 Dunham Massey WW2 OP54 Dunham Mill, Source of water J20, J23 p.20 Dutch wars - 1652-74 J9 Earl of Stamford SEE Stamford, Earl of Early History of Altrincham up to 1066 J39 Eastwood, Frank, WW2 Memories J40 Eaton's Inn 1600-1753 J35 Eaton's Inn revisited J38 Eclipse of 1927 J8 Edith le Breton, artist OP13 Education in Hale in 17th century J27 Edward I and Welsh Castles J18 English Borough in the Thirteenth Century J15 Enticing & Alluring: Fun and Games for ordinary people in 17th & 18th C. OP48 Epidemics 1300-1650 J16 Evans, George Bramwell "Romany" J6 Ferdinand Laughton of Altrincham, gentleman, c.1690 to 1750 J14 Fildes, Lucy,
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