'pimaji,20th 'January, 1972 Wausa 30, 1893) SERIES II No. 43 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT. OF '. GOA, DAMAN AND .DIU ftcation, will under clause (seventh) of section 24 of the GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN said Act, be disregarded by him while assessing compensa­ tion for such parts of the said land as may be finally AND DIU acquired. 3. If the Government is satisfied that the said land is Revenue Department needed for the aforesaid purpose, a declaration 'to that effect under Section 6 of the said Act will be published in the Government Gazette, in due course. I!f the acquisition is Notification' abandoned wholly or iin part, the fad will be notified. No. RlD/LIQN/260/71 4. 'l'he Government .is further pleased to appoint under cLause (c) of S'ection 3 of the said Act the Deputy COlliector. Wher.eas lilt; aJppears ,to the ·Appropr.iate Government (here­ Souith Sulb-Dwi:si-on, Margao to rperform the fUlI:cti-ons of a iI:after referred ,to as >«the Government») that the aand spe­ Collector under the said Act, in respect of the said land. cified in the schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as the 5. The Government is also pleased to authorise under sub­ «said land:.), is likely to be needed for public purpose viz. -section (2) of Section 4 of .the saild Act, the follQwdng offi­ Bam Fa.1Jorpa-QuLtal-iCanagu'1n!im road. cers to do the acts,specified therein in respect of the said Therefore the Government is pLeased to notify under sub­ land. ' -secbvon (1) of Section 4 of tihe Land AcqUiislitdon Act, 1894 1. The bolloctor:~of Goa, Panaji. (hereinaf)ter referred to as the «said A,ct»), that the sald land is likely to be needed for the purpose specified above. ~. The ,Deputy Collector, South Sub-Division, Margao. 3, The Superlntendliing Eng-ineer, lOirde II, PWD., 2. All persons linterested in the said land are hereby warned Panajoi. not 't'c· obstruct or interfere with any surveyor or other per­ sons employed lupon the sruid land for the purpose of the sa;id 4. 'I1he Execu1Jive Eng,inlOOr, W. Div., VI, Margao. acquisition. Any contracts for the disposal of the said land by sale, 'lease, mortgage, ass'1gnment, ex:cil;ange or otherwise, 6. A rough plan of the said land }s available for inspec­ or any outlay commenced or improvements made thereon tion. in the office of the Deputy Collector, South Sub-Divisi-on, with-out the sanction of the Collector, appointed 'in para­ Margao, tor a period of 30 days from the date of publication graph 4 berow, after the date of 'the publication of this Noti- of this NotJification '!In the Government Gazette. SiCHEIDULE {IDescI'iption of' the said land) Taluke Village Plot No.! Name of the person believed to be ,interested Approximate Survey No. area in sq. mts. 1 2 3 4 5 Quepem Ball 1 Ccisna F'Ol'O Dessat and others of Ba1:l.~Moth. 797.65 :2 . -Heirs of Sonum Slnai Audi of Pan:aji, Balsu Vithal F'Olo 967.75 Dess8li and Prabhakar Folo DCl$isai of Ba1:l.-Moth. 3 . Venktesh Sinai Aud! 'Of Bali-M'Oth.. 47.50 4 Rama J'J.va Fol'O Dessat 'Of BaH. 807.00 '5 Rama Jiva Folo Dessai of Bali. 579.60 6 Ganesh Putu Folo Dessai of Ba}i. 204.75 7 Utt'Oma Ganba Folo Dessai of Ba1:l.. 2:11.50 8 Rama Jiva Folo Dessai of Bali. :27'2.50 9 Ganelih .Putu F'Olo DessaJi of Bali. 261.35 10 Heirs of Jaiwant Timum Vornaka'I' 'Of CU'llcolim. 1006.00 1;1 Rama Jiva Fol'O Dessad of Bali. 100.00 12 Heirs of Jaiwant Timum Vornakar 'Of CuncoHm. 3318.00 i13 Tivi~na Vishnu Vaidya of Cuncolitm; 162.00 14 -do- 589.'90 Quepem Fatorpa 15 Devruppa Shaba Naik Dess8li of Fat'Orpa. '586.00 16 Heirs of Jaiwant .Timum Vornaka'I' 'Of Cunc'Olint. 1189.00 17 uttoma Shiuram Fol'O Dessai of Fat'OIpa.. 266.50 18 Rajarama Ganashama Vornakar 'Of Fatorrpa. 577.215 19 Uttoma Shiurama F'Ol'O Dessai of Fatorpa. 134.75 20 Heirs of Narsinva Pat Vaidya of Cun.~olim. 168.00 2LA Heirs 'Of Narsinva Pat Vaidya of CuIic'OI'im. 835.00 SERIE.S 11 No. 43 1 2 3 4 5 Quepem Fat<orpa 21 Devappa Shaba Naik Dessai of Fatorpa. 36.00 22 Shankar Soiru Naik Dessai of BaM. 13.00 23 Shankar Soiru Naik Dessai of Bali. 718.00 24 Ganesh Audu Naik Dessai of Fatorpa. 15.00 25 -00- 00.00 26 Devappa Shaba Naik Dessai of Fatorpa. 58.00 ,27 Devappa Shaba Naik Dessai of Fatorpa. 145.00 218 Ganesh Audu Naik Dessai of Fatorpa. 202.50 129 -do- 176.25 30 Devappa Shaba Naik Dessai.& Pondori Shaba Naik Dessai. 220;50 23.00 31 Devappa Shaba Naik Dessai .& Pondori Shaba Naik Dessai 176.75 of Fatorpa. 32 Devappa Shaba Naik Dessai of Fatorpa. 216.00 33 Devappa Shaba Naik Dessai .& Pondori Shaba Naik Dessai 180.00 of Fatorpa; 34 Bernardo Martins of Velim-Baga. 1'311.60 85 -do- 168.00 36 Saud€! Coutinho of Cuncolim. W7.50 37 -do- 80.00 3:8 Bernardo Martins of VeUm-Baga. 300.00 69 Curch of Fatorpa. 96.00 4:0. Bernardo Martins of Velim-Baga. 100.00 1£1 Henrique Fernandes of Fatorpa. 200.00 42 -do- 102.00 43 Heirs of Rama Pai Palondicar of Margao. 164.00 44 Rosario Fernandes of Fatorpa. 61.00 45 Heirs of Rama Pai Palondicar of Margao. 135.00 46 Saude Coutinho of Cuncolim. 357.00 41- -00- 240.00 48 Bernardo Martins of Velim-Baga. 471.00 49 -do- 455.00 50 Heirs of Rama Pai Palondicar of Margao. 3213.i215 51 Comunidade of Fatorpa. 615114.85 i52 Shri God Bamcho Puresh of Fatorpa. ~2.oo 53 Raghoba Dessai of CuncoUm. 4J54.00 54 PUlidoli:\t .Naik of Margao. 713;85 615 Queshova Rama Vonakar of_ Horna, Fatorpa. 11393.25 56 -do- 1075.35 57 Nanum V. Camotim Mamaim of Panaji. 48.00 58 SaudeCoutinho of Cuncolim. 15712.00 5'9 -do- 435.75 60 Siuram Dessai of Fatorpa. 471.75 61 Siurani. iDessaJi 'Of Fatoiipa. 1Q3.'50 62 Indiano Colaco. 409.75 63 -do- 462.7'5 64 Tivicra:m FataI1pakar 'Of F8ltorpa. ~5.25 65 He-Lrs' of NaI1aJina 1P:a;iJca lNaika Dessai'Of Fat'Ol':pa. '946.50 66 -do·- 519>8.50 67 "'Shashi,'kanJt FatoI1pekar.'o'f iFatorpa. 476.~5 168 -do- 55l2,.00 69 Comu,ndade· 'O'f Fatorpa.· 4964.715 76 -do- 483.50 ··71 Heirs' of ·Naraina lPaJiOaNI'lJik lDessaJi of Fat'011Pa. 1~20.00 72 Comundadeof Fa1:orpa. 4296.10 73 -do- 112l2.90 714 Comun:idadeof Qu'itol. 45218.75 7'5 -do- 1607.'50 " 20TH JANUARYJ 1912 (PAUSA 30J 1893) 295 1 2 3 4 5 Quepern Fatorpa 76 PaIlid!aI'li Dess8Ji, Esso Dessai & Janum Dessai ,of Qu'ltol. 1200.00 77 -do- IH10.00 7,8 iKanta \Bicu Na!i.k !Dessai >& Ananta B. !Na;ik 'Dessaiof Quitoi. 82:5.75 79 -do- 575.00 80 Mortu P1lItu Naiik [)essai of QuItol. 399.75 81 Kushali H. iRaJUto Dessa!i of Quitol. 170.. 50 82 Esso lBabu N8Jik !DessaJi of Quitol. 1020.00 83 IDsso iBabu Naik iDessaJi of Quiito1. 1777.'50 84 ComuIl'idade of Quitol. 5913.00 85 'OomuIl!idade of Qu'ito[. 4311.7'5 86 Esso lBa'bu Na1k DessaJi of QuiltoI. ,'5849.70 87 ESS'O lBabu Naik Dessan of Qll1iJtol. 976.25 88 Oomunilldade of Qulitoll. 85611.'50 89 Oomunildade of QUito!. 747.00 00 ComuIl'ida'<ie Oif Naquerim. 2244{).00 Tot8il area TS 10!4;248:45 By ,order all'd in the Il'ame ()If Ithe !Lt. Governor/AdnlffniistratJor of Goa, Daman and !Diu. P.B. Bhatnagar, Secretary ,«R,evenue). lPanaji, 17Jth J3:Il'uary, 1972. ••• Office of the Chief Electoral Officer Local Self Government Department Notrtication Notification No. 1-106-70-LSG Read: Government NotlificaJtion No. 1-106-70-LSG dated No. 4-4-71/Elec. 213,-9-11971. The following Notification No. 56-71-XXIV dated In supensession of 'the GoV'ernment Notification quoted 31-12-1971 issued by the Election Commission of India, above ,an~ consequmt upon the transfer of Shl'i S. K. Berry, New Delhi, is hereby republished for general information. Ex-CaptaJlU of Ports, Shr.i B. Mehrotra, Captain of Ports Panaji is appointed with effect from the date he has take~ B. M. Ma.surkar, Ch:ief Electoral OJficer. over charge of the post of C!liptam of Ports, as 14Jmlber-Se­ Panaji, 13th January, 1197i2 .. cretary of the Commilttee constituted under Government No­ tification No. 1~:106-70-LSG dated 27-4-1,971 for, the study of the problems creaJted by the silting of mvers as a result of the exploration of ore in Goa and the means to solve them as ',well as to' recommend suitable sirtes which could serve as Election Commission of India dumping grounds of mining residues'. By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa New ,Delhi, Daman and Diu. ' Dated the 31st December, 1971 F. A. ,Figueiredo, Under /Secretary (Revenue). Panajli, 7th January, 19712. Pausa 10, 1893 (Saka) Notification -----..+----- (56-71-XXIV) Food and Civil Supplies Department In pursuance of paragraph 17 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968, the Election Com­ Notification mission hereby makes the following amendment in its noti­ No.
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