Package `zipangu' February 7, 2021 Title Japanese Utility Functions and Data Version 0.2.3 Description Some data treated by the Japanese R user require unique operations and processing. These are caused by address, Kanji, and traditional year representations. 'zipangu' transforms specific to Japan into something more general one. License MIT + file LICENSE URL https://uribo.github.io/zipangu/, https://github.com/uribo/zipangu BugReports https://github.com/uribo/zipangu/issues Depends R (>= 3.2) Imports dplyr (>= 0.8.3), lifecycle (>= 0.1.0), lubridate (>= 1.7.4), magrittr (>= 1.5), purrr (>= 0.3.3), rlang (>= 0.4.0), stringi (>= 1.4.3), stringr (>= 1.4.0), tibble (>= 2.1.3), arabic2kansuji (>= 0.1.0), stats Suggests covr (>= 3.4.0), testthat (>= 2.1.0), scales (>= 1.1.0) Encoding UTF-8 LazyData true Roxygen list(markdown = TRUE) RoxygenNote 7.1.1 R topics documented: convert jdate . .2 convert jyear ......................................2 dl zipcode file......................................3 1 2 convert jyear find date by wday ...................................4 is jholiday . .4 is zipcode . .5 jholiday spec ......................................6 jpnprefs . .7 kansuji2arabic . .8 label kansuji . .9 read zipcode . 10 separate address . 11 str jconv......................................... 12 zipcode spacer . 13 Index 14 convert jdate Convert Japanese date format to date object Description Maturing Usage convert_jdate(date) Arguments date a character object. Examples convert_jdate("nu4ee4nu548c2nu5e747nu67086nu65e5") ## [1] "2020-07-06" convert jyear Convert Japanese imperial year to Anno Domini Description Maturing Usage convert_jyear(jyear) Arguments jyear Japanese imperial year (jyear). Kanji or Roman character dl zipcode file 3 Examples convert_jyear("R1") ## [1] 2019 convert_jyear("Heisei2") ## [1] 1990 convert_jyear("nu5e73nu6210nu5143nu5e74") ## [1] 1989 convert_jyear(c("nu662dnu548c10nu5e74", "nu5e73nu621014nu5e74")) ## [1] 1935 2002 convert_jyear(kansuji2arabic_all("nu5e73nu6210nu4e09nu5e74")) ## [1] 1991 dl zipcode file Download a zip-code file Description Maturing Usage dl_zipcode_file(path, exdir = NULL) Arguments path local file path or zip file URL exdir The directory to extract zip file. If NULL, use temporary folder. Examples ## Not run: dl_zipcode_file(path = "https://www.post.japanpost.jp/zipcode/dl/oogaki/zip/02aomori.zip") dl_zipcode_file("https://www.post.japanpost.jp/zipcode/dl/oogaki/zip/02aomori.zip", exdir = getwd()) ## End(Not run) 4 is jholiday find date by wday Find out the date of the specific month and weekday Description Experimental Get the date of the Xth the specific weekday Usage find_date_by_wday(year, month, wday, ordinal) Arguments year numeric year month numeric month wday numeric weekday ordinal number of week Value a vector of class POSIXct Examples find_date_by_wday(2021, 1, 2, 2) is jholiday Is x a public holidays in Japan? Description Experimental Whether it is a holiday defined by Japanese law (enacted in 1948) Usage is_jholiday(date) Arguments date a vector of POSIXt, numeric or character objects Details Holiday information refers to data published as of December 21, 2020. Future holidays are subject to change. Value TRUE if x is a public holidays in Japan, FALSE otherwise. is zipcode 5 Examples is_jholiday("2021-01-01") ## [1] TRUE is_jholiday("2018-12-23") ## [1] TRUE is_jholiday("2019-12-23") ## [1] FALSE is zipcode Test zip-code Description Experimental Usage is_zipcode(x) Arguments x Zip-code. Number or character. Hyphens may be included, but the input must contain a 7-character number. Value A logical vector. Examples is_zipcode(7000027) is_zipcode("700-0027") 6 jholiday spec jholiday spec Public holidays in Japan Description Experimental Usage jholiday_spec(year, name, lang = "en") jholiday(year, lang = "en") Arguments year numeric year and in and after 1949. name holiday name lang return holiday names to "en" or "jp". Details Holiday information refers to data published as of December 21, 2020. Future holidays are subject to change. Examples jholiday_spec(2019, "Sports Day") ## [1] "2019-10-14" jholiday_spec(2021, "Sports Day") ## [1] "2021-07-23" List of a specific year holidays jholiday(2021, "en") ## $`New Year's Day` ## [1] "2021-01-01" ## ## $`Coming of Age Day` ## [1] "2021-01-11" ## ## $`Foundation Day` ## [1] "2021-02-11" ## ## $`The Emperor's Birthday` ## [1] "2021-02-23" ## ## $`Vernal Equinox Day` jpnprefs 7 ## [1] "2021-03-20" ## ## $`Showa Day` ## [1] "2021-04-29" ## ## $`Constitution Memorial Day` ## [1] "2021-05-03" ## ## $`Greenery Day` ## [1] "2021-05-04" ## ## $`Children's Day` ## [1] "2021-05-05" ## ## $`Marine Day` ## [1] "2021-07-22" ## ## $`Sports Day` ## [1] "2021-07-23" ## ## $`Mountain Day` ## [1] "2021-08-08" ## ## $`Respect for the Aged Day` ## [1] "2021-09-20" ## ## $`Autumnal Equinox Day` ## [1] "2021-09-23" ## ## $`Culture Day` ## [1] "2021-11-03" ## ## $`Labour Thanksgiving Day` ## [1] "2021-11-23" References Public Holiday Law https://www8.cao.go.jp/chosei/shukujitsu/gaiyou.html, https:// elaws.e-gov.go.jp/document?lawid=323AC1000000178 jpnprefs Prefectural informations in Japan Description Prefectures dataset. Usage jpnprefs 8 kansuji2arabic Format A tibble with 47 rows 5 variables: jis code: jis code prefecture kanji: prefecture names prefecture: prefecture names region: region major island: Examples jpnprefs kansuji2arabic Convert kansuji character to arabic Description Experimental Converts a given Kansuji element such as Ichi (1) and Nana (7) to an Arabic. kansuji2arabic all() converts only Kansuji in the string. kansuji2arabic num() convert kansuji that contain the positions (e.g. Hyaku, Sen, etc) with the numbers represented by kansuji. kansuji2arabic str() converts kansuji in a string to numbers represented by kansuji while retaining the non-kansuji characters. Usage kansuji2arabic(str, convert = TRUE, .under = Inf) kansuji2arabic_all(str, ...) kansuji2arabic_num(str, consecutive = c("convert", "non"), ...) kansuji2arabic_str( str, consecutive = c("convert", "non"), widths = c("all", "halfwidth"), ... ) Arguments str Input vector. convert If FALSE, will return as numeric. The default value is TRUE, and numeric values are treated as strings. .under Number scale to be converted. The default value is infinity. ... Other arguments to carry over to kansuji2arabic() consecutive If you select "convert", any sequence of 1 to 9 kansuji will be replaced with Arabic numerals. If you select "non", any sequence of 1-9 kansuji will not be replaced by Arabic numerals. label kansuji 9 widths If you select "all", both full-width and half-width Arabic numerals are taken into account when calculating kansuji, but if you select "halfwidth", only half-width Arabic numerals are taken into account when calculating kansuji. Value a character or numeric. Examples kansuji2arabic("\u4e00") kansuji2arabic(c("\u4e00", "\u767e")) kansuji2arabic(c("\u4e00", "\u767e"), convert = FALSE) # Keep Kansuji over 1000. kansuji2arabic(c("\u4e00", "\u767e", "\u5343"), .under = 1000) # Convert all character kansuji2arabic_all("\u3007\u4e00\u4e8c\u4e09\u56db\u4e94\u516d\u4e03\u516b\u4e5d\u5341") kansuji2arabic_all("\u516b\u4e01\u76ee") # Convert kansuji that contain the positions with the numbers represented by kansuji. kansuji2arabic_num("\u4e00\u5104\u4e8c\u5343\u4e09\u767e\u56db\u5341\u4e94\u4e07") kansuji2arabic_num("\u4e00\u5104\u4e8c\u4e09\u56db\u4e94\u4e07\u516d\u4e03\u516b\u4e5d") # Converts kansuji in a string to numbers represented by kansuji. kansuji2arabic_str("\u91d1\u4e00\u5104\u4e8c\u5343\u4e09\u767e\u56db\u5341\u4e94\u4e07\u5186") kansuji2arabic_str("\u91d1\u4e00\u5104\u4e8c\u4e09\u56db\u4e94\u4e07\u516d\u4e03\u516b\u4e5d\u5186") kansuji2arabic_str("\u91d11\u51042345\u4e076789\u5186") label kansuji Label numbers in Kansuji format Description Automatically scales and labels with the Kansuji Myriad Scale (e.g. "Man", "Oku", etc). Use label kansuji() converts the label value to either Kansuji value or a mixture of Arabic numerals and the Kansuji Scales for ten thousands, billions, and ten quadrillions. Use label kansuji suffix() converts the label value to an Arabic numeral followed by the Kansuji Scale with the suffix. Usage label_kansuji( unit = NULL, sep = "", prefix = "", big.mark = "", number = c("arabic", "kansuji"), ... ) label_kansuji_suffix( accuracy = 1, unit = NULL, sep = NULL, 10 read zipcode prefix = "", big.mark = "", significant.digits = FALSE, ... ) Arguments unit Optional units specifier. sep Separator between number and Kansuji unit. prefix Symbols to display before value. big.mark Character used between every 3 digits to separate thousands. number If Number is arabic, it will return a mixture of Arabic and the Kansuji Myriad Scale; if Kansuji, it will return only Kansuji numerals. ... Other arguments passed on to base::prettyNum() or scales::label number(). accuracy A number to round to. Use (e.g.) 0.01 to show 2 decimal places of precision. significant.digits Determines whether or not the value of accurary is valid as a significant figure with a decimal point. The default is FALSE, in which case if accurary is 2 and the value is 1.10, 1.1 will be displayed, but if TRUE and installed 'scales` package, 1.10 will be displayed. Value All label () functions return a "labelling" function, i.e. a function that takes a vector x and returns a character vector of length(x) giving a label for each input value. Examples library("scales") demo_continuous(c(1, 1e9), label = label_kansuji()) demo_continuous(c(1, 1e9), label = label_kansuji_suffix()) read zipcode
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