1872 THE LONDON GAZETTE, lOra MARCH 1961 ETHERINGTON, John Ernest Leonard, 1, Meadow Newcastle upon Tyne aforesaid, and formerly , Road, Button, previously residing at 305, Hook residing at and carrying on business at 6, Byron Road, Epsom, Greengrocery Assistant, and lately Street, Newcastle upon Tyne aforesaid, CABINET carrying on business as a BUILDER and DE- MAKER, and JOINER. Court—NEWCASTLE CORATOR under the style of J. E. Etherington, UPON TYNE. No. of Matter—4 of 1961. Date from the rear, of 46, Upper High Street, Epsom, of Order—21st Feb., 1961. Date of Filing Petition . all in the county of Surrey (described in the Re- —17th Jan., 1961. ceiving Order as J. E. Etherington (male) of 305, Hook Road, Epsom, Surrey, Builder and Decorator). MACKIN, William Dutton, residing at 101, Napier Court—CROYDON. No. of Matter—78 of 1960. Road, Swalwell in the county of Durham, and Date, of Order—1st March, 1961. Date of Filing carrying on business under the name or style of Petition—25th Oct., 1960. "Tyne View Electrical Sales, and Service", at 34, Tyne View, Lemington, and 28, Wansbeck Road, ALLISON, William, Nun House Farm, Thimbleby, Gosforth, both in the county of Northumberland, Northallerton in the county of York, FARMER. ELECTRICAL RETAILER. Court—NEW- Court—DARLINGTON. No. of Matter—2 of CASTLE UPON TYNE. No. of Matter—10 of 1961. Date of Order—7th March, 1961. Date of 1961. Date of Order—6th March, 1961. Date of Filing Petition— 7th March, 1961. Filing Petition—6th March, 1961. CRESSEY, Frederick George, residing at Outram DA VIES, Alfred George, residing at 69, Manning Street, Ripley in the county of Derby, and carrying Street in the city of Nottingham, JOINER, and on business from that address and also from the Railway Goods Yard, Ripley aforesaid, and for- lately residing and carrying on business at 47, Alfred merly trading at Derby Road, Heanor, in the Street South in the city of Nottingham, as a county of Derby, GLASSWARE, POTTERY and RETAIL GROCER, and OFF LICENCE CHINA DEALER. Court—DERBY. No. of HOLDER. Court—NOTTINGHAM. No. of Matter—5 of 1961. Date of Order—1st March, Matter—9 of 1961. Date of Order—7th March, 1961. Date of Filing Petition—1st Feb., 1961. 1961. Date of Filing Petition—7th March, 1961. McCLURE, Claude Weston, residing and trading at TEALE, Robert, residing and carrying on business at Homestead Farm, Kirk Langley in the county of The New Inn, Holbeach St. Marks in the county Derby, FARMER. Court—DERBY. No. of Mat- of Lincoln, LICENSEE. Court—PETER- ter—10 of 1961. Date of Order—6th March, 1961. BOROUGH. No. of Matter—7 of 1961. Date of Date of Filing Petition—6th March, 1961. Order—7th March, 1961. Date of Filing Petition —7th March, 1961. EFTHYMIADES, Andreas Vassiliou, Van Driver, residing at 8, Malvern Terrace, Latymer Road, MOYSE, Francis John, and MOYSE, Mary Elizabeth, Edmonton, N.9, previously carrying on business (his wife), residing and carrying on business in under the style of " Andrella Fashions", at 73-74, co-partnership under the name or style of " F... J. & Berwick Street, London, W.I, and formerly carry- M. E. Moyse", at " Kilicoff", Egloskerry, near ing on business as a TIMBER EXTRACTOR, Launceston in the county of Cornwall, GROCERS from care of G.P.O. Box 100, Sapele, Nigeria, and GREENGROCERS. Court—PLYMOUTH. (described in the Receiving Order as Andre V. No. of Matter—9 of 1961. Date of Order—6th Efthymiades). Court—EDMONTON. No. of March, 1961. Date of Filing Petition—6th March, Matter—37 of 1960. Date of Order—1st March, 1961. 1961. Date of Filing Petition—23rd Nov., 1960. JACKSON, James Scotter, of 12, Lansdowne Crescent, EAST, Gladys May, (married woman), of 96, Hamil Bridlington in the county of York, unemployed, Road, Burslem in the city of Stoke-on-Trent in the lately carrying on business at IA, Thompson Street, county of Stafford, POTTERY DECORATOR, Bridlington, under the name or style of " Exchange formerly carrying on business under the style or Motors ", and also lately carrying on business under title of " Vale Park Driving School", at 96, Hamil his own name at 44A, Market Place, Bridlington Road, Burslem aforesaid. Court—HANLEY and aforesaid, as a MOTOR CYCLE DEALER, and STOKE-UPON-TRENT. No. of Matter—6 of REPAIRER. Court—SCARBOROUGH. No. of 1961. Date of Order—6th March, 1961. Date Matter—4 of 1961. Date of Order—8th March, of Filing Petition—6th March, 1961. 1961. Date of Filing Petition—8th March, 1961. IRELAND, Hyslop, of The Roses, Roydon, Harlow WRAY, William Arthur, residing at 69, Palsgrave in the county of Essex, lately carrying on business Road, Scarborough, and WRAY, Enid Mary, resid- as an AGRICULTURAL CONTRACTOR, under ing at 21, Alma Square, Scarborough, spinster and the style of H. Ireland and Son, at The Roses, trading and carrying on business in co-partnership Roydon, Harlow aforesaid. Court—HERTFORD. under the name or style of the Seamer Lime and No. of Matter—7 of 1961. Date of Order—7th Stone Company at 12A, Falsgrave Road, Scar- March, 1961. Date of Filing Petition—7th March, borough, QUARRY OWNERS. Court—SCAR- 1961. BOROUGH. No. of Matter—3 of 1961. Date of Order—6th March, 1961. Date of Filing Petition PEARCE, Basil Arthur, residing at 13, Reservoir —6th March, 1961. Street, formerly residing at 2, Manor Road, carrying on business as a Music Teacher, and Motor Trader, BERNSTEIN, Leon, residing in lodgings at from 8, St. Martin's Lane, all in the city of "Washington Hotel", Wellington Street, Stockton- Lincoln, and CONVERY, Anthony Michael, on-Tees in the county of Durham, MARKET residing at 70, Western Crescent, formerly residing TRADER, lately residing and carrying on business at 18, Pennell Street, carrying on business as a Motor at 380, Ecclesall Road South in the city of Sheffield, Trader, at IA, Pennell Street, all in the city of Lin- Market Trader, and Motor Car Dealer, formerly coln, lately trading together in partnership at IA, carrying on business at 33-35, Charles Street, and Pennell Street, Lincoln aforesaid, as MOTOR at 125, London Road, Sheffield, under the style DEALERS under the name or style of A.C. Motors. of Leo's Car Mart, MOTOR CAR DEALER. Court Court—LINCOLN and HORNCASTLE. No. of —SHEFFIELD. No. of Matter—76 of 1960. Date Matter—16 of 1960. Date of Order—1st March, of Order—3rd March, 1961. Date of Filing Petition 1961. Date of Filing Petition—27th Oct., 1960. —22nd Nov., 1960. BEWLEY, Kenneth Joseph, (described in the Receiv- BROOKES, Clifford, residing at 58, West Hill ing Order as Kenneth Bewley), of 41, Burwen Kimberworth, Rotherham in the county of York, Drive, Liverpool 9, in the county of Lancaster, Lorry Driver, previously carrying on business at ENGINEERING INSPECTOR, formerly em- Broomhouse Lane, Balby, Doncaster in the county ployed as a Car Salesman. Court—LIVERPOOL. of York, in partnership with another under the No. of Matter—76 of 1960. Date of Order—3rd style of Brookes & Wood, HAULAGE CONTRAC- March, 1961. Date of Filing Petition—28th Nov., TORS, and formerly carrying on business at the 1960. latter address and earlier at 58, West Hill, Kimber- worth, Rotherham aforesaid, as a HAULAGE BONATI, Michael, residing at 1, Fenwick Terrace CONTRACTOR. Court—SHEFFIELD. No. of in the city and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, Matter—21 of 1961. Date of Order—7th March, and carrying on business at 188A, Shield Street, 1961. Date of Filing Petition—7th March, 1961..
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