Yale University EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale Yale Record Yale University Publications 10-9-1872 Yale Record Yale Record Editorial Board Follow this and additional works at: http://elischolar.library.yale.edu/yale_record Part of the Journalism Studies Commons Recommended Citation Yale Record Editorial Board, "Yale Record" (1872). Yale Record. 5. http://elischolar.library.yale.edu/yale_record/5 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Yale University Publications at EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale. It has been accepted for inclusion in Yale Record by an authorized administrator of EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE ood thro~n pa ing c r, al YALE RECORD. Yol. I . ~ e1P ffm 1 eJ1_, Oct. 9. 1 72. .10. 5. THINE EYES ARE GROWING a he cannot. equal him ii(everything, he eems nd el n DIMMER. determined to emulate the great atirist' well­ aphcrn;lia. Thine eyes are growing dimmer, known command of vile and abu ive language. And flash behind thy tears, f ball was \Ve have no doubt that our friend by perse­ '76 nines. As signal-lanterns glimmer When the mist of the sea appears. verance, will, in time, attain to a vocabulary a But ne'er did beauty borrow wide- pread and elect as wift' , but that i not Such tenderness and grace, As ~he gentle dews of sorrow all for which he mu t trive. The Dean of Lend the roses of thy face. St. Patrick' generally knew what he wa Forgive me, darling, blindly talking about, and had ome well defined object Thy grief did I impart; For, oh, I meant so kindly for hi abu e. What pained thy tender heart. But our friend of the Courant welling To save thy soul from sadness, with aimle indignation, vent it upon what­ Oh, what would I not give! For thee would die with gladness, ever come to hand. Being omewhat weary, or without thee care to live. we uppo e, of continual on }aught upon cep­ ir o oots Shall a single moment banish tici m, intrigue and cowardice a developed in all, .econd The visions I deemed so fair? nd i my Shall our fair -palace vanish, college life, he ha looked about him for fre h trumpery! And Love become Despair? object of attack, and has apparent!_,. found one Then might our old affections, in an article which appeared in the la t i ue of e followin In the vista of the Past, Torrance: Bring on sweet recollections THE RECORD, in regard to the a ignment of meeting a Of our dreams, too fair to last. tutor to the Junior la . an cments Then might our sad hearts languish He ha therefore occupied a column of the 7- to ta e With unavailing pain, And sigh in bitter anguish Courant's ·valuable space with a windy and and next For former joys ag.iin. word_ effu ion of which such phra es a "ma­ ;me di ers Let not forgiveness linger, lignant pirit, ' "perniciou intent, and "con­ initial so But let its sweetness perfume, temptible impotence furni h the key note. of Jeuen. As the rosebud scents the finger That has brushed its fragrant bloom. He -eem to have entirely mi under tood the which the ed, o he Let the rainbow mile be swelling nature and aim of thi communication and nature a In thy mi chief-loving eye; A harbinger, foretelling thoroughly ucceed in e\'ading the point. The Heimme· Of love until we die. B. W.D. article referred to did not call in que tion the cholar hip or abilit ' of any of the instructor 0 TUTORS. in college, but wa directed again t the princi- A CERTAIN member of the O,urant s edito- pie of placing tu dent of three year tanding rial staff eem, to ha\'e placed bef re him elf, under the tuition of gentlemen of little or no ti on. I a a model, in one respect at lea t, the cele- experience a' teacher , who would hardly be brated Dean wift. th ught capable of taking charge of adrnnced ibernicon.. We do not for one moment imagine that hi cla e- in a preparatory chool. elf- ufficiency delude him with the idea that The tudcnt at Yale ollege recei\ c a care- he pas e e any of the Dean'· geniu . But 1 ful and, for the mo t part a thorough training l Yate. 36 THE YALE RECORD. through Fre hman and Sophomore years ; but -and commenced their improvement by giv­ upon arriving at Junior studie , in which he ing up the class supper. Then they buried the ju 'tly expect a higher tandard of teaching \Vooden Spoon! B) their instrumentality and cholar hip, he is liable to be placed under hazing-and let '76 be fore\ er thankful,-wa the charge of tutor who have been out of col­ done away with, and ju t a they were leaving lege but a short time, and who have had no thev completed their career of u efulne s and experience whatever with collegiate clas e . ref~rm by nobly and un elfi ·hly aboli bing the He finds that less i required of him, and ball fhg. But it is not n w our purpo·e to naturall falls off in the amount of care and eulogize '72, but to inquire what is to be the attention be towed upon hi work, and at the course of the pre ent Junior cla in regard to end of the year feel that he has not accom­ the e thing . It ha been the oa t of ome of pli hed what he had marked out for himself. it mem her that they will revi' e all the old It eem to u that the exi ting dis atisfac­ cu ·tom . They have already re\ i\·ed the cla tion in regard to this matter i well founded, upper at the end of Fre·hman year, and liked and that measure can and should be taken to it o well that they repeated it at the clo e of prevent its recurrence in the future. their Sophomore annual. A plan ha been ug­ In conclu ion, we would urge upon our ge ted for reviving the ball flag upon a new and friend of the Courant the advi ability of permanent basis, and now great intere t i man­ thoroughly comprehending in future the subject ife ·ted to see what they will do about the whereof he treat , and also of softening down Wooden Spoon. somewhat the tone of his interesting produc­ \\... ithout entering here upon any argument tions, if he would retain that influence over his pro or con, it may be remarked that omethinCT readers which his editorial position entitles him hould be done to increa e the intere t of Pre- to expect. sentation week, and that an exhibition which When the college world read his unsparing hall be e entially the \Vooden poon of for­ and vigorou denunciation of toadyism, time mer year , i the be t thing that can be put erving and chicanery, which according to hi fonvard to fill that period of dullne which statement are o pre\ alent. among ~hem, th.ey I everyone mu t ha" e noticed at the la ·t om­ very naturally recall to mind certain peculiar mencement ea. on. f cour e there will be incident in his own college cour e, the remcm- many objections to thi , but we should like to brance of which a naturally in pire them ha\ e the question di cu ed. The college either with distrust of hi ·incerity or contempt paper will alway be open to communication for his rant. * and we hope that '74 will give the matter care­ ful consideration before finally deciding. If no THE WOODE POO good rea on can be found for revivinab ir , then IT seem rather strange to come back here let it requiescat once more ; but if an improved and settle down again without eeing the famil­ e ·hibiti n can be gotten up with ome f the iar face of '72. One ees a traggler on the objectionable feature removed, by all mean campu occa ionally, but the bulk of the cla let u have it. are gone. The gap in the college made b And now, Junior , let u bear from ~ ou. their ab ence i · partly filled by the la ting if n~t ---- - --- affectionate gra p they take on our memorie . THERE will be a t' f h J b'l . mee mg o t e u 1 ee Their bold and manly deed , like the work of ommittee "\Vedne d · p fi b d , ay evcnmg at, 7 . 1., at the righteou o11 ow t em an wil 1 not oon be 225 D. The attend nee of th; 7.tiho/t' commit- forgotten. They were agitator -all of them 1tee i r que ted. THE YALE RECORD. 37 THE COURANT'S POWDER. The real truth is, there i almo t none of SOME one of the editors of the Courant thi much talked-of temptation for the man seems, in his fervent zeal for the piritual wel- wh how hi color at once and declare him­ fare of the college in general and the under elf 011 the ide of obriet_ and virtue.
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